Your mortal enemy is also my enemy. It seems that we are standing on the same boat. First, let us overturn this Daluotian.

Ye Jue smiled coldly.

As I said before, I can't live without the burial soil.

The Immortal Burial King's eyebrows darkened.

Without the burial soil, everything is just a fantasy.

His hatred will be annihilated in the burial soil...

Maybe one day, the broken mirror will be destroyed.

He will also perish.

This is the fate of the Immortal Burial King.

And... to me, it was just a simple little thing.

Ye Jue stretched out an arm.


The boundary monument spun crazily and turned into a vortex.

This powerful vortex gradually sucked everything into it.

What kind of power is this?

The Immortal Burial King suddenly raised his head, and then looked at his hands in disbelief.

He himself began to distort, but it was not death.

Instead, it was sucked in by a magical force.

He didn't resist.

It can be clearly seen that large black rift valleys appear in the sky.

This is the dimensional space being melted and becoming part of something.

All the ghosts and evil spirits in the burial soil were eaten up.

The entire burial soil was swallowed up completely in a matter of seconds.

What on earth did you do?

He couldn't understand what force could force the burial soil out of the abyss.

The entire burial soil was unimaginably huge and bottomless.

But in an instant, it completely shifted.

It was transferred to this small black monument.

The bigger the monument, the better.

Ye Jue's mouth twitched.


As soon as he pointed out and casually, the Immortal Burial King appeared in front of him.

I...actually left the Maw?

The Immortal Burial King looked around with a shocked expression.

This crazy and extremely powerful Holy Body actually did it?

Come out, Xi Chuangyue, you don't have to hide anymore, the Burial Immortal King is already our comrade.

With a twist of Ye Jue's palm, a white shadow spurted out from the coffin.

I have seen everything that happened. I didn't expect you to be able to win over the Immortal Burial King.

Xi Chuangyue's expression was complicated.

She felt it was too dreamy.

An immortal who was more powerful than the Immortal Lord actually stood in their team.

This is no small matter. With the help of the Immortal Burial King, it is extremely easy to fight out of the well.

This is Xi Chuangyue, and she is also our comrade. This time it is...

Ye Jue just finished speaking.


A colorful beam of light shot out from the coffin of the buried Immortal King.

This is the spirit body I once lost, and it is indeed in your hands, the Buried Immortal King!

Xi Chuangyue took a deep breath, unable to hold back her surprise.


Spiritual body fusion.


The blazing divine light shot out in all directions, and overwhelming power fell down.

In the divine light, the long hair of Xichuang Yue is flying, like a god, opening and closing, descending here.

I finally recovered my cultivation and the Immortal Realm. When my spirit body came to the black realm, it was disconnected from the physical body. Now that it has returned, I have become a complete body.

Xi Chuangyue roared loudly and punched many times in the broken mirror.

Every punch is overwhelming, as if it can break the universe and destroy the star field. It is very amazing and can be called unparalleled power.

Moreover, she has a special physique. The diamond-shaped seal between her eyebrows opens, and various forbidden marks fly out, spinning around her.

Each of these restrictions is extremely special. It is not inferior to the power of the Great Restriction and is exclusive to her.

An Immortal Lord, and an Immortal Burial King who is even more powerful than the Immortal Lord, have become our comrades?

On the twelfth day of the month, brother Yu, the eight important generals, the fifty-two great immortals of Yaochi, including all other loose immortals, and the meeting of immortals at the bottom of the well.

They were constantly shocked like a stormy sea.

After all, they have never seen an immortal with such a high level of life.

Daluo Jinxian is hard to see.

What's more, Immortal Lord?

Not to mention the Immortal Burial King who is even more powerful than the Immortal Lord!

Immortal Burial King, I will take you away from Broken Mirror to find an enemy together. Until we complete our revenge, we are all comrades-in-arms and will not betray each other. How about that?

Ye Jue saw the moonlight in the west window vibrating, all kinds of exclusive restrictions falling, and he showed his power without reservation, so he turned to the Immortal Burial King.

My real name... no, forget it. I am a ghost now. People who are dead should call me the Buried Immortal King.

The Burial Immortal King's hand flashed with light, and a treasure appeared.

The origin of the Broken Mirror, the largest piece of broken God, is this its true body?

Yaolao yelled in shock.

You are... I don't remember you anymore. That's not enough. I will take back the ghost particles I put on you.

Immortal Burial King saw through at a glance that Yaolao was transforming into a paper man, and immediately grabbed the void.


In an instant, a burst of power flew out of Yaolao's body and merged into the body of the Immortal Burial King.

My evil spirit transformation has been eliminated. Am I reborn? I no longer have to look for the broken mirror stone to suppress it!

Yaolao had fallen down from the bow of the boat and was kneeling on the spot, looking at his hands in disbelief.

Daluo Jinxian?

All the gods were surprised, this was the real aura of Daluo Jinxian!

And this golden fairy... was hung on the bow of the ship and used as a compass. It was overkill.

Thank you to the Immortal Burial King. Thank you to the Immortal Burial King. I am willing to go through fire and water for you, little old man!

Yaolao's eyes shed tears, and he regained the cultivation of Daluo Jinxian. His whole body was full of energy and incomparable energy.


But the Immortal Burial King will not pay attention to a small Daluo Golden Immortal at all.

He did this for no other reason than to recycle strange particles.


The entire broken mirror suddenly began to shrink to the limit.

This world seemed to have all come into the hands of the Immortal Burial King.

The Immortal Burial King raised his right hand high, opened his palm, and emitted a strange dark light, absorbing the broken mirror.

He was going to take Po Jing with him. Since the burial soil had been moved, there was no need for Po Jing to stay here.

Buried Immortal King, we have one more goal before we come here.

Ye Jue suddenly said when he saw that the broken mirror was taken away.

He didn't care about Broken Mirror. The most valuable Broken Mirror, Broken Mirror City, had already been taken away by him.

Burying the Immortal King is just recycling the corpse of a god.

Flying Fairy Fruit.

The Immortal Burial King understands this very well.

This kind of fruit is only born in the abyss, and has the power to transcend the laws of heaven in the black realm.

The place where he sleeps, whether it is burial soil or the underworld, will breed this fruit.

However, it has special effects and is only useful for loose immortals. Orthodox gods cannot use it at all, nor do they appreciate it.

Puff puff!!

All of a sudden, colorful fruits, as big as a fist, spurted out from the 'God's Corpse'.

The quantity can be calculated in billions.

So many flying fairy fruits? Oh my god!

The loose immortals on Mao Twelve were so excited that they almost burped on the spot.

With such a large number of Flying Fairy Fruits, their life levels can easily reach the tenth level!

In other words, they can all become tenth-level loose immortals, the pinnacle of the Xuanxian realm!

If you have good qualifications and strong foundation, you can even reach the level of the Eleven Tribulations Loose Immortal and achieve the same status as the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Your mission is to eat, eat, eat!

Ye Jue smiled slightly.

All these immortals at the bottom of the well are about to advance and can be put to use.

After all, under Daluo Jinxian, the combat power is really not enough.

To kill Da Luotian, they are indispensable.

Great Sage!

The gods all shouted.

Great Sage, this is a supreme title!

Endless years ago, there was a monkey known as the Great Sage.

Later, this monkey was called the Fighting Saint.

Unfortunately, Saint Douzhan was deceived into becoming one of the thirty-five Buddhas.

There will be no more great saints in the world.

It was not until later that the road to the Great Sacrament was named this way.

This trip has been very fruitful and can be considered perfect.

With a wave of Ye Jue's hand, all the gods on the scene were taken into the field.

After that, he flew away from this place side by side with the Buried Immortal King, Xi Chuangyue.

Next, Daluotian will face disaster!

In the world of black domain, in countless continents, in countless lens worlds.

A divine palace called Goshawk Palace is also located on the vast and countless worlds.

Of course, it is an existence further up the axis of the black domain.

This is no longer the bottom of the well.

The bottom of the well is a place of filth, where only the worst immortals stay.

There is all garbage there, and when it goes to the bottom of the well, it will become garbage.

At least that's what the gods of Goshawk Palace think.

Looking from a distance, one city after another, towering into the sky!

One by one, the gods flew with their swords among the tall buildings in the city.

Yes, it is high-rise buildings, and living buildings look a lot like the earth.

However, the people who live there, these immortals are different.

All of them are real immortals, there are as many mysterious immortals as dogs, and golden immortals are everywhere.

You can even occasionally see the bosses of the Golden Immortal Peak, who are just one step away from becoming the Immortal Lord, busy in these cities.

What are the gods busy with?

He must be preparing for war, practicing various restrictions, refining extremely powerful weapons, and making himself stronger.

At the bottom of the well, powerful figures like Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal and Taoist Lu Ya are rare.

Only Mao Twelve and the others can compete together.

But here, gods of their level are just coolies, kept in captivity like ants.

What's more terrifying?

These high-rise buildings are actually folded spaces. In every room on every floor of a high-rise building, there are other worlds.

You can think about what a terrifying towering building this is, with layers upon layers of order and rules, like matryoshka dolls.

However, even the Goshawk Palace is only in the middle of the world axis of the Black Domain.

Among those worlds ranked extremely high, Da Luotian is one of them.

Ancestor, the people we sent to the bottom of the well have lost contact for many years. We don't know what they are doing, but the soul lamp has not been extinguished, which means they are not dead yet.

In the deepest part of a main city in this space, some gods shrouded in mist were kneeling there with their buttocks raised high.

Oh? Please tell me in detail what is going on.

A majestic body stood proudly on the throne, covered with golden feathers that were extremely shiny.

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