This boundary monument of yours is a chess piece left by the gods in the starry sky. Do you really want to be a chess piece?

The Lord of the Black Territory said hehe, On your body, you originally had two chess pieces, killing three corpses, and a boundary monument. Now that the boundary monument is gone, there is only a strong man with three corpses left.

Hear this.

Ye Jue was indifferent.

It seems that even the Lord of the Black Domain doesn't know.

There is one more move on his part.

Oh, by the way, there is one more move.

The Lord of the Black Domain suddenly smiled again: You are the key to the positive universe. As we all know, this is the anti-universe. There is a world of mortals destroying everything. Who doesn't want to escape into the positive universe? If the three pillars catch you, they will definitely... I won’t kill you, I will dig out the deepest secrets from you and find the way to the positive universe.”

Oh? You even know this?

Ye Jue said calmly.

I just don’t know if the Lord of the Black Domain knows that he has traveled through time.


The words were obviously slurred.

Just know that he is the key to the positive universe.

Don't know his real secret.


Even Ye Jue himself doesn't understand it very well.

Did he travel through time, or was he reversed by an invincible power with the power of time, the moment before the wasteland erupted?

This is his biggest secret and his most powerful chess piece.

The other two are nothing.

The strong man who killed three corpses now has a way to deal with it.

That is to rely on ancient energy.

I know more than you think, hehe.

The Lord of the Black Domain looked at Ye Jue with a strange expression and continued: In order to fight against the high-entropy bodies in the deep space, in the ancient times, the original mythology dueled with the original high-entropy bodies, but the high-entropy bodies lost. , the most powerful ones were sealed into the heaven, that is, in the boundary monument. No matter who gets the boundary monument in the end, the high-entropy bodies will kill them fiercely, and they will not be easy.

So the boundary monument is still a dangerous object?

Ye Jue pondered for a moment.

He has relied on boundary monuments many times to achieve various achievements.

In the end, is this thing still a time bomb?

If it is true as the Lord of the Black Realm said...

He has not completely severed his ownership relationship with the boundary monument.

In this case, let the Sixth Kao just erase his sense of ownership.

In the end, he was the one who burned himself by playing with fire.

That's right, think about it. There are a batch of the oldest high-entropy bodies sealed in the heaven inside. How terrifying this is. It's better for you to stay away from the high-entropy bodies. Their abilities are beyond your imagination. .”

The Lord of the Black Realm said earnestly.

Indeed, you can even create an anti-universe. How incredible is this ability?

Ye Jue nodded.

He kept thinking.

Are you a person in the correct universe?

If he is really a person in the positive universe, how come demons break out in the positive universe?

in this way……

Has he always been a person in the anti-universe?

But how come the road to the positive universe is on him?

The emperor, the three pillars, and even the lord of the black domain think so.

What is he capable of?

Ye Abang was a little confused.

He decides.

Take off all the chess pieces that are shackles on your body.

Because this is a good opportunity.

See where he comes from.

You seem to have figured it out. I just want to tell you this truth. You don't need to despair now. Although Jin Yulan has obtained your Shizi, but... I can give you the treasure of the black domain!

The voice of the Lord of the Black Domain suddenly became serious.

The Black Territory Treasure? Aren't you the Black Territory Treasure? Whoever gets you can control the entire Black Territory, because you are the heart of the Black Territory.

Ye Jue unconsciously looked at his chest.

Hahaha, that's true, but Wanxiang and the others are so eager to find me, are they really just trying to get the Black Domain, get me?

The Lord of the Black Territory smiled sinisterly and said: Of course not. The real treasure of the Black Territory is inherited from ancient times. As you know, the Black Territory was once a corner of the real mythical world.

If that's the case, are you going to give me this treasure?

Ye Jue frowned.

Is there such a good thing?

He really couldn't believe the Lord of the Black Realm.

This existence is mysterious and neurotic.

I never knew what I was thinking.

He couldn't deduce it either.

I don’t know what the Lord of the Black Domain thinks.

Give it to you directly? Of course it's not that easy. I need you to complete one thing and ignite the flames of war on the top of the Nine Heavens Cloud. I will give you the Black Realm Treasure. I can tell you in advance that this treasure was left by the King of Time. Yes, not inferior to the time domain!”

Lang Lang, the Lord of the Black Domain, said.

Ancient flames of war? Are they here too? Lord of the Black Realm, what are you thinking about? Why do you want to ignite ancient flames of war? What is the use of these flames of war?

Ye Jue's expression froze.

The actions of the Lord of the Black Realm are too mysterious.

Regarding the deduction of ancient wars, the divine calculator needs more than one billion analytical powers to deduce.

Can't afford it at all.

I don’t know what the feathering mirror does at all.

Quack, just do it, don't worry, I won't trick you and ignite all the ancient wars in the Black Realm. It's a trap set by me. It's not aimed at you. No one knows what these flames are. Wanxiang doesn’t know, Ye Yi doesn’t know, and Starry Sky Emperor doesn’t know either...

The Lord of the Black Domain said mysteriously.

Okay, I promise you. Why don't you just hand over the treasure of the Black Realm to me? Don't you know my way of doing things? How about I help you ignite more ancient wars, not just on the top of the Nine Heavens Cloud? ?”

All of a sudden, Ye Jue turned his back and negotiated with the Lord of the Black Territory.


The Lord of the Black Territory was obviously moved, but he still shook his head: You can't ignite the ancient flames of war alone. I have also arranged for other people. The treasure of the Black Territory is still waiting for you to ignite the flames of war on the top of the Nine Heavens Cloud. I I'll leave it to you again. When you get this treasure, you have to work for me to clean up the cancer. Don't forget that only I can resurrect her!

It seems you have convinced me.

Ye Jue snorted coldly.

He was so plotted by the Lord of the Black Realm.

After all, he is in other people's world, and strong dragons cannot overwhelm local cowards.

Haha, whatever you think, go ahead. Jin Yulan is there on the top of the Nine Sky Cloud Summit. This woman is in a bad situation right now. Many people are spying on her. You can find a way to cooperate with her. I will give it to you first. Some power of freedom, freedom, you know, this is the most powerful force in the world...

The body of the Lord of the Black Domain gradually disappeared and disappeared.

What on earth is this Lord of the Black Realm thinking about handing over the Black Realm's treasure to you so easily?

The weapon spirit of the Yuhua Mirror heard everything and made a questioning voice.

Yes, the black domain treasure is related to the ancient King of Time. It is comparable to the time domain. Such a powerful thing, you go to light a fire of war, and he really gives it to you?

Zhanxian Feidao was the first one not to believe it.

What do you think?

Ye Juewen asked Mingyue and the others.

You are at a disadvantage. The Lord of the Black Territory saw this and took the opportunity to show up. He used you to give you another piece of cake to eat, and then used you to clean up the cancer. Then he helped you resurrect Musuli in the ground. This is a total of four Bu, what will happen when the flames of war are all ignited? Are you really capable of keeping the treasure of the Black Realm?

Xi Chuangyue frowned.

What she said makes sense. For him to hand over the Black Territory Treasure to you so easily is to point Wanxiang's finger at you. Will he really be able to keep the Black Territory Treasure? I think he did it on purpose. I want to use you as bait, you want to get rid of the chess piece on your body, but now you are being used as a chess piece by others.

Ming Yue nodded and said.

Needless to say, Wanxiang's strength, he entered the black realm and fought against the three pillars and has not suffered any losses to this day.

What kind of background is this?

Now Ye Jue has lost his means of escape. If Wan Xiang finds him, will he be able to catch him easily?

By then, won’t all treasures be someone else’s wedding dress?

The Lord of the Black Domain, he never wanted to hand over the treasure to you, he just lent it to you temporarily.

The Immortal Burial King also said.

But...if I really keep it, it will be mine.

Ye Jue whispered to himself, thinking of a lot in an instant,

This may be a test for the Lord of the Black Realm.

This guy is not human after all.

It is the same heart existence as the earth seed.

The way of thinking is completely different from others.


This does not mean that he trusts the Lord of the Black Domain.

Because she was unwilling to reveal the matter about the ancient war to him, it meant that there was definitely some conspiracy inside that she didn't want him to know about.

To conceal is to distrust.

Therefore, he will not trust the other party.


Ye Jue rushed out of the Nanbatian world and flew to the surface of the fairy city.

The place has been restored to what it was before his arrival.

The previous scene of the Immortal Burial King destroying everything has completely disappeared.

Who are you? Don't you know the air is forbidden here? Get down quickly, or you will be punished by our Chamber of Commerce!

Immediately, there was an Immortal Lord, leading a group of Immortal Lords who turned into streams of light and rushed over.

As soon as he finished speaking, he used restraint to suppress Ye Jue to the ground.


Ye Jue flicked it with one finger.

The sky collapsed directly.

The law enforcement officers of these chambers of commerce were suddenly transported to an unknown world.

This scene naturally caused a sensation.

After all, it is impossible not to attract attention when such a power appears!


Who are you to make trouble here?

Don't you know about the Thirteen Chamber of Commerce?

In an instant, a large number of people and horses took off in the fairy city, riding various strange beasts, and came towards him.


Ye Jue pointed out that it was just pure power.


A wave of swords rushed out like a vast sea.



Please ask the Peak Immortal Emperor to take action!

These people immediately screamed, and all the protective weapons, formations and restrictions were shattered. strong!!

In the fairy city, everyone was chilled from head to toe!

I don’t know who that person is and why he is standing in the air.

Fellow Taoist, stop, who provoked you?

At this moment, the eight Immortal Emperors from the Chamber of Commerce rushed over and asked questions side by side with divine lights.

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