After a while of dizziness, Liu Yu eyes opened and found that he was already on the edge of a forest. He immediately recruited Snow Wind Sword, put up the body protection mask, and watched all around vigilantly. , I saw all around weeds and bushes, the sky was like a dark night, there was neither a scorching sun nor a bright moon, not far behind was the void, still the edge of Secret Realm.

Liu Yu was standing on a stone round table with a mysterious formation mark. After a while, there was no abnormality. He used the “Imperial Wind Technique” and flew into the dark jungle ahead, stepping on the forest. The dense branches, rushing forward, the Spiritual Consciousness is released, detecting all around movement.

The “Sand, Sand” Guanlin shook for a while, a wild boar was startled by Liu Yu who was flying, and he rushed out in a panic with five or six cubs, and ran away. The wild boar ran wildly, and frightened a group of sleeping strange birds in the forest. The strange birds flew around, making waves of “warping and beating”.

After one hour, the woods are denser and denser, and all around is getting darker and darker. Only some kind of leafy shrubs in the ground bushes emit a shining light, and Liu Yu is jumping between the woods. Suddenly, with a flash, he jumped off the branches and landed on the ground overgrown with weeds. At his feet was a multi-leaf columnar stalk.

There are six dark red long leaves on the top of this stalk grass, glowing with a slight red light. It is a “Crescent Moon Grass” that is more than 100 years old. Although this grass emits weak red light, In this dark forest, it should be very conspicuous, but in fact, this grass is mixed in the lush grass, and you can’t find it without paying attention.

Liu Yu cautiously dug out the “Crescent Moon Grass” by roots and put it in a wooden box. Then he jumped onto the tree at a high place, poured mana into his eyes, and used “Opening Spirit Eyes” “, continue to fly towards the center of Secret Realm.

The simplified version of “Opening Spirit Eyes” Liu Yu has been refined to Great Accomplishment. After opening, the dim jungle instantly lights up, and the ground weeds and shrubs can also be seen clearly.

2nd day, Liu Yu squatted on a relatively empty forest grass. A plump hare was standing on the raised bonfire, turning over and sprinkling spices, skillful, rabbit The meat has been golden-yellow, with “zi zi sounds” from time to time, and the aroma is attractive.

“ao, 嗷” a low roar sounded in all around jungle, the bushes shook, and the six calf-sized Mountain Forest Wolf protruded its silhouette out of the jungle. The wolf leaned forward with its limbs bent. , The wolf mouth drooling, it was actually a pack of wolves, apparently Liu Yu had become prey.

“Woo!” I saw a tall black wolf with shiny hair. After raising his head with a long roar, the six Mountain Forest Wolf flew out like arrows and rushed towards Liu Yu.

fire star flowing in all directions, the bonfire was smashed by wolves, and Liu Yu had disappeared in the same place, leaping high, the snow of Wind Sword frost in his hands condensed, a half moon sword energy, directly Mountain Forest Wolf split into two pieces.

“Huh!” A Mountain Forest Wolf covered with fiery-red wolf hair, opened his mouth and a huge ball of flame flew out, blasting towards Liu Yu in midair, while the other was a tall gray The wolf’s front paws vacated and swung their claws, and the two claw blades flew towards Liu Yu from the other side.

The “peng” flame ball exploded, exploding the Heavenly Fire star, Liu Yu turned on the “ink element cover” that came with the Skyhawk ink dye robe, and raised an ink-colored elliptical mask to resist flying. The flame ball and claw blade dodge at the same time, avoiding the volley bite of the black wolf.

Liu Yu hasn’t landed yet, and the other two ferocious Mountain Forest Wolf have pounced on the place where he is resting. If the calf-sized wolf body is pounced, the “Mo Yuan Cover” cannot withstand it. With a huge impact, Liu Yu couldn’t help being frowned, a “Giant Flame Bomb” charm was activated and threw it to the Mountain Forest Wolf on the left.

Then the right hand seals, condenses the mana, and casts the spell “Spirit Origin Shield”. A huge square spirit shield is formed in front of the Mountain Forest Wolf on the other side on the right. I see this Mountain Forest Wolf. , Slammed one head on the Quartet Spirit Shield, shook suddenly, was bounced and fell to the ground, howling in pain.

The Mountain Forest Wolf on the other side is even more miserable. The huge and fierce Fireball transformed by the “Giant Flame Bomb” was directly exploded into several pieces, blood and flesh splashed, and the air suddenly filled with thick Strong meaty fragrance.

Liu Yu landed a sword and cut through the throat of the Mountain Forest Wolf who was wailing on the ground. The blood rushed like a fountain, ending the life of this Mountain Forest Wolf.

“Oh oh!” The tall black wolf uttered a long howl at Liu Yu. The scarlet’s eyes were fierce and angry, but the black wolf took a few steps forward, and the fiery-head behind the wolf The red Mountain Forest Wolf hissed continuously.

The black wolf stared at Liu Yu who was holding a sword in the distance. He stepped back and forth in the same place. He roared from time to time, but after a few breaths he turned abruptly, carrying the remaining two Mountain Forest Wolf, and rushed in. In the jungle, in the blink of an eye, they disappeared into the darkness of the jungle.

Liu Yu not at all catch up, this jungle is deep and dim, this day has seen a lot of ferocious Spirit Beast haunt, it can be described as danger lurks on every side, can’t chase it rashly, put away “Snow Wind Sword “, Liu Yu took out a sharp knife and began to treat the three corpses of Mountain Forest Wolf on the ground.

These three Mountain Forest Wolf are stronger than the two he killed in Big Ox Mountain. Liu Yu first collects wolf blood, then peels off the wolf skin, and then starts to divide the wolf meat. After driving the mana to dry, put the wolf meat, wolf claws, and wolf skins into the storage bag. Because it is known in advance that there are many Spirit Beasts in Secret Realm, Liu Yu deliberately brought several storage bags this time, as well as a Spirit Beast Bag.

One hour later, only the bones of three coyote wolves were left in the clearing. Liu Yu did not take these bones away. They took up too much space. It was a pity that the wolf bones were chopped to pieces. Chinese yam, wolfberry, lotus seeds, yellow jing and several medicine ingredients are boiled over a slow fire, and the flavor is overflowing. The taste has not been tasted for a long time.

“Crescent Moon Secret Realm” is on a cliff west of the central area, a huge bird’s nest is built between the cliffs and rocks. The bird’s nest is made up of dry branches, withered grass, and rubbish rocks. The huge black eagle is dozing in the nest.

“Qua!” With a few low hums, the black eagle in the nest opened its blood-red eagle pupils, making it chilly, with its wings slightly outstretched and standing, about the size of an adult buffalo, and a pair of eagle claws. It was extremely sharp and glowing with a cold light like a stone. No, this eagle actually had three claws. I saw the head of the strange eagle swaying, its wings fluttered for several times, and it was about to fly.

“Li!” With a long roar resounding through the sky, the black eagle leaped out of the cliff, and first fell down. When it spread out its wings as huge as a sail, the eagle’s body rose from the ground. Its two wings spread out as much as three feet, and the two wings fanned together, sending out a buzzing splitting the air sound. The speed was as fast as lightning, and within a few breaths, it disappeared into the dark high sky.

“It should be here.” After a stick of incense, from behind the rock on the side of the cliff, three sword lights flew out and stopped on the huge bird’s nest among the rocks. One of them was thin and light. The man said happily.

“Third Brother is right! Judging from the body characteristics and breath of this giant claw eagle, it should be the mutated Foundation Establishment Stage “three-clawed eagle”, an ordinary giant Claw, how can an eagle have three claws!” said the strongest of the three.

“The giant claw eagle that flew away just now has Flood Dragon-like scales on the head, abdomen, and neck of the eagle. It is the characteristic of the “Flood Eagle” and the location is correct. , It was this “three-clawed eagle” that didn’t run away.” Xiahou Wu also nodded in reply.

“Big Brother, Third Brother, this beast should have gone to prey, and will return sometime, let’s hurry up.” Look at the huge bird’s nest and the scattered rocks below Various animal bones, Xiahou Wu guessed.

“Second Brother is right. This animal must be hungry. We need to hurry up and arrange the formations separately. Here!” The burly Xia Houfeng took out the six-handled cone-shaped “earth spirit formation cone” “, said to Second Brother Xiahou Wu and Third Brother Xiahou Yi.

I saw the three people separated, and shot the six “earth spirit formation cones” into the huge boulder of the cliff with the bird’s nest as the center, and then mixed the “psychic dust” with a special Spirit River Evenly, and then cast the spell with the array pen dipped in the mixed spiritual liquid, based on the six-handled cone array device, draw the spiritual line, and drew a giant six-pointed array on the cliff.

This special Spirit River is very expensive. It is made from moon shadow flower, spiritual grass, and broken wood. It is mixed with “psychic dust”, and the line drawn is colorless and tasteless. The hidden array exudes weak spirit strength. It takes so much time and effort to avoid the sensitive smell of the “Jiaoying”.

“Jiaoying” is a special rare Spirit Beast, advanced from the third-order “giant claw eagle” mutation. Only a few “giant claw eagles” within the body return to their ancestors and awaken the ancients “Lingjiao bloodline” has grown to reach the Foundation Establishment Stage for a hundred years, and it is possible to mutate and advance into the “Falcon Eagle”.

“Jiaoying” within the body contains the weak bloodline of Lingjiao. It uses the beast pill and blood essence within the body as the main medicine, supplemented by several other rare spiritual materials, and can be refined into Grade 4 The superior spirit pill “Jiaoying Pill”.

Taking this pill before foundation construction can not only improve the cultivator physique and increase its blood strength, but also increase the size of the Dao Foundation “Purple Mansion” after the foundation is successfully built. The effect is extremely inverse Heaven, but “Jiaoying” is too scarce, this pill has almost no stock on the market.

“Crescent Moon Secret Realm”, this newly advanced “three-clawed eagle” was discovered by the sect elite dísciple who entered Secret Realm in 20 years, but only this elite dísciple was discovered when it was discovered. Alone, and Secret Realm is close to shutting down, the eager ones who haven’t come come to siege this “three-clawed eagle”.

After this person published “Crescent Moon Secret Realm”, he reported the news to sect and got a lot of contribution points. This news is confidential, but Xiahou Family is sect One of the ten Great Family, naturally there is a way to learn this news.

After the opening of “Crescent Moon Secret Realm” this time, Xiahou Family won three places. The three direct descendants headed by Xiahou Wu, Xiahoufeng, the son of Xiahouhai, and Xiahouyi, the son of Xiahoukong, all entered ” Crescent Moon Secret Realm”, in order to work together to hunt down this “three-clawed eagle”, refining “Falling Eagle Pill” to build a foundation.

After the three entered “Crescent Moon Secret Realm”, they spent four days rushing to the agreed meeting place, and then it took more than half a day to find this one on the cliff.” After waiting for a short period of time for the nest of the “three-clawed eagle”, the “three-clawed eagle” flew away from the nest.

“Spirit line seals the array and closes”. When everything was arranged, Xia Houfeng made a seal with both hands and groaned softly, only to see the painted line glowing slightly, with six handles “earth spirit After the six-pointed array bursts with a burst of strong light, a third-order high-level trapped array “six soil trapped spirit array” has been formed.

“Okay, just wait for the animal to come back.” Xia Houyi said excitedly.

Among the three great grandchildren of Xiahou, his aptitude is the worst, Jin and Huo Dual Spiritual Roots, second brother Xiahou Wu is the best, Fire Element Heavenly Spiritual Root, big brother Xiahoufeng is also Dual Spiritual Roots, but the meridian purity and physique are much better than him, and he is the one who needs the “Flying Eagle Pill” the most.

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