
Who did I think it was? It turned out to be him!

The auxiliary god of the Red Heaven Emperor.

The gods all started discussing secretly.

Figures in the field.

Some of them are familiar.

Because Emperor Chitian is a big shot.

He became famous very early.


His auxiliary god is famous for his idleness!

Not only did he cause trouble everywhere, but he also caused a lot of trouble.

every time.

It was Emperor Chitian who wiped his butt.

Otherwise, he would have been killed long ago.

See this person.

The Immortal Emperors of the Thirteen Chain Chambers of Commerce frowned deeply.

Rules are rules.

One of the Immortal Emperors said in a low voice.

Hey, hey, everyone, you don't want to kill me, do you? I told you, it's just a joke to liven up the atmosphere.

Firethorn Lang added in a strange voice: How about asking my master to talk to everyone? Let Jin Yulan come out to talk about old times?


The whole place fell silent.

These Immortal Emperors immediately frowned.

The cold Immortal Emperor who just spoke also lost his voice.

“The signboard of the Thirteen Chain Chamber of Commerce was just smashed?”

Even the Chamber of Commerce must give Emperor Chitian some face!

He's just an auxiliary can he be so arrogant?

Among the gods who came to the auction, there was no one who was not a boss.

Seeing that the Chamber of Commerce has no voice.

It is absolutely impossible not to be disappointed.

This happened.

Who will dare to auction things in the future?

Isn’t it a joke to drive up prices at will?

Pyracantha, our Chamber of Commerce also has rules, take advantage of our tricks!

The Eight Immortal Emperors also understand very well.

If this matter is not resolved properly...

Once word gets out, the Chamber of Commerce's brand will be absolutely destroyed.

Therefore, they all took action and attacked Firethorn Lang.

Ah ah ah, it hurts so much. Dear Immortal Emperors, please forgive me!

Firethorn Lang screamed, and was beaten like a lonely boat, drifting.

This is acting...

That's right, the Chamber of Commerce will definitely not dare to actually kill him.

Yes, otherwise the ashes would be gone with the Immortal Emperor's peak blow.

The people at the scene saw this scene and understood clearly in their hearts.

This is a show!

It's just that Pyrothorn's acting is so fake.

They all knew what the Eight Immortal Emperors were going to do next.

One move will definitely send Firethorn away.

Then declare the matter over.


It can not only preserve the reputation and brand of the Chamber of Commerce.

It can also give Emperor Chi Tian some face.

You immortal emperors probably haven't eaten yet. I'm willing to do it for you.

At this moment, the Immortal Burial King rushed out of Ye Jue's time and space cave.

He is now at the peak of the Immortal Emperor, possessing huge commanding power.

The burial soil in hand is as powerful as the ancestors!

The strange particles vibrated instantly, which was extremely shocking!


The eight peak Immortal Emperors of the Chamber of Commerce saw a stunning Immortal Emperor rushing out of the space hole.

Everyone's face was shocked, and their eyes were filled with light.

They originally planned to use their power to send this troublesome Pyrothorn away.

Unexpectedly, this person would use his killer move!

This is to kill Firethorn Lang!

This is not possible!

It will offend the Red Heaven Emperor!

Emperor Chitian is famous for protecting his shortcomings!

In the end, it was their Chamber of Commerce that resisted everything!

Burial Immortal Strike!

The Immortal Burial King has a celestial appearance, and his current blow surges forward like a violent wave.

So strong!

Everyone was shocked!

It turns out that the wealthy man who has been bidding is actually so powerful!

It is also the peak of the Immortal Emperor!


Still a ghost king!

He comes from Broken Mirror!

Broken Mirror is a legend, and I don’t know where it is buried.

It is said that it is at the bottom of a well, but no one wants to go to the bottom of the well.

First, their strength makes it impossible to turn back in the dark realm.

The second is that even if you reach the bottom of the well, why go looking for a broken mirror?

It was just a ruined world of gods.

Fellow Taoist, calm down, stop, don't kill him!

He is the auxiliary god of Emperor Chitian!


Don't do anything stupid!

The peak of the Immortal Emperor is like grass in the eyes of the Red Heaven Emperor!


don't want!


The eight peak Immortal Emperors intercepted the Immortal Burial King's Immortal Burial blow one after another.

Bang bang bang! !

The entire auction's prohibition formation has been triggered!

After the explosion, the energy was transferred to other places.


In the battle between the Immortal Emperors, all the immortals below suffered.

Huh? Hahaha, he is indeed the one who broke the mirror. I guessed it right. You need this burial soil, but I won't give it to you, hahahaha!

Firethorn Lang saw the Eight Immortal Emperors of the Chamber of Commerce guarding him at their peak, blocking a terrifying blow for him.

I was stunned for a moment.

Just now, he felt like he almost died.

The Immortal Burial struck, causing strange patterns to flicker, causing the space around him to rumble.

After being stunned, he laughed wildly.

With the protection of the Immortal Emperor of the Chamber of Commerce, what is he afraid of?

Don't you have a good shout?


The earthen jar containing the burial soil automatically flew into his palm.

Fellow Taoist, it doesn't have to be like this. Our Chamber of Commerce will definitely educate this Firethorn Man well. Just let him go. The burial earthen jar will be given to you for free. Our Chamber of Commerce will pay for it.

The Eight Immortal Emperors at their peak faced the Immortal Burial King dressed in white and said this.

They kept their attitude very low and gave them enough face.

Think about it, the eight Immortal Emperors are at their peak.

Lower your head at the same time.

Isn't this giving face?

What? The burial earthen jars are given away for free? No, no, no, this is what I got with great difficulty, five million vitality rivers, I want five million!

When Firethorn Lang heard what the Immortal Emperor of the Chamber of Commerce said, he immediately became unwilling and started yelling.


An Immortal Emperor from the Chamber of Commerce immediately poked it with a finger.

‘Boom! ’

However, a protective shield appeared around Firethorn Lang, blocking the blow.

You want to stun me, I'm dreaming, this is the Red Dragon Covering the Sky Seal given to me by Emperor Scarlet Heaven. If you really use your hands, you can't hurt me!

When Pyrocanthus saw the Immortal Emperor taking action against him, he immediately counterattacked in a strange way.


The Immortal Emperor of the Chamber of Commerce's face suddenly darkened.

This guy...

What a shame!

Five million vitality rivers? I won't give you even one. Burial earth and earthen jars, I am bound to get them today.

The Immortal Burial King's eyes were blazing, locked on him like a wild beast.

So tough?


“It’s the first time I’ve seen the immortal with a broken mirror, so brave!”

This is a ghost fairy. What do you know? It is not afraid of heaven or earth!

It seems that he doesn't know how powerful the Red Heaven Emperor is...

Many gods present were surprised.

After all, the broken mirror is just a legend.

Who wouldn’t be surprised when ghosts and immortals really appear before their eyes?


The expressions of the eight peak immortal emperors all darkened.

They heard clearly.

This ghost fairy doesn't want to let Firethorn Lang go.

This is hard to do.

Do we really want to kill this ghost fairy?

Their eight Immortal Emperors have joined forces at their peak, and there is even more help from the Supreme Immortal Formation here.

Kill a ghost immortal...

It's so easy!

However, they do not take advantage of the truth and know that it is wrong.

Only then did he take action.

If you push them into a hurry...

Stop talking nonsense and bring the burial soil!

The Immortal Burial King gave a low drink.


A ghost sword appeared from his hand, its brilliance shot into the sky and cut through the sky.


The entire alien space expanded infinitely in an instant.

This is caused by the supreme formation, as if the sky is infinite and the space is infinite.


In an instant, the fighting began.

The gods below all exclaimed in surprise.

Ghost Fairy 1V8!

This is so rare to see!


The battle between figures is really 1V8.

The sky was hit with explosions one after another, and ancient spells, destructive power, and mana were flowing everywhere.

This is amazing!

The ghosts and immortals are invincible!

Everyone was stunned and shocked. They couldn't believe it. It was like an ancient myth.

Fellow Taoist, don't be brave. You, a ghost fairy, are too special. We don't want to kill you!

The Immortal Emperors of the Chamber of Commerce shouted loudly.

They each sacrificed their magic weapons.

It is too easy to take down the ghost fairy.

Trying to be brave?

The Immortal Burial King couldn't help but smile.

He, the master of broken mirrors, was actually said to be trying to show off his strength?

The power of the burial soil, come out and see the strange things!


Burial soil spurted out of him.

Strange particles sputtered with black light, large tracts of volatilization occurred, and the mist surged, covering the sky and the earth!

The Immortal Burial King's eyes glowed, as if he had come from the ghost world.

That's amazing. Is that the ghost fairy?

So weird, so powerful!

This is my first time seeing a ghost fairy!

The gods all exclaimed in surprise.

The Immortal Burial King now transforms into the Ghost King, and through that strong aura, people can feel the trembling from the bottom of their hearts.


In the burial soil, the sound of iron chains could be heard, blood red and bloody, each one was like a ghost snake, exuding a terrifying aura.

Is this the power of ghosts and immortals?

The expressions of the eight peak immortal emperors became much more serious when they saw the overwhelming power exuded by the Immortal Burial King.

The three elements return to the underworld, the sky contains the earth, the earth contains the people, and the people contain death!

The Immortal Burial King is now in full swing.

These scarlet iron chains form a ghost snake. Once it is entangled, it will be like a gangrene attached to the bones, destroying the enemy's vitality and cutting off his divinity.

This is the power of weird particles.

Ghosts and immortals were once regarded as great evils at a certain period, harmful to the harmony of heaven and earth, and were despised by people.


It just disappeared now.

The Water Diversion Wave·Destroy!

Black and white!

One sword and bright moon, all directions!

Yan Yun Jiu Zhuan!

Ten Slashes·Demon-Destroying Explosive Flame!

God Bakulan!


In an instant, the eight peak Immortal Emperors were also amazed by the power of the Buried Immortal King.

They each circulated their vitality, and along with the huge waves, a terrifying aura instantly hit the entire space!

They are all creative martial arts that transcend restrictions, no weaker than immortal arts!

Boom boom boom! !

These powers were all swallowed up by the ghost realm exerted by the Immortal Burial King.

What a black and white thing, Yan Yun turned nine times, entered the ghost realm formed by the burial soil, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Zi La La!

The red iron chain started to drip blood, and the bright red color became more and more frightening.

No, I was fooled. Guixian's move is a defensive counterattack!

The top eight immortal emperors realized something, and their expressions changed dramatically.

Their attack was too reckless!

But you can blame them.

Because no one has ever fought against ghosts and immortals, they don’t know what kind of strange power they possess.

Now the Ghost King has devoured their moves...


I heard a sound like ghosts crying and gods howling!

The wind is howling and the waves are rising to the sky!

It's like opening a ghost door...

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