Chapter 227

The extremely yin body is born with chills.

Moreover, this kind of cold cannot be resisted at all, but it radiates from the skeletal blood.

Therefore, even the Yunlai Business League, the giant who controls 87.3% of the wealth of Shengzhou, can’t solve Su Yan’s pain at all.

What she needs is a male protagonist who can give her warmth, or a medical immortal who can master acupuncture and moxibustion.

Ling Xiao hadn’t encountered the medical immortal yet, but Lin Xi just appeared here, it must be due to luck.

Unfortunately, he ran too fast and missed the good fortune that should have belonged to him.

“Oh, hehe, no wonder I feel warm when I see the son.”

Su Yan smiled indifferently, but did not continue to ask what the sun is.

After all, such fluctuations just now must not be ordinary things.

And she and Ling Xiao are only first acquaintances, if you ask directly, it will inevitably not be suspicious.

“Hehe, what the young lady said really flattered Ling. If the young lady has any needs in the future, she can come and find me.”

Ling Xiao smiled slightly, then turned and sprinkled away.

“The son…”


As soon as Ling Xiao stopped, his face was puzzled, but he couldn’t help but chuckle from the bottom of his heart, as expected.

All women in this world have a common problem. The more they are delivered, the cheaper they feel.

On the contrary, those who are indifferent and resistant are more attractive.

“Tonight Taixuan Daozi will preach in Yingxianlou, will you go?”

Su Yan Qiao smiled sweetly, her bright eyes were pretty, and there was expectation in her tone.

“Tao? Dao is in the heart, how can it be in the mouth of others?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, and the power of Dao Ze suddenly dissipated, and the faces of the horrified Wu Ya and others suddenly turned white.


Su Yan sighed lightly, her expression a little lonely.

Worthy of being an invincible fairy!

Although this Ling Xiao is not as cruel and cruel as the world’s rumors, but this arrogant body is quite strong.

“But if the lady goes, maybe I will go and ask for a few drinks.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and immediately stopped hesitating, and walked towards the outside of the treasure pavilion.


Su Yan’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and there was some inexplicable sweetness in her heart, and a touching arc appeared on her pretty face, “The little girl is waiting for the son in the Yingxian Building.”

It wasn’t until Ling Xiao’s figure disappeared that the smile on her face gradually became cold, and deep meaning faintly flashed in a pair of eyes.

“Auntie Yun, have you ever heard of the most precious treasure in Ling Xiao?”

At this time, Wu Ya and the two maids had already retreated, and there were only her and the master of the Lingbao Pavilion in the entire treasure pavilion.

“I’ve heard before that there was a fire on the mountain of the Ling clan in the sunset, covering thousands of miles of sky. I guess it was mostly a spiritual fire from heaven and earth. Although no one knew who the fire fell in the end, Ling Xiao was also in the mountains at the time. I guess…”

“Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire? No wonder.”

Su Yan’s pretty face condensed, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

That’s right, the scorching wave just now really smells of flame.

It should be right, there is a heaven and earth spiritual fire in the hands of this Ling clan descendant.

“Miss…you mean…”

“This time I’m going to the secret realm on the channel mountain, because my father found out that there was a tribe among them, who believed in flames and respected fire, so… my father guessed that it should be a slave tribe who has guarded the sacred objects for generations.”

Su Yan’s face gradually became solemn, “Although this guess has not been verified, but… always have to try, the spiritual fire in Ling Xiao’s hand is definitely impossible to hand over to me easily, these heaven and earth spiritual things are not what the spiritual stone treasures can do. It’s measurable, so… if I want to get it, I’m afraid I can only…”

“Miss! You mean…”

The beautiful woman in red looked stunned, she seemed to have thought of something immediately, she suddenly exclaimed, “Don’t! No one knows this Lingxiao notoriety in the entire Holy State, and he is already engaged to the Taoist goddess Nian Qingjun. you…”

“Oh! Aunt Yun, I just said it was a last resort, maybe I could find good fortune in that secret realm and relieve the suffering of the cold body, otherwise…I’m afraid I really can’t hold on for too long.”

A trace of loneliness flashed in Su Yan’s eyes.

If it hadn’t been for the torment of this extremely yin body, she must now be a peerless and proud girl on the shining side.

Behind him, there is another cloud to support from the business alliance. Who can compare with such an identity?

But by the way, she was born with a sick body. Although she had been dying for seventeen years and tried countless methods, the chill was still gradually getting into the bones.

At that time, she was afraid that she would really die.

Otherwise, why did she travel all the way here to participate in that boring martial arts meeting?

What she wants, Yunlai Shangmeng will find it for her.

Except for… the gods of heaven and earth like spirit fire.

The ant is still alive, let alone her noble descendant of the Yunmeng?


“Okay, Aunt Yun, I know what you are worrying about, don’t worry, this is only the last choice. Before that, I only need to have a good relationship with this Lingxiao place, and the rest, wait until I get out of the secret realm.”

Su Yan shook his head and smiled, tightening his mink jacket tightly, and turned and walked towards the second floor.

Push the window to see the flowers and see the crowds on the street.

Who is worthy of me to see through the years,

Son… is that you?

Not to mention, even though Ling Xiao has a bad reputation, he looks… a bit awesome.

Haha, isn’t it a coincidence? This is not it!

Wasn’t this Su Yan thinking exactly what Ling Xiao thought?

Everything, wait until you come out of the secret realm!

At that time, we will have real spiritual fire in our hands.

As for the item he gave to Lin Meng, how could it be possible to come back?

“Young Master, the eldest lady from Yunlai Shangmeng…seems to have some dark problems?”

Xiao Tu followed Ling Xiao, his eyes filled with awe.

It is indeed the young master, wherever you go, there are arrogant girls admiring.

And it’s the most proud kind.


Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, but in the bottom of his heart was secretly calculating, how should Lin Xi completely break this line of emotion?

As long as he enters the secret realm, Ling Xiao can harvest this leek and occupy his wealthy goddess.

Yunlai Shangmeng, it is said that this wealthy gate occupies the entire Shengzhou Auction House. Such financial resources are estimated to be worth seven or eight Ling Clan.

“Xiao Tu, you have some news, saying that I have an enemy named Lin Xi who once provoked face-to-face at the engagement banquet. He practiced a fire technique. If anyone sees a suspected person, report it. There is a great reward, but no one else can kill, his life is mine.”

A hint of evil flashed in Ling Xiao’s eyes. Judging from the performance of Lin Xi just now, he was afraid that he would have died by now.

Putting some pressure on him like this, I am afraid that he would not dare to admit that he would play with fire.

Then find a suitable time to stimulate him…


He was afraid that he was about to start playing with himself.

According to Ling Xiao’s guess, Lin Xi’s chance was largely in the mysterious realm of Enlightened Dao Mountain.

Moreover, since that Su Yan is here, it is definitely not here to play.

Maybe it was also news that there are ancient relics about spirit fire hidden in the secret realm.

In this way, everything is right.

Originally there was no appearance of Ling Xiao, even if there were twists and turns in this emotional line, it would eventually come to pass.

The girl of destiny is ill and is dying.

The Son of Destiny just appeared, and the power of Spirit Fire was used to relieve the pain. The Daughter of Destiny hesitated, whether to marry or seize her.


The opening of the secret realm is another life-and-death grind, from which the love is born, and the world will follow forever.

What a pity, he met Ling Xiao again!

I just don’t know, what is the identity of the friend Lin Xi said?

Think about it, it should be lucky.

Hey, I’m such a genius!

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