What on earth is this wizened woman that can make even the earth remind him?

I feel like I've been hit by a ball of air. What's going on?

The Immortal-Zhan Feidao screamed and returned to the red gourd.

He felt like he was in trouble!

But he was really upset by the crying sound, so he took action.


The crying had stopped now.

She just stared at Ye Jue, tilting her neck. It was so weird.

What, why is this thing here? Run!

At this time, Xi Chuangyue's voice suddenly came. It was a voice transmission, and the tone was full of horror.


Ye Jue's body flashed, and an afterimage appeared.

But instead of running away, he went straight to the center point.

Until now, he has not forgotten to take the Soul of God.

Because the spirit body is too important to him.


When the woman saw Ye Jue's movements, she made a very scary sound from her body.

At the same time, she moved, and her body was extremely distorted, becoming indescribable.

This is from the world of mortals...

Xi Chuangyue's voice quickly disappeared.

Because Ye Jue was flying at full speed at this time, heading straight to the place where the Soul of the God was spent.

His speed was so fast that his wings were flapping to the extreme.


But just like this, a huge danger attacked Ye Jue's soul.


Ye Jue was extremely horrified.

What did he see?

A blood shadow was alongside him!


The Immortal Killing Flying Knife was so frightening that his scalp was numb.

What's this?

The skin, eye holes, clothes... are all blood red, and the fierceness is suffocating!

Furthermore, his white teeth were exposed deeply and he bit Ye Jue's throat.

Without thinking, Ye Jue held the black stick in front of him.


Sparks flew everywhere, and those teeth actually left teeth marks on the black stick!


Seizing this gap, Ye Jue finally kicked out.

The blood-red woman suddenly flew out, flew to a very distant space-time gap, and submerged into it.


Even so, this horrifying sound can still be heard.

Get the Soul of the God of Charge quickly!

Seeing this scene, Zhanxian Feidao said hurriedly.

Now we can see that there is a vast black hole at the center of the space-time maze.

The black hole could not be seen to the end at a glance, but from inside, a nine-color flame was continuously sprayed out, burning the surrounding void.

At the deepest point, a curled-up, baby-like ball of light was rising and falling.

This is the soul of God, the supreme pure soul.

Sure enough, something happened!

The moment Ye Jue saw the soul of Fei Shen, ten years had passed outside.

It seems that the power of Feishen's Soul has affected time. It passes too fast, so I must leave quickly.

The Immortal-Zhan Feidao gave a low reminder.

What's more, there is a bloody woman chasing them, and the situation is too dangerous.


As soon as Ye Jue moved, his wings flapped behind his back, and his big hands grabbed the baby.


His arm instantly passed through the black hole and was stretched infinitely.

But he couldn't catch the soul of Fei Shen, it seemed very far away from him.

This is an illusion brought to you by time and space. The soul of Feishen is at least an era away from you. If you want to get it, you will have to spend at least 120,000 years of your life!

The Immortal-Zhan Feidao had seen a lot, and he immediately saw the problem.

An era? Who can wait so long?

A smile appeared on Ye Jue's face and he grabbed it again.

‘Didi! Start analysis, consume analytical power, 100,000...500,000...'


The analysis began. In the black hole, countless thunderbolts split the space, and concentric circles appeared one after another.

Bang bang bang! !

Deeper, the sun and moon exploded one after another, instantly turning into a sea of ​​fire.

The baby transformed by the spirit of trouble seemed to sense the danger and collapsed deeper.

However, the Holy Calculator was analyzing its world, and it could not escape. In the end, it could only come to Ye Jue obediently.

You... are cheating!

Seeing this scene, Zhanxian Feidao's mouth turned into a '0' shape again.

This time he saw it more clearly.

Ye Jue pressed his hand toward the void of the black hole, and the black hole began to shrink violently, and time and space began to collapse.

The spirit of trouble is getting closer and closer, very close.

Ye Jue was full of confidence, planning to capture and reshape the spirit body, and then summon the boundary monuments, kingdoms of gods and so on into the black realm.

After that, he killed Da Luotian, caught all the Golden Immortal masters, and threw them all into the fields to do hard labor for him.

When he has the power of all the gods in Daluotian, who will be his rival among other sects in the black domain, such as the Goshawk Palace, the Zuma Cult and the like?

I'm afraid even the leader of Chaos God Zuma can't do anything to him.

But at this time, the accident still happened.

It's the blood-red woman again, with howling ghosts and gods, and her long blood-red hair flying towards her.

The seed of the Earth God throbbed again, reminding him that he must not be attacked, otherwise something terrible would happen.


Ye Jue could only pick up the black stick and draw it hard.

But the blood-red woman reacted very quickly, and in an instant she exerted a kind of power, and her whole body sprayed out red aura.

Huh? This is... so familiar. Could it be... particles from the world of mortals?

Ye Jue was shocked for a moment.

Finally discovered what it is, the particles in the world of mortals, isn't this it?

Did this blood-red woman actually come from the world of mortals?

Puff puff puff!

A virtual door to the world actually appeared in the red aura that the blood-red woman continuously sprayed out.

Don't look, don't look!

When Zhanxian Feidao heard Ye Jue say that they were particles from Hongchentian, his expression immediately changed and he blocked his eyes.

It is the gateway to the world of mortals. Just one glance and you will be sucked away and disappear forever.

Not in the three realms, not in deep space, not in the black realm.

Directly and forever missing, that is the place of end, the place of eternal knot!

Since ancient times, many great powers have paid a price of blood in order to escape from the world of mortals.

Finally, the black realm and deep space were created, and the mythical body and the high-entropy body were safe and sheltered in each other.

However, the messenger of Hongchentian appeared in the black realm.

This is too fatal!

This means that the claws of Hongchentian have already reached into the black realm.

However, the stupid gods don’t know yet and are still living happily.

Nowadays, the Black Realm is in chaos. Not only the Buried Immortal King is born, but also the Red Earth Angel appears.

The Dark Territory... will never be safe again!

Close your eyes, and be sure not to look or feel, otherwise you will enter the world of mortals and be lost forever in time and space. That place is the death place of all great powers and ancestors.

The sound of the Immortal Killing Flying Knife was loud and shocking, constantly reaching Ye Jue's ears.

What is it? What is there in the world of mortals? What is its secret?

Ye Jue closed his eyes and shouted.

Everything points to the world of mortals, from the earth to the black realm, throughout mythology and technology.

What is it that makes the great powers of the past so fearful?

You may never know, and neither do I. We are all too low-level. Only by evolving to the immortal level can we know the truth.

The Immortal-Zhan Feidao was also shouting.

He could feel an extraordinary sting now, as countless particles from the world of mortals brushed against his body.

The truth? The Starry Sky Emperor once stated that the Three Realms will inevitably come to an end, and each destruction is related to the Red Dust Sky. Is the so-called catastrophe of the Three Realms also related to the Red Dust Sky?

Ye Jue closed his eyes tightly.

I don't know. Don't ask me too much. I'm just a weapon spirit with limited knowledge, but I can tell you that everything is related to time. Time is the culprit. Whoever can control time is the real god.

The sounds of immortal-killing flying knives kept coming.

Time? Immortal-killing flying knife, I have to open my eyes now.

Ye Jue decided to open his eyes and take a peek at the door of the world of mortals.


The Immortal-Zhan Feidao was so shocked that he was almost scared to death. Without saying a word, he turned into a stream of light and ran away.

The next moment, Ye Jue opened his eyes.

What did he see?

Bloody red!

That huge portal lies across the maze of time and space.


A mysterious idea and an extremely huge amount of information rushed directly into his head, almost to the point of exploding!

In an instant.

His body shrunk infinitely, seemingly transcending eternal time and space.

Reach the ultimate end of heaven and earth, see the end of time, and the blissful dojo on the other side.

His thoughts began to change, and countless thoughts wrapped around his body.

Swish, swish, swish!

Time is accelerating like crazy!

Ye Jue's thoughts were speeding up uncontrollably!

In the mad acceleration, he may have descended into the world of mortals.

Is this the world of mortals? What do I see and understand? Is this the future or a long time ago?

Ye Jue stared.

He is not him at this moment, just a pair of eyes in this world.

Therefore, the field of vision can be expanded infinitely, the land is vast, and it seems that the outline of this place can be seen clearly.

The picture you see is also very simple.

That is death, whether it is the three realms, the black realm, or even deep space.

The whole world is blood red.

Swish, swish, swish! !

His thoughts began to speed up again.

Finally, he saw that there was only one planet in this bloody mass.


In the vast world of mortals, there is only one blood-red planet.

The appearance of the person standing on the planet shocked Ye Jue even more.

Who are you…

Ye Jue's eyes couldn't help but flash, and he shuddered.

Why him?

Why do people who died in the Antarctic battle appear in the world of mortals?

Furthermore, is this really the world of mortals?

How could you peek here? Hey, you are actually...

When this person spoke, he took a step forward, and Ye Jue immediately felt that he was about to be destroyed.

What sound is this? Boundless, infinite, boundless, boundless!

I have never felt this kind of sound before, as if it were the aggregation of all will.


Just when Ye Jue was about to collapse and was in danger, a big hand suddenly appeared from behind, grabbed his body and pulled him back.


Time actually started to go backwards crazily, and bubbles and dreams were indistinguishable.

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