Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 943 The existence of transcendent particles!

So, how did the ancient gods die? They surpassed their ancestors and are invincible. Their strength can still resist the world of mortals. Why did they die?

Ye Jue frowned.

This conversation somewhat broke his cognition.

He had always believed that the strange world of mortals would come down and everything would be destroyed, and everything would be destroyed.

Every life will be evaporated, leaving only the soul remaining in the world.


Jin Yulan actually said that the ancient gods had the strength to compete with Hongchentian?

This left him speechless.

Don't know what to say.

Ancient times, ancient times, ancient times, middle times, new times, the present world...

He is a living person, and it is true that he only heard about things that happened in previous eras.

You want to know? Stop taking in the power of the Five Elements right now, and I will tell you!

Jin Yulan finally revealed her purpose.

I told Ye Jue so much just to catch him.

Now if you want to know the secret, you have to trade.

As the president of a chamber of commerce in a big world, she is very familiar with the tricks of being a businessman.

That's okay, after all, I've already taken enough.

Ye Jue smiled slightly.

The power of the five elements in Jin Yulan's body, this ancient energy, is very strong.

Much more than Hongmeng, Creation, and Xuanhuang!

He had inhaled the same amount of ancient energy and didn't need more.

Okay, okay...

Jin Yulan felt that more than half of the Five Elements Qi had been squeezed out, and now it stopped. She immediately slapped it with her hand and completely sealed the cave.

She has firmly tied the Five Elements Qi and will never let anyone else succeed.

Say it now.

But Ye Jue still didn't let go of her body.

Because once you let go, the person will run away immediately.

It's even harder to catch.

Can't you deduce it? It must be caused by high-entropy bodies in deep space. In previous eras, they went to war with the Black Territory!

Jin Yulan looked directly into Ye Jue's eyes.


Ye Jue's heart moved and his brows raised.

He had heard the truth before.

The high-entropy body and the mythical body have been at war since ancient times!


High-entropy bodies seem to be suffering continuously.

Ultimately creating an anti-universe unintentionally!


The Lord of the Black Realm needs to ignite the war of the Six Paths Era!

The flames of war are ignited, and the world of mortals descends!

Is there going to be another war?

Deep space and black territory?

It seems you are not stupid. You know why I was so scared when I saw the flames. The Lord of the Black Territory, the heart of the Black Territory, is going to declare war on deep space!

Jin Yulan chuckled.

A war? A war in deep space? Can the mythical body win?

Ye Jue frowned.

This Lord of the Black Realm…

What are you thinking about?

At this juncture, choose to declare war on deep space?

Nowadays, there is endless chaos in the mythical body. The three pillars and ten thousand phases are at war with each other. Each top immortal has his own goals and secret arrangements.

It is absolutely impossible to fight against the enemy wholeheartedly!

The Lord of the Black Realm, is he crazy?

How can you win? You can never imagine how powerful and powerful deep space is. The ancestor is at his peak? Haha, it's just a joke. It's just a life with stronger particle purity. As long as it's still a life, high-entropy bodies can suppress it. , suppress, even crush!

Jin Yulan said repeatedly.

Is deep space so terrifying? What kind of power do those high-entropy bodies in deep space have?

Ye Jue's scalp was numb.

He felt like he was close to invincible now.

Even the ancestor at his peak can be controlled by force!

Isn't it child's play to deal with high-entropy bodies?

It seems that you really don't know anything. Our mythology, no matter how we cultivate, we can't escape particles. Starting from the most basic particles, we have evolved all the way, evolving into various cultivation paths in different eras. In the end, we are still flesh and blood, cells... …”

Jin Yulan said this: You see, I am the ancestor of the peak, the most powerful life level in the black realm, but I am still in human form, made of flesh, composed of cells, and particles exert force, right?


Ye Jue was speechless.

Really? The substances that make up the body are all made up of known basic particles. No matter which era, it is the same in the end. Your and my cultivation systems must be different, but now, you are not an ancestor yet, we are all the same .”

Jin Yulan said with a smile: The high-entropy bodies in deep space have surpassed particles!

Transcendental particles? What kind of existence is that?

Ye Jue was extremely stunned.

What does this exist for?

Still human?

Is a body that transcends particles still a human form?

Or is it just consciousness that exists?

Is consciousness invincible?

Can you defeat the particle mythical body easily?

in this way?

Haha, I knew you would be surprised!

Jin Yulan giggled, her laughter was pleasant, her teeth were exposed, and they were very white and bright.

Of course I'm surprised. Particles are the path that I think can continue to evolve. Now that you're talking about transcending particles, won't I be amazed?

Ye Jue did not hide his feelings and said calmly.

Haha, you are quite interesting. In all these years, I have never seen a person like you. I kind of like you.

Jin Yulan's eyes narrowed slightly, like crescent moons, looking up and down at Ye Jue's face.

This face is flawless, without any impurities, the eyes are slender, like knives, and there are no other features.

She has no concept of being handsome anymore.

After living for so many years, everyone looks like a bird.


A change in mood.

The way you look at people will naturally change accordingly.

Come on, you are a grandma-level person, do you want an old cow to eat young grass?

Ye Jue only lived for a few thousand years and sneered at this.


This is an old goblin with complicated thoughts. Can someone like him who only has one wife guess it right?


This girl, Jin Yulan, gnawed more tender grass than he ate fish.

Don't call me grandma!

Jin Yulan was obviously disgusted by this title.

It seems that no matter what age women are, they are very sensitive to age.

Ye Jue smiled.

Huh, Ye Jue, you will understand it once you meet the high-entropy body that transcends particles. I can't explain it, because when the high-entropy body in the deep space and the ancient gods started fighting, it was also accompanied by the arrival of the world of mortals, and both sides were in the big world. Retreat at a disadvantage, the Ancient God's side suffered the heaviest casualties, so severe that the entire group was wiped out!

What Jin Yulan said was the truth.

This transaction is not a loss at all for Ye Jue.

At least let him know the truth.

Although there are still hell, heaven, my own secrets, etc. that have not been revealed...


The words of Jin Yulan, a top immortal, were very effective in sorting out the epochal line.

Then tell me, is the ancient god a particle body?

Ye Jue asked.

You ask me, how do I know? Do you think I look like an ancient god?

Ye Jue coughed slightly and said, Okay, you have experienced the world of mortals, why is your memory so clear? Do you remember these secrets?

It's not a secret, every peak ancestor knows something about it.

Jin Yulan shook her head and suddenly said with a smile: Ye Jue, how much longer do you want to hold me? Are you too comfortable and don't want to let go?


Ye Jue also got what he wanted and let go of his arms.

Once they let go, both sides were silent for a while.

Jin Yulan was the first to speak, and said with a sneer: Now that you have obtained the Qi of the Five Elements, you are satisfied, but you and I planted the cause and effect, and greened the Emperor of the Moon Palace. Are you really not afraid of him?

I said, I have provoked all the four princes of the Black Realm, who have I been afraid of?

Ye Jue smiled again and said: Why did your expression become so cold again? Could it be that you and the Emperor of the Moon Palace really have feelings for each other? After you took advantage of him, you escaped from the marriage and didn't let him touch a finger of yours. You still brag about him like this. What to do?


When Jin Yulan heard this, he shouted: Ye Jue, I know you are not afraid of anything, but you still have to be afraid of some things. I am not bragging. Although you have obtained the Black Realm Treasure and the Five Elements Qi, But at best, you are just like me, and you are good at escaping. If you encounter someone who is truly powerful, how will you fight?

Relying on your own boxing technique? I know you have a Feathering Mirror. This object will transform into one body of heaven and earth. When you let it completely transform, you can then think about fighting against the Emperor of the Moon Palace!

Not only the Emperor of the Moon Palace, but also Prince Qing, the Sixth King of Flowers, and Ji Zizai...

There's Wanxiang, Ye Yi, and...

Jin Yulan counted them next to each other.

I was shocked!

There were quite a few people who found out that Ye Jue had offended, and the number was huge!

Hahaha, I have been a lone wolf from beginning to end. I have been fighting alone until now. I can't remember how many top powers I have offended!

Ye Jue laughed heartily three times.

From the wasteland to the present, from being a business owner to now creating a huge world of gods...

They are all his own brilliant achievements! !

It has nothing to do with anyone else!

Sure enough, you are a very interesting person!

Jin Yulan's face softened and she said, I was testing you just now, wanting to know whether you are afraid of the Moon Palace Emperor, because dealing with this person means having to deal with Daozhen, Daoxuan, and Daoling at the same time!

It seems like you are not afraid at all. You are indeed the man that this girl likes.

She said repeatedly, her expression instantly changing from cold to a smile.


Ye Jue heard this and trembled all over.

I don't know why...

Why does he feel like he is being chased?

Doesn’t this spiritual girl really have feelings for him?

I am a man with a wife.

As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly added.

It's none of my business?

Jin Yulan's eyes softened and she said softly: When I like someone, it has nothing to do with what he has or doesn't have.


Ye Jue quickly shut up.

Afraid of saying the wrong thing again!

How could this Jin Yulan, staring at him, become...

Looks so much like Su Yan from before?

That tender look...

He understands so well!

When he first met Jin Yulan, he punched him half to death.

This is a million times more passionate than passion...

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