Buried Immortal King...is this my name?

The middle-aged man's body exudes strange particles, and the whole world moves with him.

This is where?

As he spoke, dark energy and mist rushed in all directions.

This is ghost spirit.

The Buried Immortal King is a real ghost.

This is your little world, your little world is in the broken mirror.

Facing this majestic Immortal Burial King, Ye Jue had a conversation with him.

If a war can be avoided and he develops, everything will be easy.

In the Black Domain, strength is respected, and whoever is stronger has the final say.

The gods in Yaochi seem to be carefree and happy, but aren't they all dogs raised by Taoist Lu Ya and Zhaxu?

The immortals at the bottom of the well are enjoying themselves in pain, and the Great Luo Jinxian comes and can wipe them all out in one breath.

It's like a pig farm.

At the bottom of the well is a large pigsty.

Not many people can escape from this pigsty.

Why do you want to disturb me?

The Immortal Burial King stared at Ye Jue, his eyes flashing green and extremely cold.

At this time, he already understood the current situation.

I have to have a good chat with you about this matter. How was Broken Mirror destroyed? How did you die? How did you become a ghost? What is your physique? Did the world of mortals destroy you?

Ye Jue asked multiple questions in succession.

He now wants to buy time for Xi Chuangyue. The location of the spirit body is still unknown, and he will issue a reminder when she succeeds.

At that time, just use the boundary markers to run away directly.

You are so arrogant. You asked me so many questions. Why should I answer you?

The Immortal Burial King frowned.

What does this mean? After being inexplicably awakened, he had so many questions to answer.

Who is this person...?

Who are you to ask him these questions?

Then why can't you answer me?

Ye Jue was not afraid and said confidently.

Because you are not qualified, I can feel that your cultivation level is just the life level of Daluo Jinxian, or it has been forcibly improved by two levels of strength. Hey, it seems a little different. You are not cultivating Sanxian, but the Great Holy Physique?

The Immortal Burial King was indifferent at first, and then slightly surprised.

It seems that seeing such a high-level holy body seems incredible.

Have you been sleeping for too long?

The world's great sages have traveled everywhere, and there are as many golden immortals as dogs?

So is the Great Holy Body qualified?

Ye Jue was very brave and asked again.

Anyway, it’s just waffling, talking here and there, as long as you don’t take action, you can talk about anything.

He is really no match for an immortal who is at the same level as the Immortal Lord.

...I have it, but if you want me to answer your questions, you need to pay some price, such as...your longevity.

The Immortal Burial King seemed to think seriously for a moment, then nodded.

Shouyuan? How much do you need?

Ye Jue's mind was spinning very quickly.

He had just gained a new life span and could spend it for a while.

Let me think about it, how about answering a question in a hundred thousand years?

The Immortal Burial King pondered for a while, then raised his head.

One hundred thousand years, why don't you go and grab it?

Ye Jue was speechless.

Shouyuan, who is close to an era, answers a question?

Isn't this too luxurious?

One's own longevity can be burned, gaining temporary strength to increase combat effectiveness.

One hundred thousand years of life can kill a Ten Tribulations Loose Immortal.

In this case, we can't trade.

The Immortal Burial King shook his head and took a step forward.

Under his feet, there were ripples, mysterious, vast, majestic, and motionless.

Boom boom boom! !

Flames suddenly burned in the void and attacked Ye Jue.

But what?

Ye Jue didn't move at all, letting it burn without any fear.

Instead, with a slash of his finger, the flames disintegrated.


The Immortal Burial King saw his flames being split open, and his brows became angry.

He took another step, stepping out a note of death.

Suddenly, the small world in this coffin felt like it was completely shattered.

Immortal Burial King, don't be in such a hurry to chase people away. Who said I won't trade anymore? It's a question that only comes in a hundred thousand years, so I'll ask it.

Ye Jue cleared his throat: I want to know if there is still a way to go above the tenth level of the Great Sage.

That's what he cares about.

The ninth level of the Great Sage can surpass the twelve calamity loose immortals, and his abilities are comparable to those of the Immortal Lord.

The tenth level of the Great Sage is probably the strength of Taozu and his ilk.

Is there a more terrifying existence above the Dao Ancestor?

This matter... I don't know, this is your Great Holy Body's matter.

The Immortal Burial King frowned and shook his head.

Look, I want to trade, but you can't answer.

Ye Jue sighed: Let's change the question. What is the truth about Hongchentian?

If there are any clues about what the world of mortals he sees is, he might be able to guess.

Hongchentian? I don't know this either, but you actually know about the existence of Hongchentian?

The Immortal Burial King was confused for a moment, and then slightly shocked.

It seems that hearing these three words Hongchentian from the mouth of the person in front of me is incredible.

Not only do I know it, but I have also seen the messenger from the Red Dust Heaven. I have also been to the Red Dust Heaven.

Ye Jue said bluntly.

Are you fooling me?

The Immortal Burial King suddenly shouted, and his ghost body swelled. At this moment, the world was filled with visions of thunder, chaos, storms and hurricanes.

Facing him, you still dare to lie. Can the former master of broken mirrors be able to blaspheme easily?

King Immortal Burial, have you slept for so long that you can't even distinguish between lies and truth?

Ye Jue's body swelled up, and in an instant, his body and aura were no worse than those of the Immortal Burial King.

You didn't lie. You have really seen the world of mortals.

The Immortal Burial King stopped at this moment. The situation was calm and the murderous intent was gone.

But the shocking methods have been deeply engraved in the eyes of many gods in the earth.

Buried Immortal King, this is a big shot!

The Immortal-Zhan Feidao has lived for who knows how many thousands of years, and has seen trillions of people.

Even so, I have never seen the Buried Immortal King, the Lord of Broken Mirrors.

That's right, how about reversing the deal. You answer all the questions I just asked, and you have to pay a thousand big prohibitions. How about I tell you what the world of mortals is like?

Ye Jue is very good at doing business.

Okay, I agree.

As expected, not even the Immortal Burial King could resist the temptation.

A person like him has seen so much, but the only thing he doesn't know is the world of mortals.

How did the broken mirror be destroyed? This question has to start with the gods. In the past, the broken mirror was a living god, containing countless lives, and the same existence as the realm of suffering, destruction, and Tao. But, this god has One day, I suffered a devastating attack and was destroyed by a strong man who mastered terrifying weapons. However... I don't know the identity of this strong man.

Once...I fought with him for a hundred rounds, but was defeated by him...

The Immortal Burial King was floating in the small world, his eyes were very empty.

As for how I died, because my identity is the Lord of the Broken Mirror, I have the power to control the origin of God. When God dies, my body will be destroyed.

How did I become a ghost? A ghost? It's actually my particles, a special kind of particles bred by the god Po Jing. It makes my spirit body immortal after death, and I can even continue to practice and become better. Powerful, have you ever heard of...Ghost Cultivator?

Physique? I don't have any physique, just weird particles.

The Red Dust Heaven destroyed us. If that strong man is the Red Dust Angel, then forget it.

The Immortal Burial King who turned into a ghost began to answer Ye Jue's questions.

He is also very down-to-earth and tells everything he knows.

It seems that it was not the Red Dust Heaven that destroyed you, because I have seen the messengers from the Red Dust Heaven. The messengers are the portals, bringing people to the Red Dust Heaven. But your world... was destroyed by brute force.

Ye Jue commented and at the same time answered the question that the Immortal Burial King wanted to know.

I see.

The Immortal Burial King nodded expressionlessly.

The messenger from the Red Dust Heaven opens the portal leading there. After that, there is a blood-red world, a world without any life. The starry sky is dripping with blood. In the end, it is all death, but there is only one planet...

Ye Jue continued.

Since it's a transaction, tell me everything you need to say.

Is this the world of mortals...death?

The Buried Immortal King was stunned.

Throughout the ages, the powerful beings who were taken away by the mortal angels have all gone to such a world. Have their bodies and souls disappeared?

No wonder you want to ask me the truth about the Red Dust Sky, because you saw the Red Dust Sky, but you don't know what it is and what it means.

The Buried Immortal King was thoughtful.

It’s so frustrating to know but not seem to know.

King Immortal Burial, do you want to know where the person who destroyed Broken Mirror is?

Ye Jue didn't care what the Immortal Burial King thought at all and made a loud voice.

you know?

The Immortal Burial King spoke with great silence.

That's right, give me your thousand great restrictions first.

Ye Jue stretched out his hand to ask for it.

As soon as he finished speaking, the mark on the Immortal Burial King's forehead lit up.

In an instant, a thousand restricted light groups really flew out!

Each one contains different powers, including the Great Summoning Restriction and the Great Overlord Restriction.

This is just payment for the previous transaction. Now it's a new transaction. Do you want to know about this person? Immortal Burial King. I want you to come out to deal with him. How about it?

Ye Jue's loud voice.

I can't live without the broken mirror, the burial soil, and this coffin.

The Immortal Burial King had no expression on his face.

If I give you a chance, will you take revenge if you meet this person?

Ye Jue suddenly said again.

This is inevitable. It's a pity that I don't have the power to take me out of here, unless the burial soil is moved. However, the only person with such power is Dao Ancestor.

The Immortal Burial King shook his head, feeling that he could not leave this place in this life.

You are a strong person between the Immortal Lord and the Immortal Lord. Your strength is extraordinary. Buried Immortal King, with your joining, I feel that revenge is just around the corner.

As Ye Jue spoke, illusions appeared above his head.

It's exactly what happened in the big starry sky. The first-level weapons of the prehistoric era descended and the terrifying death knell sounded.

There are also scenes of him suffering a big loss and having his spirit body taken away.

This person... I know him well.

The expressionless Immortal Burial King's eyes suddenly erupted with green flames, and obvious murderous intent exploded from his body.

With a raise of his hand, he destroyed a living being in a realm, and destroyed the murderer who broke the mirror...


Actually in this dark area?

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