Gods have no gender.

The Seven Fox Immortals seemed to have seen through Ye Jue's thoughts.

So that's it. After all, this is my first time talking to a god, so I'm a bit rude.

The god's side belongs to the fourth force.

He is ready to let this force join the war!

Let’s have a fight with our ancestor!

You want me to help you capture the Feathering Mirror?

The Seven Fox Fairies laughed again and sounded the silver bells.

Be careful, there is murderous intent.

The Immortal Burial King frowned.

In Di Zhong's world window, he reminded Ye Jue.

You want to kill me?

Ye Jue suddenly laughed.

Yeah, can't you? You, the lord of the virtual world, seem to have not clearly realized your identity. Although you have mastered the boundary monument, you are not a god. Why should we be loyal to you?

The Seven Fox Immortal said with a smile on his face: Now that you have been eaten by my body, and I have refined you, I am the Lord of the Void World. It is such a simple truth. It seems that you don't understand this, so you come here rashly. Make conditions, little brother, you are too naive.

It's better to be simple as a human being.

Ye Jue chuckled and said suddenly: This is just a clone. I'm negotiating with your gods. Do you think I'm stupid?


He disappeared in a flash, and the entire space-time mystery city disappeared into the body of the Seven Fox Immortals.

Can we negotiate now?

As he got closer, Ye Jue's body appeared again.

He has understood a lot of the mysterious power in the boundary monument.

As a special skill for running around, how can he not study it on weekdays?

Little brother, what's your name?

The Seven Fox Immortals didn't care at all about what happened just now.

My name, Ye Jue, you fox fairy, please remember it for me.

Ye Jue said.

You actually talk to me like this?

The Seven Fox Fairy's face turned cold.

Otherwise, I am the master and you are the servant. Without me, you will never be able to leave here.

Ye Jue smiled coldly.

I will kill you.

The Seven Fox Fairies were expressionless, with a cold smile on their gloomy face.

Kill me? Why? As long as I am the master of the boundary monument, no matter it is the Black Mountain Old Demon, the Bloody Hand Demon Chief, the Canghai Saint, or you Seven Fox Immortals, they are all my subordinates.

Ye Jue said coldly.

After coming to the Black Realm and growing up to this point, I feel confident now.

When he saw these gods before, he could only hide and hide!

You know quite a lot. It seems that you have figured out all the forces of our ancient people in Taiyuan. Did Jiuxing Wuchang tell you, or was it a Shinto master, or was it fate? Could it be the Tribulation Fire, or Jin Taiji?

The seven fox fairies said one by one.

You don't have to worry about who it is. It has nothing to do with you. I'm just asking if you want to go out and do something for me.

Ye Jue's eyes flickered.

The strength of this god is extremely terrifying, and his aura is similar to that of an ancestor.

If you drag her out and have a fight, the effect should be good.

what would you like?

The corners of the Seven Fox Fairy's eyes are very charming.

Stop talking nonsense, don't beat me in circles, I want the Feather Mirror, now you help me pester them for a few minutes, I won't care about anything else, just three words, do you want to do it?

Ye Jue said coldly.


The Seven Fox Fairies agreed.

But the voice was extremely cold and breathtaking.

Ye Jue, you are crazy. What is the use of such a verbal promise?

Xi Chuangyue shouted.

Ye Jue frowned and closed the window to the world.

This made Xi Chuangyue very angry.

Tell the child to be successful!


Just when the Feathering Mirror was about to be taken away.

Ye Jue's body suddenly appeared.

He pointed the boundary monument at these ancestors.


A huge crystal pearl expanded rapidly from a shrinking state in an instant, covering the sky.

The seven fox demon engravings on it shine with a unique light.


The change was so sudden, San Tai Zhu frowned, and this thing was blocked between Yuhua Mirror and them.

The entire abyss cave is blocked!

If you want to get the Feathered Mirror, you must break it.

This is the aura of the God. It seems that this kid has found the trick and knows that the God is his subordinate. He deliberately created a trap to block us so that he can get the Feathering Mirror.

Wan Xiang recognized it.

Persistence is indeed persistence. If you want something, you must get it. If it were me, I would have given up long ago.

Ye Yiyi looked indifferent.

The difference in combat power between Zhi and them is too big.

You can only use these chess pieces on your body to win treasures for yourself.

Hmph, if we can grab the Feathering Mirror from the hands of ancestors like us, we'd better just blow ourselves up.

Wo Yuntian snorted and killed the god.


At this time, a charming woman flew out of the huge crystal pearl.

The seven ancestors think too highly of me.

The seven fox fairies also looked shocked when they saw this battle.

One minute!

Her voice spread into Ye Jue's heart.


At this time, Ye Jue had no time to pay attention to her.

As long as she can fulfill her vow.


At this time, the Time Cube in the cave was already spinning crazily.

His body flickers, moves, and constantly accelerates itself.

The distance to the Feathering Mirror is getting closer!

Look back!

No breath is catching up!

good chance!

Ye Jue knew that there was no pursuer.

It suddenly disappeared and appeared on the feather mirror out of thin air.

This huge white mirror seemed to sense him, rotated, and sprayed out infinite light, trying to refract him away.


Ye Jue has known about Qi Ling's move for a long time.


His body instantly hid behind the boundary monument, avoiding all refracted light.

Put into the mind!

Immediately afterwards, he appeared again, slapped his palm, and blasted towards the weapon spirit of Yuhua Mirror.

I want to be my master...but I will never recognize my master again in this life.

The weapon spirit of Yu Hua Jing was obviously heartbroken and had a huge psychological shadow.

How about you, the weapon spirit of the Feathering Mirror, that you and I will make a contract to never betray you? If either party commits an act of betrayal, he will die violently on the spot and burn everything on his own.

A bright mark burst out of Ye Jue's body, like a deep ocean, majestic and awe-inspiring.

This is the holy way, and his way suddenly blasts into the feather mirror.

He wanted Qi Ling to understand what kind of person he was.

His faith can be seen through the conduct of the Holy Path.

Item Spirit, you have also seen that the seven ancestors outside are vying for you. They will not sign any contract with you, they will only conquer you violently. At that time, you really have no chance.

Ye Jue shouted lowly, asking him to recognize his master.

As long as he recognizes his master, he can obtain the Feathering Mirror.

You can come to me first from the hands of seven ancestor-level people. I have to admit that you are very capable.

The weapon spirit of Feather Mirror sighed and hesitated for a second.


It itself knows it, even if it sinks deeper into the black abyss.

The ancestor will also come after him.

It seems that I have to sign a contract with you and never betray.

The spirit of Yuhua Mirror opened his mind.


Ye Jue's thoughts directly entered its body.


His body suddenly dispersed, and small sword-shaped characters flew out from the feathered mirror, which turned out to be the power of the contract that had never been seen before.

Never betray, any behavior that betrays the other party will be punished.

Feathering Mirror...

Ye Jue was extremely surprised.

Successfully recognized the master!

This heaven-defying treasure, which carries everything about martial arts, rotates, shrinks infinitely, and comes into his hands.

This is a kind of merit, a kind of great achievement, which reaches its peak and glorious peak when recognizing the Lord.

Ye Jue at this moment...

The realm has entered an inexplicable change!

He became the founder of all civilizations and shocked the ancient gods!

It seems that he stands above every era, using his mortal will and peerless body to stand side by side with the ancient sages.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

Each layer of the feathered mirror unfolds one after another, like a blooming lotus.

A burst of Hongmeng energy, as well as Wu Shen Kong's flesh and blood particles, and Wu Shen Kong's corpse appeared in the future.

Hongmeng Qi!

Without saying a word, Ye Jue extracted the world in the mirror and directly swallowed the energy of Hongmeng.


Suddenly, he burst into a terrifying wave.

No wonder Wu Shen Kong is so powerful and has become a legend. This is the power of Hongmeng, the super power of myth. Creation is impure after all. It is an anti-life equation. Half of it belongs to the technology side. When I get the power of Hongmeng, it is the real transformation. .”

Ye Jue's entire body shines brightly!

The dark golden brilliance is burning like a divine flame!

He now looks like an ancient warrior god, making people tremble uncontrollably.

Extract the particles of Wu Shen Kong!

Then, Ye Jue extracted and decomposed all the flesh and blood particles of Wu Shenkong and the corpse of Wu Shenkong in the future.

This power directly pushed his life level to 80% of the ninth level of the Great Sage!

After all, Wu Shenkong is at the ancestor level, and the energy in the particles is enough for the Great Holy Body to use.

However, the Great Holy Body is too abnormal. To fill up the progress bar, it has to swallow a dozen more Immortal Emperors.

This is nothing. There are more than a dozen Immortal Emperor statues in the Sea of ​​Sacrifice.

Just as he finished speaking, he grabbed more than 100,000 Time Cubes from the sea of ​​sacrifices.

There was also a statue of the Immortal Emperor, which he also emptied out.

If you break through the tenth level of the Great Sage continuously, what special inheritance can you get?

Ye Jue will wait and see.


A great force descended on his head.

Actually, a holy door flashed past.

The flashing speed is too fast and it is difficult to reflect.


Who is Ye Jue? He slows down the time around him as soon as he takes action.

This virtual door is also perfectly displayed.


Holding the Feathering Mirror in his hand, he rushed directly into the Holy Gate, representing the final formation of the Great Holy Body.


As Ye Jue rushed in, the aura of the Holy Sect began to collapse.

not good!

He got it!

You obtained the Feathering Mirror so quickly?

At this time, the Seven Fox Immortal had already abandoned Ye Jue and ran away.

In one minute, she resisted for one more second, which was considered to be the end of her kindness.

The people who made shocking noises were Daozhen, Daoxuan and Daoling.

When they saw Ye Jue rushing into the Holy Gate, they all took action immediately, showing their invincible power!

What, Ye Yi, what are you doing?

Are you actually blocking us?

What on earth are you thinking about?

At the last moment when Ye Jue entered the Holy Gate, he heard this conversation.

Ye Yi seemed to have helped him leave?

Ye Yi, who was also a chess piece in the Three Corpses Killing game, obviously didn't want him to be caught by the ancestors! !

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