Chapter 228

“Is the young master planning to do something to Lin Xi?”

Xiao Tu’s eyes condensed, and whenever the young master showed this look, it meant that someone should be unlucky.

“No, he still has an unfinished mission. I just kindly reminded him and told him to be more careful.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, raising his foot and walking towards the city of Enlightenment.


Xiao Tu was puzzled for a while, but a vocabulary emerged instinctively in his heart.

Shrimp kill your heart! !

Young master, really domineering!

Before this murder, I have to remind people first!

“Go ahead, be careful, if you meet the Yuanyue Saint, don’t be arrogant, wait until I arrive.”

Ling Xiao reminded him, and Xiao Tu just nodded silently, turned and walked towards the crowd.

“Interesting, it seems that this time Wanzong will be more exciting than I expected.”

Ling Xiao smiled lightly, but when he lifted his foot to walk towards the distant street, his eyes condensed suddenly.

At the end of that ancient street, two familiar figures suddenly appeared.

“Why are you stealing our things, this jade talisman, obviously we saw it first.”

Ye Xun’er’s pretty face was slightly cold, and he looked angrily at the few Chinese youths in front of him.

Beside him, Ling Tian smiled bitterly, his eyes seemed to hesitate.

“Hehe, it turned out to be Junior Sister Ye from the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords, Junior Sister’s words are wrong, this jade talisman is an unowned thing, of course whoever pays the higher price will get it.”

In front of the two, a few young people with terrifying aura looked at Ye Xun’er in front of them jokingly, and the teenager hiding behind her.

“You! Sun Xun, if you dare to snatch my things, you are not afraid of my Ten Thousand Swords Holy Land…”

“Stop, stop, Junior Sister Ye, first, I’m not called robbing, it’s called fair competition, and second, as for this little thing, it’s going to rise to the sect’s conquest?”

The headed young man in black sneered, and his expression became more and more contemptuous.

This Ye Xun’er is a well-known Taoism in Eastern Xinjiang, but her Taoism is not for murder at all.

This is why they dare to be so presumptuous.

As for the boy behind her…


It is said that he is the new saint son of Saint Sword Sect, but why doesn’t he even have a slight fluctuation in spiritual power?

Are you kidding me?

As long as you can be a holy son, when we went to the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords, aren’t we all at the level of elders?

“Okay! Since you said fair competition, Lao Zhang, how do you sell this jade?”

Ye Xun’er gritted his teeth, and behind him, Ling Tian suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled her sleeve.

“Senior Sister, don’t you forget it?”

“What counts, these Hunyuan Ancient Sect disciples are deceiving too much, you…I have passed on the master of the Ten Thousand Sword Sacred Land, if you were bullied by a few of them, wouldn’t it be a joke!!”

Ye Xun’er’s eyebrows were lightly clumped, and he glanced at Ling Tian with a bit of resentment.

This little junior, although his personality is very stable, he rarely takes the initiative to provoke right and wrong.

But…sometimes it’s too stable, just useless.

If he is half of his brother’s domineering, why is he being bullied by a few disciples of the ancient sect?

Although their number is larger, their cultivation base… is not weak.

But Ling Tian is the evil spirit of Dao, and he has his own guard around him. Isn’t it more than enough to deal with a few deceptive people?

“Master… Senior Sister…”

Seeing the loss in Ye Xun’er’s eyes, inexplicably, Ling Tian’s heart was burnt with anger.

To be respected is useless if you want to be respected.

Kill all those who look down on you, and no one in this world will look down on you.

If the sword in your hand cannot cut the enemy, it will become useless.

Brother, I hope to see you next time, you won’t be so humble and cowardly.

You are the one who wants to stand at the pinnacle of kendo, and you should kill thousands of enemies with your sword.

For the first time in his life, Ling Xiao’s teachings sounded in Ling Tian’s mind.

Could it be…what he said is right?

Am I too cowardly?

Ling Tian lowered his eyes, and the killing intent in his eyes gradually became bitter.

“Old man, I want this jade talisman, you can make a price.”

Several disciples of Hunyuan Guzong sneered, with a hint of threat in their tone.

“This…this jade talisman requires ten spirit stones.”

Up to this time, the old jade seller hadn’t figured out why the disciple of the dignified immortal door had to compete for this pair of ordinary jade charms.

What he didn’t know was that the Ancient Hunyuan Sect was adjacent to the Ten Thousand Swords Holy Land, but the foundation was not as powerful as the Ten Thousand Swords Holy Land.

So over the years, the two cases have been in constant friction, and there are often conflicts between the disciples.

Now that you meet Ye Xun’er and Ling Tian, ​​of course you have to find yourself happy.

“Here, these are 20 spirit stones, and I will treat you as the rest for tea.”

A group of Hunyuan Guzong disciples burst into laughter, but just as the head disciple stretched out his hand to grab the magic talisman, a white and slender palm suddenly squeezed on his wrist.

“We saw this magic talisman first, so… you can go.”

Ling Tian’s voice was a little hoarse inexplicably, and a pair of eyes seemed to flicker with scarlet light.

The loss of Ye Xun’er just now made him extremely distressed.

He… really doesn’t want to let anyone down anymore.

“Junior Brother Ling Tian!!”

Ye Xun’er lightly covered her mouth, and looked at the young man beside her with beautiful eyes in surprise.

At this moment, she seemed to see a different Ling Tian.

Cold, domineering, and even unspeakable evil.

But… really handsome!

“You want it?”

A group of Ancient Sect Master Tianjiao raised their brows lightly, and before Ling Tian could react, they kicked him to the ground.


With this kick, the ancient Hunyuan Sect disciple didn’t use all his strength. After all, Ling Tian had a special status. Once he missed and killed him, he would inevitably face a lot of troubles.

But even so, the young man’s figure flew upside down several feet, and fell to the ground embarrassedly.

“Junior Brother!!”

Ye Xun’er’s pretty face was startled, and she hurried to Ling Tian’s side and helped him up from the ground.

At this time, many onlookers around him suddenly showed a look of contempt.

“This waste is the Son of Ten Thousand Swords?”

“It seems that he is still the second son of the Ling clan, his brother has no other abilities, and he has learned how to pretend to be forceful.”

“You don’t want to live anymore, if you let Ling Xiao be forced… No, Lord Ling Xiao heard it, and be careful to kill you.”

“Hey, I just describe it, but then again, this Ling Tian is really useless.”

“If you don’t have the ability to turn around for love, this time it’s okay, twist your waist.”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

The crowd suddenly burst into laughter, and the disciple of the Ancient Hunyuan Sect also sneered, raising his hand to hold the jade talisman.

“I said…this jade talisman belongs to us.”

A cold and indifferent soft voice suddenly sounded on the street in the distance.

Immediately, everyone only felt a chill in their hearts, and saw a ray of clear light suddenly cut through the sky, flashing past their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a screaming scream resounded instantly, and one of the ancient disciple’s hands was broken at the wrist.



The whole street was suddenly quiet for a moment, and then bursts of air-conditioning sounded loudly.

I saw the young man who had fallen on the ground, holding a weird stone sword in his hand, and stepping slowly, the coldness on his face made the heaven and the earth quiet for no reason.

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