However, Ye Jue did not back down.

The reason why he worked so hard was not to cover their departure.

He wanted to find that existence among the demons.

That external judge, the guy the demons call violent! !

Where is it? Where is it?

The blood on Ye Jue's face was mixed with demonic mucus.

He didn't even have time to wipe it away!

It made him almost unable to keep his eyes open.

At this time, the front troops seemed to fire a shell.

boom! !

It suddenly illuminated his vicinity.

Tall buildings! !

Ye Jue's eyes lit up and he jumped suddenly, regardless of the demon behind him.

In an instant, he entered the tall building.

Take a breath and keep climbing!

Finally, we reached the top of the building and could see the darkness below.

Click! !

He suddenly took off some of his armor.

This dress is already a third of the cost.

Fortunately it's still usable.

I'm a hunter, I have to be patient!

Ye Jue took a deep breath and hid in a corner.

His eyes were constantly searching for the battle.

The troops commanded by Wu Zhen are surrounded by a large number of heavy-duty weapons of destruction.

So the place where you can see a lot of fire is where they evacuated.

The remaining scattered rays of light are constantly being annihilated, which is where they are being swallowed by demons.

Sorry, Major, a large number of heavy weapons of destruction have been used up!

My energy is also used up!

How are you doing now?

The soldiers shouted loudly, but their voices were drowned in the roar of the demons.

Without weapons of mass destruction, the war situation has become much quieter.

Roar! ! !

At this moment, a demon over ten meters tall approached the battlefield.

Oh my God, what is that?

That machete... is too long!!

Run quickly, what are you looking at!!

found it!

it's him! !


Ye Jue's eyes flashed with excitement.

At this time, the violent demon has entered the battlefield.

Almost no one is his opponent!

That huge machete can kill four or five powerful new humans in one go.

Human, hand over your soul!!

The violent demon laughed sinisterly, his eyes flashing fiercely.

Is that the devil Ye Jue said?

Wu Zhen took out the telescope and looked at it, his face turned pale.

I hope he can... deal with him.

Finally, you have shown up.

Ye Jue jumped away, killing hundreds of demons instantly, and stood in front of violence.


Wait until he shows up!

I remember your breath...human...

The violent demon roared, and his body suddenly rushed over.

The machete was pointed directly at Ye Jue's body.


The Huangquan knife suddenly appeared on Ye Jue's chest!

Come out into the world, Huangquan Dao!

The Huangquan knife swept horizontally towards the violence in front of him!

Fire instantly broke out between the sharp machete and Huang Quan Dao!

Human! You...are dead!

The violence showed an evil spirit, and the huge machete came into force again.

boom! !

Ye Jue's feet suddenly sank into the ground.

The anti-demon armor on his body instantly shattered into pieces and exploded in all directions.

Whoosh whoosh!

The sharp fragments even killed a few demons that rushed towards him.


A few violent laughs.

However, the laughter stopped suddenly.

The next moment, his huge machete suddenly broke!

boom! !

The broken blade was stabbed into the ground far away.

This scene is incredible!

Even the group of demons that were about to be slain nearby froze in place.

That sword held by humans... is it? ? ?

Why is it glowing purple?

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