This is the Thunder God Tribulation. This phantom of the dragon god's head is an extinct thing in legend, Lei Ze.

The stone-like Yao Lao opened his eyes slightly.

Some existences in mythology have a long and ancient history, and their true origins are unknown.

Just like Lei Ze, it has long been unknown what kind of ancient creature it is.

With the migration, some clues and secrets were lost in the long river of time.

Leize? Thor?

Xianxian Feidao was puzzled.

Anyway, he has never seen such a strange phenomenon occur when refining weapons and tribulations.

Whether you can withstand it or not depends on fate.

Ye Jue's expression was very solemn, and those thunder wedges kept hitting the weapon refining tripod.

Even though the tripod was already very hard, it still cracked.

Terrifying and dense fine lines are already distributed on it.

What's happened, I can't stand it anymore!

The gods gasped.

Those fine lines are getting bigger and bigger, turning into cracks, and they are about to die.


Finally, it exploded suddenly.

It's all over now, the tribulation has failed!

Brother Yu immediately blocked his eyes and couldn't bear to look directly.

The entire seabed cold mine was swallowed up, and it was a pity that it was not bred.

Not only the cold mines under the sea, but also the sacred mines in Yaochi Garden, the star mines in Meteor Immortal... and all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures have all turned into nothing.

Lu Yanjun let out a long sigh.

The thunder tribulation vision has disappeared. If Lei Ze hadn't appeared, the black stick might have really been born.

Hey, what is that?

Suddenly, a god screamed.

From above the chaotic thunder sea, a black lightning suddenly fell.

Immediately afterwards, it was horizontal in the air, huge and majestic, and its buzzing seemed to tremble and shake the nine heavens.

Is this the black stick? Why is it so huge?

Brother Yu trembled.

It turned out that this weapon did not fail to overcome the tribulation, but instead manifested in the world!

This aura is probably a top-notch magic weapon, but why does it feel like it can shock the heavens of eternity?

Yes, I can't help but want to pay homage!

I have even survived the Thunder God Tribulation. If I achieve success in the future, I might be able to surpass the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife!

The gods stared at the black stick excitedly.

“When did I become a unit of measure?”

Zhanxian Feidao's face turned dark.

It's just a top-quality magic weapon. Even if it reaches its potential, it's hard to say whether it can grow smoothly.

Throughout the ages, weapons with more potential than him have fallen on this path.

How much has it witnessed?

It's so big, can't it be made smaller? How can I take it away?

Ye Jue frowned.

Who would have expected that the black stick seemed to have heard his words, like a real dragon raising its head, circling, and then landing again.

In an instant, it changed into a size that can be held in one hand.


Ye Jue took hold of it and suddenly felt that it had a vitality like the sea. This kind of power was overwhelming.

“Dong dong dong!!”

The vibration came out, and the ripples went round and round.

No one will doubt anything now. When it grows up, this will definitely be a high-level prehistoric weapon in the future.

This is……

Not only that, Ye Jue even saw a mini monkey sitting cross-legged in the black stick.

This monkey is very delicate. Originally, its whole body was petrified, and then it cracked quickly and glowed brightly.

As if sensing Ye Jue was looking at him, he opened his eyes suddenly and shot out two sharp rays of light.

However, he immediately closed his eyes and became very quiet.

You feel the spirit of the weapon?

The Immortal-Zhan Feidao made a confused sound.

Yes, it was a monkey, but it fell asleep quickly.

Ye Jue nodded.

Great Sage, the weapon spirit has just been born. This is normal.

Mao Twelve glanced at the black stick and praised it.

Such...a magic weapon is really rare in the world~

Simple, quaint, grand...

Simple, no line decoration, black and shiny.

The Eight Tribulations Loose Immortals looked at each other.

It's embarrassing, it's really embarrassing. Can you please stop licking it? It's a black stick.

Yaolao's voice rang out,

What's wrong with the black stick? Have you ever seen a magic weapon that is so black? It contains the ultimate divinity at a glance.

Brother Yu was angry.

Why don't you continue to pretend to be dead, being hung on the bow of the ship, and still being so shameless and noisy?

On the 15th day of the lunar month, he screamed.

Now they are not afraid of growing old. Such a miserable appearance proves his incompetence.

This is a black stick.

Ye Jue said, his eyes clear, elegant and confident.

It looks very ordinary.

But it is no ordinary black stick, that weapon spirit is very domineering and has an invincible heart!

He just felt it, and he was not afraid of all difficulties and hardships, although he was not in the best condition yet.

But when it wakes up, it will snowball and become more terrifying, becoming a weapon that transcends prehistoric times.

Great Sage, how about giving me a name?

Lu Yanjun said quickly.

Just call him Black Stick.

Ye Jue smiled slightly.

Black stick...

All the gods were startled...

Is it really called a black stick?

This time the weapon refining allowed Ye Jue to get a handy weapon.

The black stick has no mysterious power, it just makes it bigger or smaller as the mind desires.

It just so happened that he needed such a weapon.

The ghost ship sails on.

At this time, they had been taken to an incredible place.

This is the Abyss.

Mao Twelve said the name of this place in a trembling voice.

The Bloodline Divine Fruit grows behind the Maw Abyss.

The weird smell is getting stronger and stronger.

This place already has a very familiar smell.

And as we go deeper, it becomes clearer.

There are actually strange particles in this abyss.

In the past, there were paper men and ghost ships, but now everything overlaps.

Ye Jue came to the source of the strangeness.

And it was with a group of gods.

However, these gods are all trembling with fear, and their bones are chilling.

Ye Jue stood on the bow of the ship and was shocked to learn that this was the source of the strangeness.

After all, strange particles are ever-changing, capable of comprehending ever-changing changes, and are inseparable from them.

After being surprised, he actually had a sense of expectation in his heart.

Be careful, we are going down!

Hold on to the ghost ship!


The ghost ship shook like this, fell down, and submerged into the abyss.

During the process, the gods kept screaming and it was extremely exciting.

At this moment, several special figures floated over from below.

That's right, it just floated up directly. The body was twisted and it was not human at all.

The Evil Spirit Devouring the Abyss!

Lu Yanjun suddenly shouted.

Boom! !

A violent collision occurred between the ghost ships, which was dazzling.

Those abyss-devouring evil spirits collided with the ghost ship, causing it to split open.

Ah! We are going to destroy the ship and kill everyone. Think of a way!

Brother Yu roared in horror.

Why panic? It's just a layer of paint.

Yaolao's cold voice sounded.


Only then did everyone see clearly, the true appearance was exposed under the cracked hull.

It's actually a piece of paper?

Yaolao's ghost ship really lives up to its name, made of the skin of the Devouring Abyss evil spirit?

What a fuss, that's not the case, how can we cross the river?

Yaolao said.

Oh no, the evil spirit is coming to kill us!

At this moment, Lu Yanjun, who used secret techniques to control the ghost ship, was the first to see the horror below.

The ghost ship is still gliding down the waterfall.

Below, more Abyss-devouring evil spirits appeared, thousands in total.

Twisting, spiraling, and floating quickly.

If it collided with such a large number of evil spirits, the ghost ship would be blown to pieces.

Boom boom boom!!

In an instant, countless restrictions and several large restrictions shined brightly.

The Eight Tribulations Loose Immortals formed a huge palm and pressed it towards the evil spirits.

This situation is so terrible and bad that we cannot let it go.

This is called a huge restriction covering the sky with one hand, boundless, and shot down.


Who knew that there might be something among the evil spirits that could compete with the Great Restriction.

All of a sudden, it was as if I had been pressed against an iron plate and could no longer move forward.

What weird thing?

Brother Yu was startled, lying on the bow of the boat and looking down.

He saw a paper man with very special facial features, almost somewhere between laughing and crying, very weird.

It was this thing that withstood the Great Restriction.

Then the strength should be above the true immortal level.

That's the Evil Emperor of the Abyss. I didn't expect such bad luck to encounter this thing.

Yaolao finally no longer looked stone-faced, his color almost changed, and he was deeply shocked.

It seems that he did not expect that the Evil Emperor of Devouring Abyss would appear.

This thing is very cruel!

As long as you are targeted by it, you will undoubtedly be hunted to death. Unless you escape from the broken mirror, you will have a chance of survival.


Then, at this moment, the picture stopped.

There was a violent collision between the ghost ship and these paper figures.

Time seemed to be torn into pieces, and pieces collapsed.


Yaolao was suddenly shocked and didn't know what was happening.

Because time just slowed down, and then there was a big collision.

keep going.

At the front of the ship, the man wearing black gold armor, with hair flying, said words that were difficult for him to understand.

What does it mean to move on?

Do you really think that the Evil Emperor of Devouring Abyss is not a cadre?

Huh?? Where is the Evil Emperor?

He rubbed his eyes vigorously.


The expression is dazed!

The Evil Emperor of Devouring Abyss was actually crushed to pieces.

Moreover, he was still vomiting blood.

He was seriously injured, his whole body was torn open, and the light of evil spirits poured out.

The other paper figures had long since vanished into thin air.

Only weird particles slid across their faces and floated into the sky...

Is it that black stick?

Yaolao was shocked.

The stick just now broke through time, so that the eyes did not catch what happened.

When everything is over, time returns to normal.

It's true, he really has weird particles on his body.

Yaolao was very puzzled. The strange particles only existed in the broken mirror. If they were exiled to other worlds, great disaster would occur.

However, this great holy body is even weirder, the particles are actually invisible.

Only he could feel it, and he was immediately stunned, extremely shocked.

Moreover, the hidden particles in his Great Saint Particles... are actually more than one kind. What kind of body is this?

Yaolao was shocked, at first it was just a quick glance.

Now, my heart is beating violently.

Those hidden weird particles are very terrifying existences...

The evil god in black!

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