Chapter 238

“Haha, stop teasing you, my fairy brew contains ninety-nine kinds of spiritual herbs. It has the function of producing body fluid, relieving cough, diuresis, warming and nourishing Yang, Miss Su, would you like a whole cup? it.”

Ling Xiao let go of Su Yanyu’s hand, picked up his own jade cup, filled it with immortal brew, and handed it to her.

The shyness on the latter’s face quickly dissipated, and then smiled and nodded, “That’s something to taste.”

In front of the two, Lin Xi and Xia Chen’s expressions were also a little gloomy.

Only compared with Lin Xi, this Yuanyue Shengzi adjusted his mentality in a moment, and took a sip of tea calmly in his eyes.

It seems that I underestimated Ling Xiao.

Unexpectedly, at his young age, he would have such a tactical character.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, this descendant of the Ling clan is arrogant and presumptuous.

But it wasn’t until this time that Xia Chen felt his horror.

Behind the arrogance is absolute self-confidence, absolute strength!

If Taixuan Daozi’s attitude was only accidental, then Su Yan’s humility at this time was enough for Xia Chen to realize many problems.

If Ling Xiao is really just a dude with no brains, how can this arrogant girl take the initiative?

Even if the jade hand is touched, it feels like a sweetheart.

According to the rumors, the character of the descendant of the Yunmeng is cold and tight.


It seems to be more serious.

“Hehe, how about Miss Su, do you feel that your whole body is starting to warm up?”

Looking at the woman who raised her head and poured immortal brew into the entrance, Ling Xiao nodded and smiled, then picked up the wine jar and added a glass for her.

In the lobby, everyone’s eyes were no longer on the Taixuan Daozi, but on the Ling Xiao and Su Yan who were drinking and having fun and making fun of them from time to time.


This beast! !

In front of Taixuan Daozi’s discussion platform, openly having fun with beauties?

What a bastard!

But… why am I a little envious in my heart?

Moreover, what is even more incredible is that the Taixuan Daozi has not been angry, but is drinking tea with a calm face.


You are also the young backbone of my Eastern Frontier anyway!

This Ling Xiao is so arrogant, don’t you be angry to express, suppress and suppress his arrogance?

After you have drunk so much tea, doesn’t your stomach swell?

Or… how can you nourish him while you are brewing for a while?

“Hehe, this fairy yogurt is really amazing, and the whole body is warm with the entrance of a cup.”

Su Yan is obviously not good at wine, or in other words, this immortal brew is really intoxicating.

With just a drink, her pretty face was a little red, and even those clear eyes revealed a hint of inexplicable charm.


Many people looked at the drunk beauty, and there was some sparkle in the corners of their mouths.

Sister, I am not drunk in a thousand cups, and Yege can drink six bottles. Why is this fairy brewing a cup today?


“It’s fine if you like it, your cold body must be nourished with something warming the sun, otherwise Miss Su might not be having a good time because of the long nights.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and also raised his glass and gently touched Su Yan, raising his head to drink.

“Yes, yesterday I saw the young man outside the Lingbao Pavilion, releasing a ray of breath, extremely hot, the young man…I am afraid there is a way…Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire.”

Su Yan’s drunken eyes are charming, but there is a touch of deepness deep in the bottom of his eyes.

With her realm, of course she wouldn’t be really drunk, just to reduce Ling Xiao’s defenses so that she could ask some details from him.


Ling Xiao smiled without saying a word, but Lin Xi’s expression suddenly became a little dumbfounded.

A breath?

Carrying a spiritual fire?


Isn’t it me who releases a ray of spiritual power in front of Lingbao Pavilion? ! !

Could it be…

Lin Xi suddenly seemed to understand something, and when she looked at Su Yan again, there was already excitement in her eyes.

Is this the person that the descendant of the Yunmeng wants to find me? !

In the end, he was faked by that shameless bastard Ling Xiao?

Is there a chicken spirit on him?

It turns out that this guy has been deliberately deceiving Su Yan girl! !

For a moment, Lin Xi wanted to bloom the flames in her body, and told Su Yan loudly that she was the one she was looking for, to expose Ling Xiao’s mask of beast hypocrisy.


Lin Xi soon calmed down.

I am afraid that once he reveals his identity at this moment, Ling Xiao will soon blow the head of the dog.

Lin Xi even wondered whether he had a chance to speak with Ling Xiao’s current methods.

“Spirit Fire?”

Xia Chen’s eyes also flashed with a hint of thought, and he glanced at Lin Xi vaguely, and he saw that the latter’s body was trembling slightly, as if trying to restrain something.

“So that’s…but…”

If he were to be someone else, Xia Chen wouldn’t care, it was just a woman, he had experienced countless past lives.

But this Su Yan, with a billion dollars in his waist, is really a rare aid.

So letting it go to Lin Xi is really a little…not reconciled.

From beginning to end, Shui Yue’er never spoke, but occasionally glanced at Ling Xiao with a slight lust.

Worthy of being a descendant of the Ling clan, even Su Yan’s identity has taken the initiative to move closer. It seems that he…has no chance.

After all, compared with the descendant of the Yun League in front of her, she is not the supreme sacred place, so what qualifications does she have to compete with her for a man?

Master Ling Xiao, you are the sea I will never cross in this life!

Funeral flowers for one life, three lives for nothing.

“Don’t admit it yet?”

Su Yan raised her eyebrows slightly, looking at the playfulness and faint surprise in Ling Xiao’s eyes, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

But your expression has already betrayed you.

“Come on, I’ll see Miss Su today, Sansheng is fortunate, so, after drinking this cup, there are three more…”


Just the moment when Ling Xiao’s voice fell, a cold snort suddenly came from a distance outside the building.

A wisp of coldness quietly diffused, even with the strength of Tianjiao present, at this time, I felt a chill in my heart, and the hair of the mixed body instantly stood upright.

What a terrible breath! ! !

But… just as everyone turned their heads and looked shocked, they saw a graceful figure with moonlight all over, walking slowly from the outside.

Under the pair of jade feet with red fruits, green lotus blossoms, the indescribable sacred coldness and arrogance, and shocking people.

Nian Qingyun! ! !

Dao Gong Goddess is here! !

Many Tianjiao began to breathe shortly, showing their fascination.

Even compared to the time when Su Yan just entered the game, he was even more excited.

The immortal face who has troubled all races, this sentence is not just a talk.

Even if the palace goddess’ face was covered with white gauze at this time, she couldn’t stop her astonished at the sky.

“Qing Yun!!!”

Lin Xi’s eyes reddened for an instant, and the palms of both hands tightly held the cage.

Even if he thinks that he has let go of the woman he once loved deeply and hurt him deeply.

But when he saw each other again, he didn’t realize that some people had already become obsessions.

The more you love…the more you hate.

Beside him, Xia Chen’s eyes also carried a strong horror.

It’s just… Based on his experience, how can even a beautiful woman show such a gaffe?

“Yes…Yes…It’s a chaotic ethereal divine body!!!”

For an instant, Xia Chen only felt short of breath, and blood spurted all over his body, unexpectedly a little uncontrollable momentum.

This is the second chaotic divine body he has ever seen in his life!

That kind of ethereal aura exuded by the mixed body can’t be wrong.

Is it…My fate, or…Ji?

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