Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 861 Flying Fairy Fruit and Supreme Pure Soul

Bloodline Divine Fruit? This should be the name of the Immortal at the Bottom of the Well. Have you ever come into contact with the Immortal at the Bottom of the Well?

Xi Chuangyue was slightly startled.

Not only that, he is now the leader of the gods at the bottom of the well.

The Immortal-Zhan Feidao couldn't help but laugh.

We are with the Great Sage!

At this moment, the Yaochi gods in the land roared together.

You let the fairy from the well live in your body?

Xi Chuangyue shook her head.

This is a bold act, really daring to play with fire.

If you are betrayed, the consequences will be very serious.

A person's body is equivalent to a secret realm.

Open the secret realm and let others enter, not even the closest ones.

Throughout the ages, there have been too many tragedies and examples caused by this behavior.

It doesn't matter, I have a special heart.

Ye Jue couldn't help but smile. There was a light shining on his chest, which was seen by Xi Chuangyue.

Hey, it's true, what is this? It has the power of the Earth God...

Xi Chuangyue came forward and looked at it carefully for a moment.

This is the seed of the Earth God, a branch of the world tree in the realm of misery...

Ye Jue didn't hide anything and said a little sadly.

I see.

Xi Chuangyue nodded.

The battle uniform she was wearing was very old, and she didn't know what era it was from.

Looking carefully, it is full of the imprint of time and still solid and immortal.

The Immortal Burial King has taken action. He discovered this place. Let's go to the Broken Mirror City as soon as possible. There is the Flying Immortal Fruit there.

As soon as Xi Chuangyue finished speaking, wisps of underworld energy flew behind them.

It was a terrifying scene caused by the gathering of many evil spirits.


At this time, a brand flew out from the center of Xichuangyue's eyebrows and enveloped Ye Jue.


Immediately afterwards, her fingers fell off and turned into two ink jade dolls, lifelike, growing rapidly and becoming exactly like them.


They bowed their heads respectfully.

Go ahead and lure away Immortal Burial King's pursuers.

Xi Chuangyue said immediately.

As commanded.

The two of them understood each other and rushed towards the other flight at a very fast speed.

The direction of the overwhelming underworld energy has really changed and followed the past.

With your strength, you can definitely get the supreme pure soul by yourself, right?

Ye Jue saw the puppet leading away the pursuers, and took advantage of the situation and flew up.

To obtain a pure soul, one needs a very powerful chance.

Xichuang Yueshennian transmitted the message in his heart.

My constitution is special, so it is very difficult to obtain a pure soul.

But as long as we work hard, it shouldn't be difficult to attain the supreme pure soul.

How about we each fight for one?

Her voice kept ringing.

I think...we're on the same page.

Ye Bu couldn't help but nod.

By the way, is this supreme pure soul accompanied by the Flying Fairy Fruit?

He had doubts.

The information from the gods at the bottom of the well is not very accurate.

Obviously, Xi Chuangyue knows much more than them.

A companion? Of course not. The supreme pure soul is the original soul that was born when the broken mirror was destroyed. It is very difficult to capture them, but I am ready and have been waiting for you.

Xi Chuangyue said lightly.

You were waiting for me? You knew I was coming here?

Ye Jue was stunned.

Actually, I didn't know it was you I was waiting for. I never thought it was you.

Xi Chuangyue couldn't help but look at him.

Then who are you waiting for?

Someone just like you.

People like me?

Yes, exactly the same.


Ye Jue and Xi Chuangyue flew in the abyss.

At this time, there was a buzzing sound in the sky.

It turned out to be a ghost ship, with flashing lines, flying towards them.

Great Sage!

The gods on the ghost ship were extremely excited.

They actually found the Great Sage.

Originally, I had no hope and could only move towards the destination.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yanjun observed a dazzling light flying below.

Taking the risk and getting closer, I discovered something unexpected.

Twelve, is that you?

Ye Jue looked up and saw a familiar face.

He flew up and took Xi Chuangyue with him back to the ghost ship.

Great Sage, this is...

Brother Yu couldn't help but ask when he saw the woman standing next to him.

Could this be a ghost?

His face was so pale and his body was as slender as paper.


Ye Jue thought for a while and blurted out.

He and Xi Chuangyue had a relationship in the big starry sky.

At that time, I saw this woman as a god!

He destroyed three great masters with a single movement of his hand, and was full of fascination for them.

At that time, I had fantasies about what it would be like to stand at such a height...

Now, he was really standing in the same boat with her.

Since he learned that her situation was the same as his own, he had been upgraded from an acquaintance to a comrade-in-arms.


The moon in the west window froze slightly, and she smiled silently.

Are you actually like me?

At this time, Yaolao spoke.

He stared at Xi Chuangyue and scanned her body.

Huh? You have become an evil spirit. It's so serious that you won't live long.

Xi Chuangyue raised her eyes to look at the old man hanging on the bow of the boat and told the truth without mercy.

You are not the same. You have been cursed by the Immortal Burial King. What is your purpose?

Yaolao asked with an indifferent expression.

Like this woman's body, his body began to turn into a paper man.

Moreover, this woman's curse is even more serious.

Supreme Pure Soul.

Xi Chuangyue didn't hide anything, she said it directly.

What, you are actually looking for something this elusive and elusive? Do you really think this thing exists?

Yaolao looked shocked.

Of course it exists.

Xi Chuangyue's expression was calm and very confident.

Even if you find the supreme pure soul, how can you break the strange curse of the Immortal Burial King? Will you turn into an evil spirit in the end?

Yaolao was very puzzled. Isn't this a useless effort?

My physique is very special. I was once called the reincarnation of the Xuanzu body by a group of people. I can use mystical power without a spiritual body. If I can regain my spiritual body, I can kill even the Buried Immortal King. He is no match for me. .”

Xi Chuangyue said slowly.

It seemed like he was talking to Yaolao, but he was actually telling Ye Jue that her physique was unusual.

This is also the reason why he can use mysterious magic even though he has no spirit body.

Killing and Burying Immortal King, who do you think you are, hum!

Yaolao snorted coldly, obviously not believing it, so he closed his eyes and turned into stone again.

It seems that this is the only way to resist becoming a paper person.

Great Sage, we are about to enter the City of Broken Mirrors!

At this moment, Lu Yanjun shouted.


There was thunder ahead, and it was an even more terrifying scene.

The evil spirit seems to be unable to be dissipated, and it is as thick as if it is advancing in the blood.


One after another bloody lightning appeared in it, with an astonishing momentum.

This is the City of Broken Mirrors. It was once the cave of the Immortal Kings. There are many fairy stories here.

Xi Chuangyue reminded.

Passing through this thick evil aura, the front suddenly became dazzling.

Wow! !

All kinds of lights are flying, all kinds of laws are colliding, becoming a mess, entangled with each other.

Even the laws of heaven are out of order.

The intention to kill, no, it's the unquenchable resentment, it's amazing!

This place is scarier than before!

The gods on the ghost ship were all frightened.

It was not like this before, but now Hao Ran has evolved into an even more amazing vision.

All kinds of ancient weapons and all kinds of divine lights are surging freely and will never be extinguished.

Everyone split up and look for the bloodline divine fruit!

Mao Twelve shouted: Be careful, there seems to be something unexpected happening here. Don't disturb the taboo.


The gods all had eyes as bright as lightning, looking across hundreds of miles, and began to search for the divine blood fruit.

However, the evil spirit and resentment were too strong, and their eyes were quickly blocked, making it difficult to penetrate.

So it's just a matter of luck.

I'm looking for the supreme pure soul. Please help me protect it.

Xi Chuangyue stomped her foot hard.


A mysterious ripple spread quickly from here and submerged into the fields in all directions.

Then she closed her eyes.

It seems that the supreme pure soul is not so easy to find.

Ye Jue let out a long sigh.

This thing will definitely be hard to find.

He flew up and turned around, but found nothing.

However, you can't leave too far, and you have to protect Xi Chuangyue.

After a long time, Xi Chuangyue suddenly opened her eyes.

I sensed it, the supreme pure soul, but...

She frowned.

Just what?

Ye Jue raised his eyebrows slightly: Is there a monster in the broken mirror guarding me? If we join forces, we can't deal with it?

That's not the case. What I'm referring to is this supreme pure soul, which is transformed from the God of Broken Mirrors, the God of Destruction, the supreme pure soul of God.

Xi Chuangyue shook her head.

Excuse me? Does that work?

Ye Jue frowned.

It works, and it's extremely powerful.

Xi Chuangyue nodded: However, there is only one.

only one?

Ye Jue looked solemn.

How to divide this?

Cut in half?

Will it lead to the destruction of the supreme pure soul?

This is yours, you found it first.

Ye Jue thought for a moment.

Logically speaking, whoever finds it first wins.

You should take this first. There are many supreme pure souls in the City of Broken Mirror, but there is only one Soul of Fei Shen, because Broken Mirror was once the corpse of a god, and the soul might be a perfect match for your type. Wonderful changes will be born.”

Xi Chuangyue shook her head.


Without hesitation, she flew there.

Are you not thinking about it anymore? What if you can't find another supreme pure soul?

Ye Jue made a sound from behind.

This goddess is the reincarnation of the ancestor Xuan, and she needs a spiritual body more than he does.

Just give it up like that?

Just because she might be a match for him?

He has seen big-hearted people, but never such big-hearted people. He made a decision without saying a word, very decisively, it can be said to be categorical.

In that case, I owe you a favor.

Ye Jue knew he couldn't defeat her, so he nodded in agreement and flew away.

Once you get the supreme pure soul, you can immediately reshape your spiritual body.

Then summon the boundary monument into the black realm!

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