Chapter 226

“Hehe, how dare you be a concubine, it’s just that in the second floor today, there is a distinguished guest from the business alliance from the cloud, Lord Ling Xiao still… don’t go up.”

The middle-aged beautiful woman smiled charmingly and walked towards Ling Xiao with her foot raised.

Only at this time, although her tone was polite, the coldness in her beautiful eyes was not concealed at all.

Not her.

Very easily, Ling Xiao felt that the gaze that had just been on the second floor of the treasure pavilion was not the god king powerhouse, but someone else.

“I have a problem. The more people don’t let me do it, the more I want to do it. Therefore, the pavilion master… can stop me from trying.”

Just kidding, if there is only a god king, Ling Xiao will look at it?

Although this is the city of Enlightenment, the Supreme Profound Dao Sect has always ignored mundane affairs. Even if he lifts the city, who would dare to say nothing?

Now in the Liuli Pagoda, the cultivation bases of Wuyi and Duanying are in the realm of God King.

As long as he is more secretive, this woman can be killed at any time.

“The more you are not allowed to do, the more you do?”

Behind the two of them, a flash of surprise flashed in Wu Ya’s eyes, “If you don’t let you eat shit, you want to eat it?”

Of course, he dared to think about these words in his heart. Once he said them, he was afraid that the pit in the city of enlightenment would be cleaned up.

“Prince Lingxiao!!! This is me who came to the business alliance, not the Ling clan!!”

The middle-aged beautiful woman screamed coldly, and a panic of Tianwei suddenly surged away from her body.

“so what?”

Ling Xiao grinned, ignoring the anger in the beautiful woman’s eyes, and walked towards the second floor.

He naturally didn’t believe it, the king of the Yunlai Shangmeng dared to attack him.

After all, the Ling clan is now in full swing, and even the ancient Qin clan has become a vassal.

Although many strong Qin people have fallen, the bottom line is still there.

What’s more, Ling Xiao has many identities and cruel heart, never put anyone in his eyes.

Once offended him, the end will only be extremely troublesome.

“Auntie Yun.”

Just when Ling Xiao walked up to the beautiful woman with a big smile on her face, suddenly there was a soft female voice from the second floor.

The face of the strong god king named Aunt Yun condensed, and the aura of the whole body instantly disappeared.

“Miss! Why are you down?”

Ling Xiao raised his head and watched the graceful red figure walking forward, his brows raised lightly, but the corners of his mouth raised a bit of playfulness.


Can make a god king and strong man bow his head, the identity of this young girl is ready to come out.

However, this eldest lady from Yunlai Shangmeng, don’t tell me, she looks really good.

The red dress is fluttering, and the fairy face is beautiful.

A pretty face, white as jade, with three points of weakness, seven points of coldness, and a trace of pity in my heart for no reason.

Especially the sickly tender girl between her eyebrows, like a magical brush, suddenly reflected the girl’s temperament more and more weakly.

Good one, like a beautiful woman.

Although it is late autumn at this time, how can the monks of my generation fear the cold?

But the girl was wearing a white mink on her shoulders, and she held a purple-gold heater in her hand.

It turned out that the eldest lady from Yunlai Shangmeng was a sick beauty.

Extremely Yin body, two thousand air luck.

This city of enlightenment is indeed a good place!


Sure enough, the girl only walked a few steps, and there was a little fatigue on Qiao’s face, and she covered her mouth and coughed slightly.

“Miss, why have you come down? It’s cold outside!”

“It’s okay, Aunt Yun, it’s always going to be two days before you enter the secret realm, Young Master Ling Xiao, Su Yan, it’s polite to be here.”

The red-clothed girl leaned slightly, her face was gentle and her voice was like a spring breeze, which made her feel like spring.

“It turned out to be Miss Yunlai Business League.”

Ling Xiao nodded, his eyes getting more and more interesting.

He was standing outside the Lingbao Pavilion just now, but this lady was hiding in the attic and peeping at him?

Could it be…

Although this Su Yan looks sickly, his cultivation has also reached the middle stage of breaking delusion.

Moreover, the extremely yin body has always been a standard feature for the heroine, but Su Yan seems to have not met the good brother who helped her warm the Yang meridian since childhood.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be so tormented by Yin Qi now.

This kind of start has inherited the Bai Fumei of the billions of spiritual stones. If it can win…

Ha ha ha, this is not a woman at all, this is a mobile cash machine!

Do not! !

It’s a treasure! !

This is the real treasure girl!

With the financial resources of the business alliance in the cloud, I am afraid that the entire Holy State has the supreme orthodoxy, and no one dares to match it.

Even if you have inherited it for a hundred years or a thousand years, it seems naive and ridiculous in front of this wealthy gate.


Suddenly, Ling Xiao didn’t want to work hard anymore.

“I wonder if the eldest lady just hid in the attic, why are you looking at me?”

Ling Xiao walked in front of Su Yan, a gentle smile bloomed on Jun Yi’s face.

How can there be the arrogance and domineering that just clashed with that king of gods.

Smelly sister, I don’t know who you like, which one is it?


Probably Su Yan didn’t expect that the descendant of the Ling clan would be so direct, his pretty face flushed immediately and smiled.

“The son is afraid that it is a misunderstanding. I just heard the noise in front of the door and wanted to see what happened.”

In fact, it was not. Just now, she suddenly felt a strange hot wave hitting the street.

This fluctuation made her cold body feel unexplainably comfortable, and she just walked to the window and took another look.

It’s a pity that the fluctuations come and go quickly.

When Su Yan looked down, only Ling Xiao was seen, and he didn’t even notice Lin Xi who fled in embarrassment.

Poor son of the fate of the day, who was supposed to be in the cabinet and opened a new line of feelings, but just… met the demon Ling Xiao!

The hustle and bustle in front of the door?

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and immediately seemed to think of something.

I’m afraid it wasn’t the hustle and bustle that attracted the business alliance lady, it was probably the breath that Lin Xi had just released, which attracted the attention of Su Yan.

The extremely yin body, tortured by the cold, instinctively feels kind to the flame.

In particular, the burning of sutras that Lin Xi cultivated is a flame technique that is ranked first in the world, so…this girl should be Lin Xi’s chance?


“Hehe, that’s the case. I thought the lady was stopping for Ling. It seems that I was passionate.”

Ling Xiao gave a wry smile, a touch of loss appeared in his eyes.

Now, there is no spiritual fire in him, and if he wants to capture the heart of this girl, he is afraid that he will have to kill Lin Xi first.

However, before that, he had to think of a way to make Lin Xi be honest and not show off his talent.

A relationship, that’s it… pinch it out!

“The son is joking, the son’s supernatural power is the dream of the 900 million girls in Shengzhou. Even the goddess has been captured by the son. How can the little girl’s soul and sickness dare to be greedy?”

Su Yan is worthy of being a descendant of the Commercial League, speaking and doing things perfectly.

Not only does it sound good, it also makes people feel warm.

So, what are you still hesitating about, of course it is to buy and buy.

“I just don’t know… whether there is a pure yang thing on the son? Why did the little girl feel a ray of yang?”

really! !

The smile in Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed away. Of course, there was a thing of pure sun, but it seemed a little…inconvenient to take it out now?

“Hehe, the young lady really has eyes and a heart, and I feel it, yes, there is something on my body, it is the sun from the heaven and the earth.”

Ling Xiao nodded pretentiously, and Su Yan’s beautiful eyes suddenly revealed a touch of yearning.

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