Chapter 235

“Everyone, please.”

Taixuan Daozi smiled and walked towards Yingxianlou.

In front of him, the crowd dispersed on its own, giving way to a straight road.

The stars hold the moon and are admired by thousands of people.

Compared with Ling Xiao’s fierce name, Taixuan Daozi was the true favorite.

The crowd swarmed into Yingxianlou.

Today’s Yingxian Tower is deliberately laid out for Daozi’s preaching, and a sandalwood incense case is laid on the octagonal high platform in the middle.

There is a jade cup and a censer on it, emitting thin smoke.

On the side of the long case, a beautiful woman wearing jade gauze lay halfway on the stage, cooking a jade pot in front of her.

And her realm has reached the level of Shenhou unexpectedly.

The host of Yingxian, a resounding character in the city of enlightenment, Jiaoyulong.

Although this host’s cultivation is not too strong, this Yingxianlou has been in business for a hundred years, and there are countless customers coming and going, all of which have something to do with this Jiao family.

Especially in the generation of Jiao Yulong, with her sufficiently beautiful appearance, she attracted countless monks in Eastern Xinjiang to come to see the beauty.

Taverns and teahouses have always been a place of right and wrong, and Jiaoyulong’s ability to gain a foothold in Enlightenment City is obviously outstanding.

The god makes tea, and is such a beautiful god with a reputation and a superb status, and the entire city of Enlightenment, I am afraid that Tai Xuan Daozi is worthy of this honor.


Seeing the figure walking by the door, Jiao Yulong immediately got up and saluted respectfully.

“Lord Jiao, I’m bothering you.”

Taixuan Daozi smiled gently, raised his foot to the high platform, and sat on the ground.

Jiao Yulong immediately picked up the jade pot, filled the teacup, and sat back quietly on the ground, making tea carefully, without saying more.

The whole Yingxian Building fell into silence in an instant.

All Tianjiao looked at the young man sitting on the high platform seriously sipping tea, with awe in his eyes.

Just sitting there, Tai Xuan Daozi still has clear light radiating from his head, evolving into the sun, the moon and the yellow, an indescribable vastness.

“The original poster is mindful, this tea was picked from the snow peak of the far north, right?”

“Knowing that Daozi likes this Xuefeng rock tea, Yulong personally went to the far north a few days ago.”

Jiao Yulong gave a faint smile, and there was an inexplicable honor in her eyes.

“Everyone, try it too.”

When the words fell, Taixuan Daozi didn’t open his mouth anymore, just drank tea in silence.

And the Tianjiao of the ancient clan took their seats one after another, following his appearance, and toasting a cup of tea.

“Look, Yuan Yue Shengzi is here!”

There was a sudden riot in the crowd.

I saw Xia Chen, the son of Yuanyue, led Shui Yueer, Lin Xi and others from outside the building, nodded towards the Taixuan Daozi, and then walked under the high platform, and sat at the position closest to Taixuan Daozi. Come down.

No matter which world, any occasion, the closer to the owner’s location, the more representative the identity.

Yuanyue holy land has no upper order, and its prestige is not weaker than the Ling clan.

No one dared to say that Yuanyue Shengzi sat in this position.

If you change to someone else, you may be blown by the dog’s head as soon as you are seated.

Time passed slowly, and the remaining few great saints and descendants of the supreme dignity also came and sat around the high platform.

The young master of the ancient puppet sect, Qiu Yi, the descendant of the Zhou family, Zhou Yang, and the goddess of the gods of the sky, Hua Yun, etc., sat in the front of the crowd, looking at Taixuan Daozi’s eyes with a trace of awe. .

Today, Daozi talks about Dao, and no one in Eastern Xinjiang dares not give his face.

Otherwise, it is not respecting Tai Xuan, not respecting… Tao!

Although the Hidden World Ancient Sect does not have a supreme name, before coming, almost all the masters of the Taoist tradition have instructed that you must not provoke this Taoist door.

The whole Yingxian Building is still extremely quiet.

Everyone only cares about drinking tea and dare not open their mouths wantonly.

It wasn’t until Taixuan Daozi took the jade pot from Jiao Yulong and gently poured tea into the cup, before he opened his mouth and said softly, “This cultivator is like this cup.”


For a moment, all Tianjiao instantly raised their heads, their eyes were shocked, and they looked towards the high platform.

Taixuan Daozi’s eyes were blank, and he stared in a direction blankly, but the tea in the jade pot was poured into the cup steadily.


Perhaps he was born with an illness, the cup of tea overflowed, and he never stopped.


“If the body is a cup, the way is water, the body is wide, the water is full, and the body is narrow, the water overflows.”


The whole fairy building has endless ripples for no reason.

Many descendants of the ancient tribe had their eyes condensed slightly, and there was a strong panic on their faces.

“The way of cultivating the body is now gradually declining. People in the world only ask for the true meaning of the Dao, but often ignore the polishing of the flesh, so… even if some people understand the principles of the Dao, it will be difficult to enter the emperor realm in the end, let alone those who have not. NS.”

Taixuan Daozi smiled lightly, put down the jade pot, raised the teacup, and took a sip.

“The body is formed, and the Tao comes. The two complement each other. This is why it is easier for those who cherish the Eucharist to understand the principle of Tao. Everyone… encourage each other.”

“so it is!!”

“Listen to Daozi’s words, win the cultivation of Dao for ten years!!”

“Gan, starting from tomorrow, I will polish my flesh, exercise my flesh, and try to prove the truth as soon as possible.”

“Hehe, what the blind man said makes sense. The body is the capital of everything!”

Just as everyone was amazed, outside the Yingxian Tower, there was a faint laughter suddenly.

Then everyone saw a handsome figure in white clothes walking slowly from the outside towards the high platform.

Behind him, Fu Yunyao and Xiao Tu followed closely, but…

What makes people feel incredible is that at this time, the two Demon Sects’ true biography are all covered with Lingbao decorations.

The sacred robe is full of aura, and the artifact in his hand is shining. What is even more horrifying is that even the jade hairpin on Fu Yunyao’s head is an artifact!

Gan! !

Are you here to discuss the Tao?

Are you here to show off your wealth?

It’s just inexplicable. Looking at the two people full of spirit stone flavor, many clan Tianjiao’s eyes flashed with a vague envy.

This is… the advantage of following Master Ling Xiao, right?

Artifact or something, it’s just a decoration!

Even with the status of Yingxianlou, these proud daughters, they also control a few more artifacts in their hands.

But… you didn’t see that the jade beads that Ren Xiaotu wore on his wrist were all in the category of artifacts?


At this time, no one cared what kind of rebellious words Ling Xiao had just said.

All the attention was on the artifact that almost brightened their dog’s eyes.

“Huh? There seems to be no place, brother, do you mind…make a table?”

Ling Xiao swaggered to the front of Yuanyue Shengzi and the others, suddenly…

He kicked Lin Xi aside and sat in his seat.

Lin Xi couldn’t react at all, and the whole person wiped the ground like a dead dog and slid out several feet away.


It’s just that Ling Xiao didn’t pay attention to it at all. There was a calm smile at the corner of his mouth, and the ancient sword of Si Xie slammed on the table.


Lin Xi gritted his teeth, but in the end he didn’t say much, and walked over to Yuan Yue Shengzi and sat down.

Hold it back, hold it back! !

Otherwise, once Ling Xiao discovered his identity, he was afraid that he would not be able to leave the Yingxian Building today.

But at this time, the beautiful eyes of Shui Yue’er stared at the ancient sword in front of Ling Xiao, and there was a faint shock on her face.

Dao! !

Moreover, it is still a high-grade Taoist device? !

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