What, Jin Yulan from the Thirteen Chain Chamber of Commerce announced her marriage, is it true or not?

It's unbelievable that this can be fake. She is the pinnacle of our ancestors. Who on earth got her?

The man's name has been told to the world, but you don't know it? His name is Ye Jue. He is the number one person in the Black Territory who has been in the limelight recently. It was he who got Jin Yulan!

It's amazing. I won't accept it. Look at her. This is our idol. If you want to marry, then marry the most ruthless woman!

Yes, I heard that this Ye Jue is also very good at drinking. He once drank the entire Fairy Assembly at the bottom of a well. The girl who drinks the most will marry the most beautiful woman!

Submit it!!

No, no, no, the key point is not this, but the woman Jin Yulan. Do you know that this woman deceived the Emperor of the Moon Palace in the early years? The Emperor of the Moon Palace was originally going to marry her, but Jin Yulan escaped from the marriage, relying on the secret Because of his skill, he has never been caught and has been free and easy for so many years. Regarding this, the Emperor of the Moon Palace has not done anything.

What now? This is different. Jin Yulan is going to be married by someone else. What does this mean? She is a cuckold!

Pfft!! Cuckolding the Emperor of the Moon Palace? This Ye Jue is too cruel. He dares to attack his fiancée. Isn't he unaware of it?

I must know it. He did it on purpose. He just likes wives. This man is not afraid of anything. Who in the dark realm has he not offended?

I'm going, there's a good show to watch now. I heard that Nan Batian World is holding a big banquet right now. All kinds of fine wine and delicacies have been served. Let's go quickly to join in and see how long Ye Jue is from up close. What does it look like? Isn’t he a big-hearted, pretty boy?”

Yes, yes, if you go late, there won't be much fun to see. This is definitely the most exciting thing recently. I can even imagine the look on the face of the man in the Moon Palace, hahaha!


Whirring whirring! ! !

Countless gods, led by Lufeng, came to the world of Nan Batian.

In today's Nan Batian world, countless gods have arrived.

The Thirteen Chain Chamber of Commerce is also very aggressive!

The alien space was all open, and various crystal clear fairy fruits, as well as fragrant wine, quickly rose into the sky, automatically filling each person with wine.

Crunch, crunch...!

Among them were many handsome male immortals, all of whom wanted to see Ye Jue's true appearance.

In addition, there are many fairies, such as the fairy in the painting, with a halo swaying behind her head. Her life level is very high, which attracts many people's peeps.

Nowadays, everyone knows about the big banquet!

Those are the masters and gods from Yangdong, and they are all here?!

Yes, yes, there are also those from Jin Taowuba. They are all strong men. They have all entered an alien space, waiting for Jin Yulan to appear and get married.

Look, there are also gods from Changshanya. I heard that they were already powerful in the world before they arrived in the Black Territory!

Many little gods have seen what the world is like!

After all, the Thirteen Chain Chamber of Commerce is so famous!

Palaces are floating!

Who has not purchased or auctioned items at this chamber of commerce?


It’s still the ancestor’s peak wedding. If you don’t come to see the world, where can you go to see the world?

Ring ring ring!~

There are also many fairy children, chasing and playing happily in the Nanbatian world.

There was a lot of people, but there was no chaos at all. Visitors were channeled and guided into each folding space.

Don't interfere with each other, otherwise there will be too many, and the Nanba Heavenly Lord World can't bear it.


Even if they were in an alien space or the space was folded, they could see a huge fairy flower platform in the void.

Each flower is extremely blazing and brilliant!

That’s the wedding banquet table!

The real owner has not yet appeared.

Jin Yulan, although this is a good idea and will make the Emperor of the Moon Palace very angry, but do you really want to marry me?

Ye Jue turned around and was speechless when he saw everything in front of him.

This Jin Yulan is choosing a wedding dress for herself.

Ye Jue, do you prefer Chinese or Western style?

Jin Yulan didn't answer. She took Daxingkong's clothes and gestured back and forth on her body, not knowing which one to choose.

Golden Yulan.

Seeing this, Ye Jue frowned.

What on earth is this woman playing at?

Are you really planning to marry him?

Without his consent?

Although it is a plan…

But this is too formal.

It's obviously a real wedding!

To know…

Neither he nor Su Yan had a wedding.

This was a bit uncomfortable for him.


Hearing Ye Jue calling her in a deep voice, Jin Yulan put down her clothes and smiled sweetly: Why, I, the peak ancestor, am not worthy of you? I am a girl. I am the one who suffers, right? I am the weak one. One side.”


Ye Jue was immediately speechless.

Don't worry, this is the plan, just be patient and watch my arrangements. Do you still want the ancient pure energy?

Jin Yulan kept laughing and asked: Now, which one do you choose? Sergeant or Western style?

Just Chinese style.

Ye Jue's mouth froze.

It seems that this woman also knows that this is just a plan.

Since you are going to act, being realistic is nothing.

Anyway, after getting married...

Can we still get divorced?

Okay, then I'll choose this one. It's not bad, it's so beautiful. As expected of me, I have a unique vision. Someone, please put on my makeup!

Jin Yulan praised herself, waved her hand, and several beautiful girls flew out from the world of Wen Tao and Martial Arts.


They stepped forward respectfully and started putting makeup on Jin Yulan.

Jin Yulan just sat in front of the Yuhua Mirror.

You have a good foundation. If you paint like this, it will be several times more beautiful!

The weapon spirit of Yuhua Mirror said.

The mirror flashed, and Jin Yulan's makeup appeared.

Curved and long eyebrows like silk moth tentacles...

Her eyes are clear and ethereal, and her appearance is as stunning as hers.

When it comes to truth and purity, it’s not as good as her...


It is also a beautiful place with an overwhelming beauty, which seems to make the heaven and earth lose their color, giving people a feeling of being unattainable.

After shedding the makeup of the spirited girl, she is truly the pinnacle of a fairy, overwhelming all the beauties!

What does it mean to combine the aura of heaven and earth into one body?

That's it for her!

Okay, then this is the makeup, you guys hurry up and paint it for me. If you can't paint it well, you won't be able to live.

Jin Yulan said in surprise.

Yes, ancestor!

Several beautiful girls were so frightened that they trembled all over.

See this.

Ye Jue wanted to turn around and leave.

Wait a minute, you also need to put on makeup and change your clothes. After all, you are also my husband, Jin Yulan. How can you do it in plain clothes? Isn't this going to make all the gods in the black realm laugh? Don't you? If you don’t care, I still want to lose face!”

Jin Yulan waved her hand, and a token immediately blocked Ye Jue's way.

Hoo ho ho!

The space twisted and swallowed Ye Jue inside.

Ye Jue didn't resist. There were various clothes for him to choose from.

At the same time, there were several fairies standing there respectfully, holding bottles and jars in their hands, waiting to put makeup on him.


Ye Jue let out a long sigh.

I just randomly chose an outfit that pleased my eyes.


Several fairies are about to step forward.

No, that's fine with me.

Ye never needs to put on makeup, just natural.

But in order to deal with Jin Yulan.

With a wave of his arm, his hair was no longer messy, and the broken hair in front of his forehead fell back wildly.

In a pair of narrow eyes under the sword-shaped eyebrows, the pupils vaguely flashed with the runes of the Tai Chi Golden Eyes.

Get out of here.

Jin Yulan is ready.

Are you ready? We're going on stage.

Jin Yulan took the initiative to take her hand and said: Since you want to act, you have to be real, right? Your body and expression are so stiff. How can you do it? Others can tell the clues at once. Isn't this the Emperor of the Moon Palace? He will be angry, but he will know that you are plotting against him, and he will be even less likely to show up.

That makes sense.

Ye Jue nodded and his expression relaxed.

This was his first time getting married.

Wei Wei held Jin Yulan's hand, and it immediately felt extremely smooth, like water.


Women are made of water.

This is not wrong at all.


It seems to be shaking slightly.


This Golden Yulan…

Are you nervous too?


You're not feeling proud, are you?

Ye Jue's eyes turned to Jin Yulan.


The corners of the latter's mouth were slightly raised, looking successful.

Depend on…

This woman is actually pretending to be real?


Before he could recover, his body appeared on the wedding banquet table!


The gorgeous flowers on the entire wedding banquet suddenly burst into bloom, and branches, leaves and flowers filled the sky and extended to all worlds.

It's so gorgeous!

All kinds of magic skills bloomed instantly, sparks flew in all directions, and the lights were brilliant!

Immortal magic...becomes fireworks!

The fire trees are blooming and the rainbow is dancing!

Petals are falling like rain...


The gods seemed within reach.

The entire wedding banquet was bright and confusing, with countless stars coming towards us, but they quickly disappeared, and the curtain ended magnificently, like a peacock spreading its wings and burning, and the fireworks were like a meteor shower, washing out every corner.

It’s outrageous!

It's not fake!

We are really getting married!

All of a sudden, the whole Nan Batian was shocked!

A complete sensation!

How many pairs of eyes are looking at them!

Too many, too many!

Hundreds of millions, tens of billions? Hundreds of billions? Trillions? Or a sign?

Jin Yulan is deliberately trying to make a big deal!

I really want to dig out the Emperor of the Moon Palace!

We from Changsheng Cliff congratulate you two on becoming a Taoist couple and a happy marriage. We specially send you the Shadowless Blood Map as a congratulatory gift!

I, Yangdong, sincerely wish the two newlyweds that they will be a perfect couple and love each other for many years to come. I offer you the Great Brahma Sword and one hundred and nine precious pigs as gifts!

We, Jin Taowu Dam, congratulate...

Suddenly, words of congratulations rang out in every space!

The congratulatory gifts come one after another, which is dazzling. They are all good treasures, and there is no defective one.

Ye Jue, smile quickly, otherwise it won't be real!

Jin Yulan smiled brightly, but when she saw Ye Jue standing aside like a piece of wood, she quickly reminded her with her heart.


Ye Jue also raised the corner of his mouth immediately.


His true face was clearly seen by all the gods in the black world.

After causing a stir in the Black Territory, this time it was a complete sensation in the Black Territory!

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