Chapter 216


In the Qin clan, countless Qin clan powerhouses raised their heads and hissed, with despair in their eyes.

The daylight gradually extinguished, and Emperor Qin’s figure stood in the air.

It’s just that at this time, the great emperor of the Qin clan has long lost the surging blood of the past, like a dying old man, exuding endless death.

“I live for a lifetime, I have no shame in the world, and the Qin clan, but I am only ashamed… Today, with my blood, I take this vow of grievance that the cloud and millet immortal sect will be immortal for one day, and my eyes will be inconsistent for one day.”

When the words fell, Emperor Qin’s figure fell from the sky, standing on the ancient palace of the Qin clan, his whole body was no longer half alive, but those eyes were staring like a meteorite.

A generation of Emperor Qin died in the end! !


Countless people of the Qin cried and cried, even the ancestor of the Qin clan, who had only the body of the soul, looked up to the sky and closed his eyes, and shouted, “The grandson of the cloud, the tortoise and the turtle!!”


The people of the Qin Clan, who had been desperate in their hearts, suddenly roared with anger, and the spiritual power surging around them dazzled the eyes.

“For the Qin Clan!!! To the death!!!”


Countless breaking winds rang out at once, and all Qin people regarded death as home.

A strong resentment condensed in the air, like a dark cloud, shrouded in the sky of Chijin City.

“Huh, the humble clan should perish!”

But no matter how many moths there are, how can it be possible to put out the fire?

I saw Immortal Master Yun Mi, with clear light overflowing, and the hammer in his hand was lifted high above the sky, and he wanted to smash at the group of stinky fish under him.

The surging power of the Immortal Dao rolled over, and many people of the Qin Clan… saw the meaning of death in the eyes of many people.

Only at this time, they couldn’t retreat.

Otherwise, when will the eyes of the emperor close?

In Chijin City, all the old Qin people were weak and sad, and they all had tears in their eyes when they looked at the strong Qin people who had never regretted it until the death.

The panic of extermination seems to be no longer enough to be feared, at this time they just want to follow the emperor.

“The fairy lord seems to…like hammer people very much.”

only! ! !

Just as the purple golden hammer was about to fall from the sky, a faint laughter suddenly rang out in the distance.

The world suddenly fell silent, and even the powerful clansmen hiding behind the clouds couldn’t help their eyes condensing slightly.

This voice…a bit immature?

Who is so innocent, dare to mock the Immortal Master Yun Mi?

The strength of the immortal sect giant just now was enough to frighten the emperors of Eastern Xinjiang.

At this time, even if they wanted to kill this scorpion to show their loyalty to the holy religion, but… they didn’t dare to take it rashly.

Seventh-Rank Divine Emperor, apart from that one in Dongjiang, he is afraid he is the strongest, right?


Upon hearing this, Immortal Yunmi frowned slightly, his mighty mighty power, but a faint uneasiness suddenly swayed from the bottom of his heart.

In the sky, a figure in white clothes gradually showed its outline, with a faint smile with his hands behind it, a step for a hundred miles, a short breath, and it came to everyone’s eyes.

“Yes… it’s the son!! Lord Lingxiao!!!”

Before the Qin Clan’s Temple, Qin Leng’s desperate eyes suddenly burst into light, and his whole body began to tremble with excitement.

Again! ! !

The son, once again appeared at the time of his life and death! ! !

He… Isn’t he the god of love from the upper realm?

To spread true love and light for this indifferent world?

“Ling Xiao?!!!”

“It’s Ling Xiao, the descendant of the Ling clan!!!”

“Why did he come? Still dare to face Immortal Master Yun Mi?”

“As expected of Invincible Xianzi, she hangs like this in front of everyone!!”

“Invincible Daoxing, can you comprehend the commonplace?”

Many onlookers suddenly exclaimed, but the gloom in Immortal Master Yun Mi’s eyes became more intense.

“Ling Xiao? I don’t know what happened to the descendants of the Ling clan who showed up?”

As we all know, the Ling and Qin people have always been at odds. At this time, Ling Xiao suddenly appeared, is it to share the Qin people’s share of the pie?

The eyes of the fairy lord Yun Mi became more and more condensed.

He naturally guessed that today’s war will inevitably attract countless prying eyes.

But the death of Emperor Qin at his hands was a shock to any strong god emperor!

Counting time, no emperor has fallen in Dongjiang for nearly a hundred years, right?

“Hehe, I’m just curious. I used to have a friend who also used a hammer. He hammered eighty. I don’t know how many spirit stones are needed for the Immortal Lord’s hammer?”

Ling Xiao smiled lightly, taunting in the depths of his eyes.

“How many spirit stones? Ignorant children, do you dare to tease this emperor? Don’t say it’s you, your dad wouldn’t dare to talk to me like this when he came!”

Immortal Yun Mi’s eyes were rippling, and a general trend rushed towards the sky in an instant.

“Oh? Really? Yuncheng, you are really… arrogant.”

Just at the moment when the general trend fell, the space suddenly fluctuated in front of Ling Xiao.

I saw a figure who was also wearing a white robe appeared out of thin air, just standing there, the majesty of the sky was all over him.

“Ling Di!!”

Many people were secretly surprised.

Although this Ling Clan god emperor has not appeared in front of people for decades, but… since the moment he appeared, the rhyme of the world seems to change with him?

What a terrible cultivation level is this?

“Ling Tianlin!”

Immortal Lord Yun Mi’s eyes condensed slightly, and a hint of spiritual power appeared instinctively around his body, as if he was facing an enemy.

“Yunfan is arrogant and vainly attempting to replace the holy religion. This statement…definitely be punishable!”

Ling Tianlin said indifferently. Behind him, Ling Shan, the Great Elder of the Ling Clan, stepped on slowly, looking at the many powerful clouds in the sky with a cold expression.

“Fart!! That’s Qin slander!!!”

Immortal Master Yun Mi’s expression changed, Ling Clan, he was not afraid, but Shengjiao…he didn’t dare to have a hint of disobedience at all.

“Slander? Immortal Lord, a descendant of the Qin clan, risked his death to open the Qin clan guardian formation for you, and died tragically in the hands of his father. Will his words be slander?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, and sighed softly, “The Qin people are righteous, for the evil thieves like Zhu Er, almost all of their sects were slaughtered. Today, I would like to imitate Emperor Qin and lay down my life for the great cause of the sacred religion!!”

“You fart, my heart of cloud and millet, the sun and the moon can be learned, if I Yuncheng has a half-word, I will call Jiu Tian Xuan Lei to kill my soul and break my reincarnation!!”

Immortal Master Yun Mi paled, and the thing he feared the most had happened.

Qin Wei is dead, it is impossible to verify whether his words are true or not.

However, this gave those forces coveting the Yunxi Taoism a reason to act appropriately.


Between the sky and the earth, a thunder light suddenly cracked the sky, falling towards the Immortal Master Yun Mi.

The latter’s face was stunned, and a touch of resentment burst into his eyes.

I’m gonna!

God thief, are you fucking playing with me?

“Look, I was struck by lightning!”

In the surrounding space, bursts of light suddenly appeared.

I saw a number of figures hidden in the clouds and mist, and they began to gradually show up, coming towards the back of Emperor Ling.

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and a hint of thunder gradually extinguished on the fingers behind her back.

“You…you guys!!!”

Immortal Master Yun Mi gritted his teeth fiercely, looking at the eyes of Father and Son Ling Xiao, he already saw the intention to kill.

“Hehehe, Immortal Yunmizong is extremely sinful, it should be destroyed today!”

Above the sky, there was another stern shout, thousands of enemies and a group of Demon Sect elders stepped on slowly, directly blocking all of Yun Mi’s retreat.

Break the drum, ten thousand people have hammered!

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