You're so close, the breath from your nose is blowing into my face!

This made Jin Yulan very angry.

This is blasphemous!

Who is she?

President of the Thirteen Chain Chamber of Commerce!

The existence of the ancestor’s peak!

In all these ages of living, I have never been so close to someone!

The man's breath kept rushing into her body.

This warmth almost made her whole body numb.

she knows.

It had been too long since I had touched a man, and my body was experiencing a withdrawal reaction.

If I don't get close, you'll run away.

How could Ye Jue let go of a good opportunity so easily?

Now that everyone has mastered the art of Yunfeng Immortal Travel, no one can do anything to anyone.

You have wings, and I also have a stronger power of freedom.

Look at me!

Jin Yulan moved the scarlet wings on her back, and they were about to fall off from Ye Jue's control.

For a moment, she really distanced herself a bit.


However, Ye Jue completely used the power of freedom.

The hand he stretched out broke through time and space and was completely free.

This time, Jin Yulan's waist was directly blocked.


Too much force resulted in a 'bang' sound, causing Jin Yulan's warm belly to hit his abdomen.

Feeling this warmth, Ye Jue didn't have any evil thoughts.

Because this feeling was experienced by Su Yan.

He was using Jin Yulan's body to recall that time.

Miss her even more.

Okay, okay, very good, Ye Jue, I have been an ancestor for so many years, and this is the first time a man has touched my body. Just now I said I would sleep with you, but I was actually joking. How could I do that? You are finished. , this time it really planted a seed of cause and effect with me.”

Jin Yulan had a strange expression, but did not resist further.

It seemed that he was caught by Ye Jue all of a sudden and lost the desire to escape.

Ever since I put the power of time into your body, you have had a cause and effect with me, and it is a big cause and effect. It was created by me along the way, including my time and everything about me.

Ye Jue hugged Jin Yulan, face to face, and a force began to pull from both sides.

Do you really want the power of my Five Elements?

Jin Yulan felt the Five Elements Qi being aroused and flowing towards Ye Jue's body.

She was suddenly unwilling!

He immediately tied him up with his mind and started tug of war with Ye Jue.

Come and go!

Stop struggling. I have the three ancient qi of Hongmeng, Creation, and Xuanhuang. I can make the five elements of qi in your body completely surrender to me. It's a matter of time.

Ye Jue said easily and naturally.

Although it was a tug-of-war, he was winning each section.

With three ancient spirits on his side, how could he be defeated?

I'm so angry, I don't believe it!

Jin Yulan shouted, frantically mobilizing all her strength to prevent the Five Elements Qi in the cave from leaking out.


It's like a deflated balloon that keeps losing air and can't be tightened no matter how hard it is tightened.

In the end, everything will belong to Ye Jue.

Whirring whirring!!!

During the tug-of-war, their bodies appeared again on the world of Nanba God.

What...our president, why is Jin Yulan with a man?

Oh my god, their bodies are so close together, so...

Is this just a case of flying together?

Countless immortals in Nanba Tianxian City, including foreign immortals, all looked at this scene in surprise.

Especially the people from the Chamber of Commerce, their eyes were extremely shocked!

I didn't expect to beat them to death...

This scene actually happened!


This is so intimate!

Ignoring everyone's gaze completely, do they want to announce their mutual ambiguity to the whole world?

Quick, record it quickly!

Some people thought it was so beautiful that they reflected the whole picture.

Not just one person, but many people recorded it with magic.

No matter who he is, he is not the Emperor of the Moon Palace.

Suddenly, someone said deeply.

What do you mean, what does this have to do with the Emperor of the Moon Palace?

A god heard this and asked in confusion.

Maybe you don't know the secret. Before Jin Yulan grew up, her backer was the Emperor of the Moon Palace. Later, she made a marriage contract with the Emperor of the Moon Palace, but this Jin Yulan regretted it because she had mastered the secret technique of escape. , there is absolutely nothing we can do against her, so the engagement has been put on hold until now.

Really or not, then if this scene spreads to the eyes of the Emperor of the Moon Palace, won't he be so angry that his hair will turn green?

That's right, what kind of virtue and ability does this man have that he can capture Jin Yulan?

Suddenly, the scene of Ye Jue holding Jin Yulan spread out from the Nan Batian world.

This is valuable news and will definitely create a sensation.

It was only a matter of time before the Emperor of the Moon Palace saw it.

Maybe there will be angry inner demons, coming down from the moon palace and getting involved in the black world.

after all.

The four great emperors of the Black Domain are all near the top of their game.

The successor of the three pillars!

If such a thing is reported, it will definitely be a sensation!

You...let me go!

Jin Yulan was very angry when she saw so many people staring at her.

But she has to protect the power of the Five Elements with all her strength, and cannot separate other powers to cover up the secret of heaven.


Ye Jue's hand is free, any attack falling on it will have no effect and will be useless.

Can't break free, can't be driven away!

What’s even more awesome!

The power ejected from the free crystal block made him and Jin Yulan blend into each other.

Because this Golden Yulan is also contaminated with the power of freedom, it feels like it is becoming one.

This made Jin Yulan feel so ecstatic that it was difficult to control.

If they can't suppress it in the end and the energy of freedom merges, something will really happen to them here.

By the time…

But it’s live broadcast!

You can't escape because you are tainted with freedom. I said you were fooled.

Ye Jue was immersed in a state of selflessness.

The energy of the five elements entered his body bit by bit.

In just a short while, it condensed into the size of a fist in the cave.


Some of the power that Jin Yulan had cultivated himself also came into his body along with the Qi of the Five Elements.

How could he not be so intoxicated?

This is the power of the ancestor's peak, the strongest realm in the black domain, and it is of great benefit to him.

To know.

Ye Jue is just a Saint Ancestor now, and he is still far away from the peak of the Saint Ancestor.

If there is no chance, even if the mortal world comes, it will not be possible to cultivate, and it will have to wait for the next era.

You, really let me go!

Jin Yulan also felt the erosion!

But the black domain treasure is so weird and mysterious that it really makes them blend together.

If she doesn't stop or suppress...

The consequences could be disastrous……

What's wrong, do you care? Aren't you very bold? You said you would have sex with me before, but now you regret it? Do you mind the Emperor of the Moon Palace? I just heard that you have an engagement with the Emperor of the Moon Palace!

Ye Jue chuckled and said: It just so happens that the third one of the four great emperors of the Black Domain was cheated by me. I don't know how he will react.

Reaction? Ye Jue, he is very dangerous!

Jin Yulan's expression changed and she warned.

She had escaped from this person in the first place.

Because this person wanted to accept her as one of the nine heavenly princesses, how could she agree to this.

Rather than being an auxiliary god, she prefers to be free and be her own master.


She's not really in love.

The engagement was only made on impulse, but she later regretted it.

Danger, am I not dangerous? I have offended four of the four emperors of the Black Domain!

Ye Jue didn't take it seriously at all.

Four? Isn't it three?

Jin Yulan was suddenly stunned.

I chased my lover and took away his mysterious power. Hey! This Sixth King of Flowers took away my boundary monument. I will make it difficult for him to walk around. The nine-day princess of the Emperor of the Moon Palace? I took it away at once. two!

Ye Jue continued: As for the real emperor of the Black Territory, he is called the Emperor. I have already inferred that he is not in the Black Territory. You are the ancestor of the Black Territory. Don't you know who the fourth one is? How about you? Come tell me.

Hmph, of course I know who it is, and it's not a secret. The fourth emperor, the successor of the three pillars, is named Ji, and his name is Ji Zizai!

Jin Yulan said it directly.

This Ji Zizai is not in the black realm, but in the realm of destruction, working under the emperor.

So, he betrayed?

Ye absolutely hated this Ji Zizi with all his heart.

He knew that the big starry sky was destroyed by this person's hands.

The Star Emperor sent him to attack.

It was this person who led the imperial army to attack the starry sky. He felt it when he captured the boundary monument before.

Almost all of my former acquaintances have died in the battle.

Aosheng was also taken away, and Nu Jialuo and others were taken away by this person.

The same goes for his wife, Su Yan, who is imprisoned in the empire of destruction.

His daughter Ye Muling is also missing!

World Tree, the worldly god, was murdered by the Tree of Chaos.

Musuli, the soul of the World Tree, also died.


This piece of land was secretly given to her by Musuli.

It is the only hope for the resurrection of World Tree!

After he fully embodies Musuli's soul in the ground seed and returns to the big starry sky, he will transplant the ground seed to the World Tree.

That way, the World Tree can be resurrected!

He has already thought of all the plans!

Betrayal? No, on the contrary, it was the New Sanqing who arranged for him to go out and work with the emperor. Do you really think that the Black Realm is so peaceful, and we, the top gods, have nothing to do all day long? In fact, they are all operating in secret, and we all dream of surpassing the peak of our ancestors. , becoming as powerful an existence as the ancient gods before!

Jin Yulan said.

So what about the ancient god? Isn't he dead?

Ye Jue said lightly.

The ancient god is dead, but he was not killed by Hongchentian. The ancient god has the ability to resist Hongchentian.

Jin Yulan shouted.


Ye Jue expressed disbelief.

When the mortal world comes, won’t everything be destroyed?

How could the ancient gods resist?

Hmph, you definitely don't believe it. You are too suspicious, but let me tell you, we peak ancestors are just people who survived the Mesozoic Era. The Black Domain, as a corner of the Ancient Era, has existed for a long time! The ancient gods and the black realm of ancient times are all controlled by the ancient gods!

Jin Yulan snorted coldly and revealed the secret.

She knew that the person in front of her didn't understand anything!

Because this person is a living person, he will definitely not know what happened in the previous era!

Even if you know something about it, it's all just through hearsay!

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