It's a pity...the feathered mirror...the energy of Hongmeng...

Daozhen, Daoxuan and Daoling have nothing to say!

Swish, swish, swish!

Heavenly soldiers and generals rushed into their bodies.

If we don't pursue Wanxiang, there are so many worlds in the Black Realm, and it will be difficult to find them.


Everything is destroying the world very quickly.

A world with an Immortal Lord can be wiped out in a flash of a hand!

Too violent!

How many immortals collapsed inch by inch, shattered in despair and fear, and turned into dust.

There is no one who is not afraid of death!

But it can't change anything!

We must protect the Lord of the Black Territory. However, even we don't know where the Lord of the Black Territory is. We need to stop them first!

The five ancestors disappeared here in an instant.


It was like chaotic thunder exploding until the back gradually disappeared!

There is only one Holy Gate here, and the Great Sage can no longer pay attention to it.

Okay, okay, these ancestors are finally gone. Their target was not you in the first place. Now is the best time for dog to bite dog and take advantage.

Ming Yue was very happy to see this scene.

He was afraid that the seven ancestors would still refuse to leave, so he chose to stay here and wait for Ye Jue to break through and be born.

They can't wait. Even if they wait, Ye Jue can jump into the virtual world with just a twist, and he can't be caught at all. Moreover, this time he is promoted to the great saint, his body is no longer fragile. The ancestors are You can’t kill him at once.”

The Immortal Burial King spoke.

I can feel the power emerging in our bodies. Is this the reason why we signed the scroll of destiny with him?

Xi Chuangyue raised her hands, and holy energy spurted out from herself.

That's right, when I gain benefits, you will also gain them. I am now a high-level Immortal Emperor. You all should evolve!

Ye Jue was sitting in the magnificent holy gate.


He channeled some holy energy into the ground.

Suddenly, all the gods began to advance.

Virtual immortals become real immortals, real immortals become mysterious immortals...

The moon in the west window, the moon in the dark moon, the buried immortal king was originally just an immortal king.

Now they all suddenly turned into giant eggs!

Boom, boom, boom! !

They all began to evolve and bury themselves towards the Immortal Emperor.

Normally, this is impossible, and practicing for a few more epochs won't help.


They met noble people.

That is Ye Jue!

Of course, Ye Jue's promotion is the most powerful one.

The complete Supreme Immortal Technique suddenly melted. He could not use it originally, but now he can use it easily.

Moreover, it was tainted by the holy energy and changed a bit.

Supreme grappling technique!

Ye Jue gave this mysterious power a new name.

It's not the three thousand great restrictions, it's the supreme power that overrides many restrictions.

However, it is slightly less restrictive than the top ones.

For example, the great death ban has been lost.

The power of the Great Sage, the holy energy permeates my body, enhances my physical quality, and changes the particles...

Ye Jue said silently in his heart.

Although he has become a great saint, the road has come to an end.

There is still an ancestor level above them.

If he returns to the big starry sky and takes a look at the digital information, he will be at full level.

Unable to evolve into an ancestor.

Because that's how the world is now.

If you want to become an ancestor, you must find another way.


The power of the Holy Sect is still pouring down, and it seems that it will never stop.

Anyway, Ye Jue was very useful. The visible holy energy made his particles more stable and transformed them into the particles of the Great Sage.

It is expected that after all transformations are completed, his strength should be close to the peak of the Immortal Emperor.

It's really amazing. I can feel that the earth seems to have felt his promotion, and every root is cheering and becoming more vibrant!

The Immortal Killing Flying Sword said so.

You know, the ground seed is Ye Jue's heart.

This heart is very special and seems to have its own consciousness.

He stayed here for so long that he felt a vague presence.

But there are no traces to be found.

When it becomes stronger, it will be completely born.

The ground seed will become stronger and stronger and more fully developed.

At that time, it may turn into a difficult situation!

He knows one thing.

That is the tree of misery, the soul is dead.

Otherwise, Ye Jue would not have gone crazy before.

At this moment, Ye Jue's strength improved, improved, and improved again.

The original ultimate power can no longer be calculated using simple numbers to calculate the total energy.

Almost around a billion.

Now that he has received so much holy energy, all the accumulated power in his body has begun to transform into power.

Two billion, five billion, ten billion, thirty billion!

When it reached 50 billion, it started to stop and stopped growing wildly.

At this time, the holy energy in the holy gate began to stop flowing.


Ye Jue should have received great benefits. His transformation had turned him into a strange great saint with black gold ripples under his feet while walking.


He moved a little, and his whole body, every inch of his pores, erupted with thousands of rays of light!

Just step out casually, and from this holy door, the supreme immortal weapon will come out.


Now, the container is his.

But it has lost all its power and is of no use.

Black stick.

He offered the black stick.

The weapon trembled slightly, and when it came into contact with the supreme immortal weapon, it directly transformed and began to devour it.

The black monkey weapon spirit inside suddenly opened its eyes.

Master, this supreme immortal weapon can transform me into a prehistoric first-level weapon.

Black Monkey said.

This was the first time he had spoken to Ye Jing, and his IQ had already opened up.

Very good, your promotion to the Supreme Immortal Weapon is just around the corner.

Ye Jue said.

With a random movement of his, the black holy energy dispersed, creating a tidal storm.

The gods in the world below can no longer observe him.

In the end, only a phantom reaching the sky could be seen, walking out of the holy door.

Then with a 'click', the large funnel that opened in the sky closed instantly.

The distant world can no longer be seen.

Ye Jue knew that his own savings were not enough to reach the peak of Immortal Emperor.

Of course, this is nothing.

Just keep extracting materials.

Converted into experience points, sooner or later you can reach the peak of the Immortal Emperor.

This battle comes and goes quickly. They have no intention of messing with you. Take advantage of this time to upgrade quickly!

The Immortal-Zhan Feidao said quickly.

What's the use of upgrading now? It's not that I can't beat the ancestor level. My goal should also be the Lord of the Black Domain. What is it that can make them work so hard, especially Ye Yi? He wants it so much, how can I let him If he gets his wish, maybe if he gets it, I will be miserable.”

Ye Jue's body didn't know how much he had accumulated.

The most powerful thing is the feather mirror!

This weapon surpasses the supreme immortal weapon!

Wan Xiang and Ye Yi were eager to find the treasure that the Lord of the Black Territory was working for. That thing must be more powerful than this weapon.

Your name is Ye Jianbian, right? I've seen your experience through Holy Dao Xing. It's very good. A little human can actually fight his way out of hell and lead the entire tribe to survive. Not bad, not bad.

The weapon spirit of Yu Hua Jing said three times in a row that it was good.

Clearly, he appreciates it.

Huh? Do you know about hell?

Suddenly, Ye Jue asked.

This is no small matter. No one can remember that hell has ever come.

But only he knows.

Hell has broken out before, more than once!

Because he has seen the lonely hell world!

Doesn’t this weapon spirit have amnesia? ?

I'm special, so I remember some things about hell.

The weapon spirit of the Yuhua Mirror said lightly.

Tell me everything you know.

Ye Jue's eyes flashed.

He urgently wants to know which force is responsible for the hell that shrouds the world of suffering.

Don't worry, let me think about it.

The weapon spirit of Yuhuajing thought for a while and said: I only know that hell is related to Hongchentian. Every time Hongchentian is about to destroy the world, hell will erupt. As the messenger of Hongchentian comes to the three realms, hell will be full Erupt and destroy everything.”

It's that simple?

Ye Jue was stunned.

He had already guessed this.

Hell is a world-destroying device.

However, the current Demon God is simply not enough.

He is the Immortal Emperor!

Back in the big starry sky, you can defeat the devil with one punch.

Regardless of whether he is a demon king or an ancient demon god, he will die in his hands.

Simple? No, no, no, that's because you were an accident. When the mortal world comes, there is only the black realm, and there is nothing in the deep space. All lives in the three realms will die and reincarnate and lose their memory.

Qi Ling said again and again.

So it turns out that hell was created by the world of mortals?

Ye Jue was slightly startled.

The truth of the wasteland is actually so simple.

It's been calculated a long time ago.

However, he just didn't believe it.

This statement is a little wrong. Hell is not some subsidiary power of Hongchentian. I have seen with my own eyes that Hell and the messengers of Hongchentian fought.

The weapon spirit of the Yuhua Mirror said this.

true and false?

Ye Jue had some doubts.

...Boy, why am I lying to you? If you really want to find out what hell is, go to the thirteenth level of hell. There is an upward passage there. However, anyone who has entered that passage will never see it again. Never came back.”

Yuhua Jing's instrument paused.

I've heard some rumors about this road, is it true?

Ye Jue frowned.

Is it possible…

Is that the way to the positive universe?

Damn it!

He was stunned instantly!

If that were the case, Zhengzhou Universe would also know what to do!

It's true. In my memory, someone has walked by before, but it's just too vague. I can't remember who it was.

Qi Ling said calmly.

Has anyone else been in it? The last hell?

Ye Jue was speechless.

It seems this is no secret.

Whether it is the road to the positive universe needs to be verified personally.

Oh, by the way, don't you have a virtual world? Have you seen the heavenly world?

The weapon spirit of Feather Mirror suddenly said.


Ye Jue was stunned.

Why didn't he know that there was a heaven in the boundary monument?

Heaven, isn't that a technological world created by ancient high-entropy bodies?

After hearing that it was sealed, those people in deep space have always wanted to know, so it turns out that it is in the world of gods?

Ah, so you don't know?

The weapon spirit of Yu Hua Jing was slightly stunned.

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