This guy doesn't have any strength, but he was so arrogant just now?

Isn't this looking for excitement?

Why did you stop me? What did you notice?

Ye Jue said coldly.

Destroy me if you can. I won't say anything.

Yaolao roared and roared angrily.

He felt very embarrassed with so many people watching.

Simply close your eyes, don't see anything, don't listen to anything.

The fifty-two great immortals of Yaochi come out.

Ye Jue then summoned them.

Great Sage, you asked us to train this old bone, just because you're afraid he won't be able to bear it. Give us a few days.

When the fifty-two great immortals of Yaochi saw Yaolao, they all shook their heads.

With that said, he dragged Yaolao into the ground.

So many people.

They don't want the secret to be revealed.

It looks like we have to wait here for a few days.

Seeing this situation, Mao Twelve asked all the gods at the bottom of the well to work hard on the boat.

The weapon refining cauldron was rising and falling, and many people were not sleepy, and everyone was staring at it.

It took several months for this weapon to come into being.

However, they were still very excited. It was their honor to witness the birth of the divine weapon.


The circulation of the treasure tripod actually moved the sun, moon and stars here.

The broken mirror is so mysterious, there are actually streaks of starlight falling from the sky.

Wow! !

In the end, it turned into a vast expanse of white stars, all flowing into the cauldron.


The weapon-refining cauldron is steaming in the clouds, wrapped in a mysterious aura, and is pregnant with the ultimate spiritual weapon.

So many auxiliary ingredients are added to make it appear mysterious and mysterious.

Before he was born, he could only see a black stick.

So, the gods kept watch like this for several days.

Great Sage, this old bone is very difficult to crack. Give us some more time!

One of the fifty-two great immortals in Yaochi appeared to report.

He was sweating profusely!

No matter what method was used, this guy's mouth was tightly closed and could not be pried open.

one day.

Ye Jue said expressionlessly.

That's it, the next day.

The fifty-two great immortals of Yaochi finally have their results.

The Great Sage...he just revealed the secret method of operating the ghost ship. As for why he is targeting you, the Great Sage, there is really nothing he can do.

They were extremely ashamed.

I have never seen an immortal with such a hard mind, even harder than an immortal stone.


Ye Jue obtained the ghost ship secret method in an instant, but he could not use it.

‘Lu Yanjun. ’

he shouted.

Great Sage, you have finally remembered me. I am so touched. The days without the Great Sage are boring to me!

Lu Yanjun received the secret method and was so excited that he went to control the ghost ship.

Yao Lao, it seems that you do have a tough mouth.

Ye Jue summoned Yaolao.

The messenger who received the broken mirror seemed to be petrified there, still motionless.

It really looks like a fairy stone.

Even if he talks to him, he is completely ignored.

It seems that even if the world is destroyed and Daozu comes in person, it will not move.

Hang him on the bow of the boat.

Ye Jue didn't believe he couldn't be cured.

Immediately, he ordered people to hang Yaolao in front of the ghost ship to clear the way.

Isn't he a leader? This is what he looks like.

The Great Sage really has new ideas, we can't compare with him at all.

When Mao Twelve saw Yaolao's hanging body, he couldn't bear to look at it.

Actually, I quite admire him. Being hung like a sausage like this, he remains unmoving and still looks like a stone statue. He's awesome.

Brother Yu sighed.

They continued to refine the weapons, and now the Baoding Qi machine has become much more peaceful.

These days, always wrapped in the fairy mist, it becomes more and more extraordinary.

Waiting for the weapons to be born is the time when the cauldron will be broken.

Hey, this is it!

Suddenly, someone screamed.

The weapon-refining cauldron's immortal light spurted out, and it was forged from many divine chains of order.

The power of order in the black realm has entangled itself before it was born. It is engraved with runes. They are complex and inexplicable immortal marks!

the gods exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, in the broken mirror, the tripod turned into this.

Huh? Why did I hear thunder?

You heard it right, this is thunder punishment!

The weapon-refining tripod is going to survive the tribulation?

The gods were shocked.

Overcoming the tribulation?

Ye Jue took one look at his cauldron and stepped forward to help.

The weapon spirit must personally experience the nine levels of thunder punishment before it can completely give birth to spiritual wisdom. If it helps to overcome the tribulation at this time, a fool will be born in the future.

The sound of the Immortal-Decapitating Flying Knife was neither salty nor bland.


Ye Jue's body stopped and he could only watch helplessly as the cauldron passed through the calamity.

This ghost ship is no small matter. The power of the catastrophe will not harm it in the slightest.

When the immortal-killing flying knife spirit saw the worried looks on the faces of those immortals, he knew what they were thinking.

What on earth is this ghost ship?

When the gods heard this, they were deeply impressed by the ghost ship.


At this moment, a thunderstorm struck directly. The divine thunder was born from the void. It was invisible and colorless and could not be captured.

In an instant, he landed on the weapon refining tripod.


Baoding was almost knocked over, but it stabilized itself with a spin, as if someone was controlling it.

That is the consciousness of the weapon spirit, and now the weapon refining tripod has been integrated with it.

The spirit of the immortal-killing flying knife was popularized among them.


Immediately afterwards, there was a second thunderstorm.


This time, it was much heavier than the last time, and it was very powerful.


The weapon-refining tripod was knocked off the ghost ship and fell onto the Xin River.

The strange thing is that it did not sink, but rose and fell, floating on the water.


The third thunder tribulation is coming!

The Thunderbolt, as thick as a bucket, was struck directly.


Baoding suddenly burst into light, as if it were a black hand, resisting the divine thunder.


However, the fourth level came right away, with the sound of divine thunder lingering and crashing down heavily.


The weapon-refining tripod was blown away again and fell to the river farther away.

Those brilliance seemed to have weakened a lot.

The fifth level!

The gods screamed!

This thunder instantly formed a thunder storm, and the winding thunder tribulation struck down heavily, which simply made many people stunned.

Baoding... nothing happened!

After a while, they were pleasantly surprised.

Is this going against heaven?

The sixth level of thunder tribulation is coming!

The void above the Heart River actually condensed into a thunder unicorn, roaring, runner, sprinting away.


This time, the whole place was dazzling, and the light could almost blind the eyes of gods.

However, Ye Jue's eyes turned dark gold, and he was always observing the situation of Baoding.


Although the thunder unicorn is powerful, the black stick in the tripod does not seem to be a vegetarian.

His whole body was shocked and he resisted.

You know, those thunder tribulations contain the power of destruction.

He was familiar with this power and knew how powerful it was, but he couldn't step forward to help.

Seventh level, look, my God, it's actually a thunder dragon?

The emotions of the gods at the Well Bottom Conference fluctuated violently.

This Thunder Dragon Tribulation is at least a hundred times more powerful than the Thunder Qilin just now!

Such a strong aura of destruction, countless evil spirits, mixed with the power of some ancient dragon souls, fell overwhelmingly.


A crack finally appeared on the tripod.

Great Sage, something is not good!

The gods exclaimed in shock.

They have never seen such a scene and technique of refining weapons!

Maybe only the Golden Immortals of Daluotian have such means!

Just as he expressed his thoughts, the calamity that was even more powerful and domineering than the seventh level fell.

It was too fast for them to catch.

My eyes were open and my ears were numb and itchy.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw a huge black hole appearing where the treasure tripod had been refined.

The black hole swallowed up all the dark river water around it, and there were all kinds of debris in all directions.

Where's Baoding?

They quickly looked up.

over there!

Immediately, someone screamed.

The weapon-refining cauldron actually hovered in the void, seeming extremely heavy. The weapon spirit inside seemed to have developed powerful wisdom.

It can even calculate the secrets of heaven. If it can be born smoothly, its future achievements will definitely surpass second-level weapons!

Prehistoric second-level weapons are already very powerful, the power used by the ancestors of the first generation.

It's not over yet, there's still another disaster.

Zhanxian Feidao yawned and didn't seem to care at all.

His quality is on par with this thing's future achievements, and there is no panic at all.

Maybe it's just easier to use than him.

The ninth calamity, activate all the previous power, and be prepared.

The Immortal Killing Flying Knife knows a lot about it and seems to have experienced it before.

He also motioned for everyone to lie down.

The gods quickly followed the instructions, but after they dispersed, they formed a large formation on the ghost ship, each occupying a position.

Immediately afterwards, they felt extremely powerful pressure gathering in the sky, pressing heavily on them.

No matter who it was, everyone felt chilly and cold.

However, it was finally the last level of thunder tribulation, and it was almost successful.

Well, something's wrong. What kind of thunder disaster is this?

Suddenly, Zhanxian Feidao was a little dumbfounded.

Why isn't it the thunder disaster he mentioned?

Different from what he experienced?

What kind of thunder disaster is this?

Ye Jue's expression was serious.

He saw the sky above, condensed into a shadow.

This shadow seems to be the body of a dragon and the head of a human. The whole scene is a work of painting, like a map!

The shape of a series of drums stretches everywhere.

A terrifying sky drum, expanding infinitely, appeared in front of the phantom.


The phantom suddenly hit the sky drum, and the sound waves spread out and rippled.


The entire river exploded directly, all kinds of thunder and yin and yang, the five elements changed drastically, and the illusion of the sun, moon and stars flew out.


Ye Jue was extremely surprised.

He saw that the black stick was almost successful in its transformation, but was hit hard and immediately shuddered like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Is the tribulation going to fail?

What kind of thunder disaster is this? Why hasn't it stopped yet?!

The weapon spirit of the immortal-killing flying knife held his head and shouted.

What none of them expected was that this phantom with a dragon body and a human head started to beat the sky drum violently.

A thunder temple was formed above the void.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

Various thunder axes and thunder wedges were sprayed out from the Thunder Temple.

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