This is called Huang! Quan! Knife!, bastards, remember it!

Ye Jue roared!

Bang! ! ! !

Immediately afterwards, Violent felt a spasmodic pain in his chest.

He looked down suddenly!

His chest was suddenly neatly cut open, revealing his beating heart.

Bang bang bang! !

The next second, the strong heart suddenly spurted out pus and blood and split into two halves!

I heard you are very strong, right?

Okay, I'll open the plug-in!

One knife will kill you instantly! !

Penetration + five-fold phantom, two passives + Huangquan knife, will you die?


He violently kicked Ye Jue.

The huge impact blew Ye Jue away.

The body instantly cracked on the ground.


Ye Jue's tone was full of an unknown sense of coercion! !


Forcing the devil for the first time!

Violent didn't speak, but his trembling hands showed his inner emotional instability.


Actually afraid of humans!

Do you want to use the demon swarm? Just scream!

Ye Jue said coldly.

Today, he is going to get this powerful magic core!


Violent glanced at the knife in Ye Jue's hand with fear.

An indescribable feeling of fear arose in his heart.

In his expectation, the human being kicked away would definitely die.


Why can this person still come to him alive and kicking?

This gap makes the violence feel unreal. How can humans defeat demons?

impossible! !

Absolutely impossible! !

Are you thinking it's impossible, absolutely impossible?

Ye Jue sneered.


Violent's whole body trembled, and the triangular head immediately took off, revealing the cold teeth in his mouth.

Seventh on the list of human heroes, really awesome.

He looked strange and grinned.

Possession skills?

Ye Jue's expression changed.

The violence in front of him was no longer violence, he was controlled by a higher power.

Who are you?

Ye Jue asked aloud.

Me?...I come from the Netherworld. I am the Lord of the Netherworld.

The voice was extremely cold.

In an instant, all the demons around were filled with fear and did not dare to move.

I thought it was...

Ye Jue let out a breath.

The Lords of Hell each rule their own world of purgatory.

They are hostile, competing, and fighting among themselves.

Now the triple gates of hell are opened.

He thought it was the Lord of Hell from the third level of Purgatory who was possessing him.

But when he heard that it was the Lord of the Netherworld, he immediately smiled.

Are you... laughing?

The Lord of the Netherworld asked coldly.

I was laughing, and I was laughing very happily. Even the Lord of Hell, the No. 1 Purgatory, dares to possess you and imitate others in pretending to be cool. Do you have that ability? Others don't know about it, and I don't know about you yet?

I can kill ten assassin-type demons with one hand.

Ye Jue stared down at the violence in front of him.

boom! !

The violent aura erupted to its highest point in an instant!

There was a layer of microwaves visible to the naked eye all around the violence!

Ripple all the blood stains on the ground!

Immediately afterwards, there was a splashing sound.

Fight if you want. Do you know what kind of weapon I have in my hand?

Ye Jue's eyes were scarlet, and he raised the purple-glowed Huangquan knife with one hand.

This is the Demon-Slaying Blade!!

This is the Demon-Slaying Knife!!

This is a ray of hope!!

It just so happens that this sword still needs a Demon God's Heart to be consecrated. Lord of the Netherworld, see you in the Demon God Arena!

Uh-huh! !

Ye Jue rushed forward and jumped over!

boom! !

The huge head of Violence fell to the ground.

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