Where is this abyss connected to?

The weapon spirit of Yu Hua Jing made a questioning sound.

It can't be deep space, right?

The Immortal-Zhan Feidao said jokingly.

Of course not. It is impossible for the deep space passage to appear in the Black Domain. The only person who can explain it is the Lord of the Black Domain.

Ye Jue didn't know what the Lord of the Black Territory was planning.

These men in black robes...

Why did he die here?

He just stood here thinking for a while.

When he stopped, a stream of green energy rushed out of his body, and in the blink of an eye he transformed into a divine clone.

The great restraint plundered from Gale Yang's body is not like a flesh and blood body, but is made up of the power of restraint.


Ye Jue pointed to the abyss under the bonfire.


The clone dived in without saying a word.

Tai Chi Golden Eye, transfer!

Ye Jue transferred the focus of the divine eye to the clone.


He immediately saw the scene under the abyss.

A piece of blue light, I don’t know where it leads.

The clone is still moving downwards, falling very fast, and is currently not in any danger.


It can be clearly felt that a sticky force seems to be entangled.

This slowed down the clone's fall a lot.

What's down there?

Xianxian Feidao asked curiously.

Ye Jue did not speak, because at this moment he was using his Tai Chi Golden Eyes to observe with all his heart.


Little was discovered.

The smelly, long tunnel seemed to have no end.

Some time passed...

In Ye Jue's earth-growing world, the way of heaven is orderly, and many gods live in it, which is very orderly.

This world is no different from the universe.

Each ancestor is a moving small universe.

They all have their own world and their own power.

Ming Yue and Xi Chuangyue are practicing inside, and they are about to be promoted to the ancestor level.

The Immortal Burial King chose to stabilize himself and continue to build the coffin in the burial soil.

This is where it was buried, and now it has become the most powerful offensive and defensive weapon.

Immortals like Lu Yanjun also became Immortal Emperors.

There are so many benefits to following Ye Jue.

It is more than a million times better than following other stingy powerful people.

What is the concept of an Immortal Emperor?

He is definitely famous and can be taken seriously and won over in any black world.

Only people like Ye Jue didn't take the Immortal Emperor seriously.


There is a person in the Earthly World who is still repairing his body.

That is Sanseiyuki, whose body and consciousness have been broken up by the Sixth Kao.

If he wants to be resurrected, he may have to cultivate to the peak of the Saint Ancestor.

At that time, the life force of the earth-planted world will be greatly enhanced. After all, it is a branch of the world tree and has a strong self-healing ability.


At this moment, Ye Jue suddenly opened his eyes.

He felt that the clone had hit bottom.

Under the abyss!

Ye Jue saw some ancient chains of order.

All of them have been corrupted by the power of time, and are in tatters and full of holes.

In the middle, there seems to be a small box locked.

This small box was unusual. Ye Jue saw it at the first sight and was attracted to it.

There is a small box at the bottom of the abyss?

What exactly is inside?

Without saying a word, the clone walked forward and raised his hand to open the small box.

Surprisingly, it was easy to pick up.

However, it cannot be opened!

The clone's divine flame burned, trying to crush it.

But it's no use, there's nothing you can do about it.


Ye Jue controlled the clone and asked him to bring up the small box.

Naturally, it takes a long time.

I don’t know how much time has passed...

He slowly opened his eyes.

next moment.

Mist surges at the entrance to the abyss!


The clone turned into blue light and disappeared, and a small box fell at his feet.

What the hell is this?

The feathering mirror uses a mirror to illuminate it.

It also has the ability to illuminate everything, unlike the Tai Chi Golden Eye, leaving nothing inside invisible.


Doesn't seem to work.

Light can't penetrate!


Ye Jue's eyes flickered constantly, wanting to see what was inside.

But it's the same as the Feathering Mirror.


He pointed at the same time, and the Great Sage's Thunder Sound Sword struck out.


Unexpectedly, the bone sword was broken, but the black box was not damaged at all.

The power of creation!

Ye Jue used his ultimate move.

Point with one finger.

The power of creation started to flow, all spraying onto it.


The sound of bubbles kept coming.


It's strange. Your power of creation is ancient energy. It can corrode anything. Why is it ineffective now?

The weapon spirit of the Yuhua Mirror said in surprise.

I am not sure as well.

Ye Jue wants the Holy Calculator to analyze it.

However, the prompt requires 10 billion resolution capabilities.

This caused him to fill in the problem on the spot.

It currently has a total resolution of less than 100 million.

Just open your mouth and ask for 10 billion?

This mud horse...

Ye Jue shook his head and put the box into the cave.

This thing was guarded by ten men in black robes kneeling down.

What ability do you have?

Maybe it's a treasure?

Don’t think about finding one for now.


In his cave, there are thunderbolt cities, black sticks, immortal-killing flying knives, and feathered mirrors...

These weapons can provide him with strength, just like planting the world from his roots.

The last time the war was ignited, it was caused by the continuous bombardment of energy.

Ye Jue thought for a while.

Immediately use the Hongmeng Xuanhuang Boxing Technique!

After the huge bonfire was hit, the stars were scattered, but it seemed that it was not ignited.

But it's more or less effective.


Ye Jue punched a thousand times in a row.

He completely exhausted the energy in the particles.


The campfire seemed unresponsive.


Suddenly, a monstrous arrogance surged out like a vast sea, and in an instant, it burned with great force.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

Those flames turned out to be dense symbols of civilization. I don’t know how many civilizations!

One hundred million, one billion, ten billion, one hundred billion? ?

Ye Jue hurriedly stepped aside.

This ancient war fire actually burned him, almost destroying his armor.

Boom boom boom!!

The flames of civilization symbols are burning bigger and bigger!

The abyss below was also red, making a terrifying whistling sound.

It seems that some terrifying existence is awakening.

But Ye Jue's clone went there and didn't see anything.

All the small boxes were taken away by him.


Ye Jue looked back at the men in black robes.

Reach out and grab it!

He took all ten kneeling men in black robes and put them into the ground.

Leaving this world quickly, Ye Jue returned to the top of the Nine Heavens Cloud Summit.

What on earth are you going to do to ignite the ancient war?

Jin Yulan seemed to have been waiting for him here for a long time.

Now I see that the world behind Ye Jue is ablaze.

She understood immediately.

The ancient war has been ignited!

Flames like a vast ocean washed out like a tide.

The scorching heat seemed to burn everything.

Huh? Do you know that is the ancient flame of war?

Ye Jue made no move, but asked in surprise.

The ancient flames of war, huh, are the flames of war in the new era, the era when the gods fell. You know what you did. You ignited the flames that destroyed the world when the world of mortals descended!

Jin Yulan has lived for three lives, how can she not know what this is?

As one of the top giants, his memory is not as affected as others.

Except for being vague about what Hongchentian is, almost everything else is known.

The flames that destroy the world, are there other flames of war?

Ye Jue's heart trembled.

What on earth was the Lord of the Black Territory thinking that allowed him to ignite this strange fire?

What exactly is the operation?

He can't understand!

Why not? The oldest ancient flame of war has been ignited. It is under the ancient battlefield. Is it also your fault?

Jin Yulan stared at Ye Jue and shouted.

It's true that I did it, but it wasn't on purpose. It was to hunt down my lover.

Ye Jue said lightly.

Oh? Then it was intentional this time. Who gave you instructions? There are ancient wars, ancient wars, middle-aged wars, and modern wars that have not been ignited. Do you want to ignite them again?

Jin Yulan shouted.

What happens if you light them all up?

Ye Jue asked back.

The Lord of the Black Domain is not here now.

And even if you ask yourself, this existence will not reveal the secret.

Terrible things will happen... I'm just kidding, because I have no way of knowing. After all, every time the mortal world comes, the flames of war left behind have not been ignited until now, because I don't know if they can still be ignited. What's the use.

Jin Yulan said this.


Ye Jue was speechless.

This statue's strength is almost at the level of the ancestor and grandmother, and I don't know what its special significance is.

It seems that there is no way to know except for the Lord of the Black Territory's own words.

Lord of the Black Domain, come out.

Ye Jue said suddenly.

Huh? What did you say? What Lord?

Jin Yulan didn't even react.

Whirring whirring!

A whirlwind blew and quickly condensed into a figure.

A completely black humanoid with dark features.

You actually called me in front of her, aren't you afraid of being exposed?

The Lord of the Black Domain saw Jin Yulan's presence, but didn't care much.

What, Lord of the Black Territory, you are the Lord of the Black Territory, the heart of the Black Territory, capture it for me!

Jin Yulan suddenly saw the Lord of the Black Territory, and her expression was extremely excited.

She let out a long roar, and various powers sprayed out like colorful clouds, attacking the Lord of the Black Domain.


He also used the power of time.

Ye Jue couldn't stop her.

Bang bang bang! !

By the time he came to his senses, the phantom that the Lord of the Black Domain had transformed into had been beaten to pieces.

It's useless, this is just a shadow it turned into.

Ye Jue opened his mouth and said.

I noticed that too.

Jin Yulan calmed down and understood instantly when she saw that the Lord of the Black Territory did not resist at all and allowed her to capture him.

What a shadow!

Redeem your promise, the war has been ignited, bring the Black Realm treasure.

Ye Jue asked directly.

The Black Realm Treasure?

Jin Yulan suddenly heard this and couldn't bear it anymore.

How did her luck become so good?

Encountering the things you've always dreamed of one after another?

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