2nd day, all around the “Testing Spirit Dojo” is still the inner three floors and the outer three floors. The vast crowd and the entrance to the east gate are still lined up, and you can’t see the head at a glance.

Although only one little girl entered Immortal Sect yesterday, I heard that this little girl was originally just a little maid in a rich man’s mansion. Sure enough, in front of the door, there are no different categories. The interest of the people is getting higher and higher, it can be described as in a frenzy, and they rushed over early.

After one hour, some of the wealthy and wealthy people who spent money on the top have all tested. A strong man dressed in coarse clothes and a thin black boy walked up to the high platform. At the sign of the Taoist, the little boy pressed his left hand on the “Five Elements Spirit Test Disk”.

I saw that the Central Region of the “Five Elements Test Pan” first showed white luminescence, and after a few breaths, the outer circle of the silver plate lit up with four different auras, and the four auras appeared green and green respectively. Blue, flaming red, and deep yellow, the robust man saw the silver plate shining brightly, his face was ecstatic, and he couldn’t help saying: Bless the ancestors, God opens his eyes!


“Look! The silver plate is lit up again!”

“This is four kinds of auras, There were many little girls yesterday.”

“Blessed is this family!”


all around The crowd suddenly sounded in exclamation, again Someone has detected the spirit root, and the crowd is full of emotions, and they are all talking about it.

“Immortal Master, my dog ​​can enter Immortal Sect now! Let me take the dog home first, see his mother, and then go to Immortal Sect with you ?” Jing Robust Man Zi was overjoyed, and smiled to the “Xuanhan Taoist” who was on the side.

“This benefactor, Ling’er has no relationship with this sect, let’s go!” Taoist Xuanhan looked excited when he saw the Robust Man. Although he couldn’t bear it, he said.

“Immortal Master, you, what did you say?” The robust man was stunned for an instant and stammered.

“Immortal Master, why is this? Isn’t the magic weapon illuminated? There are three more auras than the little girl yesterday, why not accept my dog?” Robust man came back to his senses, couldn’t help but continue to say excitedly.


“Ah! Why don’t you accept it?”

“Isn’t it said that Bao’s lightening of the five colors means that he has a spirit root?”


“Yes, why don’t you have a spirit root? Don’t you say that there are no different levels in front of the door?”

All around the crowd whispered to each other after seeing this change, He made buzzing noises and cast puzzled and suspicious eyes on the high platform.

“Everyone stayed quiet and listened to Poor Daoist’s words that the measuring disc was lit up with four circles of spiritual light. This Little Brother really has a spirit root, which is four elements spirit root of wood, water, fire and soil. However, the spirit root is too messy and unfavorable for cultivation and cultivation. The more single the spirit root, the better the aptitude. The minimum entry standard in this case is the three-line spirit root, so this Little Brother did not meet the requirements for admission. Taoist Xuanhan waved his hand to calm the onlookers, and explained.

“Immortal Master, can you make an exception and accept my dog ​​to get started. The dog can help me in the field when he is very young. He will definitely work hard. Please! Please!” Jing Robust man knelt to the ground abruptly, banging his head and begged.

“Ooo! Ooo! Dad!” The thin black boy leaned close to the robust man, his eyes red from crying.

“Hey! Dadao is sentimental and ruthless. I can’t force it, take along to withdraw!” Taoist Xuanhan sighed, turning around and said.

A team of officers and soldiers immediately took the stage and drove off the robust man and the thin black boy who were still begging on the stage.

“Hey! What a shame!”

“Yes! I have a spirit root, what a shame!”

“Yes! This Immortal Sect It’s really hard to get in!”

“Who said no, Immortal Sect is difficult, it is difficult to get into the sky!”


all around the crowd see this In one scene, while feeling a pity for the thin black boy, Huihui laments that Immortal Sect is difficult to enter. The people in the east gate of the dojo squeezed their hands with sweat, and secretly prayed in their hearts, ancestors bless, Fairy Jianyue bless, bless their children Can be successfully selected into Immortal Sect.

“Uncle Chen! Go to the back door and invite this team of father and son to the house. If they provide conditions, try their best to satisfy them.” From the outside of the dojo, the local cultivation family in Shuoyang City, Huang Family Young Master immediately said to Steward Chen on the side.

Huang Family is a cultivation family in reputation, but there are five people in the clan who are full of cultivators, all of them are Loose Cultivator. The highest cultivation base is patriarch Huang Ci, who is Refining Qi 6-Layer, in Shuo Yang Taoist Temple should be dedicated to Taoists.

Accordingly, Huang Family is not even a small cultivation family. It is a cultivation family to the outside world, but it is actually putting gold on its own face.

A few days ago, patriarch Huang Ci ordered him to guard outside the “spiritual testing dojo”. Once the spirit root appears, he cannot enter the child of Yellow Saint Sect because of the messy spirit root. The way to adopt this child to the home, no amount of money spent is worth it.

“I see, Young Master!” Chen Steward immediately replied, took two guards, and rushed to the back door of the dojo.

Not far away, the third patriarch of Li Family, another cultivation family in Shuoyang City, personally took the servants to the back door of the dojo. In addition to these two, the medium-sized cultivation family Tao Family and Jiang Family of Pingyang Fucheng also Clansman had already been dispatched, and he was waiting at the back door of the “Testing Spirit Dojo”.

More than a month later, the four sword lights moved towards the Yellow Saint Mountain, which penetrated the clouds and flew away. It was Liu Yu who returned from Shuoyang City. This time Shuoyang City always found nine soul boys who met the requirements of sect for apprenticeship, two were named spirit root, three were dual spirit roots, and four were three spirit roots.

“Immortal Master, is it coming soon!” The little girl asked auspiciously, looking at the towering fairy mountain in the distance.

“en! Almost there!” Liu Yu’s sword carried a little girl, nodded replied.

“Immortal Master, can I worship you as a teacher?” The little girl clasped Liu Yu’s clothes corner tightly and said expectantly.

“No need to call me Immortal Master, after entering Sect, just call me Senior Brother. Senior Brother has not yet built a foundation and cannot accept students, and you need to study and cultivation at the Primary Origin Palace for many years After your cultivation base reaches the Refining Qi 4-Layer and passes the Primary Origin Palace assessment, you can worship as an apprentice under the senior sect.” Liu Yu laughed and introduced it to a little girl.

“Oh!” The little girl answered with a bit of disappointment.

Soon, the four Liu Yu and the nine soul boys landed on the square of the Primary Origin Palace built at the foot of Yellow Saint Mountain. Several registered wooden sheds were erected on the side of the square. The Sect Senior Brother, who had rushed back from the provinces of the eight countries earlier, was leading the soul boy to register in front of the wooden shed.

“Junior Xuanhan pays homage to Martial Uncle Bai!” When he came to the registered wooden shed, Taoist Xuanhan saw a person in the shed. It was Martial Uncle Bai Yucheng, and said in a respectful respect.

“dísciple Li Feng, Liu Yu, Tang Zhi, pay homage to Martial Uncle Bai!” Liu Yu and the three also came forward and said.

“Oh! It’s Xuanhan! How many people are there?” Bai Yucheng smiled replied. Bai Yucheng was ordered by the Master “Sheng Yidaoist” to receive, register and arrange the Measuring Spirit Conference new After the war, Sect killed a large number of dísciples after the war, and needed a lot of new dísciples.

“Thanks to Martial Uncle, this time Shuoyang Mansion and his party have received nine soul boys.” Taoist Xuanhan immediately replied.

“en! Hard work!” Bai Yucheng is nodded, judging from the number of spirit children brought back by the twenty-odd teams that have returned, the results of this Measuring Spirit Conference are not bad, far exceeding the number Records of several large-scale apprentices in prehistoric times.

But after thinking about it, this is normal. After all, this time sect made an exception to lower the entry aptitude requirements, and then said to Direct Disciple Mu Tianming on the side: “Quickly register!”

“Okay, Master!” Mu Tianming nodded replied, smiling and kindly said to Taoist Xuanhan: “Xuanhan Senior Brother, bring them here.”

“This kid is called Yu Yan Seven years old this year! Earth Element single spirit root!” After everyone moved aside, Taoist Xuanhan pointed to the little boy with a dirty head and said.

“en! Yu Yan! Earth Element single spirit root!” Mu Tianming opened a thick book, carefully examined it for a while, and then took a pen to write “Yu” on one page of the book “Rock”, and then said to a Yellow Saint Sect dísciple on the side: “Take the Jiazi Yinban!”

“I see, Senior Brother Mu!” This Yellow Saint Sect dísciple was first complied, and then stepped forward to pull up Xiao Yuyan’s hand, and said: “Little Brat, let’s go!”

“little girl, what’s your name!” Mu Tianming then asked.

“Auspicious!” The second place is auspicious little girl, replied in a low voice.

“Is this your nickname? Or your real name?” Mu Tianming slightly frowned asked.

“By the way, Jixiang is an orphan. She doesn’t know her name, others call her Xiao Jixiang.” Tang Zhi explained hurriedly.

“Think about it carefully. The name of a person is the evidence of Heaven and Earth. It contains the essence, qi and spirit, and auspiciousness of the person. It is too sloppy! Unfavorable cultivation.” Mu Tianming said carefully.

“When I was young, there was an old grandma who called me Yueer.” Little girl Jixiang said slightly red.

When she was very young, a kind old grandma called her Yue’er in the house. If it weren’t for this old grandma’s care, she would have either starved to death, died of illness or died of freezing. After the grandma passed away , No one treats her well anymore.

“The moon is clear, right and wrong. It also reflects the picture, the whole world, this name is a big way, it is acceptable, little girl, can you remember the last name?” Mu Tianming nodded said.

“I heard the old lady mention that Yue’er, my parents died early, I don’t know what surname?” little girl shook the head.

“If your parents are dead, then you will be independent, choose a surname of your choice, born between Heaven and Earth, and stand up after the road breaks.” Mu Tianming encouraged.

“Immortal Master, can Yue’er be surnamed Liu?” little girl looked towards Liu Yu and asked with blinking eyes.

“You don’t need to ask me, you can do it!” Looking at the little girl’s slightly red tears, Liu Yu felt a little bit relieved and replied.

“From today, I will be Liu Yueer.” After receiving Liu Yu’s answer, the little girl burst into tears and said firmly.

“Take Renzi Haiban!” Mu Tianming glanced at Liu Yu and the determined little girl in front of him, laughed at the corner of his mouth, and wrote “Liu Yueer” on one page of the thick book. , Then said.

“Immortal Master, after Yue’er passes the assessment, can you worship you as a teacher?” The little girl, after being taken a few dozen steps, turned her head and asked Liu Yu loudly.

“If I succeed in building a foundation, and you have not changed your mind, naturally you can!” Liu Yu said with a bitter smile, this little girl is really a headache.

“Master, you will be successful!” Liu Yueer said to Liu Yu confidently, and then turned around and followed along.

“Senior Brother, I think Yue’er is not going to be a teacher, but I obviously want to recognize you as a father. Can I be a godfather for Yue’er?” Tang Zhi smiled early when he saw this scene. Said to Liu Yu’s side.

“Ha, ha! Junior Brother Liu, really didn’t expect this trip down the mountain, you actually accepted a daughter.” Taoist Xuanhan and Li Feng couldn’t help laughing.

“Don’t make trouble!” Liu Yu said to Tang Zhi annoyedly with a flushed face.

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