Thousands of ghosts devour the sky!


The sky!

The gray fog is billowing into the sky, and the door to hell is wide open!

The vast gray fog and thunder covered the sky and the sun, full of awe-inspiring atmosphere.

An ancient coffin with a nine-headed dragon engraved on it, ferocious and majestic, weighing ten thousand, appeared.

What portal is that?

This is the world of ghosts and immortals. The ghosts and immortals have opened the burial soil!

It's so scary, are those ghosts??

Seeing the ghost gate in the sky, all the gods in this auction shrank their heads and did not dare to show their excitement.

They were so shocked that they all stared at it.

What are those?

People, covered in gray mist, rushed out of the ghost gate one by one.

With a roaring sound, it was so amazing, and the sound of ghosts crying filled the entire formation!

Ghost Immortal! Are you really going to act recklessly and try to challenge the peak of our eight Immortal Emperors?

The Immortal Emperors of the Thirteen Chain Chambers of Commerce roared one after another.

They were also surprised!

I didn't expect this ghost fairy to have such ability!

It can actually create a ghost gate, and all ghosts will eat the sky!

This is the world of the Immortal Burial King!

They're all ghosts. Oh my god, they seem to be able to swallow people's souls. I feel like I'm going to die!

Some of the big guys in the time cave were also trembling.

This rich man...

Not easy to mess with at all!

Who would have thought that it would turn out to be a mysterious ghost fairy!

The first time I saw a ghost fairy.

Who is not shocked?

Hahaha, Ghost Immortal, this is Ghost Immortal, the world of Ghost Immortal, it's amazing, it's amazing, there is such a world. If you get this burial soil, wouldn't you be promoted to the ancestor? How can I let you succeed? ,a ha ha ha!

Pyrocanthus was stunned for a moment, then laughed!

He opened his mouth and a tongue covered with barbs swept towards the jar.


Then, he actually swallowed it.

The body of Fire Thorn is a flaming python. Emperor Chi Tian is so protective of his shortcomings. You see, the ability he used just now is called Devouring Technique. He can swallow anything and eat anything.

Some gods whispered.

Naturally, he couldn't escape Ye Jue's ears.

He did not show up, always staring at the battlefield, and had no intention of taking action.

The strength of the Buried Immortal King cannot be underestimated.

He already knew it.

If you can be promoted to Ancestor, it can be a big help.

This battle is a good opportunity for him to accumulate. Whether he can attack his ancestor depends on whether he can break through himself.


The burial soil roared, and the gate of hell opened wide.

The scarlet blood chain winds towards the peak of the eight Immortal Emperors.

Black light is billowing, the ghost king comes to the world and crushes everything!

The entire auction array was completely submerged!

Under the sky-reaching stone tablet in the burial ground, countless powerful ghost bodies flew out. They were not afraid of lightning and could destroy everything. There was almost nothing that could resist them.

Get the Ghost King first!

The eight Immortal Emperors roared at their peak.

Thousands of thunder and lightning struck down their bodies, and for one of them, all the lightning converged on his fist, like a sea containing hundreds of rivers.

Thousands of Tribulations Thunder Fist!


The blazing thunder exploded instantly!

Like judgment, it descends on the entire burial ground.

The Immortal Burial King, however, remained motionless and pressed forward into the void.


The scarlet blood chain immediately annihilated the thunder sea, dancing like a snake, biting and devouring all abilities.

Boom boom boom!

The entire burial ground became weird and powerful again!

This burial soil can indeed swallow energy!

The eight immortal emperors frowned at their peak.

Their secret methods were completely ineffective.

It had no effect at all. I could only watch it being swallowed up and transformed into the power of ghosts and immortals.

The move of burying the Immortal King is really a bug.

Ye Jue couldn't help but said after seeing such a scene.

Burial soil is indeed magical!

When he entered it by mistake, he knew how powerful it was.

Now that the Immortal Burial King has become the Immortal Emperor, the burial soil becomes even more bizarre.

However, fighting for too long and being unable to win is not good for the Immortal Burial King. I am here to help him.

Ye Jue stretched out a finger.

He moved forward a little.


Golden fingers, like swords that break the sky, stretched out from the space-time hole where he was.


The formation on the sky suddenly roared, as if the power of some rules was broken.

Who is this?

Oh my god, it's so awesome!

Is there still a big boss hiding in the hole at that time?

The gods below saw such a scene and almost fainted from fright.

Not a big shot...

It's a giant!

What power is this?


It must be the ancestor!


Why did the ancestor appear at the auction?

Can Ancestor like these things?

All the immortals were completely dumbfounded!

This is a question and shock to almost everyone!

But a more terrifying scene appeared again!


Time here has been directly reversed!

The memories of the immortals disappeared in an instant.

I don’t remember the ancestor taking action just now.

But the finger that Ye Jue stretched out actually happened.

In one fell swoop, he destroyed the supreme immortal formation that enveloped the auction.


No one found it!

What?! What's going on? Why did the formation suddenly collapse? Wow!

The power of the formation blessed by the eight immortal emperors suddenly shattered.

Their strength dropped sharply, and their strength shrank by a large margin!


The Immortal Burial King would not let go of this opportunity at all and crushed it with the burial soil.


It directly wrapped the peak of the Eight Immortal Emperors.

In the burial ground!

They will be attacked endlessly!

Buried Immortal King, even if they are shrouded in your burial soil, you won't be able to kill them in a thousand years. I will help you.

Ye Jue struck the space hole with his palm.


A force of time instantly enveloped the entire burial ground.

What is this, ah ah, what's going on, such a powerful power of time, ghost fairy, who is behind you, so terrifying?

Firethorn Lang was also caught by the power of time. He struggled continuously, but there was no way to resist.


It's not something he can fight against!

Time bead or time cube?


Could it be the time domain?


The time domain cannot appear!

But he didn't expect it.

This is the word Shi showing its power.

In this burial soil shrouded in the word Time, the Immortal Burial King fully unleashed his power and killed a peak Immortal Emperor.


These eight peak Immortal Emperors fell one after another!

at this time!

In the burial soil shrouded in the word time, six hundred years have passed.

Chi Chi Chi!

Among the burial soil, the sword light and thunder light were still shining in the sky.

These are the last few peak immortal emperors struggling to survive!

How is it possible? Where is our support? It has been six hundred years. Why is there no support?

We can't escape. This burial soil is too weird. We can't escape!

Ah ah ah, where are the ancestors of the Thirteen Chambers of Commerce?

They kept sending out distress calls.


They don't know that time has been completely cut off.

In this word time, the time they live in is completely different from the outside world.

In the outside world, only six seconds had passed.

Everyone, thank you for making me the ancestor.

The Immortal Burial King said in a low voice.

Six hundred years of fighting are about to end.

After his burial soil swallows the eight Immortal Emperors, he will use the burial soil to swallow Fire Thorn Lang, and then he will be able to achieve the ancestral throne in one fell swoop.

Damn it, ahhh!

We won't let you succeed!

Boom boom boom! !

A series of peerless sword energy, the stars are moving, and the ancient weapons are shining.

There was another shocking battle in the burial ground.

And the outside world.

Ye Jue took a sip of enlightenment tea and frowned.

What enlightenment tea?

It is not as effective as a leaf in the earth-planted world.

How is she?

Ye Jue's incarnation suddenly appeared in the earth seed world.

She has a very stubborn temper. Xi Chuangyue and I taught her a lesson, and now we don't make trouble anymore.

Ming Yue rolled her eyes.


Sanshengxue was tied up with five flowers and thrown at Ye Jue's feet.

Of course we can't make trouble if we're so restrained.

Ye Jue was speechless.

Is this Shouka Sango really that stubborn?

You are the master who created this world, what is your name?

Sanshengxue raised her head, frowning, and asked.

My name is Ye Jue.

Ye Jue smiled slightly.

Huh? Are you Ye Jue? Are you that person? Is it you?

Sanshengxue was suddenly surprised, her eyes scanning him up and down.

Oh? It seems I'm famous?

Ye Jue asked curiously.

Famous? No, you are the one who stirred up the black realm. Nowadays, who doesn't know your powerful chess to kill three corpses! In the hands of three pillars, ten thousand signs, and the future giant Ye Yi, you won the power of Hongmeng, possessing good fortune, and comprehending With his unique boxing technique, he killed the hunchbacked old man Liefeng Yang, competed with the Emperor's love son for the time domain, and finally obtained the Xuanhuang Qi, becoming the only Saint Ancestor!

San Shengxue opened her mouth and told Ye Jue a series of brilliant achievements.

She knew it in such detail.

It must be something that few people know.

I can't understand that the Black World is so big, so vast, and so many places, but the news spreads so fast.

When Ye Jue heard this, he shook his head helplessly.

He wanted to keep the matter of his promotion to the Saint Ancestor a secret so that Jin Yulan could master the energy of the Five Elements.

I'm afraid this woman already knows it now.

Ye Jue... No, Holy Ancestor, there is no need for you to arrest me. My master, the Sixth King of Flowers, although he is also one of the emperors, has always been in seclusion. He has never earned anything, and he does not have the ancient king you need. I'm so angry, how about you let me go?

Sanshengxue thought for a while and said this.

Let you go? This is not possible. I bought you with 10 million vitality rivers. This is a big price. At the same time, for you, I also offended the non-court. I just let you go so easily. I am not suffering a big loss. Already?

Ye Jue narrowed his eyes.


San Shengxue bit her lip.

Ten million vitality rivers, this number is too terrifying.

To her it was an astronomical figure.

Will your master, the Sixth Kao, buy you back with 10 million vitality rivers?

Ye Jue asked again.

He will definitely do it, but...

San Shengxue frowned.

However, you were captured by mistake. You fell into some kind of ghost lantern thief's trap. You were also dragged to be auctioned in turns. Such a shameful thing. How could you have the face to meet your master, the Sixth Kao, who bought you with ten million vitality rivers? Is such a person really worth it?”

Ye Jue smiled slightly and said everything on her mind.

He also smoothly untied the immortal rope tied to her body.


Upon hearing these words, Sanshengxue's face suddenly turned pale.

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