What's going on? What is Master Zuma talking about?

The minor saints all felt heavy-headed and helpless. As the top leaders, they could only sigh.

Whether it's the Demon God's Shadow or the Master of Zuma, the successive appearances of such great powers have simply reduced them to the background.

I don't know. We don't deserve to hear the divine words of Master Zuma.

Aosheng shook his head.

But at this moment, he felt much more relaxed.

Because, the Chaos God Zuma leader finally stopped taking action, and his face seemed to show a strange color, feeling surprised and incredible.

Did you find something?

What other secrets does Ye Shen have?


As he got closer, there were a few hahaha laughs, and the whole starry sky was shaking.

Is this...the leader of Chaos God Zuma laughing?

Some people couldn't help but scream because their ears were bleeding and their eardrums were penetrated.

This laughter penetrated all the star fields, like a sharp sword, making even the Second Saint extremely miserable.

The power of the Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees, bloom and protect...

The voice of the Earth God in the sea of ​​trees rang out for the first time.

Buzz buzz!

The Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees in all the star fields all shine with brilliance, illuminating the entire universe.

The leaves of each tree opened a green barrier, protecting the entire star field.


In an instant, sound waves came, rubbing against the barrier and creating a brilliant firelight.

Without these Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees, those relatively weak ethnic groups in the star field would probably die at this moment.

What is this, wow!


The ground of the earth began to shake, and buildings collapsed instantly.

The mountains were roaring, and huge rocks kept falling.

A chasm split open in the earth in an instant. Within this chasm, a light tree shining with seven colors of light quickly poked out and pierced directly into the sky.


Why is the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree suddenly like this?

So what happened?

All humans were shocked.

The dim sky was vaguely ominous, and those exploding sparks, what were attacking them?

Could it be a natural disaster? The trees planted by our ancestors protected us?

For a time, people were shocked and once again felt the power of their ancestors.

There must be a force outside the solar system, a force that we are unable to detect.

Those big guys and senior executives feel that they are so ridiculous.

I originally thought that there was no life except them in the universe...

They are invincible.

Unexpectedly, it was really like sitting in a well and looking at the sky.

There is a world beyond the world!

The three great tribulations refer to the realm of suffering, the realm of destruction, and the realm of Tao. What kind of existence is it, and what is it going to manifest in me?

Although Ye Jue has memory loss, he has been confused and slowly lost all kinds of emotions.

But he is not stupid. The black realm and deep space, the empire and Yunshan Mountain, and the mysterious world of mortals are all reminding him all the time.

Huh? Can you understand my language?

The leader of Chaos God Zuma was a little surprised and stared at this weak existence.

The language he speaks is the teachings of Guzuma. How come there are mortals among the little earth gods who can understand it?

Is this unusual?

Ye Jue's whole body was full of black energy and full of malice.

Why is it not surprising? This actually proves that my idea is right.

The leader of Chaos God Zuma had a faint smile.

what idea?

Ye Jue's face was cold, and his temperament was completely different from before. He was no longer gentle, but had murderous intent.

Facing the leader of Chaos God Zuma, he was not afraid, but full of fighting spirit.

You don't know anything because you don't need to know anything.

He said contemptuously and poked it with a finger.


The field was instantly chaotic, and a horrific explosion occurred.

How can you successfully survive the three great tribulations in this way? Meeting this leader is your destiny.

The body of Chaos God Zuma leader gradually disappeared, and Ziling leader returned to normal, but fell into a coma.

The light curtain also became transparent at this moment.

Ye Shen! Ye Dasheng!

Led by Aosheng, Minglou Xin, Xiaolei World Master and others followed him and rushed over.

At this moment, they were silent.

A huge black hole replaced the vast continent.

The leader of Chaos God Zuma has leaked the truth.

Everyone was shocked. The multi-layered crystal walls of the Earth God World were penetrated, and hell was exposed in the depths.

The scene was deathly quiet, only Minglou Xin was looking for traces of Ye Jue immediately.

Will you fall into hell?

Until someone breaks the silence.

No way?

When they heard these words at this moment, they almost exploded on the spot.

We have put in a lot of effort and set up a trap on that ancient road, just waiting for the empire to fall into a deep pit. If Ye Dasheng falls into hell, won't it turn hell upside down and ruin our chances?

The minor saints were shocked and speechless.

Don't be afraid, maybe you haven't fallen into hell. Look carefully.

Yes, yes, hurry up and find Ye Dasheng!

He is the key!

In this way, everyone mobilized to look for traces of Ye Dasheng.

We found it!

it's here!

Come on!

Then, people saw that there was a star shining under the big dark hole.

It's actually like this...

At this moment, they were all trembling.

Even Minglou Xin's face was pale, without any blood.

Because there was a big hole in Ye Jue's chest, which seemed to have been penetrated, and he could see the scenery on the other side.

This was a very urgent scene. Even though they were shocked and their bodies were trembling, they still took action immediately.

However, the shocking truth and discovery made everyone despair.

Why do I feel like I'm falling into the abyss step by step...

Is it a trap on the ancient road? Haha, it's just a joke.

Is this a turning point for us? Are we really going to die?

The leaders of all ethnic groups present had complicated expressions, staring at the hole.

Could it be that the Earth God is not evolving, but declining?

Is survival hopeless?

This is a big restriction, Great Sage Ye... stop.

Finally, Aosheng's voice sounded here.

Do you really want to stay and not come with us?

This is an opportunity, and if I succeed, it will open up a new world.

But maybe you will die!

As if in a dream, Ye Jue was still lying in the incubator, still in a coma.

Maybe, maybe not. Death has been experienced for me more than a hundred times.

Really? You only have one life, so you should cherish it, right?

Is there only one life? But I can't die.


Ye Jue woke up suddenly, and there was nothing in front of him.

You finally woke up.

Minglou Xin sat next to him with a complicated expression and handed over a glass of water.


Ye Jue shook his head, then walked out of the incubator, stood up, and left outside.

Why, why can't you look at me more.

Suddenly, a jade hand grabbed his hand from behind, which shocked the latter.

I don't want to evolve, I don't want to become the supreme of the race. I work so hard just to get closer to you, but you... why are you always so cold to me?

The night was very dark, and a meteor shower was fading and disappearing into the sky. He grabbed the heart of this hand, lowered his head, and almost gritted his gums and said it.


Suddenly, Ye Jue pulled her hand away and stared blankly at the universe glowing with blue light.

Am I not charming enough, am I not sexy enough, am I not qualified to be close to you, or am I... not as good as her?

Ming Louxin suppressed his voice and bit his bright lips.

You're in a state of confusion, so I'll just pretend it never happened.

Ye Jue let out a long sigh.


Upon hearing these words, Minglou Xin's body was shaken and he smiled miserably.

I understand, so now I will report your physical condition. You were attacked by the leader of Chaos God Zuma, and were branded with the Great Restriction. Your heart was taken away forever and cannot be restored. Aosheng and the others devoted themselves to studying ancient books. He said that this big restriction can only be unlocked by going to the Black Realm.

She returned to normal and told everything.

According to the information collected from Muchen Star Territory, Chaos God Zuma is a relatively powerful force in the Black Territory. If you want to fight against him, you must at least reach the third level of the Great Sage and surpass the previous achievements of the Great Sage.

However, you have fallen into the abyss and can never climb back up, because you can no longer gain experience points.

Minglou Xin's expression remained calm, and tears fell silently from his eyes.

What did you say?

Ye Jue raised his eyes, in disbelief.

He walked quickly towards the outside, his figure flashed, and immediately appeared in the wilderness, punching the ground.


There was no hint of experience.

His face suddenly fell.

Tiandao Divine Chain!

Ye despairs to the sky.


The void seemed to be torn open, revealing the complex divine chains of heaven. Various divine chains appeared one after another, full of pressure.

The interweaving of order and the derivation of rules are the divine chain of heaven.

Finally, his eyes were locked on the Experience God Chain.


Ye Jue grabbed it suddenly, and the experience chain came to his hand. It was extremely heavy, and his body emitted dazzling civilization runes.

It's functioning normally and the settings are normal, but... why is this happening?

He let go of the experience chain, and the chain instantly sank into the sky and disappeared.

Swish, swish, swish!

Ye Jue checked many more items in succession, but found no abnormalities.

Then what's abnormal is my body.

He exerted force suddenly, tearing his shoulder apart and pulling out the shoulder blades.

Finally, he discovered the problem.

Very serious, simply amazing!

His entire circulatory system, with his heart gone, had stopped functioning.

My blood wasn't circulating anymore, I lost my heart, all the blood wasn't flowing.

Ye Jue was silent, something terrible happened after all.

He didn't expect that the leader of Chaos God Zuma would be so vicious and cut off his path to becoming a great saint.

I lost my soul before, and now I have lost my heart...it's been really rough.

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