Chapter 218 Old Ancestor, Don’t Panic

“Gong… Son taking this seriously?”

The Qin ancestor was trembling, his old face was full of excitement.

Is it good to be alive?

Moreover, this Ling Xiao’s mother is the Holy Master of Pill Yuan, the first alchemy master of Eastern Frontier, and the only divine emperor alchemy master in Shengzhou.

Just these few names are enough to make people look forward to.

Maybe this young man really has a way to restore his soul?

“Hey, ancestor, you can try it, but whether it succeeds…hey.”

Ling Xiao hesitated to speak but stopped, but the meaning in the words was extremely clear.

I have a way to help you heal your injury, but if you fail to heal it, I’m afraid you will die on the spot.

“My son, I am willing to give it a try!!”

The Qin ancestors have no worries.

Now he has little time, at most three or two days will be wiped out.

There is not much difference between death at this time and death two days later.

As long as there is still a hint of life, he is willing to give it a try.

“This… hey, ancestor, I shouldn’t have said, otherwise if it fails, everyone of the Qin clan…hey…”

Ling Xiao’s expression was a little embarrassed, and even faintly regretted.

“My son is righteous!! How can I be so innocent!!”

Qin Leng was taken aback, and immediately exclaimed.

“Yes, son!! If it weren’t for you today, my Qin clan has been destroyed, why would we blame you…”

“Yeah, son!! I am waiting for the group of beasts Yun Mi, full of benevolence and morality, but sinister and vicious behind him, wanting to take the Holy Religion instead!”

“All right!”

The ancestor of the Qin clan sighed softly and waved his hand to be quiet, “My son, I am dead soon, what else can I complain about? Even if I die in your hands today, it is due to the destiny. Qin will only be grateful, without any resentment. , And you guys… If I don’t get through this catastrophe today, I will live in peace in the future, and I must… respect Young Master Ling Xiao and always be grateful, otherwise… I am worthy of being a member of the Qin Clan.”

“Ancestor, you… hey… if you say that, if Ling Xiao refuses, you will really look a little bit ignorant.”

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly and looked up into the air.

There the clouds shattered, the stars turned upside down, and the terrifying spiritual light covered the sky.

But… Immortal Yunfan and Feng Baiyang have all revealed their ruins.

I’m afraid it won’t be long before these two people will be completely defeated.

As for whether you can escape…

Haha, there are six strong single god emperors here. If this is the case, then two god emperors can’t be killed, it can only be said that it is the dog author.

Ling Xiao believed in Emperor Ling’s methods, and he always faintly felt that his father was truly unfathomable.

And, if he remembers correctly, he seems… there is a missing grandpa.

It’s just that Emperor Ling never said a word about this, and even the clan only thought that the old man had already fallen.

But when Ling Xiao was young, he often saw Ling Tianlin standing alone on the top of the mountain, looking up at the sky, showing longing in his eyes.

As for whether the old man ascended to heaven or went to heaven, Ling Xiao didn’t know.

But he guessed that it shouldn’t be as simple as dying.

“My son! Come on! I’m willing to give it a try!”

The ancestor of the Qin nationality took a deep breath, with a look of death on his face.

“Well, since the ancestors have decided, Ling Xiao will try his best, but there are so many people here, there may be inconvenience…”

Ling Xiao frowned, and everyone from the Qin Clan immediately gave way, “Master, go to my Qin Clan Temple.”

“I am waiting to swear to the death to guard the son.”

“Well, ancestor, please!”

Ling Xiao stretched out his hand to courteous, and the Qin ancestor suddenly stopped hesitating and limped towards the direction of the temple.


what happened?

My injury is obviously a soul, why is my leg uncomfortable now?

Until the two walked into the hall, a Qin clan powerhouse suddenly closed the door and waited.

“My son! Come on!”

The Qin ancestor closed his eyes and opened his hands, but Ling Xiao smiled and shook his head, “Ancestor, my big treasure, in the sea of ​​souls, please invite the ancestors into my soul sea.”

“Soul Sea? It seems to be the treasure of nourishing soul power! Also, now only this kind of treasure can heal my soul’s injury!”

The ancestor of the Qin Clan nodded solemnly, without any doubt that he was there, and was directly taken into the Soul Sea by Ling Xiao.


The strange soul wind came quietly.

The Qin ancestor’s face was taken aback, especially when he saw the tall black palace in front of him, there was a thick surprise in his eyes.

“This is… what is this?”

“Oh, ancestor, this is my Ling clan’s most treasure, Guanghan Palace, it is the supreme spiritual object of warming and nourishing souls, let’s go, I personally send ancestors into the palace, it may be a bit painful at first, but it only takes a moment. The ancestors can be detached.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, and raised his hand to support the arm of the Qin ancestor, leading him to the soul palace.

No matter how badly this Qin clan ancestor was hurt, he was also a strong god emperor, and he couldn’t tolerate half carelessness.


Although at this time, the ancestor of the Qin clan always felt that something was wrong in Ling Xiao’s words, he still walked towards the black palace with his support.

With Lingxiao’s realm, even if the soul palace was cultivated, it shouldn’t be so terrible.


Well, this should indeed be a treasure of the soul!


The soul wind in the ear became more and more bitter, and there was a vaguely addictive coldness.

Rao is based on the temperament of the ancestor of the Qin clan. At this time, he feels a little scared inexplicably.

“Ancestor, don’t be nervous, the first time, I will be a little scared, after a while, after a while, it will be fine, you will realize that endless…”

Standing in front of the soul palace, Ling Xiao gently pushed the Qin ancestor into it, a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, “Happy.”


The Qin ancestor’s soul body trembled, and only felt his feet slip, and the whole person was pulled into the black palace by an inexplicable force.


The palpitating tearing force struck in an instant, and the Qin ancestor’s eyes suddenly filled with doubts.

Hiss…Why do you feel something is wrong?

My spirit power seems to be being swallowed by this palace?

Impossible, the son said that it would be painful at first, so be patient.

The ancestor of the Qin nationality sat cross-legged on the spot, until half of his body was turned into nothing, and then looked up in horror.

At this moment, at the top of the palace, a face of pure handsomeness and no Tao looked down, and the indifference in his eyes, as if looking down at the common gods.

“Ling…Ling Xiao what’s going on??!”

“Old ancestor, it seems that I don’t like you very much, I am afraid that you are going to die here today.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, there is no such thing as the righteousness and gentleness on his face.

“You…you…couldn’t it be…Ling Xiao!! This kind of evil technique, you…”

“Ancestor, what is evil? In this world, people have good and evil, but no strength. When you Qin people win over Si’s family, you should think that you will end here.”

Ling Xiao grinned, and the whole person suddenly fell from the sky.

Only gradually, his figure began to blur, swell, and finally turned into a strange ghost, covering all the souls of the ancestors of the Qin clan.

“It turns out… It turned out to be you! Ling Xiao!!! Ah!!!”

The screams stopped abruptly, and the soul palace, which was originally at a height of a thousand ren, suddenly rose by several tens of meters, and its soul was shining, and the magical intent rolled over, giving people endless shock.

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