Right ahead!

Xi Chuangyue was flying very fast, and the City of Broken Mirror was vast and boundless, and she didn’t know where it was going.

Ye Jue had condensed himself into a small dot at this time.

But it does not affect speed and vision.

He can see everything here clearly.


In that purple light, dozens of pairs of eyes lit up one after another.

The owner of these eyes is as dazzling as a magic lamp, and has a kingly aura.

However, it was obviously decayed and exuding boundless corpse energy.

It's really not that simple.

Ye Jue's whole body was shaken, he made a sudden decision and swept his body back.


Suddenly there was a strong underworld air blowing from the front.

In these dark auras, twisted and weird arms immediately stretched out to grab Xi Chuangyue.

In front of this kind of battle, Xi Chuangyue's small body was as fragile as paper.


However, something amazing happened.

Just when those arms were about to grab Xi Chuangyue, bang bang bang... hundreds of billions of explosions resounded!

The fields formed by the underworld were destroyed first, and then these strange hands were also beaten to pieces.

The powerful owner of those eyes was also torn open, almost completely destroyed in one blow.

This is all the power emanating from Xi Chuangyue's body.

It's not a restriction, it seems to come from deep within the original core of the body.

The moment after the field was torn open by her, stronger corpse energy suddenly emerged from the rolling underworld energy.

But Xi Chuangyue didn't panic at all, showed no fear at all, and drove Bagua Tai Chi Tu to hit him directly.

In an instant, red and blue lights flashed continuously.


Ye Jue was not idle either. He turned into a giant from a small point, picked up the black stick, and directly bombarded the field.


He seemed to have hit something.

It turned out to be a monster with wings that could bounce the black stick away and then charged directly towards him.

It can be seen that this monster's facial features are very ferocious, and it is most likely that it was transformed by a god, but its whole body is rotten.

Despite this, the cell vitality is very terrifying and can remain immortal and maintain the vitality of the physical body.


Ye Jue shrunk to the limit again and now became a giant, making him a target.

What's more, the strength of this rotting corpse is still a mystery. Let's wait and see how it changes.

If you are entangled, just use the most powerful force of life.

Huh? These are the wings of the gods? Good stuff, I'll take it!

Xi Chuangyue's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw this thing flying out of the underworld field.

Because the wings are made up of pieces of crystal clear God blocks, and each block is a fragment of the God.

There are hundreds of thousands of them making up this pair of wings.

What's even more amazing is that within each piece of the God Block is a small world that can store a large amount of energy.


She was like a swimming fish, spinning around and turning into starlight and spinning around rapidly.

In an instant, he was fighting with this rotting corpse.

Xi Chuangyue wanted the wings of the god, and Ye Jue also heard about it.

His body shimmered and drifted, avoiding the battle and rushing towards the supreme pure soul.


At this moment, a powerful aura appeared above his head.

What is it, so fast?

Ye Jue was shocked and didn't even have time to see what it was.

He raised his hand and punched.

Suddenly, he felt an ancient, heavy force pressing down.


At this moment, time was shaken into pieces.

Moreover, there was a decaying aura rushing into his body!

This power seems to be able to make the world become stale.

Ye Jue felt as if he had turned into a highly rotten piece of wood.

His great holy body is withering, his cells are losing activity, and his particles are disintegrating.

The power of life!

And Ye Jue also activated the hidden special power of the immortal buff.

His whole body spurted out strong vitality,

Get out of here!

He roared low, and with a strong storm, everything was blasted into the body of the thing above.


Suddenly, there was a heart-rending roar, and he was hit hard by the force of life.

This is……

Only then did Ye Jue see clearly what was attacking him.

This is a man with a wide body, wearing highly rotten armor, and his whole body sprays out thick strange particles.

That's the corpse of the Immortal King, be careful!

Xi Chuangyue saw what was happening in the distance, but the battle was not over yet and she could only issue a reminder.

Immortal King?

Ye Jue suddenly flapped his wings and rushed out.

The Immortal King should be similar to the Immortal Lord and Immortal Lord.

For a monster at this level of life, it’s no wonder that the power of life didn’t completely corrode it.

But it was obvious that this Immortal King Corpse did not want to simply spare him.


It moved, its armor fragments scattered around, and it stretched out its claws to grab Ye Jue.

I actually got caught up in it.

Ye Jue only wants to get the supreme pure soul.

However, encountering the pressure of this palm, he had no choice but to increase the firepower.


The divine flames on his wings billowed and exploded with endless sparks.

Every extra spark increases the speed.

Moreover, there was sand of time flowing out of his eyes.

Manipulate time and accelerate yourself!

This made Ye Jue's body erratic, flashing like lightning, making it impossible to figure out.

The corpse of the Broken Mirror Immortal King was really helpless against him.

It seems that even the Immortal King is no longer smart after turning into a rotting corpse.

Otherwise, if a supreme immortal technique comes, things will not be like this.

Oops, there are rotting corpses again. What on earth is this place that specifically breeds rotting corpses?

The Immortal-Zhan Feidao let out a long sigh when he saw the dark energy filling the area again.


He rushed over, pierced the corpse's brow with a knife, and spun around quickly.


Behind him, there was an explosion, shattering into countless pieces.

However, there were too many rotting corpses and the situation was chaotic, with such things coming from all directions.

It's like breaking into a filthy place, is the pure soul really in it?

Ye Jue also had to become suspicious.

It stands to reason that the supreme pure soul should be filled with holiness, so how can it be accompanied by these filthy things?

I guess there must be something wrong with this pure soul.

Ye Jue's thoughts flashed.

He was getting closer and closer to the place pointed by Xi Chuangyue.

Here, there are layers of maze-like space around us. In this endless maze of time and space, it is difficult to find the direction.

This is the defensive measure of the Soul of the God. Even if the Great Luo Immortal approaches, he will be involved in such a time and space.

The Immortal-Zhan Feidao didn't dare to wander in for fear of not being able to find his way back to the gourd.


Ye Jue's expression changed.

If this is the case, it will be too difficult to find the soul of Fei Shen.

In this endless maze of time and space, I want to find the right direction accurately...

An era? Or two eras?

How to decipher the mystery here, we must find a way.

Ye Jue shook his head.

Take a shortcut? This is impossible. How could the Soul of the God let others approach it casually, so... eh??

The Immortal-Zhan Feidao was suddenly stunned as he spoke.

He felt that this time and space maze had undergone new changes.

It seems that some force is eroding and corroding.


No matter how small the space vibration is, it cannot be hidden from him.


The Immortal-Zhan Feidao looked at Ye Jue with a horrified look on his face.

You are hiding too deep, and you actually have the means of high-entropy bodies. This... this is the power of analysis. Are you analyzing this maze? Are you a robot?

His expression was exaggerated and his mouth opened in a '0' shape.

Following this man, the things I encountered were incredible.

Now, the power of analysis actually appears?

Without further ado.

Ye Jue pressed his palms, and the space-time maze in front of him was buzzing and trembling.

Bahba bah…

Countless crystal walls, space faults, and time-space folds were exploding one after another, and it was unknown how many were destroyed.

Didi! The analytical power consumed is 1 million, 2 million...

The stored analytical power is being consumed crazily.

This was originally something he wanted to use to analyze the secrets of the positive and negative universes, but now he had no choice but to use it.

Analysis completed!

As the voice of the Holy Calculator fell, Ye Jue flapped his wings and rushed in without hesitation.

However, there were sounds of crying coming from here.

What is this crying thing?

The immortal-killing flying knife rotated around Ye Jue, with a shocked expression.

Suddenly, he seemed to see something, it seemed to be a white shadow.

This white shadow has only the back side and looks extremely thin, like a paper man.

Don't mess with it.

Ye Jue's expression condensed.

What kind of change happened in the soul of Fei Shen to give birth to such a terrifying thing?

Now he just wants to see the truth and find the source of the mutation.

The most important thing is whether the Soul of God can still be used.

If it's not unusable, quickly replace it with another one. You can't waste time here.

This thing seems to be following you.

The Immortal-Decapitating Flying Knife was so frightening that he broke into a cold sweat.

This man who kept crying seemed to have not moved since just now.

However, he could never get rid of it.

He was sure that Ye Jue had flown far away, but what was the result?

This thing is still not far away.

Find the Soul of Fei Shen first.

Ye Jue was equally shocked.

But his hands and feet were not slow at all, and he analyzed the time and space maze. He had already seen an extremely shining light source at the center point.

This light source should be Feishen's Soul, which is not very far away from him now.


The divine flames were fully activated, driving Ye Jue's body and flashing continuously, and no one could catch him.

This thing is still following you, let me give this thing a knife to see what it is all about!

The Immortal-Destroying Flying Knife screamed, and in an instant, it activated its power and teleported instantly.

don't want!

Ye Jue was shocked.

But it was too late, Zhan Xian flew directly through the crying Bai Ying.

Suddenly, the white figure stopped crying and slowly raised his head.

It was a shriveled face, which seemed to be that of a woman. There were no eyes, only black holes.

But when she looked at him like this, Ye Jue's green heart actually skipped a beat.

This is something that has never happened before. Against Taoist Lu Ya, no matter how many suns and moons we fight in a row, the seed of the Earth God has never trembled once!

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