Chapter 229

“Thirty spirit stones, Lao Zhang, you little bit.”

Ling Tian walked to the old jade seller, took out a universe bag from his body, pointed out thirty spirit stones and handed it over.

In his hand, blood dripped from the ancient sword of Zhuxian, hitting the blue stones under his feet, making a pleasant sound.

Tick…tick, tick, tick, tick…

At this moment, Ling Tian had a kind of happiness that he had never had before.

That… the sword light stained with blood was the most brilliant color he had ever seen in his life.


Why do I think so?

Could it be that the cause and effect of the immortal in this Zhuxianjian is affecting my mood?

impossible! !

I cultivated the sword vein divine body and cast the flawless sword heart. How could I be captured by the evil intentions in the sword?

Not for this reason, that is…

Inexplicably, Ling Tian exuded a trace of cold sweat from the top of his head.

absurd! !

How could he affect my Dao Xin! !

“Wait a moment.”

Just as Ling Tian was secretly groaning, another soft shout came from the street in the distance.

I saw a young man in a black and white robe coming slowly.

At this time, his pace was not fast, but he was in front of everyone in two or three steps.

Young Master Hun Yuan! ! Shangguan Qinghyuk! !

Shengzhou Dongjiang, one of the strongest Tianjiao.

Although Hunyuan Ancient Sect is not the supreme Taoism, this young master of Hunyuan is a real Taoist evildoer.

Hunyuan Dao, with the power of yin and yang, will lead to the general trend of heaven and earth.

Although some people say that this Hunyuan Dao was passed down before the fall of the ancient Hunyuan ancestor, who cares about the process in this world.

If you are strong, it is destiny.

“Hehe, I also like this jade talisman very much. Let’s do this, Lao Zhang, I will produce a hundred spirit stones. How about you sell it to me?”

Shangguan Qinghe’s face was thin and handsome, and the smile on his face was also extremely gentle.

Only at this time, all the monks on both sides of the ancient street felt a majestic trend, quietly spreading away.


The old man glanced at Ling Tian with some embarrassment, only to see that the latter’s face was also a little dignified at this time, and the palms of both hands were tightly holding the ancient sword of Zhu Xian.

Dao is evil, in the middle of breaking delusion.

This Shangguan Qinghyuk, he can’t kill.

“Shangguan Qinghe, you still don’t make sense!”

Ye Xun’er’s figure flew from the side, stood in front of Ling Tian, ​​and shouted coldly.

“What does Junior Sister Ye mean? This treasure is only for you and not for me? Is there anything wrong with the higher price?”

Shangguan Qinghe shook his head slightly, his eyes turned black and white, very strange.

“You… I made two hundred spirit stones!!”

“Hehe, it turned out to be a little white face who likes to stand behind women. I’m out of five hundred.”


“I don’t want the spirit stone… it’s worthy of those of you who want it.”

Upon seeing this, the old jade seller threw down the jade accessories, put away the other goods, turned and ran away.


Lingshi is a good thing, but if he doesn’t run, he is afraid that his life will be hard to save!

“Huh! Shangguan Qinghe, count you… rich, Junior Brother Ling Tian, ​​let’s go!”

Of course Ye Xun’er knew that Shangguan Qinghe’s move was just to humiliate them deliberately.

No matter how many spirit stones she gave out, I was afraid that the latter would increase the price.

But for a piece of ordinary jade charm, it is not worth it to spend thousands of spirit stones.

Moreover, even though Ling Tian was the Young Master of the Ling Clan, he didn’t have too many spirit stones on his body.

She really didn’t want to look at him embarrassed.

“Wait a moment.”

Shangguan Qinghe put away the jade talisman and blocked Ye Xun’er in front of him.

“Junior sister, this jade talisman problem has been solved, should we solve it, my junior brother’s arm problem?”

“You!! Shangguan Qinghe, you are arrogant and unreasonable as a disciple of the ancient sect of the Yuan Dynasty. My junior took the initiative to teach him, what’s wrong?”

Ye Xun’er gritted her silver teeth, facing this young Hun Yuan master, she also felt great pressure.

“It’s not wrong. Weakness is the original sin. However, just like Junior Sister said, you said that my disciple of Yuanguzong was arrogant and unreasonable. Now I also think your junior sect is arrogant and unreasonable, so…I want to learn from him.”

Shangguan Qinghe smiled indifferently, and the black and white spiritual light all over his body was surging instantly, almost covering the entire ancient street.


Just a ray of power fell, and Ling Tian’s mouth suddenly overflowed with a ray of blood.

He cultivates the way, kills and kills well, and pays attention to killing the enemy with one sword.

But when facing a Taoist Tianjiao, his weakness without cultivation base will be infinitely magnified.

At the end of the ancient street, Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled.

This son of destiny is trouble, and he will be ridiculed wherever he goes, he is like a big villain, wherever he goes, he is full of flattery.

“Fine, you performed well today, and you have a taste, brother, keep working hard.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and walked towards Ling Tian.

He believes that his appearance will not exchange Ling Tian’s gratitude, but will only make his humble self-esteem more painful.

He was waiting, waiting for a moment, when the time comes, everything will come naturally.

“Shangguan Qinghe…you…you want to be shameless, what is your realm, what is my junior’s realm? I want to beat you…”

Ye Xun’er stood in front of Ling Tian, ​​a little flustered in her beautiful eyes.

She is the top evildoer in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords, but the principles she understands are really not suitable for fighting against people.

It’s just today’s matter that was caused by her alone. If she didn’t feel angry and wanted that jade charm, Junior Brother Ling Tian wouldn’t draw a sword.

Thinking like this, Ye Xun’er felt a little sweet in her heart.

“Hehe, do you still want to hide behind a woman? Ling Tian… Young Master?”

Shangguan Qinghe shook his head, his expression increasingly sarcasm.

At this moment, Ling Tian’s palm suddenly pressed on Ye Xun’er’s shoulder.

“Sister, let me come.”

“Junior Brother, you…”

“He’s right. If you want to be respected, you should cut off all those who look down on you.”

Ling Tian took a deep breath, raised his foot and walked to Shangguan Qinghe. On Zhu Xian in his hand, a faint blood glow was faintly exuding.

“This is like a man.”

Shangguan Qinghe smiled contemptuously, his whole body suddenly bright, turning into a divine seal out of thin air, the two colors of yin and yang overflowed, unspeakably weird and gorgeous.

“Young Master Ling Tian, ​​if you can take my seal, today’s matter will be revealed.”

When the words fell, Shangguan Qinghe’s palm was suddenly printed, and the black and white divine seal instantly tore through the sky, falling towards Ling Tian’s head.


At the same time, the ancient sword in the latter’s hand also bloomed with a dazzling green light, which was cut out with a single sword.

Jianguang lost his eyes, passing by like a fairy mark.

At this time, the faces of all the onlookers were filled with a strong shock.

The battle between the two Taoists and evildoers is enough to shock people’s hearts.

At this time, even the space above Enlightenment City began to gloom.


In the end, the two offensives collided in mid-air with a harsh buzzing sound.

The void within a hundred feet of the surrounding, rippling endless ripples.

The sword intent is mighty, like a punishment from the nine heavens, and the ancient seal is cut off from it.

“What a terrible sword intent!!”

“This Ling Tian…something!!”

It’s just that before everyone was amazed for a long time, the black and white qi that had been disintegrated, but suddenly gathered, passed the sword shadow, and fell towards Ling Tian.

Hunyuan Taoism is endless.

At this moment, Ling Tian’s eyes finally showed a touch of panic!

“Junior Brother Ling Tian!!!”

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