Half a day later, a muffled sound of flapping wings came from a distance in the sky in the dark, and it became louder and louder. Soon, a huge silhouette appeared. In the sky above the cliff, I saw the “three-clawed eagle” clutching a big piebald tiger and fell back into the bird’s nest among the rocks.

“Hey!” The sharp giant claw of the eagle slashed the tenacious tiger skin of the flowering zebra, instantly breaking the dead king of the jungle, splashing dark blood, and staining the nest. The dark red stones and branches were wet again.

The sharp iron beak of the Jiao eagle is curved, with its head down and a peck. From the belly of the broken tiger, it picks up a section of red and yellow and swallows it up to the sky.

The “three-clawed water eagle” is huge in size and has an amazing appetite. It first swallows the internal organs of the piebald tiger, then pecks Old Hu’s body. The claws and long beak are used together to tear off the flesh and blood. One hour, the flesh and blood of an adult piebald tiger had entered the belly of the eagle, leaving only a bloody skeleton.

“Hey!” The Jiao Ying let out a satisfying low cry, swept his wings, swept the skeleton out of the nest, scattered into the pile of rocks and bones below, bent over the nest, and closed his blood pupils. , Apparently after a full meal, planning to sleep.

Just as the “three-clawed hawk eagle” leaned down on the ground, Xiahoufeng, who was hiding under a rock in the distance, made imprints with his hands and murmured: “Six soil trapped spirits, start.”

I saw the six “earth spirit array cones” originally inserted into the rock emitting dazzling aura, flying out from the cliff, and the line on the stone wall also lit up with strong light, a huge earth-colored array Formed in an instant, the surface of the array spirit shield glowed with earth-yellow aura, and the three-clawed flood eagle was enclosed in the array in a semicircular shape.

In a sudden change, Fang’s closed-eyed “three-clawed eagle” slammed its wings and jumped up from the nest. The huge eagle slammed its head against the “spirit strength barrier” of the array earth-yellow. , The surface of the transparent spirit shield was instantly sunken, but the three-clawed water eagle was also shocked by the huge rebound spirit strength.

“Second Brother, Third Brother, you attack with the sword, don’t let it run.” Xia Houfeng waved his hands and poured mana into the array, and said to Xiahou Wu and Xiahouyi while manipulating the array.

“Can’t run! The beast looks at the sword!” Xia Houyi excitedly rushed to the edge of the array spirit shield and immediately displayed the Imperial Sword Artifact. The Grade 4 Spiritual Artifact “Golden Cloud Sword” turned into a golden sword glow and moved towards the formation. The “three-clawed eagle” shot away.

Xiahou Wu on the side was not idle either. The amber-colored knife in his hand instantly burst into flames, slamming a “Raging Flames Slash”, and a huge half-moon flame blade glow flew out in the wind.

With a crisp sound of “clang”, the “Golden Cloud Sword” from the three-clawed dragon eagle and steel claws flew into the air, and then the two wings flapped, and the half-moon flame blade glow was shot apart.

“hmph!” Seeing the three-clawed eagle turning around and hitting the array spirit shield again, Xiahou Wu lightly snorted, with a wave of his left hand, a square ghost-faced iron shield flew out from small to large and transformed. A thick wall of flames is exactly the Grade 4 Intermediate Spiritual Artifact “Fire Ghost Shield” that Xiahou Wu carries with him.

“Fire Ghost Shield” suddenly stopped in front of the spirit shield. The three-clawed water eagle couldn’t stop it, and slammed into the wall of firework. There was a loud “peng” bang, thick iron The shield was knocked back a few feet, and the three-clawed water eagle also uttered a pain, and fell down, and a large part of its feathers were also lit.

“Li!” With a long roar resounding through the sky, the three-clawed eagle stabilized the falling eagle’s body, within the body Origin Qi erupted, the eagle’s body shook, and a layer of azure aura was passed on and displayed Out of the astral qi, a body-like protection, the three-clawed eagle surged rapidly, soaring, and once again hit the “Fire Ghost Shield” that turned into a huge wall of flames in the air.

A series of loud noises of “touch, touch, touch”, the huge eagle body of the Jiao eagle turned and hit the “Fire Ghost Shield” continuously, knocking the shield wall back continuously, and the shield surface was quickly dimmed , Xiahou Wu had to take back the “Fire Ghost Shield”. With the blessing of the body guard astral qi, this three-clawed eagle has greatly increased its impact, and the “Fire Ghost Shield” cannot withstand it.

“Quickly stop this beast!” After a stick of incense, Xia Houfeng’s face was pale and his hands were cursed, and Dantian’s mana madly injected into the “six-earth trapped spirit formation”, and the array spirit was covered by the three-clawed eagle. On the verge of collapse, he gritted his teeth and shouted.

Xiahouyi hurriedly threw out a rare Grade 4 “Five Spirit Slashing Yuan Talisman”. This charm turned into a five-color sharp blade after being excited, and it flashed out and hit the Jiao Ying belly. .

But the abdomen of the eagle is covered with black scales, and there is a protective body astral qi. This formidable power is no less than the five-color air blade of the cultivator full strength attack of the five provinces, only left on the abdomen of the eagle. A bloodstain that is not deep.

“Second brother, what should I do?” Xia Houyi looked astonished. The animal’s defense was too strong, and he couldn’t help but said anxiously.

“Third Brother, you go help the big brother to stabilize the array!” Xiahou Wu said with a sullen face as he watched the fierce three-clawed eagle rushing back and forth in the array.

Although the “Flying Eagle” is a different species, it is only advanced from the giant claw eagle. It is huge in size and has a brute force. Apart from the fast speed and the extremely difficult to pursue in the air, there is nothing special about it. Innate talent, logically speaking, is not difficult to deal with, not to mention that this eagle has been trapped inside the formation by them at this time.

However, this “Flood Eagle” in the formation is obviously a bit weird. It is said that the “Flood Eagle” is the same as the giant claw eagle. There are only two sharp claws, and the “Flood Eagle” in the formation has three. sharp claw.

The thick and thick scale armor covering the eagle’s head, abdomen, neck and other vital points is also unusually hard. Even the Grade 4 Advanced Spiritual Artifact “flame soldier” in his hand cannot break this scale armor. Defense.

From this point of view, this “three-clawed eagle” within the body, the bloodline of the awakened spirit dragon must not be weak. If you take it within the body, the beast pill and the refined blood refinement will be made into a “flood eagle pill” , Presumably the effect is more significant.

Thinking of this, Xiahou Wu couldn’t help but feel happy. Seeing the “three-clawed eagle” hit the array spirit cover again, he took out a two-foot-long spike-like Magical Artifact from the storage bag.

This spike-like Magical Artifact has a front end shaped like a gun tip, cold light flowing, and a Six Clawed Golden Dragon carved on the body. It is a rare Grade 5 “pillware” named “Coiling Dragon Pill” is the body protection given to him by his grandfather Xiahou Changxin.

“Pills” is the “Magical Artifact” of the lineage. The formidable power is huge and it is bred in Purple Mansion. If not for the “Pills” in Purple Mansion, others Even if the weapon repair himself is killed, it is difficult to take out the “Pill weapon” from the Purple Mansion of the device repair without damage.

This “Coiling Dragon Pill Heart Pill” is a Grade 5 pill. It stands to reason that Xiahou Wu’s cultivation base could not move at all, but this “Coiling Dragon Pill Heart Pill” is very special and belongs to Magical. For the consumption type in Artifact, Magical Artifact itself has the number of uses, and each time it is used, the Magical Artifact formidable power is reduced by one point.

This type of consumable Magical Artifact can be manipulated by the user with only a small amount of mana when attacking. The formidable power almost depends on the Magical Artifact itself, and does not require high levels of cultivation base and Soul Power for the user.

However, the refining of this type of Magical Artifact is very difficult, and the required refining materials are mostly rare things, plus consumables, so this type of Magical Artifact Cultivation World is rare.

“Pan Long Potian, go!” When the three-clawed water eagle got closer, Xiahou Wu drove mana into the “Coiling Dragon Pill” floating in the air, whispering.

I saw the “Coiling Dragon Pill” with great aura, the high-speed rotation of the body turned into a crimson dragon shadow and flew out, like a flash of light, it instantly penetrated the “three-clawed dragon eagle” “The huge body shot in from the lower abdomen, and flew out from the back, tearing open a huge wound, and blood spilled into the sky.

With a sound of “peng”, the three-clawed eagle fell straight from the air, crushing the nest below all split up and in pieces, and the three-clawed eagle wailed in pain. Tumbled among the rocks and bones, three sharp claws waved wildly, raising clouds of dust.

“Li!” After a long cry of pain, the eagle eyes of the three-clawed flood eagle are blood red, allowing the huge wound in the abdomen to flow like blood, spreading its wings and flying again, stimulate within the body Origin Qi, the eagle body The azure light of the protective body was flourishing, staring at Xiahou Wu outside the array, and bumped his head.

Xiahou Wu did not drive the “Coiling Dragon Pill Heart Sting” again, and carefully recovered the storage bag. This “Pill Tool” has not been used many times. If it weren’t for the “Jiaoying Pill”, Xiahou Wu was reluctant to use this thing at all. The spirit strength of this pill was only enough to use it three times, and minus this time, there were only two remaining.

“Second Brother, help, this beast is crazy!” The three-clawed water eagle has gone into a rage, even if part of the intestine has leaked from the abdominal wound, it keeps hitting the array spirit cover, Formation earth-yellow With the trembling of the spirit shield being hit, Xia Houfeng hurriedly called Xiahou Wu to help. He and Xiahouyi both controlled the array and couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Spirit-trapped array, seal!” Xiahou Wu immediately sealed with both hands, dantian Spirit Sect opened wide, and mana was injected into the “six-earth trapped spirit array” below, enhancing the defense strength of the array spirit cover, If the three-clawed eagle rushed out of the array, with the eagle’s speed, it would be difficult to catch up once it escaped.

After a stick of incense, the violent “three-clawed eagle” in the array is showing fatigue, the astral qi of the eagle’s body is weak, and the impact that hits the array’s spiritual shield is getting weaker and weaker, and it starts to continue. With a screaming cry, although the wound in the abdomen is no longer bleeding, the origin Qi of this eagle within the body has been exhausted, and it is obviously an arrow at the end of its flight.

“Second brother, this beast is almost out of energy! Let’s slaughter it now!” Xia Houyi said excitedly when he saw the scene in the formation.

“Not busy, wait a minute!” Xiahou Wu said cautiously. This “three-clawed eagle” has been hit hard and is trapped in the formation. It will only become weaker and weaker. After a period of time, if you don’t waste as easy as pie, you can take down this “three-clawed eagle”.

“Boom, boom, boom”, dozens of huge Fireball suddenly flew from a distance like a meteor, and blasted on the spiritual shield of the “six soil trapped spirit formation”, resulting in a series of violent explosions. The huge impact shattered the array spirit cover almost instantly.

“Huang Tianhao, what do you want to do!” Three sword light flew close, and Xiahou Wu could see at a glance that the man was the enemy Huang Tianhao, and there were two other Huang Family grandchildren Huang Tianjun and Huang Tianyong. All three of them were Old Acquaintance and could not help shouting angrily.

The words of “Zi, Zi” did not fall, and the “three-clawed eagle” that had been languishing in the array had exhausted the last trace of Origin Qi, and it would explode on the verge of collapse. The spirit shield smashed into pieces, his wings spread out, and he broke through the air, fleeing to the horizon at great speed.

“You Xiahou Family want to eat alone again? Dreaming!” Huang Tianhao laughed at this and said to the three of Xiahou Wu, and then ignored Xiahou Wu’s curse and used the Imperial Sword Technique to compete with Huang Tianjun and Huang Tianyong. Human, turned into three sword light, chased in the direction where the “Three-Clawed Flood Eagle” fled.

“Damn it, I am going to kill these three grandsons!” Xiahou was so angry that he cursed.

“Chasing!” Xia Houfeng cast back the six “earth spirit formation cones”, then clenching one’s teeth and said with a cold face.

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