Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 934 The Immortal Burial King makes a big fuss in Nan Batian!

After Ye Jue said these words, he fell silent in the burial soil of the Immortal King.

He did not enter the boundary monument.

Because hiding in the burial soil is easier to do.

The world of Nan Batian is controlled by the Thirteen Chambers of Commerce.

The eight Immortal Emperors killed by Immortal Burial King just now were only meager at their peak.

In the ranking of Chamber of Commerce masters, there are simply countless.

The appearance of the ghost fairy in Nan Batian simply made the hearts of all the immortals surge and they couldn't calm down!

When the top immortal emperors heard the news that their kind had been killed, their expressions were calm and calm, without any fear.

A ghost fairy who wants to shake the entire Nan Batian?

They scoffed!



The alien space of the auction was directly blown to pieces.

Various divine objects were splashed in all directions, causing a sensation.

Countless gods chased after him, all wanting a piece of the pie.

These treasures that were originally going to be auctioned were all knocked away by the Immortal Burial King.

Various precious treasures emit immeasurable light, and vast waves of light spread out in all directions.

How could it not cause a sensation?

Especially when thousands of treasure energy flew out, it was deafening.

It was like the cornucopia had been shattered.


Who dares to fight with me?


In the five-color city of Nan Batian, a strong man wearing armor took off and chased after him.

A mixed bag of fish and dragons, many masters!

They fight!

It was so violent that the entire sky was exploding and splitting.

The Immortal Burial King was also very smart. After blowing up the auction of the Thirteen Chamber of Commerce, he flew directly towards other alien spaces.

Now that he has been promoted to Ghost Ancestor, the burial soil is rising and spitting out all the time, with a terrifying force.

Viewed from a distance.

It's like a world of ghosts has enveloped me.

The frightened gods evaded again and again.

This is so exciting!

Whoever sees it is confused!

The only ones who dare to challenge are the ancestors.

Boom boom!

At this moment, a thought came from the depths of Nan Batian's world and was quickly extinguished.

Ye Jue, who was hiding in the burial soil, felt a chill in his heart and naturally felt it.

It was a dazzling golden light that seemed to be a scorching sun.

Golden Yulan!

It's definitely her!

In the alien space where the Immortal Burial King destroyed Thirteen Malls, this woman finally couldn't stand it any longer and exposed her tail.

Very well, Immortal Burial King, you continue to make trouble, the bigger the trouble, the better!

Ye Jue said.

no problem.

The Immortal Burial King responded in a low voice.

The door of ghosts is completely open, and all ghosts pounce on those time and space alien worlds.

The secrets of Thirteen Mall are all hidden inside.

As long as it explodes, all kinds of magical objects will fly around, causing a sensation.

Stop it!

An old man wearing Taoist robes led a group of masters to kill.

This is also a peerless expert from the Thirteen Chambers of Commerce.

Ancestor level, behind him are the peak immortal emperors.

All of them had serious expressions, full of chilling meaning.


It was impossible to stop.

The Immortal Burial King will not fight with them, the target is those treasures.

Ye Jue opened his Tai Chi Golden Eyes and guided him from behind.

Almost wherever you hit it!

Damn it, how on earth did he know where our Chamber of Commerce's treasure is hidden?

Yeah, that's impossible!

Don't ghosts and immortals have any treasure-hunting abilities?

These experts from the Chamber of Commerce were very puzzled.

This Ghost Ancestor has repeatedly struck down the dimension!

Destroyed several alien spaces where treasures were hidden.

These spaces were originally going to be auctioned.

They are all treasures stored by other masters and handed over to their chamber of commerce for auction.

They just take profits from it.

Who would have expected...

This ghost fairy actually knew everything and destroyed them one after another.

All the gods in Nan Batian have gone crazy!

My eyes are red!

Almost a war swept through the entire fairy city.

We can't let him continue to make trouble. Our Chamber of Commerce will suffer too much loss!

These people looked gloomy and used the Supreme Immortal Formation to capture the Burial Immortal King.

Of course, the Immortal Burial King does not have the ability to completely destroy the Supreme Immortal Formation.

However, it is still possible to escape and avoid.


Getting caught is a matter of time.

But he did it deliberately so that Ye Jue could get close to Jin Yulan.


More and more peak Immortal Emperors appear.

The ancestor also increased to six in the early stage!

They chased and fought the Burial Immortal King!

One after another divine light, one after another, the mountain-like big hands shot out continuously.


The Immortal Burial King was able to resist. The coffin in the burial soil seemed to be alive, constantly resisting attacks.


In the burial soil, ghost marks were also condensed.

This ghost seal was formed by condensing all the power of the Buried Immortal King. It made a trembling sound and rumbled like a tsunami.


The big guys from the Chamber of Commerce gave a light scolding and sacrificed their immortal weapons one after another.

All of them are ancient immortal weapons, but they are not supreme immortal weapons.

This also shows that the Chamber of Commerce has a strong foundation.

These ancient immortal soldiers can attack independently, evolve into large formations, and their swords soar to the sky.

The entire Nan Batian is constantly bursting with beautiful rays of light...

The ancestors were fighting the ancestors, and the gods below were also in chaos, fighting fiercely and almost out of control.


Another explosion space exploded!

Countless treasures collapsed and splashed in all directions!


Seeing such a scene, the gods went crazy again.

They were not originally from Nan Batian, they were all outsiders who came to participate in the auction.

Even the local immortals of Nan Batian couldn't resist the temptation and participated in the fight.

Considering that the treasure is so close, is there any reason not to take action?


The Burial Immortal King laughed loudly, and the light of the burial soil swept away a piece of it, blood flowed into a river, and bones became a mountain.

These are the immortal soldiers who were chased by his ancestors and used their own world to besiege him.

But it didn't work at all.

Ye Jue is helping behind the scenes.

It is impossible for the Immortal Burial King to be defeated in advance.

Jin Yulan must be seduced out.


The Immortal Burial King once again felt a force entering his body into the burial soil.

He knew that Ye Jue was secretly helping him fight against the masters of the Chamber of Commerce.

This is so cool!

He had just been promoted and was able to fight so many ancestors alone.

Definitely his most brilliant achievement!

Ho ho ho!!

The experts from the Chamber of Commerce roared loudly.

Air currents like a rainbow penetrating the sun continued to bombard the burial soil.


The burial soil seemed to be able to withstand the power of the ancient gods.

Almost dumbfounding them.

Is this the ghost fairy?

Is it really that powerful?

They don't know.

This is what Ye Jue is doing secretly.

The forces that blasted into the burial soil were all secretly resolved by Ye Jue.

Otherwise, Immortal Burial King would have been defeated long ago based on his own strength.


A fist burning with flames seemed to shake the heavens!


Accompanied by the dazzling sea of ​​thunder, the sky seemed to be falling.

The Buried Immortal King uses the Buried Immortal attack to dominate the world.

Bang bang bang bang!

Those ancient immortal soldiers collapsed on the spot, then cracked, and some of them were directly turned into pieces.


The gods of the Chamber of Commerce were so shocked that they were speechless and had small bumps all over their bodies.

This is so jaw-dropping!

they know.

This Ghost Immortal had just been promoted to Ghost Ancestor.

It is an existence from the early ancestors.

It's only slightly stronger than the peak Immortal Emperor.

But what?

There were many of them, but they still couldn't defeat him.


This ghost ancestor actually burst out with such terrifying power, it was so shocking!

No matter how strong they are, they can't come up with such rules.

Because it also contains the power of time.


Those ancient immortal weapons have been marked by time and are no longer durable.

It is normal to be beaten up.

What's amazing is this punch!

Immortal Burial Strike!

All are like clay sculptures and wood carvings!

What are you still doing? Kill!

The ancestors of the Chamber of Commerce came to their senses and roared.

Everyone felt the seriousness of the situation!

They showed off their might and withstood the blow of the Immortal Burial.

at the same time.

Under Nan Ba ​​Tian, ​​terrifying murderous intentions emerged one after another.

All turned into peerless sharp edges and charged forward, piercing Tianyu.

In this world, the terrain began to change under the influence of the large formation, sealing off the entire space.

Even if the Immortal Burial King wanted to run away now, it would be impossible.

Ghost Ancestor, let's catch you without any effort. You have destroyed so many products of our Chamber of Commerce. You must stay here and work as a horse for our Chamber of Commerce for ten epochs!

They shouted coldly.

Hard to fly with wings...

This is what is happening now.

Ten epochs? This epoch is about to be destroyed. Now we can't hide from the black realm and deep space, hahaha!

The Burial Immortal King shook his hand, and a hundred large flags appeared in the burial soil!

These flags are another manifestation of his strength!

Use the formation to break the formation!

This was the Dharma flag left to him by King Broken Mirror back then. It had not been used much, but now it was put to use.


Seriously, the Supreme Immortal Formation located under Nan Ba ​​Tian with a radius of hundreds of feet cannot operate and cannot be present.

Is there any hidden power?

So much background...

What are you afraid of? There are so many of us!

Get him!

One after another, tall figures made sounds of wind and thunder, besieging the Immortal Burial King.

Bang bang bang!

The Immortal Burial King struck out with his fist, the divine rainbow shook the earth and the earth, and the blazing flames splashed everywhere.

I don't believe it.

Ye Jue secretly muttered to himself: Their fight caused the earth to shatter and more than half of Nan Batian's fairy city to be destroyed. If the fight continues like this, it will be completely destroyed. This Jin Yulan is really so patient and doesn't take action yet. ?”

His eyes flickered, waiting for Jin Yulan to appear.

Hongmeng created the Xuanhuang Fist, which still lacked her Five Elements Qi.

This time when he comes to Nanbatian, he is bound to win.


At this moment, an arrow feather roared, the mountains and rivers turned pale, the sun and the moon lost their light, the power was beyond imagination!


In an instant, Immortal Burial King was shot!


A large number of strange particles were sprayed out, and the chest was pierced, which was shocking.


This weird divine arrow rushed past, and then shot out, trying to pierce the Burial Immortal King into a candied haws.

It’s hard to imagine what a divine thing this is!


The Immortal Burial King also sensed something was wrong and used his own ghost coffin to resist.

This divine arrow immediately left a hole in the ghost coffin.

The strange coffin that could withstand the simultaneous attacks of six ancestors was actually unable to withstand this divine arrow.


The Immortal Burial King retreated, moving with all his strength.

But that arrow is too sensitive!

It disappeared into the space, then twisted and appeared again, flickering in front of him.

Delete the power of time? !

Immortal Burial King's expression changed suddenly!

This is the power that Ye Jue has shown before, and this divine arrow actually has such power.

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