They had already been devoured by the Immortal Burial King.

However, after time was reversed, they were all resurrected.


Even Firethorn Lang was fully resurrected, frowning as he looked at the people in the sky.

Only those beings affected by the power of time in the future will not be affected after reversing time.

Someone provoked me. It was probably the president of your Chamber of Commerce. He got my things and refused to give them back to me.

Ye Jue flicked his fingers.

Our president?

The expression of the eight immortal emperors suddenly darkened.

They got it.

This one is looking for trouble!

People like this are not uncommon.

Just send him away.

What on earth is that? Let's go down and talk about it carefully. Maybe we can avenge you.

The peak of the Eight Immortal Emperors softened his tone and wanted to deceive Ye Jue.

Because there is a supreme immortal formation below.

By the time……

It’s easy to say anything.

No need, I want to go to the top of the Nine Heavens Cloud Summit.

Ye Jue shook his head.

Above the Nine Heavens Cloud Summit, you actually know?

The eight Immortal Emperors suddenly changed their expressions at their peak.

That's where Jin Yulan lives.

It is impossible for outsiders to obtain the information.

How did this person know?

This is absolutely not possible.

If it disturbs the president and disturbs her old man's Qingxiu.

Do they still want to live?

Jin Yulan's temper was very strange.

If she touches her even slightly, she will be punished with thunder and destruction.


Ye Jue shook his head.

He is not in a very good mood right now.

Raise your hand and wave with the back of your hand!

In an instant, ripples burst out and spread quickly!


Accompanied by a powerful spiritual power, Yiran can shake people's minds and make them surrender.

What...this is a big brainwashing ban!

Just a big brainwashing

I, I can't control myself anymore!

All of a sudden, these eight peak immortal emperors were dominated by the spirit of a bolt from the blue.

Their eyes suddenly became hollow, with rotating ripples appearing one after another.


After a while, they all knelt down in the void.

Come up with me.

Ye Jue took off in an instant, with a clanking sound all over his body, like a divine rainbow that shot through an energy storm.

Above the nine-sky cloud top is a special small space.

Surrounded by clouds and mist, there is a large round platform, holding a willow pine, and only a simple building.

Jin Yulan was in the building, eyes slightly closed.

Suddenly, she seemed to sense something and smiled slightly: Ye Jue, why are you still coming to me now? You know, I will not return the power of time to you.

While she was talking, she sat down and took a long bow of burning sun and flew away automatically!

In an instant, the sharp edge was bright, shooting out an endless ray of light, accompanied by a roar falling from the sky. This was a sun-shooting bow, resonating with the sun.

Master, be careful!

The Eight Immortal Emperors at their peak shouted and took the initiative to attack.

But they were no match for the supreme immortal weapon. They were directly penetrated and shot into pieces like candied haws.


Jin Yulan didn't care, but smiled: The big brainwashing restriction, you can actually break through the limit of brainwashing one person, and control eight peak immortal emperors at the same time. It really has to be you, Ye Jue, who has lost the power of time, but still has Inheritance.”

Golden Yulan.

Ye Jue flew over with his hands on his back, shattering the light shield protecting the place on the spot, and the Saint Ancestor's body shone brightly in the light.

The holy light he poured over him was boiling, as if burning, shining on the sky and the earth, and every inch of space was filled with holy power.

What is the power of the Holy Ancestor? This is the majestic beams of blazing light splashing out in all directions.

Ye Jue, are you here to ask for the power of time? If so, please come back. If you want to fight, you may not be my opponent now. It depends on me. The power of time is determined!

Suddenly, Jin Yulan took off directly, with a palm in the air, the word hour flew out, freezing the time.

The world is black and white in this range!

Only she can act.

This is the power of time, so magical, so full of mystery.

Jin Yulan and Ye Jue were hundreds of feet apart. With a click of a finger, a force that split time flew out, trying to drag Ye Jue into it.


The next second, a magical power emerged from Ye Jue's body.

This power has never been seen before, it is very special, it seems to be made up of many lines, intertwined.


Jin Yulan was instantly shocked.

Isn't time frozen?

How could power overflow from Ye Jue's body?

What exactly is this?


The next moment, Ye Jue's entire body turned into light.


He stepped into the light with one foot, and the light was sucked into the white hole behind him like a broken mirror.

Ye Jue was buried in one step and faced Jin Yulan with freedom.

How could it be? Why didn't the power of time fix you? This is impossible. You have lost time now. How can you break free? What kind of power is this?

Jin Yulan was dumbfounded and even took three steps back, somewhat incomprehensible.

This is the power of freedom…

The power of the black domain treasure?

Ye Jue's heart trembled.

This power definitely surpasses the word time he created.

No wonder the Lord of the Black Domain said that.

He feels it now!

You don't have to worry about what kind of power this is, Jin Yulan. I will keep this Shizi with you temporarily. Please help me keep it safe.

Ye Jue started to move.

Even if time is fixed by Jin Yulan, the power of freedom can be completely ignored.

Hmph, no one can catch me, Jin Yulan, in this dark realm. Of course I will help you keep it safe.

Jin Yulan made a disdainful snort.

After she finished speaking, she took the initiative to attack Ye Jue with streaks of brilliant light.

However, Ye Jue is looking for the ancient flames of war.

Facing the flying power, he unleashed all his punches, and each of his terrifying palm prints almost penetrated this small space.

What are you looking for? There's nothing else here. It's my place.

Jin Yulan frowned when she saw Ye Jue running around, seemingly looking for something.

Nothing, Jin Yulan, just punch me!

Ye Jue seemed to have thought of something, and his right hand turned into a fist, which was like a sun blasting down. It was densely covered with martial arts power, and it was also densely wrapped with forbidden power.

Ye Jue, your boxing skills are good. It combines all your power, but without the power of time, I can easily dodge it.

Jin Yulan spread her blood-red wings behind her and used the Immortal Traveling Technique to avoid it easily.


Without the power of time, this fist loses its domineering power.

Boom boom boom! !

Ye Jue swooped over and started fighting with him, causing the whole space to buzz.

Ye Jue, what are you thinking about? You don't really want to get back the power of time. I tell you, I can leave easily and you can't catch up with me.

Jin Yulan said curiously, after fighting Ye Jue for three hundred rounds here, the world dimmed and energy splashed everywhere.


Ye Jue remained silent and continued to fight with Jin Yulan, using all kinds of tricks.

Oh! I understand, you are so angry that you came here to demolish my house!

Jin Yulan showed an expression of sudden realization.

She was not going to hand over this place easily just because Ye Jue broke in.

Immediately use various weapons to fight.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

The power of various rules competes, and the moral conduct is shown unabashedly.

Suddenly, Ye Jue punched out.


The small space is finally broken!

A huge, flaming world appeared.

Hey, what kind of place is this? I've lived here for two epochs, why have I never discovered it?

Jin Yulan was shocked when she saw this!

That world was rumbling, seemingly inviolable, sacred and majestic.

Among them, there is also the meaning of killing, the divine cloud is filling the air, and a very dangerous aura is emitted.

Is this the ancient war that the Lord of the Black Realm mentioned?

Ye Jue took a closer look.

It was different from the flames that were lit during the previous battle.

This place is more powerful and full of fighting spirit.

woo woo woo woo!

It seemed like the earth was still shattering inside, with ghosts crying and gods howling.

But there seems to be a mysterious magic circle operating, sealing the surging mist inside.


As soon as his body moved, he entered it.

Ye Jue, you have fought with me for so many rounds. It turns out that the real target is this world of flames. Tell me what is in it!

Jin Yulan immediately followed him upon seeing him.

Her speed was so fast that she could easily surpass the beam that Ye Jue transformed into through the clouds and the sun.

Huh? This could it be this?

Ye Jue was still flying when he heard a shocked voice in the distance.

Ah, Ye Jue, you are crazy, you actually hit this thing's attention!!!

Jin Yulan seemed to be really frightened, and instantly turned into a stream of light, passing by Ye Jue.

She ran away too fast, and disappeared behind Ye Jue with a cry of 'ah'.

What the hell, how did she escape so fast?

This made Yuhuajing's weapon spirit completely confused.

Go and have a look first.

Ye Jue flew to the end of the flame world and finally saw something that shocked Jin Yulan.

It was a temple that seemed to have collapsed, filled with darkness and despair.

In front of the temple, countless men in black robes were kneeling...

The man in black robe?

How could Ye Jue not feel this familiar atmosphere.

He was also stunned instantly!

No less than Jin Yulan!

But why is there a circle of men in black robes?

There were ten of them, surrounding a campfire.

The whole world seems to have lost its luster!

This world seems to have come to an end...

It seemed as if their faith collapsed and they died in despair.

Do you know these men in black robes?

Yu Huajing showed a strange look.

It couldn't feel the breath of these people at all, as if they didn't exist. They were just simple corpses maintaining a praying posture.

I know even those who turned into ashes.

Ye Jue was in a daze, completely silent, and slowly approached.

The light from his body shone through, and the faces of each man in black robes were reflected.

Their expressions were calm, and their faces were extremely pale, without a trace of blood.

All dead.

Ye Jue turned his attention to the center...

That place is a bonfire that has been extinguished.

This bonfire is not simple, there seems to be an extremely dark abyss underneath...

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