Yes, yes, the immortal we sent out is called Lu Yanjun. He has some blood relations with the immortal Lu Ya at the bottom of the well, so we arranged for him to go. Now we seriously suspect that this immortal has defected to Taoist Lu Ya and will not return. He went back to the Palace of Flies, he betrayed you.

The reporting god made a puff sound and knelt down on the ground again.

The dignity and self-confidence that a Daluo Jinxian should have had completely lost, and he seemed to be a lifelong slave.

All this is because he is in human form.

But the king on the throne is a demon and likes to be called ancestor.

Oh? I also feel that a change has been discovered at the bottom of the well, but the details are unknown. Is there a new force that has risen? But the bottom of the well is the bottom of the well. How can there be powerful people?

This majestic body rumbled to its feet as he spoke.


Hearing such a terrifying sound, these gods swallowed hard.

They prostrated themselves more and more on the ground, motionless, trembling so much that they could not speak.

Because what kind of existence are they facing?

An invincible immortal king, the legendary Garuda Bird Ancestor!

Although this Garuda bird is a powerful person on the first level of the Immortal Lord.

However, even a thought to kill him can completely collapse the golden immortal master in an instant!

As long as you move your fingers, you really have the power of life and death with just one word.

Let me do some extrapolation.

The Garuda bird closed its eyes and stood there with its huge body, holding its claws, very pious.

Hey, what? There is something that I can't figure out. I only got the back of one person. Who is this guy? Why have I never seen it before? Does such a number exist in the black world?

He said to himself.

You know, the secrets you calculated are very accurate.

But now I can't get everything from this person.

Just a simple back view.

Huh, good boy, I don't believe it.

The Garuda bird snorted coldly and continued to calculate.

This time, the pious light on his fingers was even more dazzling.

The immortals who were lying on the ground did not dare to release their breath.

Because they all know that this is the ancestor talking to themselves, because they are not worthy of talking to the ancestor, and there is no room for them to answer.

If someone is not careful and is blamed, they will die immediately.

In the Goshawk Palace, it is normal for a god to die.

Especially immortals in human form have to be even more cautious in their lives.

Here, if you don’t have a way of survival, you will definitely not survive the next ten thousand years.


Divine light kept emerging.

Just as Garuda was making his calculations, suddenly, a series of sounds came from the void in front of him.

This is the power of calculation, which has penetrated into the power of rules in the black domain, and is used to obtain information from there.


Unexpectedly, the void just shook for a moment, and then there was no more movement.

What, isn't this okay?

Garuda was even more stunned. It seemed that nothing could ever make him show such an expression.

Because of that back figure, he never turned around.

Who is he?

Why can't it be calculated?

If it were other immortal kings, Taoist ancestors, religious ancestors, or other powerful god emperors, there would be some clues.

But what about now?

Is this person's life really so hard?


He yanked out a golden feather from the top of his head.

This golden feather floated away from the fingertips, and suddenly many spaces were naturally split open, and the feathers rushed into it in an instant.

Calculate again for me to find the whereabouts of Lu Yanjun. As long as this god is not dead, I can figure it out!

The Garuda bird became a little angry, his eyes flashed, and he did not hesitate to spend a feather on his body to figure out this person.


However, something even more amazing happened.

That golden feather actually exploded directly in the layers of black space.

What exactly is going on?

The sound of the Garuda bird is extremely eerie.

He used Lu Yanjun as a medium, but he couldn't even see this person's true face.

This is simply impossible!

At this time, on the axis of the vast black domain, three figures stood in the aura of the black domain.

This appearance is like an ancient god who was born before the world opened up, looking at the world below like this.

Host, someone just used a lot of magic power to calculate you, and consumed 100,000 analytical power. I have stopped it.

The voice of the divine calculator suddenly sounded.

There is such a thing, can we extrapolate it?

One of them looked down, his face was too familiar, it was Ye Jue himself.

Host, to do this will consume 500,000 analytical power.

said the Divine Calculator.

Okay, 500,000 is 500,000. Along the way, I have analyzed three major worlds and extracted countless materials.

Ye Jue responded generously.

Are you daring to infer him?

He also wanted to know who the enemy was so that he could formulate countermeasures in advance.

Okay, host... is calculating... please wait...

Just when Garuda was feeling depressed, suddenly a wheel-shaped symbol on his forehead began to spin crazily.

What, that person captured my calculations and is working backwards on me?

The Garuda bird was shocked.

This was really shocking, almost frightening.

Could it be that the figure on the back is a figure at the level of the patriarch?

But how could Lu Yanjun get together with such a strong person?

What's more, it's at the bottom of a well. This is simply impossible!

The mark of the third generation has been withheld by me!

The Garuda bird tried its best to resist, and the wheel-shaped symbol made a roaring sound.


The entire hall was shaking, as if it was about to collapse.

The prostrate gods were all frightened and could not imagine why the immortal king suddenly showed his power.


At this moment, some dense voids opened.

Just above the Garuda bird's head, a data ring was generated out of thin air.

This data ring is similar to the angel ring, but it seems to be virtual, beating with countless bytes, like an extremely huge database, which can instantly process and analyze everything in front of it.

What's this?

Garuda's eyes almost bulged out of his head.

What did he see?

science and technology?

Technology actually appeared in the black world?

High entropy body!

His soul trembled at this moment, and he shouted in disbelief.

Sun and Moon Claw!

The next moment, the Garuda bird stretched out its terrifying claws, shining brightly like the sun and the moon, and pieces of golden blades shot towards the mysterious data ring in an instant.

Bang bang bang!

Nothing happened to the data ring, but the main hall was blown to pieces.

Moreover, this data ring quickly shrouded it, as if it was identifying an item.

Damn it!

Garuda Bird's shocked colleagues felt deeply insulted, and stretched out their wings, cutting countless cracks in the void.

However, everything seems to be unreal!

The data ring checked on him, jumped away in an instant, and disappeared without a trace.

Big message ban!

The Garuda bird waved its wings, and the power of the world surged out, forming a small world in front of it.

In this small world, there stood a man wearing white armor, who was the owner of the Elephant Palace.

Yellow-tusked Old Elephant, something bad has happened. High-entropy bodies have also invaded the black domain. I just calculated, but I was captured and calculated.

The Garuda bird was panting up and down, seemingly still shocked by what had just happened.

High Entropy Body, are you dreaming? The Black Realm is the original place of myth. The master of the Black Realm will never let the power of High Entropy Body appear here.

But the man shook his head, not believing it at all, thinking that the Garuda bird was dreaming.

Maybe it’s because I have used the Grand Fantasy Restriction too much, and I can’t even distinguish between reality and illusion.


Garuda suddenly became angry, as if he had just been identified, and the most humiliating thing in his heart was brought up.

It's just a dream. Although the black domain is in chaos, the master of the black domain has tried his best to stop it. It is impossible to leave the high-entropy body alone.

The yellow-tusked old elephant said with a smile.


Garuda looked at the man in the small world and said angrily: I kindly shared information with you to inform you, but I didn't expect you to be a fool and waste my time!


The power of this world suddenly exploded, and the man in white armor also disappeared.

The Great Message Restriction, open up another world for me!

The Garuda bird flapped its wings again, and a new small world condensed.

I have heard the conversation you just had. The appearance of high-entropy bodies in the Black Domain is a big deal. The owner of the Black Domain may be fighting with that person, so he has no time to pay attention to it. The world above has already There is chaos, no one will listen to our voices, this matter... we have to carry it ourselves.

There is a man in the small world with red eyebrows and flaming red eyebrows. When he speaks, his teeth are chiseled and his eyes are as sharp as lightning.

In the end, my eldest brother is still reliable. That high-entropy body just calculated me, maybe...


Before the Garuda bird finished speaking, there was a rumbling sound outside.

what happened?

His eyes instantly penetrated various folds of space, and he saw that on the top of the Goshawk Palace, some dense void wormholes were opened.

噌 噌 噌

The three people at the front came down side by side, blowing the sky full of divine snow.

Behind them, there were ant-like heads everywhere, like a storm, winter was coming.


The Garuda bird's mouth opened.

He swears!

Saying the word 'what' today is definitely the most I have ever said in hundreds of thousands of years.

Who are those people?

Could this battle be to attack his Goshawk Palace?

So bold?

First the high-entropy body, and then these gods, what on earth is this?

Garuda felt completely surrounded and his brain was confused.

I have never seen so many black heads.

None of them have auras lower than those in the Mysterious Immortal Realm. The worst ones are the Mysterious Immortals, and there are countless Golden Immortals.

This scale is almost double the number of people in Goshawk Palace!

The situation is extremely dangerous.

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