For Ye Yi, Ye Jue doesn't have any good impressions.

As the pawns of a strong man who killed three corpses, one of them must die.

As he grows, this is inevitable!

Either Ye Yi dies or he dies!

But Ye Jue believed that the one who died would definitely be Ye Yi.

Although I still don’t know how to kill Zombie Ancestor.

But there are always more solutions than difficulties.

Haha, you are all too late. Do you want to stop me now? It's already too late!

Ye Jue's roar resounded loudly!

The golden light of the Great Saint radiated from his body in all directions!

Thousands of rays of light, thousands of auspicious energy!

At this time, he has already stepped into the Holy Gate!

With three pillars and ten thousand features, Ye Yi could only watch helplessly.

No matter what heaven-defying methods they use now, they can't stop him from succeeding!

Damn it, this chess piece actually became a great sage at the tenth level under our noses! This is because he got the Immortal Mansion of Wu Shen Kong and the Qi of Hongmeng to achieve such an achievement! Once he really achieves greatness, we will Even though he is an ancestor, he cannot restrain this person because it is no longer difficult to kill him!

Daozhen, Daoxuan, and Daoling were also shocked when they saw this scene. Without thinking, another heaven-defying formation enveloped them.

The formation came to the top of the Holy Gate, but was unable to suppress it.

This is the Holy Sect, the ultimate in the path of great saints throughout the ages. Even if you are the ancestor, don't try to suppress it by force!

Ye Jue roared.


a loud bang

It's like a big world has been shattered, and the inside of the Holy Gate is hazy!

Immediately afterwards, there was a landslide, a tsunami-like rune of the Great Sage, the energy of the Great Sage, various elements of the Great Sage, the rules of the Great Sage, the secrets of the Great Sage...

They all rolled down!

This is like the Tianhe River breaking apart!

As Ye Jue's roar pierced the sky, all the stars fell down together, and the sound spread into the distance!

At the tenth level of the Great Sage, a Great Sage is about to be born!

All the gods in the black world saw this scene.

They gasped, all shocked!

what happened?

Is there still a great saint appearing in this world?

How do you practice?

Who is this person?

Incredible, never seen before!

Could it come from outside the Black World?

In all the realms of the black domain, there are figures, all looking up to the sky.

Among them, the Immortal Lords and Immortal Emperors stared at a more distant place in disbelief and saw the clear Holy Gate.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

So powerful!

This is the Great Sage. Who said he is comparable to the Immortal Emperor?

Yes, this aura easily surpasses that of the Immortal Emperor!

Countless gods and goddesses felt cold on their bodies.


At this time, another roaring sound came from there!

The Holy Gate is stirring!

The Great Sage begins to obtain the tenth level of inheritance!

Hahaha, so awesome, Ye Jue, you are so powerful. I didn't expect you to be able to play with the seven ancestors. They are so embarrassed now. They can only watch you break through and become a great leader. saint!

Ming Yue became ecstatic in the ground.

The tenth-level great saint actually made such a big move, which shocked the entire world of the Black Realm.

This is much more gorgeous than the Breakthrough Immortal Emperor.


She thinks Ye Jue is extremely handsome and dazzling!

Oh my God!

Xi Chuangyue opened her eyes wide.

Even if her legal body breaks through to perfection and becomes an Immortal Emperor.

It is impossible for such a vision to occur.

The great saint of the Holy Sect crushes the sky and continuously emits dazzling brilliance!

Swish, swish, swish! !

Countless golden clouds rush in all directions, which is breathtaking.

The golden clouds are not entirely golden, but also inlaid with black, impacting every world, large and small.

So what if you are an ancestor, you can only witness me!

Ye Jue roared.

It could be seen with the naked eye that strips of holy energy condensed into giant dragons and continuously penetrated into his body.

Keep enriching every particle of him!

His power is growing endlessly.

His longevity skyrocketed crazily!

One million epochs!

Two million...

three million!

Ten million!

Fifty million!

Eighty million!

A total of 80 million!

It’s almost approaching Zombie Ancestor’s longevity!

Haha, the power of the Great Sage is really powerful. All my Great Sage particles have transformed into Great Sage particles, and more than 2,600 great restraints have all begun to advance! The power of the top restraints has increased again!

Ye Jue was absolutely delighted!

Vast and unpredictable!

How could he stay in the Holy Sect for so long? It's not like the great sages of the past have never entered the Holy Sect. How much Holy Qi has he absorbed for such a long time?

Woyuntian's eyes were as cold as ice.

He thought the breakthrough was just a sudden one.

Wait for this person to show up and take it down immediately!

Who knows, a few minutes have passed and there is still no sign of stopping.

Something's wrong. The Holy Gate is a supreme immortal weapon refined by the ancient Great Sage. Only people on the Great Holy Path can touch it. Newcomers need to enter it to be recognized and become Great Saints. Why can't the Holy Gate now? Escaped?

Luo Tian pinched it with a big golden hand, covering the sky and the earth.

However, he was still powerless and unable to grasp the Holy Gate.

Those who are not cultivators of the Great Saint Path cannot touch this magical supreme immortal weapon.

I see.

At this time, Wan Xiang's face darkened.

Yes, it turned out to be like this. The Holy Gate cannot fly away. The reason why it is sucked is that this great saint has surpassed the great saints of the past generations and is more powerful than the ancient saints who refined the Holy Gate, which caused the Holy Gate to be backfired.

Ye nodded.

So powerful? He just got the Feathering Mirror, and he also wants to get a supreme immortal weapon? We don't have as many treasures as he does!

Daozhen, Daoxuan and Daoling paused.


At this moment, Ye Jue laughed wildly.


At the gate of the Holy Gate, he becomes like the sun and wants to drain the Holy Gate dry!

Who is this? It's so scary!

This scene, all the areas in the Black Territory were shocked when they saw this scene, and the hair on their bodies stood on end!

The Holy Sect is the ultimate on the road to the Great Sage. If you reach the tenth level of the Great Sage, you will be recognized by it and be given the power of the Great Sage. However, I have a creation beyond the Holy Qi, Hongmeng, my Great Sage particle. , integrated with the world of mortals, many weird things, etc., it is essentially beyond the past generations, just the Holy Sect, it is not enough for me to squeeze out!

Ye Jue sucked hard!

Puff puff puff puff! !

Within the Holy Sect, many vitalities swept through again!

His body keeps absorbing, and absorbing again!

The holy gate is a dead thing, and the weapon spirit has long since died.

The supply will not stop until Ye Jue particles reach saturation.

His power has improved too quickly. He was originally just a basic level Immortal Emperor, but now his life level has surpassed the middle level and turned into a high-level Immortal Emperor. This is not bad. Since the collapse of the myth, no one can cultivate it, only us old people. , maintaining the final dignity of myth.

Now this dignity has been broken. Should we be happy or should we...

Luo Tian pinched his handprints and his expression changed.

As a senior in the Shinhwa Road, he naturally hopes to see someone from the younger generation cultivate it.

Now, there are people who have really cultivated, and it is very likely that they will reach the ancestral level and be on the same level as them.

This represents new power and a new storm is born!

It was originally a gratifying thing to have another ancestor on the Shinhwa Road.


This person is a chess piece.

The stronger you are, the more dangerous you are!

Glad? This person is a monster and must be completely destroyed. There is no need for such heretical existence on the path of mythology. I, the Confucian Taoist, are the first to refuse.

Wo Yuntian said coldly.

I didn't expect that the ants I ignored at first could do this.

Wanxiang didn't know what he was thinking.

He watched this scene.

Staring at the great saint in the holy gate.

It is very difficult to kill this person now!

The first is that the virtual world is in his body, and he can escape into a world of gods at any time. The power of gods is so weird that his body can form a realm, and he belongs to the fourth party force.

The second is the feathering mirror, which can be refracted away at any time.

If you want to kill him, you must block time so that he cannot escape time and die in time.

However, it is too difficult to implement. First, you need to spend time and establish a special time area.

Only in this way can the dog be tricked into killing it.

The scene suddenly became quiet...

Ants? This is not true. From the beginning, I have regarded it as the most terrifying enemy.

Ye Yi said.

He used heaven-defying power and escaped to the world behind.

Completely ignoring the rules that the black realm can only move forward.

The Feathering Mirror has been taken away, so I don't have anything to do here.

Ye Yi opened up a space to escape, which extremely consumed Taichu's demonic energy.

Fortunately, he also has the power of Hongmeng.

His goal is not to persist.

But the black domain treasure is controlled by the master of the black domain.

Gah ga ga, although this great saint is an accident, it does not prevent me from looking for the Lord of the Black Territory. This Lord of the Black Territory is so good at hiding. He is obviously so powerful, but he transforms into an ordinary god and hides in the Black Territory. In the world, I started to destroy it from the upper axis, and destroyed so many black worlds, but I couldn't find it. Could it be that it was hidden at the bottom of the well?

Wanxiang licked his lips.


The bell rings!




The future giants with the bloodline of Zombie Ancestor are going to find the Lord of the Black Realm, and Wanxiang is following them. They are going to destroy the Mythical Pure Land again. How can we allow it?

Luo Tian half-opened his swastika eyes.

We don't have time to pay attention to this great saint. Let's use our lifespan to fight them with the first of the three thousand great restraints and the great death restraint!

Wo Yuntian said coldly.

Flash? If we use the Great Death Restriction, even we will lose all our lifespan in an instant and head towards death.

Daozhen, Daoxuan and Daoling frowned.

At their level, they can no longer improve.

Life span has reached its maximum and can only be consumed, not increased.

So what, in order to protect the Lord of the Black Realm, it doesn't matter if you die. The Pure Land of Myth, our three pillars, fight to destroy our own world, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, we must also eliminate them.

The Luotian Buddha Seal appears above the head, which is the symbol of ten thousand Buddhas.

His words represent ten thousand Buddhas, all Buddhas.

After all, Zufo is who he is now.

The ancient Buddhas of the past are all dead.

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