Let's go!

Jin Yulan said.

Let's go, where?

Ye Jue looked at Jin Yulan.

This woman has a changeable temperament!

She and Su Yan are completely different types!

He had no deep contact with the second woman.

I don’t know what Jin Yulan is thinking!

Anyway, he got what he wanted now.

The energy of the five elements!

Now he has Hongmeng, Creation, Xuanhuang, Five Elements, and four ancient qi in his body!

My own boxing technique, Hongmeng Xuanhuang Five Elements Boxing...

The name is too long!

Ye Jue's mind changed and he came up with a new name.

Taikoo free boxing technique!

Now this boxing technique is integrated with the air of freedom, coupled with the power of the five elements, the movement of the five types of materials: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth!

With one punch, the relationship between things will be shattered!

Constantly creating and inhibiting each other, the power to maintain coordination and balance is exerted!

This makes Taikoo Kickboxing more stable.

He won't be as crazy and rough as before!


No one can stop the fist of freedom, no god can resist it!

This is so much more powerful than adding time!

It’s a complete sublimation!

The power of this black domain treasure goes beyond that.

The Lord of the Black Domain handed this thing over to him to test whether he could protect it.

Thinking of this...

Ye Jue subconsciously asked Jin Yulan: Let's go, where are we going?

Of course you are looking for other ancient qi. You are now possessed of the four paths. You want all the ancient qi to force out the power of killing three corpses, right? Because once this power breaks out, you will die and become The worst-case scenario for the puppet of the three-corpse-killing powerhouse is that his body will be directly taken over and his consciousness will be wiped out.

Jin Yulan knew what Ye Jue's situation was now.

He was so eager to find the ancient energy just to force him to make this move.


The following ancient energy is quite difficult to obtain.

Can't do it without her help.

Such as the energy of chaos.

That's on the leader of Chaos Zuma.

This person controls the Chaotic Star Sea and has disappeared. He is a person of the same era as her.

He was stronger than her at that time, but I don't know how strong he is now.

But it's definitely terrifying.

It has not been born for so long, maybe it is possible to surpass the three pillars.

Her thoughts were conveyed to Ye Jue without speaking.

My mouth is tired from saying so much at once.

Chaos Zuma Leader, I really want to find him. There is a cancer in the sea of ​​chaos that needs to be eliminated. This leader is guarding this cancer. I don't know what the purpose is. One of the purposes of the Lord of the Black Domain is to eliminate the cancer and say that he can restore the blackness. The power of the domain world.”

Ye Jue said while flying: However, this Chaos Zuma leader has turned into a world smaller than dust in the sea of ​​stars. I don't know where he is hiding. Looking for it is like looking for a needle in a haystack, so let's forget it for now.

This chaotic energy is no less difficult than obtaining the Taichu Corpse Energy from Ye Yi!


He decided to get the Taichu Corpse Qi at the very end.

Because the duel with Ye Yi must be at the end.

When he and Ye Yi fight, the strong man who kills three corpses will revive and eliminate them both at the same time.


Ye Yi is also moving in the black world, not knowing how to neutralize his chess pieces.

But Ye Jue had a feeling that this person must have a solution!

No less than his collection of ancient energy!

The idea shook and was captured by Jin Yulan.

I see, you want to put Taichu Corpse Qi at the end, which is a good choice. You still have three qi left, Taichu, Chaos, and Prehistoric!

Jin Yulan stopped and said: Chaos, there is still a chance in the beginning, but no one knows about this ancient power, not even me. Are you sure you can find it?

Because even the ancient energy that I can't feel must have dissipated between heaven and earth and no longer exists.

How do you get it?

To this.

She had great doubts.

The Qi of the Ancient Desolate... There is a power in my body that I have been cultivating until now. It was brought from the wasteland. I once got a fallen treasure. Now think about it, that lost treasure is contaminated with the Qi of the Ancient Desolate. It is called Turn into a giant in one breath.

Ye Jue said suddenly.

Buzz! !

He raised his hand, and there was really a magical power spinning in his palm like a whirlwind.

But it's too weak and not enough to watch.

The power that should have been discarded was, by chance, placed in the deepest parts of some cell particles in the body.

After many upgrades and sublimations, it was almost obliterated.

It is already very difficult to extract this little bit now.

Hey, this power does have some aura of prehistoric energy, but you have to let it transform and completely become prehistoric energy!

Jin Yulan's eyes flashed: If you have obtained the power of the ancient world, then you will have the five kinds of Qi. As long as the leader of Chaos Zuma touches your body, the Chaos Qi will be sucked away in an instant. This is inevitable, because the Qi Harmony attracts each other!

How to transform is a problem!

Ye Jue didn't know how to change.

This power is not consistent with the power of the gods in the black world.

I do know.

Jin Yulan suddenly smiled: There is a person in the Black Realm. He has mastered the corpses of the ten ancient terrifying beasts. Each of these ten ancient terrifying beasts has a trace of the primitive and pure energy from the ancient times. Drive them to move, and if you kill them, roll the original pure energy into a ball, and swallow it, it will be able to sublimate directly, and maybe you can directly transform into the ancient energy!

Who is this person?

Ye Jue looked at Jin Yulan.

How does he feel?

Is this woman up to no good?

These words...

They all seem to have a purpose.

You also know this person.

Jin Yulan raised the corner of her mouth.

You're not the Emperor of the Moon Palace, are you?

Ye Jue was speechless for a moment.

Only the Emperor of the Moon Palace has not been in contact with him.

Those who can master the corpses of the ten most terrifying beasts from ancient times must have great power and strength.

Besides the four emperors of the Black Realm, who could be compared to the three pillars, who else could it be?

That's him, the Emperor of the Moon Palace. He was in the Moon Palace in the Black Domain. When the world of mortals came to the starry sky, he moved the entire Moon Palace into the Black Domain world and disappeared. The divine dragon saw its head but not its tail.

Jin Yulan immediately said: Even you can't find him. No one can find where he is.

Can't find it?

Ye Jue called out to the divine calculator in his heart.

Let him calculate the position of the uterus and moon palace.

Who knows, just quote an astronomical figure of 5 billion resolution!

This made him blush.

The analytical power is simply not enough.

There is simply too little analytical power gained from extracting material now.

It's a good thing but he's not willing to analyze it thoroughly.

Because items that are completely analyzed will be erased and become waste.

He plundered so many worlds and obtained countless high-level weapons, all of which were used for analysis.

That's it, it's only 100 million.


He is killing a weak ancestor like Gale Yang. If he kills one, he has 100 million analytical powers!

But we can force him out.

Jin Yulan showed a successful smile in advance.


Ye Jue frowned.

Could it be...

That's right, we are completely declared together.

Jin Yulan smiled brightly, as if she had convinced him, and continued: Ye Jue, you don't need to be so afraid of me. I have no ill intentions towards you now. Instead, I admire you very much. You look at the vast world and you are admired by me. No one, not even the Emperor of the Moon Palace, has been used and abandoned by me. Do you know what kind of woman I am now?

I know, you scumbag.

Ye Jue's mouth froze.

On this earth, wouldn't she be a scumbag?

Moreover, the scumbag doesn’t know it!

Humph, Ye Jue, let me tell you, I am actually the reincarnation of a certain big shot in ancient times, just like the three-corpse-killing strongman in you. Otherwise, why do you think so many people want me? Is it really just for the energy of the Five Elements? A mere trace of ancient energy is too small to improve top gods like them, but they actually want to gain my origin!

Jin Yulan snorted coldly.

Her Yunfeng Immortal Traveling Technique and Blood Demon Feathers were all inherited.

Otherwise, how could even the three pillars be unable to do anything to her?

What big shot?

Ye Jue asked curiously.

I don't know either. The Yunfeng Immortal Traveling Technique and the Blood Demon Feather are too ancient. Only people from the ancient times know about it. Maybe you caused the ancient qi catastrophe and resurrected the strong man who killed three corpses. Can you tell me?

Jin Yulan laughed, turned around and flew down.

This is her other residence, in the center of Nanbatian World, in the Fairy City of the Chamber of Commerce.

When many gods saw her coming, it was like seeing their ancestors falling like meteors, and they bowed their heads in various places to greet her.


Ye Jue hesitated for a moment and then flew in.


Bold boy!

Stay here!

All of a sudden, it caused a sensation!

Those immortals of the Chamber of Commerce are all Immortal Emperors, and there are countless Immortal Lords.

He was kowtowing when he suddenly saw a man also falling into the fairy city.

Suddenly I felt that I had bumped into the wrong person.

Because it is impossible for Jin Yulan to bring the man back here.

Stop, stop, don't they know? You dare to stop the people who were flying together just now?

Suddenly, someone was extremely shocked and blocked everyone, holding up a light curtain to stop everyone.

It's him?

Oh my God, are they really together?

“I thought it was fake, but I didn’t expect it to be true!”

For a moment, all the gods in the Immortal City were shocked!

Si Ben, Zhong Lining, Xu Ling, you announce to the outside world and convey the news to the entire black world that I will get married here and hold a unique feast!

Jin Yulan's neither salty nor bland voice resounded.


Deadly silence...

Yes, ancestor!

The gods who were called by their names trembled all over and looked at each other in disbelief.

This is...

Shocking explosion! ! !

This, this, this...

In each other's eyes, they saw the look of disbelief and unacceptability in each other's pupils!

The Black Territory...is going to change again!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The news that Jin Yulan was getting married spread instantly from the Black World!

So fast! !

Every immortal in the Chamber of Commerce is using the Great Voice Transmission Technique to inform this matter.

Thirteen chain chambers of commerce are spread across every powerful world...

Can the news not spread?

In almost half a day, from the virtual immortal to the immortal emperor, from monsters to immortals who are not human, they all know it!

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