Who are you? Don't you know where this place is?

Garuda flew up with a gloomy expression.

He really had no way of knowing the origins of the group of gods opposite.

Since I couldn't figure it out at all, I had no choice but to ask.

Who are we? Hahaha!

The eight important generals, the fifty-two great immortals of Yaochi, Brother Yu, the eleventh and the twelveth all looked at each other and laughed.

You are looking for death and you dare to laugh. Do you think I am easy to fool?

Garuda's face suddenly turned green.

All the disciples of Goshawk Palace are ready for battle.

As long as he gives the order, the war will begin immediately.

However, before the fight starts, you don’t even know the opponent’s identity. Wouldn’t it be a lonely fight?

How could it be, Golden-winged Dapeng? How dare I fool the Immortal Lord?

As soon as Ye Jue finished speaking, the shadow of the black stick suddenly swung over.


The destructive power is unparalleled!

The Goshawk Palace suddenly let out a loud roar, and countless spatial folds were shattered.

Some disciples writhed out from inside, howling miserably.

Daluo Jinxian level, dare to be so presumptuous?

As soon as Ye Jue took action, Garuda could see through the levels of life.

However, before the fluctuations stopped, the black stick unexpectedly turned away and hit him on the top of his head.

What kind of weapon is this? It's so dark. It's not a good thing at first glance. I'll destroy it for you!

Garuda sneered.

The sun and moon claws attacked at the same time, so fast that they directly hit the black stick.


The black stick suddenly shook and seemed to be stuck.

How about it? Your weapons are vulnerable to my claws. I can destroy them easily.

Garuda's high-pitched voice sounded.

He also saw at this time that the man wielding a black stick seemed to be the leader of this group of people.

Catch the thief first, capture the king, everyone understands this principle.

However, the black stick suddenly shook and roared again!

With a bang, Garuda's entire body was smashed into the high-rise buildings of the Goshawk Palace.

How is it possible? How could I lose in a contest of strength? You, who are you, dare to challenge our three mythological demons? Who gave you the courage? Who gave you the courage!

Garuda screamed and flapped his wings.

Come on, kill, kill them all!

At his command, dense crowds of gods rose from the ground, all carrying powerful weapons to kill.

Let's join forces and give the gods of the Goshawk Palace a blow first.

Burying the Immortal King, Xi Chuangyue nodded at the same time.


An energy channel stretching hundreds of millions of miles suddenly opened between their bodies.

This energy channel penetrates into the burial soil, allowing countless evil spirits to fly out.

At the same time, Ye Jue suppressed the sky with his palm, and the holy energy in his body flourished!

In the space and time around him, thousands of tiny black holes appeared everywhere.

To be able to open the void in the black realm must be a great power with great power.

Moreover, the power this time was actually indescribably powerful.

Burial Immortal Strike!

The existence of the Immortal Burial King opened his mouth and sucked in all the evil spirits into his body.

His fist was stretched open, with the potential to collapse the sky!

The real picture of Tai Chi and Bagua!

Xi Chuangyue waved her hand, and a huge Bagua diagram appeared, covering the sky. As soon as her body changed, it turned into a white sword and merged with the Bagua diagram.

Holy Way Fist!

Ye Jue also exerted his most powerful power.

The immortal golden body of the fifth level of the Great Holy Body burst out with immeasurable light, and several ancient characters were actually manifested in the body.

‘Holy’, ‘Tao’ and ‘Xing’

These three words are full of blood.

not good!

The Garuda bird was shocked.

Opposite there is the Immortal Lord, and there are people who can match the power of the Immortal Lord.

How could he stop it by himself!

Supreme cassock!

He roared, and the magic weapon wrapped around him, shrinking infinitely and reducing his endurance to the minimum.


Then, the sky collapsed and the entire Goshawk Palace became the Palace of Flies.

Countless gods really dropped down like flies.

After flopping on the ground for a few times, his neck crooked and he died.

Among them, there are many Daluo Jinxian!

But what about Daluo Jinxian? Facing a force stronger than them, they can only die violently.

Our attack almost destroyed tens of millions of immortals in the Goshawk Palace.

The voice of the Buried Immortal King swept through the place.

However, the body of the Goshawk Palace is a prehistoric second-level weapon, which contains many spaces and restrictions.

They jointly attacked once, but actually did not harm some hidden spaces.

Swish, swish, swish!

Those fast-running Da Luo Jinxian just flew out and regrouped.

Start the war.

Mao Twelve roared loudly and led a large number of gods behind him to rush over.

These fish that slipped through the net cannot be allowed to gather and form a small team.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult to kill. Daluo Jinxian's vitality is very tenacious. I don't know how many days and nights it will take to win.

The best thing is to surround and kill them one by one while they are scattered.

As for Jialou Luoniao, he faced Ye Jue, Xi Chuangyue, and buried the Immortal King.

He was extremely angry. From beginning to end of this battle, the rhythm was in the opponent's hands.

Great sound transmission technique!

The Garuda bird is also an old man, and it is calm in the face of danger. Suddenly, its body changes, and it sends a call for help to the yellow-tusked old elephant and the green-haired lion.

The three demons join forces, and there are at least billions of immortals, various elders, and the supreme elders. Together, they can simply crush all those who oppose them.

Kill this bird first while the other two demons arrive.

Ye Jue needs all the materials here, and Goshawk Palace must extract them.

The further up the black domain axis is, the richer the experience.

The tenth level of the Great Sage is not a dream. As long as the Divine Calculator is with you, sooner or later you will be able to surpass the Dao Ancestor.


The Immortal Burial King also spread out the burial soil, covering thousands of miles and extending out.

At this moment, all the gods in the Goshawk Palace, no matter where they are in time and space, can see the strange and dense world wrapping around them.

At the same time, there is a Tai Chi Bagua diagram, a huge roulette wheel with sword shadows flying and circling.

Just these two made them terrified.

What's more, there is a black stick that expands suddenly, as if it has turned into an ancient sacred mountain, and is drawn heavily.

No matter how strong the Goshawk Palace is, it cannot withstand such a violent bombardment.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang... the sounds of countless explosions resounded.

The spaces in various buildings are being squeezed and deformed, and some time and space are instantly destroyed and broken.

Those sturdy palaces are also crumbling.

Damn it, who are you and where are you from?

Garuda jumped angrily. This was the bird's nest he had finally built.

Now that it was ruined like this, it almost made his eyes red.

What made him even more angry was that he still didn't know what the other side was about.

This stupid bird hasn't realized that we are the gods at the bottom of the well?

Haha, I can't help it. Who told us that the gods at the bottom of the well are actually ants?

That's right, if you kill this stupid bird, you won't even think of going to the bottom of a well.

Nowadays, the immortal at the bottom of the well has been fully upgraded.

In particular, the life level of Sanxian is promoted faster.

Even Brother Yu, a loose immortal, is at the Da Luo Jin Immortal level, one step away from the Immortal Lord.

The foundation of Goshawk Palace is not bad, but it was caught off guard.

What's more, there are also Burial Immortal King and Xi Chuangyue who attack at the same time, giving terrifying suppressive power.

Golden-winged Dapeng, accept death obediently. No matter how much you resist, it will be in vain.

Ye Jue's eyes were shining.

After reshaping his spirit body, the black realm no longer feels oppressive to him.


His body stood like an ancient supreme sage, rotating a black stick that was larger than the planet.

At the same time, he pressed hard with the five fingers of his left hand to shoot out a thousand rays of holy light.

Every step is a big restriction!

Immediately, the Goshawk Palace felt like it was being swallowed by violent dragons!

Ah, my palace, my world, my gods!

When Garuda saw this scene, his eyes turned blood red.

It's ever-changing, that armor and figure...are you the Great Holy Body?

He was furious.

Because the holy energy emanating from the body of the Great Holy Body carries extremely strong contagious power.

How can a mere great sage be so powerful, surrounded by immortals and assistants? Break the mark of the third generation for me!

The Garuda bird roared loudly.

While speaking, his body rushed towards Ye Jue.

Circles of mana spread out like ripples, and with him as the center, they started to fight and attack fiercely with their teeth and claws.

Get this stupid bird.

The Immortal Burial King and Xi Chuangyue looked at each other, and their magic powers suddenly condensed together to form a giant hand holding up the sky.


With one easy catch, the Garuda bird was held tightly in his fingers.

Click, click, click!

The sound of bones cracking kept coming.

Great shrinkage restriction!

Not to be outdone, the Garuda bird immediately turned into dust.

What about the dust? You can't escape.

Xi Chuangyue didn't even think about burying the Immortal King, and once again activated the violent force.

The area covered by this giant hand holding the sky is getting wider and wider, and the dust transformed by the Garuda bird cannot escape at all.


Finally, after a hard blow, he was pressed to the ground and restored to his true form.

Are you waiting for support? But the Goshawk Palace has been sealed by us. Even a fly can't fly out or get in. Even the Immortal Lord will take a long time to crack the maze of time and space.

Ye Jue strode forward, flipped his palms, and hit all kinds of big restrictions.

It is not easy to use this kind of power. It is also very good to practice the Nagaruru Bird.

My elder brother will tear you to pieces. I am also immortal. No one can kill me. My spirit body has already cultivated the mark of three generations and can be reincarnated at any time.

Garuda Bird said fiercely.

Reincarnation? Do you really think that we didn't investigate clearly before we came here? I have already calculated your strength and abilities. Your winning rate in this war is less than 1%!

Ye Jue sneered again and again, and cooperated with Burying the Immortal King, Xi Chuangyue, and attacked without stopping.

At the same time, countless lifespans began to burn again.

Take this magical bird and make a pot of chicken soup!

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