The ocean world is full of beautiful fairy lights and billions of auspicious lights!

The refining cauldron rotates in the veins under the sea, shining an eternal brilliance.

Boom boom boom! !

Various tsunamis struck, and huge tornadoes were born one after another.

Even if those fish barbarians were stupid, they understood what was happening at this moment.

They all raised their heads and saw with their own eyes the true appearance of the man on the chariot. They were all stunned when they saw the figure upright.

Whether intentional or not, with the destruction of Poseidon Temple, they were completely liberated.

These fish barbarians are not smart enough. Looking at their eyes, it seems that they regard the Great Sage as their savior.

They whispered on Mao Twelve.

They have been oppressed for too long and are finally free today.

It seems that he has forgotten what joy is and can just stare at them.

You can't blame me for this. I also accepted the order from Canglan Palace...

Brother Yu smiled awkwardly on the spot and quickly passed the blame.

He became very quick and blamed all bad things on Canglan Palace.

However, no matter how good this position is, it is not as good as the Bloodline Divine Fruit Fragrance. The Bloodline Divine Fruit Fragrance only occurs once in a hundred thousand years. There are only about a thousand at a time. The number is so rare that even an immortal can only dream of getting it. It is simply a long-awaited dream. A beautiful woman is ten thousand times stronger!

Brother Yu sighed.

He took the gods from Poseidon Temple and left the ocean to join the army of gods at the bottom of the well.

These undersea gods are all advanced species. Even if their lower bodies are fish, they can survive outside the ocean.

about there.

Ye Jue finally had mood swings, not as indifferent as before.


The weapon-refining tripod finally stopped rotating, broke through the sea, and turned back.

This time, the harvest was full, and the weapon spirit grew very well.

This weapon finally has a shape. It seems to be a black stick?

As the refining tripod was put into the ground by Ye Jue, the strange phenomena in the sky disappeared.

With so many precious ores... what kind of heaven-defying weapon are you trying to refine?

Brother Yu stood far away.

No matter what kind of weapon it is, it is definitely powerful.

He didn't want to be used as a sharpening stone.

I am very glad that I listened to Mao Twelve and surrendered early.

Otherwise, it’s hard to say what the outcome will be.

lead the way.

Ye Jue still said two words, with a somewhat cold tone.

Yes, yes, hurry up and find the bloodline divine fruit. You can't waste too much time here!

Mao Twelve and the others said quickly.

Boom boom boom!

The chariots all over the sky started to move in an instant, rising and falling, moving towards the distance.

Great Sage, the Bloodline Divine Fruit is in the most terrifying place in the Black Realm, Broken Mirror. There are very scary and weird things there. We gods will never dare to walk alone.

Mao Twelve whispered.

When the mirror is broken, all things become silent and all spirits tremble.

There are some things that even the Great Luo Immortal cannot contend with.

Legend has it that an ancient god died and lost all his vitality.

The huge body is still standing, and it has not fallen down after all these years.

The broken mirror is just ahead.

Brother Yu was obviously shocked and retreated to the rear.

Not only him, but others also turned pale.

Only entering with so many people can give them the courage to break in.

Entering the Broken Mirror alone is bound to bring disaster.

All the rumors about the broken mirror make people feel a pang of darkness!

finally reached.

Mao Twelve waved his hand.

Suddenly, all the tanks stopped moving.

If you want to enter Broken Mirror, you must have a Broken Mirror Stone.

Saying this, the six Eight Tribulations Loose Immortals raised a strange stone as big as a washbasin.


Suddenly, a strange aura fell from the sky above, covering all of them.

Don't resist, let the messenger lead us up!

Mao Twelve shouted.

This is the last step, the bloodline divine fruit is inside.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

All the gods immediately relaxed their minds and floated up automatically.

I don’t know how long it took, everything was silent, and something strange came...

Are we there yet?

Someone whispered, but there was no one around him who answered him, as if he was completely isolated.

I received the Broken Mirror Stone. Welcome to Broken Mirror.

At this time, an old voice came down.

It seems like it's from a very far away place, yet it seems very close at the same time.


A bright light came and guided everyone.

Ye Jue naturally followed the Eight Tribulations Loose Immortals.

He also wanted to see what kind of existence was dormant in the broken mirror.

But even the Great Luo Immortal was afraid, and he didn't want to provoke him.

It’s better to keep a low profile here, get what you want, and talk about other things.

Yao Lao, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are still the same, nothing has changed!

On the 12th day of the lunar month, they came forward to say hello.

Only then did everyone see that it was actually a ship.

This old man is on the boat.

If you want to successfully cross the river of your heart, you must take this boat. Otherwise, if you fall into this river, you will be tortured by your inner demons forever.

Yes, Yaolao is a key figure. Without him, we wouldn't be able to break the mirror.

But the Broken Mirror Stone is also difficult to find. There will be no next time.

The gods all started talking in low voices.

Come in, don't touch anything you shouldn't, or you'll get into trouble.

Yaolao only said one sentence, then closed his eyes and stood on the bow of the boat, with his back straight.

You know, you know, it's not the first time for us. We have been old acquaintances since the sixth calamity.

The dozen or so people said quickly and quickly passed by Yaolao.

Then, the gods passed by Yaolao one by one smoothly.

During this period, Yaolao never opened his eyes, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

This is my first time entering Broken Mirror...

Brother Yu quickly walked over and stepped on the boat.

He quickly glanced at Yaolao.

This old man has a ruddy complexion, a long beard and white eyebrows, giving him the feeling of an old immortal.

There was no movement at all, it was just so dead, and no one cared about him.

Just, when it comes to the last person.

Yaolao's nose suddenly made a strange sound of uh, and his eyes suddenly opened.


He extended his right arm, with the crossbar in front of him.

what happened?

The dozen or so people were dumbfounded and looked over quickly.

It turned out to be...the Great Sage? !

Yaolao actually stopped the Great Sage!

What is this...

They don't understand either.

The existence of Yaolao has always been the existence that collects broken mirror stones.

He has never said anything nonsense, and he has never treated any immortal in the black realm like this.

Is there anything noteworthy about the Great Sage?

But there was also a Great Holy Body that broke in once and got in successfully.

What's going on here?

Yao Lao, why are you stopping me?

Ye Jue's eyes glanced over without any fluctuation.

Who are you, where are you from, what is your name, how old you are, what level of life you are at, and what experiences you have had, tell me everything!

Yaolao was even more weird. His skinny claws suddenly grabbed the latter's arm.

Moreover, his eyes continued to glow with a strange green light, just like a zombie.

As he spoke, a black air spurted out, which was extremely choking.

What does it have to do with you?

Ye Jue frowned.

So many people stopped him?

What is the purpose?

Tell me quickly, just answer, otherwise, don't ever cross the river!

Yao Lao let out a low drink and spit out his breath.


When Ye Jue finished speaking, his arm suddenly shook.

No, don't do it!

Calm down your anger!

If you have anything to say, please say it!

On the 12th day of the lunar month, they rushed forward.

It's too late to say anything. This person makes my lonely heart throb, indicating that there is something related to the broken mirror in him.

Yaolao smiled coldly.

Knowing his special status, did you come to break up the fight?


He must get what this person has.

No, Yao Lao... Let us tell you that you must not do anything with him.

Yao Lao, you misunderstood... We are afraid that he will beat you to death!

That's right, Yaolao, don't you have something to say? If we get beaten to death, who will send us down later?

On Thirteen, they showed strange faces.


When Yao Lao heard this, he almost spewed blood.

Is that so?

what is this?

Are you deliberately looking for trouble?

What does it mean that you will be beaten to death?

Hoo ho ho!

A storm rippled out of him, and various strange phenomena began to surround him.

He was furious, trembling all over, and had a vision.

Want to take action? I want to see what you are capable of.


Ye Jue's great sage's treasure technique reappeared, and divine flames spurted out from his body, fierce and domineering.


In an instant, he grabbed Yaolao's body and jumped directly into the sky.


A pair of black wings unfolded out of thin air, destroying everything, and fell directly from the sky into the heart. really want to die. You jumped into the river of your heart. You will be entangled by your inner demons forever, sink to the bottom of the river, and never be born again.

Yaolao was furious and thought this man was crazy.

He actually grabbed him and jumped, pressing him into his heart.

Is this suicide?

He is not unaffected!

Great Sage!

The gods on the boat were all worried and yelled.

There is no movement in the heart river, it is too quiet.

There wasn't even a ripple on the surface of the river.

Will they...

A terrible idea was born between them.


Who knows, the water surface will explode immediately!

A man made a thunderous sound, his long hair was dancing, and he grabbed Yaolao in his hand and rushed forward.

Boom boom boom! !

His hand pressed Yaolao's face and rubbed against the river. Yaolao's limbs were shaking like rags.


A series of screams came from his mouth.

Yao Lao, we have tried to persuade you, but you didn't listen. Look at your current fate, just like a flying fish.

Mao Twelve let out a long sigh.

The gods on the boat nodded.

They knew very well that this was a killer!

If he gets angry, he might even kill the Da Luo deity, let alone the messenger.


At this time, Ye Juefei boarded the boat and casually flicked Yaolao in his hand.

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