Seeing San Shengxue's appearance, Ye Jue said: Why don't you do this? You are now at the peak level of Immortal Lord. As long as you sign your name on this destiny scroll, you can get some of my power and be successfully promoted to Immortal Emperor, if you upgrade to Immortal Emperor, the Sixth King of Flowers will naturally look up to you.

The things you did to disgrace him will also be wiped out with your promotion. After all, becoming an Immortal Emperor is a big deal.

Ye Jue is so persuasive.

Scroll of Destiny?

Sanshengxue looked at this huge strip across the universe, which was filled with densely packed names.

Can you be promoted to Immortal Emperor?

Although she was excited, she remained calm and waited to see what happened.

So, what's the price?

Sanshengxue asked.

The price? The price is to be mine.

Ye Jue smiled slightly: I just learned about it. As the auxiliary gods, you Shouhua Sanyu are actually the fiancées of the Sixth Kao, right? The Sixth Kao is not a good person, and he is actually plotting the time domain in the hands of his lover. , I know this.

He just used the Holy Calculator to deduce Sanshengxue.

Then he followed the clues and learned some information about the Sixth Kao.

What kind of seclusion does not exist in the world?

all fake!

In fact, he is plotting secretly.

Not only was he plotting against his lover, he was also plotting against Jin Yulan.

Furthermore, I want to tell you a secret. You may not believe it. In fact, this is the ghost lantern thief. It was invited by your master, directed and acted by himself, and captured you to be auctioned at the Thirteen Chain Chamber of Commerce.

Ye Jue revealed the shocking secret in one breath.

What? This is impossible, how could the master do this? There is no reason!

When San Shengxue heard this, her eyebrows raised in disbelief.

Her master, the Sixth Kao himself, knew it.

How could you do these things secretly if you are not fighting against the world!

There is no reason at all!

People go to high places and water flows to low places. A person's ability is directly proportional to his desire. The stronger the strength, the greater the desire. There has never been anyone who is indifferent to the world. If a person has top strength, then he will If you want to get the title and honor you deserve, this is the principle of entropy increase, what high-entropy bodies like to say.

Ye Jue smiled coldly.

The Sixth Kao is actually just an abacus.

None of the four sons of the Black Realm is good.

He didn't believe it at all.

After a calculation by the divine calculator, everything is understood.


It is estimated that a Sanshengxue would be able to obtain this secret with an analytical power of less than one million.

It seemed that Ye Jue had mastered how to use the Divine Calculator correctly.

Impossible! Impossible!

Sanshengxue was still shaking her head.

Just like a rattle!

Let her believe that she has never met a master who has always been gentle...

No need to say more, right?

Hmph, how is it impossible? This sixth Kao King wants to acquire the Thirteen Chain Chamber of Commerce and marry Jin Yulan. Believe it or not, he has a charming physique that can confuse fairies. No matter how powerful a woman is, as long as she is in a female body, Everyone will fall for it, you are so stupid, you have already fallen for it, that's why you are like this.

Ye Jue snorted coldly.

How could it be? How could I not know my heart? Stop telling me. It's all lies. I won't believe it.

Sanshengxue shook her head vigorously.

She doesn't listen! She doesn't stop!

How could the Sixth Kao, such a gentle person, secretly plot against her and others?

This Ye Jue must have deliberately made up lies in order to get her to sign the scroll of destiny!

What a charming physique, thanks to him he made it up and pretended to look like it!

It seems that you have been hit too hard. Let me help you remove it.

Ye Jue sighed.

What, what are you going to do? Don't mess around. My master, the Sixth Kao King, has three great generals: Yu Tianji, Tang Long Jianyun, and Yu Wen Nongyue. If you dare to touch me, they will definitely come and kill you!

Sanshengxue saw Ye Jue walking towards her, gradually approaching, and instantly had a bad feeling.

What are you thinking about there?

Ye Jue was speechless.

With one grasp, Sanshengxue was gathered into his hand like wool.

His power suddenly penetrated into San Shengxue's mind.


San Shengxue's limbs stiffened, she felt invaded and screamed.

It's like being raped!

See for yourself what this is.

Ye Jue waved her hand, and her own soul was revealed.

It was in the shape of a heart, tightly locked by a big lock.

It was covered with iron chains and shackles, tightly sealed.

What is this, no, no!

Sanshengxue showed an incredible expression when she saw her mind was like this.

This is a good thing your master has done. You are the sixth Kao, a professional pig farmer? Don't let me meet you.

Ye Jue scoffed.

He reached out with his big hand and grasped the shackles of the soul.

Break it for me!


The iron chains attached to Sanshengxue's mind collapsed instantly.

The real her finally wakes up.

I, Sanshengxue, was a seed disciple of the Taihuang Kendo Sect in the last era. I had a bright future. I survived the catastrophe and came to the Black Realm with my ambitions... What happened after that turned out to be for this Sixth Kao Serving tea, pouring water, and peeling fruit?”

Sanshengxue suddenly woke up.

She has been enslaved for an entire era!

It's so miserable.

Ming Yue saw the real situation and sympathized deeply.

Think about it…

Being enslaved for an era, the true heart was sealed.

Did you suddenly learn the truth and collapse?

Ah ah ah, I want to kill, I want to kill him, damn thing, I want to chop him!

Sure enough, Sanshengxue let out a series of screams!

The sword in her hand was slashing wildly, her sword energy was flying, and she was using real Taihuang Kendo moves.

If you want revenge, you have to listen to me, otherwise you won't be able to kill him for the rest of your life.

Seeing this, Ye Jue sighed.

Fate is unpredictable, the large intestine wraps up the small intestine!

If I hadn't met him...

This Sanshengxue will definitely be exploited to death. After all, it is just a chess piece close to Jin Yulan.

After all, the real target of the Sixth Kao is Jin Yulan.

By imprinting the mark of life, can I be promoted to Immortal Emperor?

Sanshengxue quickly calmed down, and now she just wants to take revenge.

That's right.

Ye Jue nodded.

She was already at the peak of the Immortal Lord.

Just one step away.

With the blessing of the power of the Scroll of Destiny, he will inevitably be promoted to Immortal Emperor.


Without saying a word, Sanshengxue directly imprinted the imprint of life on the scroll of destiny.

Then, he slowly landed, with an expression that made him want to cry.

Being enslaved for an era...

It would be weird not to cry!

Very good, wait here for your promotion, and then I will give you a task.

Ye Jue knew that although this Sixth King of Flowers was not too ancient.


In this person's world, there is a talisman.

There is no way to use the divine calculator to figure out what this talisman is.

Because the required analytical power is hundreds of millions.

I guess it is definitely a treasure.

When Sanshengxue was promoted to Immortal Emperor, he arranged for this woman to steal this thing.


Sooner or later, this Four Sons of the Black Realm, a scheming lover, will have a showdown with him.

By the time.

He and San Shengxue can easily defeat the enemy by cooperating with each other inside and outside.

After all, the four sons of the Black Domain are not easy to kill.

The Emperor of the Moon Palace, the Prince of Love, the Sixth King of Flowers, the last Emperor...but I don’t know who it is.

Because there is no name, only the title of Emperor.

I'll listen to you.

San Shengxue nodded vigorously.

The attitude is completely opposite to before.

Her love for this emperor has turned into deep hatred!


Ye Jue left Di Zhong.

at this time.

The battle at the auction venue has come to an end.

The Immortal Burial King ferociously devoured the eight peak Immortal Emperors and was trying to control Pyrothorn Lang.

But this arrogant boy possesses the Red Dragon Covering the Sky Seal of the Red Heaven Emperor.

This is a weapon created by the ancestor at his peak, and it can indeed withstand the burial soil.

For a while, the situation was deadlocked.


Ye Jue said nothing and took action directly.

A finger poked out again.

The power of time is turning!


Firethorn Lang's Red Dragon Covering the Sky Seal suddenly exploded into pieces, and flames shot out all over the sky.

Ah, what kind of power is this, Guixian, who is behind you?!

Firethorn Lang was originally leisurely and contented.

Unexpectedly, the Red Dragon Covering the Sky Seal was easily pierced by a finger.

What power is this?

He couldn't understand it at all!

Bring the burial soil!

The Immortal Burial King looked fierce, and black light suddenly enveloped him from all directions.


Firethorn Lang immediately howled miserably and was swallowed up by the burial soil...

Here comes the opportunity to become an ancestor!

The Immortal Burial King devoured Firethorn Lang.

The burial soil in the earthen jar immediately began to blend with his burial soil.

In an instant, lightning and thunder continued, and thousands of thunder disasters descended.

Each hit hit the Immortal Burial King.

The strange particles all over his body were stagnant and unable to transform into ancestors.


Ye Jue blew it away in one breath.


All the power of calamity disappeared.

Without any hindrance, the strange particles of the Buried Immortal King began to rapidly transform into ancestor-level particles.

I've reached the ancestor level too!

The Immortal Burial King roared loudly!

All the immortals in the auction have long since fled.

The eight peak immortal emperors of the Thirteen Chain Chambers of Commerce were all killed by ghost immortals!

Devoured by thousands of ghosts!


Who dares to stay here?

Looking for death? !

They all fled!

Hearing this roaring sound, it was like thunder roaring, and several people almost fell down in the space-time tunnel.

The eight Immortal Emperors guarding the Tianzihao Thirteen Chain Auctions were killed!

The ghosts and immortals are amazing, the first ghost king killing auction in history!

It's so scary. The scene is full of ghosts. They look ferocious and devour the soul!

At this moment, the news spread throughout Nan Batian.


There is no need to pass it on anymore.

The terrifying aura shook apart a fairy city in Nan Batian.

The rivers and mountains roar!

The ghost king Buried Immortal King collapsed from the Supreme Immortal Formation, and the scene was extremely horrifying.


He can now call himself the Ghost Ancestor!

Very good, Immortal Burial King, you continue to stir up the situation in Nan Batian and lure Jin Yulan to take action. I will hide in your burial soil and wait for the opportunity.

Ye Jue used one of the three thousand major restrictions, the Great Covering Technique, and sunk his whole body into the burial soil of the Immortal King, becoming completely hidden.

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