Have you seen the evil god in black? Where did you see it? How did you obtain the evil god's particles?

Yaolao finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly.

What a shock!

How come the invisible particles of the evil god in black appear among the particles of the Great Sage?

It carries too many secrets. From ancient times to the present, the fog cannot be broken!

Only the power of breaking the mirror can reveal its origin.

The evil god in black?

Seeing this, Ye Jue's mood fluctuated violently.

I also recalled some things from the past.

However, some memories have been lost.

Remember, beheaded.

After a while, he said this.

In the past, in a time hole, paper figures in black were fishing on a large vermilion boat.

He was killed.

What, beheaded? Impossible. How could the evil god in black die?!

Yaolao was undoubtedly shocked and couldn't believe it!

The evil god in black has immortal evil power, and the strange particles will exist forever if they are not destroyed.

How could he be killed!

What's more, the weird particles cannot be eliminated.

There is only one possibility, that is, the Great Holy Body is lying.

He doesn't believe it!

My Great Sage Particles are a bit special. They are mixed with several powerful particles that even I don't know about.

Ye Jue's voice rang out.

At this moment, the ghost ship is still sinking, sliding down the waterfall into the abyss.

Those paper figures are gone.

They were all flattened by his stick, and even the Evil Emperor of the Abyss was swatted into flies.

That's right... The presence of the strange particles of the evil god in black on your body is the best proof...

Yaolao hung on the bow of the boat, muttering to himself.

Below, the abyss roared, wind and thunder roared, and the world suddenly became darker.

Whirring whirring!

The fierce evil wind kept blowing up, and ghosts were crying and gods howling.

After thousands of years, we are here again, and this place has become even scarier.

The dozen or so people were covered in sweat and their faces were as white as snow.

The power of the loose immortals in their bodies dimmed quickly, and the consumption was too great.

It takes very strong blood to resist the evil wind.

If the ghost ship cannot reach the bottom of the Abyss within a few days, they will most likely be consumed to death.

No, there are evil spirits again, tens of thousands in number!

At this time, Lu Yanjun broke out in a cold sweat.

Those paper figures continued to break through the fog below, the shadows shook, and the sounds of ghosts crying and howling became clearer, almost approaching.

There is no evil emperor, just kill him!

This was Brother Yu's first confrontation with evil spirits. Faced with such a terrifying sight, he had no choice but to take action first.

Boom boom boom!

For a time, all kinds of restrictions were blasted out, extremely bright.

There is no need for Ye Jue to take action on this kind of paper man.

He stood there and was observing his surroundings.

Some stone walls were glowing, and lines of ancient characters were faintly flashing.

If you are ruthless, you will completely ignore it.

These ancient characters record some of Pojing's past...

Ye Jue combined those patterns to make speculations.

But what kind of story it was, he didn't know very well.

But the only thing that is certain is that there is some warning in it.

Intruders will inevitably be devoured by the abyss...


Ye Jue smiled slightly.

This reminded him of the Gate of Hell, and it was the same kind of warning, and he was already used to it.

Boom boom boom!

The ghost ship is still moving forward, and this is a dramatic battle.

Although Ye Jue and the others were sinking, they did not panic.

The gods and the paper men had several fierce confrontations and fought their way out.

However, some gods were injured and the particle energy was exhausted.


Brother Yu grinned on the spot, and his butt was stabbed by the paper man, which caused a sharp pain like a needle prick.

Those strange particles formed a thick layer of black ice on his lower body, freezing to the bone.

What weird particles? I think they are ghost particles...

He suffered continuously.

This is him. If it were any other immortal, he would have been directly frozen inside and then shattered.

Ship, there is a ship!

Lu Yanjun suddenly screamed.

He first saw green ghost ships rushing out of the mist below!

These are real ghost ships, gurgling with green light.

Set up a defensive formation and leave the rest to the Great Sage!

Mao Twelve let out a long roar.

This is incredible. There are rows of paper figures standing on those ghost ships. They are all very powerful evil spirits.

Some held a piece of white silk in their hands, while others held mourning sticks and chains.

Seeing this, the gods were no longer calm.

This is a ghost!

They are not real ghosts. Ghosts are more advanced than these evil spirits.

Yaolao looked shocked.

This wasn't his first time fighting against a ghost ship.

But it’s definitely the first time I’ve seen such a large number of ghost ships.

There are so many, almost more than a hundred ships!

Once, when he encountered a ship, he had to abandon the ship and escape. The gods who abandoned the ship escaped.

Now there are more than a hundred ships at once, can he not be frightened?

Could it be that they also sensed...the particles of the evil god in black?

Yaolao was not calm.

There was a little green light coming from the depths of his eyes.

If you look closely, his body is actually transforming into a paper man.

The evil spirits are gone!

At the same time, a stick was swung over.

The black stick expanded instantly, almost covering the sky, and hit those ghost ships heavily.


Suddenly, those ghost ships went berserk, and nine white shadows rushed towards them like lightning.

Surprisingly, they were not killed by the bombardment, but instead went towards Ye Jue to kill him.

Blazing lightning illuminates them with every stroke.

Green face, fangs, teeth and claws!


Nine figures ran in all directions, instantly surrounding the ghost ship.

No, this is a Rakshasa ghost, a real ghost!

Yaolao was shaking all over.

A real ghost?

The gods' scalps instantly became numb.

Ghosts are a race, aren't they already extinct?

How could something like this appear in the Abyss?

It wasn't like this before!

What's going on in this world?

The faces of the twelve dozen people were ashen.

It's a chaos in the Black Realm. It triggered a series of strange movements, and ghosts that have never been born have also appeared!

Brother Yu was extremely frightened when he saw the nine white shadows approaching the Great Sage.

He wants to help.

However, with the Great Restriction in operation and attacking forward, they could not attack them at all.

It is as if these white shadows do not exist in this world at all, and any restrictions are useless to them.

No wonder the great sage's black stick is useless against them.

Inside Di Zhong, all the gods in Yaochi were also shocked.

These real ghosts are so unnatural and beyond common sense that they should not appear in the world.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

Just when they were shocked, the ghosts took action.

Nine ghost chains shot out from their arms, tying Ye Jue into a rice dumpling from all directions.


Ye Jue shouted loudly, his black hair flying, and the wisps of holy marks made all the immortals tremble.

However, it was unable to break the ghost chain.


In an instant, he took off, and when the nine ghostly shadows flew up, they drove his body towards the depths of the abyss.

Great Sage!

All the gods on the ghost ship were shocked.

Was there such a shocking change?

The Great Sage... is not his opponent?

He was kidnapped by a ghost in front of his face!

It doesn't matter, just come down and I'll wait for you below.

Ye Jue's voice came over.


Immediately afterwards, he broke through the thick fog at a terrifying falling speed and headed towards the depths of the Abyss.

The nine white shadows, the Rakshasa ghosts in Yaolao's mouth, were silent and could not be hit by any force.

However, Ye Jue didn't panic at all.

When dealing with the evil god in black, he knew that he had an invincible power of restraint.

‘the power of life’

This is it, the immortal buff, which can restrain all weird particles.

He discovered that Rakshasa ghosts were also composed of strange particles, but they were particles from a higher level of life.

But as long as they are strange particles, they cannot escape the fate of being restrained by the 'power of life'.

Look where you're taking me.

Ye Jue smiled coldly.

He didn't resist, just waited to see what was waiting for him below.

Finally, the Rakshasa ghost took him to an altar that seemed to have been reincarnated for eternity, with huge tombstones everywhere.

The green flames are all divine flames, exuding vast ancient meanings.

Is this a burial ground?

The voice of the immortal-killing flying knife whispered.

This place seemed strange and terrifying. A terrible aura was constantly being released, as if something was awakening under the burial soil.

Moreover, those huge tombstones all emitted monstrous and strange fluctuations.

They all seem to be dormant powerful ghost bodies.


Ye Jue fell down and stood on the burial soil.

Sure enough, the burial soil seemed to be alive. When he stepped on it, bright red blood overflowed and soaked his ankles.

What on earth is there?

The weapon spirit of the Immortal Killing Flying Knife also spurted out from the red gourd, looking around.

He saw that since Ye Jue arrived, those huge tombstones were dripping with blood one after another!

Almost every monument was dyed red, but there was only one who always remained calm.

There is also an epitaph on that tablet, which reads the three words Xi Chuang Yue.

The nine Rakshasa ghosts brought him here and slowly disappeared.

In the burial soil, only Ye Jue was left alone.

Uh... this burial soil is sucking my lifespan?

Ye Jue frowned.

Obviously, this burial soil is not a good thing. It is like a sacrifice. It wants to swallow him up in order to bring the power of life to those tombstones.

You even dare to suck my life. Aren't you afraid that life will come to suck you and you won't have the life to enjoy it?

Ye Jue said indifferently.


He swung the black stick and expanded it into a huge thing that stretched across the sky.

With a roar, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered!

It actually hit one of the tombstones.

This unparalleled black stick has the power of the Holy Dao Fist, which is said to shock the past and the present, and is extremely powerful.


This time, the tombstone was really smashed into pieces.

Countless white bones erupted from below, and broken bones fell in all directions.

It is simply impossible to measure how many lives it has devoured.

These bones are all engraved with runes and are very extraordinary. They are obviously the most powerful people in the world.

Boom boom boom!

At the same time, the burial soil shook.

It seemed as if some terrifying and heaven-defying existence was about to awaken.

Quickly, what's under the burial soil is enough to make the Black Territory tremble...

At this time, a familiar voice came from under the only silent tombstone.

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