
Ming Yue shouted in the ground.

Now, she has also stamped her life mark on the scroll of destiny.

If Ye Jue dies, then she will also die.

That's why she was so hesitant, and it wasn't until the last moment that she made up her mind.

However, when he saw the three pillars, all the Dharma ministers came towards him.

He screamed on the spot.

I've already gone crazy!

The Feathering Mirror is right ahead!

If this power that surpasses the supreme immortal weapon is captured by him, it will be an extremely powerful energy!

In the feathered mirror, there was not only the flesh and blood powder of Wu Shen Kong, but also a Hongmeng Qi, and the sea of ​​altars were also involved in the mirror world.

So now this mirror represents everything!

Now everyone wants it!

Wan Xiang is no exception, and so is Ye Yi. They are all big guys who can control time.

Swish, swish, swish!

Their bodies kept flashing and they were approaching quickly.

Yu Hua Jing, there are so many ancestors now. No matter who you fall into, you may not get any benefits. On the contrary, if you choose me, we will progress together and completely transform into an epochal weapon. It will no longer be a dream!

Ye Jue's voice shook.

At the same time, all nine time cubes in the cave were spinning continuously at this moment.

A force of time instantly blessed him.


He moved, and the time crystal wall was penetrated.

Just like my ancestor, my body is constantly moving.

Huh? How can a small holy body comprehend such a profound power of time?

The three Taizhus all frowned when they saw the human flashing at the same time.

Time is the purest force. It does not require any life level. As long as you master it and understand it, even a virtual immortal can control time and accelerate your own time to achieve the same ability as teleportation.

Self-time acceleration!

Ye Jue's speed is no less than those of these ancestors.

Fight for acceleration time?

Fortunately, he got nine time cubes.

Otherwise, it will really be loaded!

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, ah, this feathered mirror is sinking towards the endless darkness. It is taking Wu Shen Kong with it to seal itself forever!

Seeing what Yu Huajing did, Xi Chuangyue shouted out: Yu Huajing, you and Wu Shen Kong will die together. Your origin will be damaged and you will fall into the endless darkness of the black realm. Sooner or later, your final divinity will be wiped out. At that time, you He’s really going to die!”

What's wrong with dying?

At this moment, the feather mirror in front actually made a sound, which was very dull.

The weapon spirit of the Yuhua Mirror looks like an antique at first glance. It is stubborn and will not listen to anyone's advice. Only by taking it down and infiltrating it with its first spiritual thought and making it recognize its master can it change its mind.

The Immortal Burial King pointed out.

Intrude into spiritual consciousness? That's no problem.

Ye Jue's expression remained motionless, his own time accelerated, the surroundings seemed to become eternal, and everything became extremely slow.

He took a big step and walked in the void!


In a few steps, he arrived near the Feathering Mirror and stamped it with his palm!


However, a thick purple thunder fell from the sky, with a diameter of more than ten feet!


This thunder pierced through the void, it was so sudden that it sent Ye Jue flying hundreds of feet away.

Anyone who can attack him during the accelerated time must also be able to attack him at the same time.

The only ones who can do this are probably the ancestors.

Are you ancestors so short of the supreme immortal weapon?

Ye Jue Gungun's voice came out.

He grabbed it again!


Several more thunderbolts struck, and the fragments of time instantly flew in all directions.

Time, give me time to get back together!

Seeing this scene, Ye Jue let out a loud roar.

He must not stand still.

Otherwise, these ancestors would treat him like a persimmon!

How many moves does this chess piece have? Even if he has the Time Cube, he cannot use it casually. He must be recognized by the ancient gods... He is a recognized person, but he comes from a small predicament, no... ...No, how could an ant's luck be so unfavorable? What are those big guys who are more powerful than me, placing their own chess pieces on this person? What's the purpose? Could it be...

At this time, Wanxiang's mind was churning endlessly, with countless possibilities flickering in his mind.

At the same time, calculations, calculations, calculations... various life trajectories are simulated in the mind.

Positive universe?

Suddenly, his eyes were fixed.

The secret of the universe lies in this person?

Just when Fa Xiang received the secret, the three pillars also sensed it instantly.

As long as someone nearby figures it out, they can capture the secret and peek into the content.

I see, hahaha, I didn't expect clues to appear here. In every era, there will be clues. I didn't believe it at first, but now I believe it, why should I catch the Feathering Mirror?

Wo Yuntian's thoughts also inferred the truth.

The color of this place suddenly changed, and a terrifying aura surged, making people suffocating!

It seems that a big secret has been discovered, causing changes in this place, thunder seas violently, and lightning one after another.

They are all trying to figure me out, but that doesn't matter. When you know my secret, it can also help me understand myself.

Ye Jue continued to rush towards the Yuhua Mirror.

The distance between them is shrinking rapidly.

The Feathering Mirror sank into an extremely huge abyss, and there was no telling where it would lead.

The mysterious strong man who killed three corpses, the ancient god who controls time, is the clue to the world of gods and the correct universe.

Now he finally knew about these four chess pieces.

Without my knowledge, they played chess against me, as if I was a living fish on a sticky board. I had already been merciless. All my encounters were fake.

Ye Jue was indignant: Okay, I admit it, but don't get too happy too early. If I gain strength that surpasses yours, everyone who dares to treat me like a monkey will die.

Something bad happened. You exposed yourself, and the ancestors caught up with you. Now they have changed their target, and it's you!

Ming Yue quickly reminded.

They want to capture the Yuhua Mirror together, killing two birds with one stone.

The Immortal Burial King said coldly.

Ancestors, I only have one, do you want to cut me into pieces?

Ye Jue shouted in front, and the ancestors behind him moved their bodies and turned into ghosts to catch up.

If this continues, you will be caught sooner or later.

The Buddha of Fighting Victory, wake up, and the power of reversal will revive you!

He hurled a figurine backwards.


This small statue grew exponentially in an instant, and a golden-haired monkey appeared with fighting sequences all over its body.

These serial symbols are all high-tech.

Originally, this Buddha was going to be resurrected.

But it still lacks the Time Cube.

If you force it to wake up, unexpected things may happen.

Uh-huh ahhhhh!!

This golden-haired monkey held his head and roared repeatedly.

The body accelerated and disappeared here.

The empire's order of battle runes are not perfect yet and will make the latter go crazy. It seems that Zhi doesn't know and thinks that the monkey can help him resist so that he can get the Feathering Mirror.

Ye Yi's expression was calm.

He saw that when Ye Jue threw out the Buddha, he had already entered the boundary monument and his body completely disappeared.

This caused a complete stalemate among the ancestors who wanted to do something against him.

Only the Feathering Mirror continued to sink downwards, and the stirring sound in the dark abyss became louder and louder.

The fighting Buddha is only as strong as the Immortal King and cannot stop us. He threw this thing just because he was desperate. You see, he hid in the world of gods. He was obviously too afraid of us.

Wo Yuntian rushed towards the Yuhua Mirror immediately.

Yes, you can't push him too hard. He has a world of gods. He is hiding in it, and even we can't find it.

Luo Tian said solemnly.

First take down the Feathering Mirror to increase our strength. After fighting against these two invaders, we will get the clues to the positive universe!

Daozhen, Daoxuan, and Daoling turned into thunder and charged.

At the same time, there were Wan Xiang and Ye Yi.

And at this moment.

Ye Jue was sitting in the mysterious city of time and space, controlling the mysterious city to rotate in the virtual world, looking for traces of the unparalleled gods.

Previously, he encountered a black mountain that left an everlasting impression on him.

Now that his strength has greatly increased, he can use boundary markers more freely.

He, the unqualified Lord of the Virtual Realm, the Supreme of the Virtual Realm, wants to negotiate with the legacy of the gods!

And, time is of the essence!


At this moment, the Mystery City of Time and Space suddenly shook, as if it was eaten by something.

This was a huge force that came down in an instant.

Ye Jue seemed to feel that his whole body had been eaten into his stomach.

Uh, no, this is a bead!

As the master of the boundary monument, Ye Jue saw clearly at this time.

The Mystery City of Time and Space was swallowed up by a huge crystal pearl.

This huge pearl has many patterns carved on it.

Turns out they are all fox fairies, making fun of themselves.

I didn't expect to run into the ancient forces of Taiyuan. This is what Jin Taiji once told me, Seven Fox Immortals?!

Ye Jue's powerful thought was transmitted into the fox bead.

I am the Lord of the Void Realm, this god. If you have something to say, please speak it carefully. Don't rush to use swords or guns. Let's sit down and talk.

The thought clearly shook Huzhu.

Immediately, Ye Jue saw seven bewitching women walking out of the fox bead.

They are the gods, living in this fox bead.

In the past, in order to avoid the world of mortals, he used heaven-defying methods to hide in the virtual world.

So many years have passed, but I still can't make the leap.

Because the leader of the gods has disappeared, no one can open the virtual world.

No, Ye Jue is here.

These gods, seeing the hope of getting out, would be lying if they said they were not excited.

Lord of the virtual world?

Hearing these four words, the seven fox fairies all laughed like silver bells.

Seven sisters, why are you laughing?

Ye Jue smiled slightly.

elder sister?!

The seven fox fairies looked at each other in the distance, and laughed again.

We are not sisters.

The seven fox fairies stared at him with golden pupils, making the latter instantly tremble.

Not sister?

Is it a shemale?

Ye Jue's face changed quickly.

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