Ye Jue is now at the fifth level of the Great Holy Body with 20%, and the immortal golden body transformation rate is 20%.

In terms of real combat power, it is actually at the level of Daluo Jinxian.

It is really difficult to surpass the level of Immortal Lord and become Immortal Lord.

Immortal Burial King is now the main force, and Xi Chuangyue is just an Immortal Lord.

If you want to take down the Garuda Bird, it's just a matter of time.

But the point is time doesn't allow it right now.

Ye Zhu had no choice but to burn up his longevity.

However, he had just gained three eras, which was enough for him to squander.

Just be a little extravagant this time, it will last for fifty thousand years.

Ye Jue's current total lifespan is more than six epochs.

Fifty thousand years, no more, no less.

Suddenly, inexplicable power surged and roared, and the gears of time were clicking.

Waves of sand of time spun out from his body, forming a long river of time.

Time is long, you can actually refine the sand of time to such an extent?

Both Immortal Burial King and Xi Chuangyue were shocked.

This long river of time revolves around Ye Jue, and at a glance, there are countless sands of time flowing.

The power of time, the most terrifying power, surpasses any secret technique.

All worlds and all spaces are the origin of heaven and cannot escape the constraints of time.

The true river of time is the existence that encompasses all things.

This stream cannot be compared to Ye Jue.


Ye Jue looked solemn, and at this moment, he spoke to the river of time.


The long river of time suddenly condensed into a little light and came to one of Ye Jue's fingers.

If you look closely, you will see that it is actually a small crystal nugget, about the size of a thumb.

This is... a time crystal. You actually figured it out!

The Immortal Burial King was extremely surprised.

Even if he was once the Immortal King, he could only master the Sands of Time.

It has never turned into crystal blocks.

It is indeed a time crystal, Ye Jue, you have become rich!

Xi Chuangyue looked at the time the size of a fingernail with great envy.

How many gods are fascinated by it. They want to understand it, but they still can't understand it and regret it for the rest of their lives.

According to legend... if you want to be truly immortal, you must completely control time.

But I heard that no one has ever achieved this achievement.

Not even Dao Ancestor, and those who are more powerful than Dao Ancestor have never succeeded.

You, you are a small holy body, how can you be qualified to comprehend time crystals? I will eat you!

The Garuda bird seemed to have seen a ghost.

For him, this was simply impossible.

You just burned your longevity in exchange for this little time crystal. You have a big secret about time. Eat you!

Garuda suddenly thought of something, his face was overjoyed, and his sun and moon claws suddenly grabbed him.

Facing the Buried Immortal King and Immortal Lord Xi Chuangyue, he couldn't care less.

Now I just want to disembowel this person!

Time, stop flowing!

Ye Jue pointed his finger when he saw the Garuda bird rushing over.

The time crystal, at this moment, took on a mysterious appearance!

It seemed to open up and turn into an extremely complex ring of time, with various time ties wrapped around the hand.

I don’t know if time has stopped, gone backwards, or accelerated.

Anyway, at this moment, Ye Jue has transcended time, and no laws can restrain him.

When the time crystal appears, all rules collapse... Those who transcend time can understand the fist that transcends time!

After Ye Jue opened the time crystal, this sentence naturally flowed out of his heart.

At this moment, his mind has been sublimated with time.

Seeing time more clearly.

The world has turned into black and white!

As long as it's in color!

The power of time wrapped around his fist, extremely elite.

Just like that, the fist that transcended time was swung at the Garuda bird.

Time... flows again.


The scene was like a mirror suddenly shattered, creating a new picture.


The Garuda bird had no idea what was happening.

He felt his face hit a bright fist.

It's not clear what happened.

The only explanation is that time just stopped.

To actually... be able to immobilize the Immortal Lord... it's impossible...

The Garuda bird's beak was crooked, but it still tried its best to scream in disbelief.

He was blown away by the fist that transcended time, and blood overflowed and filled the sky.


The entire ground of Goshawk Palace exploded.

All kinds of spatial wills dissipated, turned into the most primitive power, and merged into the black domain.

The Fist Beyond Time?

The Immortal Burial King was the first to come to his senses.

Even he didn't see clearly what happened just now.

0.0000000000001 seconds!

The Garuda bird spurted blood and flew away.

It's awesome, but it's not very lethal.

Xi Chuangyue commented seriously.

My life level is still too low. As an Immortal Lord, I can kill a Garuda bird with one punch.

Ye Jue didn't care, and punched again. It was Taoist Lu Ya's Overlord Fist, which suppressed the power of the world and fell instantly.


The Garuda bird fought hard and sacrificed its own cave.


However, Xi Chuangyue flew over and slapped him hard on the back, and the cave was immediately extinguished.

What kind of power do you have, how can you close my cave?

The Garuda bird puffed out a mouthful of blood.


The Immortal Burial King also came to the top of his head, and the burial soil flowed out, covering him within the range.

You actually want to kill me, you won't succeed, ah ah, I will eat you alive!

The Garuda bird was captured, and no matter how hard it struggled, it was of no avail.

Although he was quite capable, he was unable to defeat the powerful enemy with both fists and was defeated directly.

The body of this golden-winged roc is like the golden body of the Great Sage. If we want to kill him, we must unite.

After Xi Chuangyue caught the Garuda bird, the magic power rushed into his body and controlled his cave.

This makes the spirit body of the Garuda bird unable to use the restriction.

The Immortal Burial King once again suppressed Garuda Bird's body so that he could not move. Now Ye Jue was completely in control.

Okay, let's use our strongest killing power respectively.

Ye Jue was murderous and unwavering.

One day, Black Shinhwa was trampled under his feet.

Before coming to Goshawk Palace, he thought what would happen.

Unexpectedly, everything went smoothly and the Garuda bird was successfully captured.

The legendary golden-winged roc will also die in his hands.

Boom boom boom!!

Holy Dao Fist, Immortal Burial blow, and the power of the Tai Chi Bagua diagram rose up again, spinning in front of Garuda Bird.

You, you are so cruel and vicious. Why did I offend you? How could I have offended you in the Goshawk Palace? Isn't it enough for me to plead guilty? There is no need to fight and kill, right?

When Garuda saw this scene, blood flowed from his eyes, his mind trembled, almost crazy.

He finally felt that death was approaching.

I never thought that one day it would happen to me.

Is his legend coming to an end?


The Garuda bird struggled hard and roared: Give me a chance, I am willing to surrender and hand over all the gods to you!

Oh? Then open your mind and let me brainwash you, and I won't kill you.

Ye Jue's eyes moved, and the light of the Holy Way Fist dimmed.

What are you talking about? This is impossible. How could I let you brainwash me? Who am I? The Immortal Lord of Daluotian!

When Garuda heard this, his face turned green.

Isn't being brainwashed equivalent to death?

This is even worse than being a slave directly!

Well, go to hell!

Ye Jue glanced at him.

Immortal Burial King, Xi Chuangyue immediately understood, suppressed the mark of reincarnation, activated their own killing techniques, and the three parties' forces rushed into Garuda's body.


At this moment, the sky was torn apart!

A man with jagged teeth suddenly transformed into a sky-reaching lion, roaring towards this place.

At the same time, another divine elephant arrived.

They finally cracked the time and space maze in the Broken Mirror City and appeared here.


Bury the Immortal King, with the moon in the west window, Ye Jue shouted in unison.

Ah! Brother, save me!

Garuda screamed, and countless black holes were created on his body, which began to tear apart his body crazily.

The pulling force of these thousands of black holes caused his vitality to begin to twist and flow back into it crazily.

The evil power of the Buried Immortal King desperately extracts the longevity of the Garuda Bird.

The destructive power contained in it directly killed him.


The sky-reaching lion and the divine elephant attacked at the same time, and the purple divine thunder exploded.

Be careful, this is the infinite sand mine, it will break into pieces if it is shaken!

At this critical moment, Xi Chuangyue sprayed out a magical talisman from her palm.

This talisman is the secret of her body, ninety-nine and eighty-one in total.

In an instant, Immeasurable Hengsha Lei was blocked from outside.

This Heaven-Bearing Lion is so powerful, and his level of life is not that of an ordinary Immortal Lord!

The Immortal Burial King moved a bit.

At his feet, a thunder-shaped sword light opened a deep ravine.

If Xi Chuangyue hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been hit.

All gods, come back quickly!

With Ye Jue's grasp, all the gods he had cultivated returned to the ground.

There is nothing left of Goshawk Palace.

During the battle with the Garuda Bird, he kept extracting it, and there was nothing to miss.

The fifth level of the Great Holy Body is 40%, and the conversion rate of the Immortal Golden Body is 40%.

The harvest has been good.


Another talisman spurted out from the palm of Xi Chuangyue's other arm.

Suddenly, there were dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and the world was dark.

When the Babel Lion and the Yellow-tusked Old Elephant tore apart the black curtain with both hands, they didn't find the three people.

Chase! Chase!

Let's stew the Garuda bird first.

Arriving at a safe place, Ye Jue took out the body of the Golden-winged Dapeng without saying a word.


The huge bird body hit the ground heavily, causing the surrounding earth to buzz.

Really want to eat?

It keeps shouting to eat me, why can't I eat it?

Ye Jue said coldly.

In his mind, the Babel Lion and the Yellow-tusked Old Elephant were already on the list of those who must die next.

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