I must become a special evolver!

Ye Jue's heart is as solid as a stone.

He rushed away from the demon step by step, only to be surrounded again and again!

There are too many demons!

He is like a small boat entering the vast ocean.

The cries for help and screams from the surrounding humans...

As time goes by, less and less, less and less...

at last!

Until later, Ye Jue seemed to be the only one in the whole world who was still persisting!

He is not afraid of the devil's claws!

Because he can heal wounds the moment he is attacked!

He is not afraid of the spirit demon's disregard for the laws of physics!

Because he can blast them directly with energy!

Although there were mutated demons slamming into him!

But after he rolled, he distanced himself again and fought with him! !

The substance in the demon crossing the river has a strong corrosive effect.

If it were any other clothes, they would have been corroded long ago.

Although this anti-demon armor is somewhat damaged, it is still extremely strong!

kill! Strangling like crazy!

The skills flying all over the sky are filled with flickering firelight, but they look very dazzling in the dark!

The demons were shattered one after another as they breathed!

Whenever he passed by, there were broken corpses of demons all around, none of them intact!

This made the demon behind him stunned for a while before he dared to pounce!

This is the real Piyi Qianjun!

However, for Ye Jue who has not awakened and relies on group attack buffs, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

puff! !

A little further ahead, a flare suddenly appeared.

That’s the person in front leading the way for others!

Under the illumination of flares…

He almost saw countless demons all over the mountains and plains, surging forward! ! !

These demons have been living in the crossing river for who knows how many years.

They crave flesh and blood! !

There is no justice, no evil, only flesh and blood! !

There are so many more, I can't kill them all!

Ye Jue was shocked and dazed by the endless demons.

It turns out that the beginning of the wasteland is so terrifying!

No wonder…

The ancient books behind the wasteland recorded that the first battle began...

It's a dark day! !

It’s the day of killing! !

It’s the day to start! !

Kill! Kill!!

Ye Jue killed seven and eight!

Soon, I encountered the end of the team, the group of humans who were resisting!

They are not soldiers, but more than thirty new humans.

They almost surrounded the city in a circle, moving while resisting the demons that kept coming.

Those demons are so cruel.

As long as I can get a bite, I will never miss the opportunity.

Ye Jue saw it with his own eyes.

Many people were bitten to a bloody pulp, with not much flesh left on their bodies.

However, they still persisted, fighting and retreating, and taking strict precautions.

The demon group was unable to break in for a while!

Right now.

A group of ferocious demons with wings flew from the sky.

They were like bats, with sharp beaks and monkey cheeks, and they swooped down with forks in their hands.


The sudden swarm of flying demons caught those people off guard.

Suddenly the situation was in chaos, and everyone was instantly targeted by spears.

Ye Jue felt heartbroken.

Although I don't know these people, they are all from the same human race.

Seeing such a tragic death, he immediately rushed towards the place where there were people and killed demons Yingying along the way.

Time passes minute by minute.

Originally, one shot of the skill could instantly kill a little devil, but now it takes two!

The group attack buff skills are calculated based on his physical strength.

The weaker Ye Jue becomes, the less powerful the buff becomes.

When his strength is exhausted, he will be cut into pieces by the demons!

Even if the body is immortal, but there is only one head, what use is it?

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