Chapter 217

“Haha, Immortal Lord, you are always hammering people. Have you ever thought of being hammered? Today, you are afraid that you can’t argue.”

Ling Xiao stood in the crowd, showing sarcasm.

“Ling Xiao!!! If you want to add to the crime, there is nothing wrong with it, no matter what, I will see today, who would dare to touch me!!”

Immortal Master Yun Mi has a stern look, and the expression in Ling Xiao’s eyes is full of resentment.

He thought that someone would take the opportunity to make trouble, but he really didn’t expect that the leader turned out to be an ant.

“I dare.”

Emperor Ling stepped out, and instantly moved towards Immortal Lord Yun Mi Ying.

Behind him, there seems to be a shrine condensed, in which immortal shadows are built, the sun and the moon are manifested, and the sound of the gods is vast.

“Dare to be arrogant when you die.”

In the distance, the enemy smiled indifferently.

“All for the Holy Religion!!! For justice!!! For Emperor Qin!!! Kill!!!”

Standing in the crowd, Ling Xiao roared up to the sky, his eyes faintly with tears.


“For the holy religion!!”

“Slay the Yunfan traitor!!”

The sky and the earth were suddenly dimmed, a series of spiritual lights collided in the air, and countless clouds grew and aged as blood fog, which was scattered from the sky.

“Damn Ling Xiao!! Kill me!! You can lose this battle, Ling Xiao…must die!!”

Immortal Master Yun Mi hissed and screamed, and the hammer in his hand crashed down, but the white robe Ling Emperor hit it in the air with a palm of his hand.

“Huh? You…you…”

“Ling Xiao! To death!”

Many Yun Mi elders set their eyes on Ling Xiao.

Only at this time, the latter only gave a faint smile, turned and walked in the opposite direction.

“Gan! That kid is going to slip away! Elders, follow me!!”

The elders of Yun Miyou God King suddenly shouted angrily, and his figure flashed and chased Ling Xiao.

It’s just that the moment they fell, they suddenly saw a touching smile blooming on the young man’s face.

“Elders, you don’t want to pinch my soft persimmon, do you?”

“Hmph! Ling Xiao, if it weren’t for you, why did the fairy sect of Yunfan fall into such a situation, die!!”

The face of the God King Yunfan was already gloomy as iron, especially the death of a fellow who was around him, it made him extremely resentful.

Originally, Cloud Millet Immortal Sect was the most prominent cultivating gate in the eastern frontier of the holy state.

But in a blink of an eye, not only did they bear the charge of betraying the Holy Religion, but they also fell into a dead end!


The most important thing is that even if they die, they will not be able to shake off the black pot on their backs!

“Wait…wait a minute!!”

Ling Xiao raised his hand to stop the god-king powerhouse who rushed towards him.

“When you die, do you regret it? It’s too late!”

The god king powerhouse sneered, but at the moment when his voice fell, he saw that a magic talisman suddenly appeared in Ling Xiao’s hand, and then he smashed it fiercely.


The space trembled, and I saw a series of terrifying auras suddenly appeared out of thin air, and in a blink of an eye, they arrived in front of the god king powerhouse.

“Six…Six God Kings?!!! Pill Origin Holy Land!!!”

“Well, this elder, you can continue!”

Ling Xiao nodded and smiled, and continued to turn and fall towards the Qin Clan.



The terrifying spiritual light descended like a big net, and no matter how many methods the God King Yunfan had, there was still no room for the slightest struggle in front of the six great kings.

In a short moment, his body was shattered and his soul was wiped out.

Ling Xiao’s figure fell to the ground, looked at the blood and soul power that filled the sky, and sighed softly.


It’s just that now, the East Frontier Divine Emperor is here, even if he was given 10,000 courage, he didn’t dare to swallow his soul and bloodthirsty in public, so he shook his head and looked at the Qin ancestor who was standing in front of the temple.

“Hey, others can’t, this old thing can be used at once.”

“Master Ling Xiao!!!”

Qin Leng’s figure flew from the side, his face was pale, and his aura was extremely weak.

Only at this time, there was still a faint bitter smile on his face, which seemed to be a surprise because of Ling Xiao’s appearance.

“Master Leng.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, with sadness in her eyes.

“You suffer!”

“Where is the son, if it is not the son, I am afraid that it is my Qin clan who is in danger today.”

Qin Lengqing sighed. Around him, many people of the Qin clan came and bowed to Ling Xiao.

Especially the ancestor of the Qin family, on the dim soul body, there was a touch of sadness.

“Young Master Ling Xiao, I didn’t expect that you and my clan would hate me for thousands of years, but in the end it was you who preserved my Qin clan heritage.”

At this time, the ancestor of the Qin nationality has no previous majesty.

The whole person is like a twilight old man, with the possibility of death at any time.

The body was broken and the soul was damaged.

For a god emperor like him who had little lifespan, this injury was fatal.

“What is the old ancestor! The monks of my generation should uphold justice and be loyal to the sacred religion. The hatred of the two clans is really a petty hatred, and it is arrogant. His heart is shameful, and this is a big hatred! Ling Xiao is not talented, or You can distinguish between the Qing clan and the world.”

Ling Xiao sighed and looked at Emperor Qin’s corpse above the temple in awe.

The corpse of the god emperor, if it were refined into a puppet, it should be very strong.

But at this moment, if you put it in the Qiankun ring, will it be hammered to death by the people of the Qin clan?

“The loyalty of Emperor Qin is really a role model for my generation. Such a strong person deserves the praise of the world! Patriarch, I don’t know what you plan to do next?”

Ling Xiao wailed repeatedly, with a sad face.

But the ancestor of the Qin clan sighed lightly, shook his head and smiled bitterly, “I am afraid that my soul body will not last a few days, Lord Ling Xiao… I have a merciless please…”

“Ancestor, please tell! The Qin family is loyal and loyal, don’t say relentlessly, even if Ling Xiao is in charge of the Qin family, Xiao will not shirk!”

Ling Xiao’s expression was solemn, and his figure stood upright, with an awe-inspiring appearance.


Although the ancestor of the Qin clan felt that something was wrong with what Ling Xiao said, but seeing his serious appearance, he really said something was wrong.

“Young Master Lingxiao, most of my Qin clan powerhouses have fallen now. Among the descendants, only Qin Leng is still alive. So… I hope you can protect him for ten years. After ten years, the Qin clan will be up or down. It depends.”

The ancestor of the Qin clan sighed secretly and looked up at Emperor Ling, who was holding the Immortal Lord Yunmi with his hand, with a hint of unwillingness in his old eyes.

The same is an ancient tribe, which has been passed down for thousands of years.

But after today, the fate of Qin Ling’s two clans will be completely different.

“Hey, I blame God’s will for making people.”

“Huh? Old ancestor Shenyan, I can’t bear the name God’s will!”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, and suddenly looked solemn and solemn, “In fact, the ancestors don’t have to be so pessimistic, and your injury is not inevitable.”


Hearing that, not only the Qin ancestors, but also the Qin people around them, their expressions were instantly sluggish.

Without the protection of the god emperor, what the Qin people will face, needless to say, they all understand.

And even if the ancestors have little lifespan and low combat power, they are still strong god emperors anyhow.

As long as he is alive, the Qin Clan will not be completely in decline!


Name and fate are lost!

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