Chapter 236

There are countless traditions in the land of Eastern Xinjiang.

But those who are famous and proud, most of them will be given a magical protection by the sect.

But Dao Qi is not only Eastern Frontier, but even the entire Shengzhou, it can be called a heavenly good fortune.

Especially the high-grade Taoist artifacts, almost only the Supreme Taoist tradition has so few pieces, which are used for inheritance.


At this time, the descendant of the Ling clan, the ancient sword in his hand, and the star robe on his body, were all high-grade Dao implements?

What does the scum girl love?

Of course it is a peerless evildoer with rich wealth! !

Yuan Yue Shengzi is very strong, but compared with Ling Xiao, it is hard to say who is strong and who is weak.

But when it comes to financial resources, it is obviously that Young Master Ling Xiao is even better!

Moreover, it is said that this Ling Xiao is naturally slutty, and loves her most beautiful girls, so she doesn’t know if she has any chance?

Shui Yue’er’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, she couldn’t help sighing in her heart, she was hasty.

Knowing that this descendant of the Ling clan was so fragrant, she wouldn’t be in a hurry to stand in line.

No, don’t blame her!

Who knows that Xia Chen’s tendons are broken, and he is called brother to such rubbish as Lin Xi!

At this time, Ling Xiao just smiled indifferently, and suddenly waved his hand to take out two jade cups from the Qiankun Ring, a jar of immortal brew, and he filled it up.

The fragrance of wine drifted away, containing surging spiritual power, which caused many Tianjiao evildoers to take a sip of water.

“Even drinking glasses are artifacts?”

Shui Yue’er was completely attracted by Ling Xiao’s domineering spirit at this time.

If you dare to be presumptuous in front of Taixuan Daozi, I am afraid that this is the only descendant of the Ling clan in the entire Eastern Frontier, right?

“Hehe, it turned out to be Young Master Ling Xiao? I have long heard of Young Master’s unruly temperament. I saw it today and it was true.”

Yuan Yue Shengzi smiled indifferently, but there was a little gloom in his eyes.

Especially at this time, the hatred on Xiao Tu’s face made him feel unspeakable depression.

When he destroyed the Xiao family, it was Xiao En who took the blame.

He didn’t feel half ashamed.

As for the feelings of the original owner of this body, it did not affect him at all.

It was just that Xiao Tu had already worshipped the Ten Thousand Dao Demon Sect at the time, and he had barely left the sect in these years, so he had no chance to obliterate him.

But now it seems that he is a little careless after all.

Judging from Ling Xiao’s attitude at this time, he was afraid that he was going to give Xiao Tu such a bad breath.

If he had put more effort into killing Xiao Tu early, he wouldn’t provoke this kind of righteousness.


If Ling Xiao knew what this Yuanyue Saint Child was thinking at this time, he was afraid that he would laugh and pee again.

Slaughter Dao Ze, 3000 luck, the strong seizes the house, I am afraid that there is still a treasure that saved his life.

After all, to be able to make brothers and women betrayed, Xia Chen must have enough temptation.


3000 air luck, this powerhouse is really fragrant.

As for the Taixuan Daozi…

Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed a bit of bitterness, without luck, but he understood one of the strongest principles in the world, the principles of reincarnation.

Moreover, for some reason, there seemed to be power in him, which made Ling Xiao feel very familiar.

But what it was, he couldn’t see clearly for a while.


It stands to reason that, being able to comprehend the power of these terrifying Dao principles, and being regarded as the descendant of the Immortal Sect by the entire Eastern Xinjiang, this Taixuan Daozi should also be a person of great fortune.

But… how is it possible?

And… what does he mean when he sees his eyes?

“My son, what did you just say?”

Seeing Ling Xiao ignored him, the corner of Yuanyue Shengzi’s mouth suddenly raised a smile.

“Are you fucking auditory hallucinations? Did I just speak?”

Ling Xiao frowned and glanced at Xia Chen coldly.

The latter’s face condensed, the coldness in his eyes became more and more bitter, and then he smiled indifferently, “When you just entered the door, call Taixuan Daozi… blind?”


The sound of inhaling air-conditioning suddenly resounded.

Then one after another glances instantly towards the high platform.

Just now Ling Xiao’s way of entering the arena was too shocking, so their attention was focused on his divine weapon.

It wasn’t until this time that Xia Chen spoke to remind him that this reacted.


This Ling Xiao is really… unbelievably domineering.

Provoking Taixuan Dao Sect?

Even the Ling clan will face a lot of troubles.

You know, the cultivation base of the Supreme Profound Dao Master, but the rumored Dongjiang is the strongest, not one of them.

Offending such a strong person, the Ling clan… is in danger.

only! !

It feels surprising. At this time, instead of anger on the Taixuan Daozi’s face, he was surprised.

And it seemed to everyone that Daozi’s face suddenly raised a gentle smile.

“The son is right, I am blind.”


The expression on countless Tianjiao’s faces instantly solidified, and even Xia Chen’s eyebrows were filled with doubts.

It shouldn’t.

Although this Taixuan Taoist school is hidden from the world, its majesty has never allowed the world to provoke.

How could this Taixuan Daozi behave so indifferently today.

“Taozi…broad-minded, beyond my ability to wait.”

“Yes! How can Daozi care about a slander?”

It’s just that everyone wants to understand it, and I am afraid that in the eyes of this Xianzong Daozi, I will all be mundane.

How can you care about the words of the ants when you look like a true fairy?

Of course, with the exception of Xia Chen, everyone didn’t dare to provoke Ling Xiao at this time.

After all, this Taixuan Daozi has a broad mind and ignores common affairs, but this descendant of the Ling clan is notoriously cruel.

Once offended him, I’m afraid that Yingxianlou will not be able to go out today.

He doesn’t even care about Daozi, how can he care about people from their clan?

“Come on, Brother Xiao, accompany me for a few drinks, you continue, continue! Xiao Er, serve me peanuts.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, turning his head to look at Xiao Tu, “Look at these people, they are true and hypocritical. A blind person is a blind person, so let’s not let anyone say.”


Xiao Tu’s face froze.


Young Master is really awesome!

This sentence seemed to offend all the Tianjiao in this Yingxianlou.

In the corner of the restaurant, Ling Tian and Ye Xun’er were sitting together, looking at the young man drinking and having fun with his eyes cold, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Especially Ling Tian, ​​his palms couldn’t help holding the cage tightly.

This bastard really has no scruples. Once Taixuan Dao Sect is provoked, the Ling Clan is about to face disaster.

Although Ling Xiao hated Xuanyuan Yue deeply.

But for Ling Tianlin and the Ling Clan, he still has feelings.

Although his own father was suspected of being unfair, Ling Tian could somewhat understand his difficulties.

The back of the palm of the hand.

And in the end, Ling Tianlin and Xuanyuanyue had a complete quarrel because of him. Although the Ling Clan looked down on him a lot these years, his father had always stood behind him.

“Haha, everyone, let’s continue talking about the Tao.”

Taixuan Daozi didn’t pay attention to Ling Xiao anymore, but picked up the teacup and poured all the tea on the case before him.

“Everyone knows that the Dao is ruthless. The so-called ruthlessness also refers to no desire, no demand, and inaction. Therefore, the cultivation of the Tao returns to the root, and the cultivation of the heart is…”


Just before Tai Xuan Daozi’s voice fell, Ling Xiao spit out a drink under the high platform, directly inflicting Lin Xi’s face.

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