This year’s “Measuring Spirit Conference” various sects received a large number of new dísciples, and Yellow Saint Sect added more than 4,000 Dao Children, all of whom were placed in the Primary Origin Palace for careful instruction, so sect sent a large number of people to the Primary Origin Palace as an assistant teacher. Tang Zhi became an assistant teacher. The original sect mission in Beiluan City has been cancelled.

Liu Yu has now reached the tenth level of Refining Qi, sect will no longer force to issue sect tasks, unless he actively goes to Myriad Works Hall to pick up tasks and earn Spirit Stone and contribution points. However, both Liu Yu are not lacking for the time being, so he stayed in Yellow Saint Mountain for the whole-hearted cultivation “Yellow Spirit Destroying Heart Art”.

Quiet days of cultivation, fast, and a year has passed in an instant, half a month after sect announced, open the mountainside “Crescent Moon Secret Realm”, “Crescent Moon Secret Realm” is a yellow-rank Secret Realm, The entrance is at the Yellow Sun Peak mountainside, and sect is opened every twenty years.

When Liu Yu was a celestial master in Gaocang Kingdom, he killed an Evil Cultivator with merit, sect rewarded the “Crescent Moon Secret Realm” place. Therefore, Liu Yu is also on the list of “Crescent Moon Secret Realm” this time. There is a mouthful of Crescent Moon Spring in this Secret Realm. Its spring water has magical effects and has many benefits. It is extremely important for Liu Yu who is about to build a foundation. .

“Master, can you be free recently?” In Yellow Sun Peak’s Cave Mansion near Yellow Spirit Cave, Zhang Yuanzhen came to see Master “Daoist Profound Wood” early.

“What’s the matter?” Daoist Profound Wood has a good face, a handsome face, and a moonwhite daoist robe. He is handsome and looks like he is younger than Zhang Yuanzhen.

“dísciple would like to ask the Master to have time to help make a “Clearing Heart Pill”.” Zhang Yuanzhen knows that Master has a straight-forward temperament.

“Oh! Someone under your sect is building a foundation? Li Feng? Or Zhou Chi?” Daoist Profound Wood poured a cup of “Monarch Mountain Silver Needle” spiritual tea, and asked casually. He knew that in Zhang Yuanzhen’s dísciple, Zhou Chi and Li Feng had been stuck in Refining Qi Great Perfection for some time.

“Li Feng’s “Feng Tian Xuan Jing” has been Great Accomplishment, and it is indeed about to build a foundation, but this “Clearing Heart Pill” was not prepared by him, but dísciple’s new discipline Liu Yu.” Zhang Yuanzhen said.

“Liu Yu?” Daoist Profound Wood couldn’t help but frown.

“Master, you don’t remember. I mentioned it to you last time. It was the Direct Disciple of Junior Brother Tang. After Junior Brother Tang was killed, dísciple took him in as a disciple.” Zhang Yuanzhen saw Daoist Profound Wood’s expression knows that he didn’t take it seriously.

“Oh! Listen to you saying that Liu Yu is not a three-line spirit root? Take in as a disciple. Take care of one or two, so why do you prepare for him a “Clearing Heart Pill”? After a few days, the teacher will be free and start the furnace to make the “Clearing Heart Pill”. You can give it to Li Feng directly.” Daoist Profound Wood indifferently said.

“Master, you have misunderstood, the spiritual materials needed to refine the “Clearing Heart Pill” were all prepared by Yuer himself. He wanted to find the “Hundred Apricots Forest” pill concocting, after dísciple knew , I came to find the Master to see if you are free and save him a lot of Spirit Stone.” Zhang Yuanzhen saw Daoist Profound Wood’s misunderstanding and explained quickly.

“Is that what Tang Hao originally prepared for him?” Daoist Profound Wood frowned asked.

“No, although Yuer is not a child of the family, she has had some chances over the years. The spiritual materials needed for “Clearing Heart Pill” are all prepared by him alone. He also has sect “Crescent Moon Secret Realm”. “The number of “Yellow Spirit Destroying Heart Art” is also close to Great Accomplishment. After Crescent Moon Secret Realm opens, it will retreat and build a foundation.” Zhang Yuanzhen went on to explain.

“It seems that you are very confident in this child. How old is he?” Daoist Profound Wood couldn’t help but ask with a hint of interest.

“36.” Zhang Yuanzhen directly replied.

“en! Not bad! But even if I drink Crescent Moon Spring water and take “Clearing Heart Pill”, according to the bottleneck of the three spirit roots, it is still not enough.” Daoist Profound Wood took a sip of spirit. Tea, shook his head and said.

“Master, Yuer, he is going to use the “double pill quenching field” secret technique to build the foundation, and dozens of spiritual materials for the “tempering field spiritual liquid” are also ready, just wait for the “Crescent Moon Secret” Realm “turned on.” Zhang Yuanzhen added.

“Secret technique of “double pill quenching field”? Let me show you!” Daoist Profound Wood’s eyes lit up and asked curiously.

“This is the recipe for this secret technique “Spiritual Liquid”, Master, do you think? According to Yuer, someone has successfully used this secret technique to build foundations. He met one of them when he was working in Beiluan City. Call Tian…” Zhang Yuanzhen said as he took out a scroll and spread it out.

“”Blood-spotted black taro”, “Di Fuguo”, “Qingfenglian”, “Huangzhu stem”, these four flavors are wonderful, but they are too scarce and the price is not low It must have taken a lot of effort for this child to get together!” Daoist Profound Wood nodded exclaimed.

“Master, in a few days, dísciple will send you the spirit material for refining “Clearing Heart Pill”?” Zhang Yuanzhen said while the iron was hot.

“en! This “double pill quenching field” method is very dangerous. This child dares to use this method to build a foundation, but he is a little courageous. It seems that Tang Hao has also received a good discipline. !” Daoist Profound Wood sighed said.

My most disappointing discipline is Tang Hao. The dísciples I collected are all crooked melons and jujubes, and no one can take them. After this war, it is also dead and wounded. , There are not many people left. Although they are all under his Xuanmu gate, Tang Hao is dead, and Xuanmu is even more inconspicuous to these disciples.

Ten days later, after Yellow Sun Peak, the mountain sect gated “Crescent Mountain”, the perennial fog has dispersed, revealing a huge formation carved on the surface of the rock, the four corners of the formation There are four Divine Beast bronze elephants in the town. The lines are mixed and densely packed. There are 20 empty circles in the center. The array is densely covered with ancient spells, which is extremely mysterious.

At this time, dozens of sword lights fell, and the leader was Yellow Saint Sect Sect Master “Sheng Yidaoist”. Today is the day when Yellow Saint Sect Yellow Grade Grade 7 “Crescent Moon Secret Realm” opened , Liu Yu wore a “Sky Eagle Ink Dye Robe” among them, and everyone stopped before the formation.

“Hao Yi, tell them what they need to pay attention to after entering Secret Realm.” Sheng Yi Daoist said to Bai Yucheng on the side.

“Okay, Master!” Bai Yucheng respectfully replied.

The “Crescent Moon Secret Realm” of “Crescent Moon Secret Realm” is opened every 20 years, and only 20 people are admitted each time. Secret Realm contains the Heaven and Earth Spirit Object “Crescent Moon Spring”, and its effect must be As you all know, Poor Daoist will not say more. These are twenty “Crescent Orders”. You should bring them one by one, and send them down at dawn.” Bai Yucheng handed the twenty triangular tokens to the side. Mu Tianming said.

“Crescent Moon Spring” is located in a Cave Mansion in the center of Secret Realm. The entrance to the Cave Mansion has an ancient prohibition. At least 15 “Crescent Moon Spring” can be opened. Yeah, you need to rush outside the Cave Mansion to gather, and then open the Cave Mansion together. There is not much water in the Crescent Moon Spring in the Cave Mansion, so everyone needs to share it equally. Can you hear clearly?” Bai Yucheng said sternly.

“dísciple understand!” Twenty dísciple who were about to enter Secret Realm responded in unison.

“Remember that there is no day and night in Secret Realm. The opening time is limited to ten days. At that time, Transmission Formation will appear next to Crescent Moon Spring. You can enter the array with the “Crescent Moon Order” before it can be transmitted. Secret Realm. In addition, Secret Realm has “Crescent Moon Grass”, one of the spiritual materials of the Foundation Establishment Pill. You must collect at least 30 trees. If you fail to complete it, sect will be punished severely.”

“This grass grows one red leaf every 20 years. Five-leaf red grass is the century-old “Crescent Moon Grass”. Remember that only “Crescent Moon Grass” with more than five red leaves can be collected. The century-old “Crescent Moon Grass” will also be severely punished by sect. Did you hear it clearly?” Bai Yucheng glanced at the crowd, and then said.

“dísciple understand!” Everyone responded in unison again.

“It’s good to understand. If you pick 30 “Crescent Moon Grass”, then for each additional plant you pick, sect will reward you with 200 points of contribution. In addition, there are many Spirit Beasts in Secret Realm. And some Spirit Beasts have reached the cultivation base, you need to be more careful, get ready, then enter the battle!” Bai Yucheng said nodded.

“Yu’er, be careful after entering Secret Realm!” Mu Tianming took Murong Yu’s hand and exhorted.

“I see, Elder Brother Mu!” With so many people around, Murong Yu couldn’t help blushing, and hurriedly withdrew his hands to keep up with everyone, and stepped inside the formation.

“Don’t worry! This Secret Realm is not very dangerous, Yuer will be fine with her.” Bai Yucheng saw his disciple look worried and said.

“Really? Master.” Mu Tianming subconsciously asked, Mu Tianming had successfully built a foundation a few years ago and opened up the Dao Foundation of the Four Houses, not at all specially waiting for “Crescent Moon Secret Realm” “Turn it on, otherwise, with his aptitude, he will definitely get a place in the Secret Mirror.

“hmph!” Bai Yucheng is lightly snorted, his own discipline is good at everything, it is too much affection for children.

Liu Yu followed the others into the array, stood in one of the twenty empty circles in the middle of the array, looked around all around, most of the twenty people who entered Secret Realm this time were strange faces. I met three people, one is Senior Sister Murong Yu standing next to him, and the other is Huang Tianhao from Xiahou Wu and Huang Family.

“Okay, the time has come, you stand up with the Concentration Mantra, don’t be distracted. This deity opens the array, opens the Secret Realm, and waits in.” Shengyi Daoist faced Liu Yu in the battle. and the others said.

“Heaven and Earth Primordial Chaos, place of charm and beauty, four elephants in an array, Huang Zhi Secret Realm · open” Sheng Yi daoist seals on both hands, whispering spells, a white hair and no wind automatically , The vast mana is injected into the “Four Elephant Sealing Spirit Array”.

I saw the five-color shining light on the ground, and the rays of light became brighter and brighter. The sky above the large array also showed a twisted and colorful spiritual light, slowly forming a spirit strength vortex, which spins rapidly , The faster the reprint, the larger the scope, and suddenly a pillar of light soaring into the sky suddenly rose from the ground formation, and the pillar of light instantly sank into the vortex in midair.

In the blink of an eye, the spirit strength vortex in the midair has disappeared, the torn space in the midair has been restored to its original state, the large array of ground light has also dissipated, and there is no Liu Yu and the others silhouette in the array. Obviously, they have all flown into the “Crescent Moon Secret Realm” together with the soaring beam of light.

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