Ye Dasheng...

Ye Sheng...

Ye Shen...

In the star fields, voices rise and fall one after another, some are lost, some are unwilling, some are regretful, some are desperate, and all kinds of emotions are constantly tumbling.

They all know that the darkest moment of the universe has arrived.

I'm leaving. Don't look for me. Goodbye.

One time, Sheng couldn't bear it anymore, so he put down his identity, went to an uninhabited planet, and shut down the barrier between life and death.

Not only them, but many ethnic groups have also lost confidence.

The genocide warning is coming!

Aosheng said bitterly.

Three hundred years are too short for us.

The Lord of Xiaolei's World said helplessly as if he was struck by lightning.

They used crude means to lay traps on that ancient road.

But if you want to give survival here, then it’s really over.

It's really a warning of genocide, sent from the empire. Even if you surrender, all life will be destroyed.

The leaders of all ethnic groups are so sad and helpless.

All the troubles were caused by Muchen Star Territory, and Headmaster Ziling should bear full responsibility for this.

Someone screamed ferociously, with great hatred and fierce eyes.

That's right, summoning the leader of Chaos God Zuma, now it's better. Ye Dasheng was deposed and turned into a human being and a ghost.

Some ethnic groups have already developed great resentment against this group.

He wants to kill me, why can't I resist?

Headmaster Ziling of Muchen Star Territory immediately made a sound, and the noise was very loud.

Anyway, there is no interference signal source in Big Starry Sky now, and everyone can receive it clearly.

You, you... still don't realize where the mistake is?

Some people's lips were trembling and they were half angry.

I suggest that we attack Muchen Star Territory first. This is a disaster and a disaster.

My clan also agrees!

Crunt against Muchen Star Territory!

Some leaders responded immediately, their eyes red.


Aosheng couldn't stand it anymore and stopped this fearless civil war with one voice.

Let's think about how to protect our world first.

In the Shura Star Territory, a female voice sounded. It was the female Jialuo who also spoke.

The majesty of the holy level still exists.

All races immediately became silent.

At the last moment, we fought them on that ancient road.

Minglou Xin said expressionlessly.

She really couldn't stand these resentful atmosphere.

It's not like they don't have the strength to fight. At worst, they could trigger the most chaotic moment and completely riot in the hell world.

As long as the imperial army dares to come in, let them go without any return.

Her words made some people feel a little afraid.


Minglou Xin stamped his foot, and the runes on his high heels were intertwined and densely lit up on the ancient road.


At this moment, everyone couldn't help but look up.

As long as we keep that ancient road, there is still hope.

It is impossible for the empire to attack the Earth God World from other locations, because the World Tree has recovered all the small worlds and has completed evolution.

The bark of the current crystal wall, that is, the tree wall, is already quite thick.

Once these crystal walls are attacked, it will alarm the hell world, and the empire definitely does not want to see such a scene.

Then get ready and wait for this moment to come. This is the only thing we can do.

Nv Jia Luo's voice sank. She was fusing the particles of her body, but not all of them.

If it really comes to the end, she plans to become a demigod directly and guide the messengers from the Red Dust Heaven to pick her up.

At that time, hell, the world of mortals, and heaven will all descend, and a huge war will take place in the small world of earth gods.

The worst thing is, we'll all die together, if we can get a few more people to back us up.

That Great Sage Ye...

Don't disturb him for the time being...

This is a relatively ordinary city, with the average level of adults around level 50.

In an ordinary room, a girl with short hair opened her mouth wide in surprise. The cup in her hand suddenly fell to the ground with a crisp crackling sound, and the milk inside flowed all over the floor.

It's you?

She looked at the visitor in shock. Although she was mentally prepared, she still found it unbelievable.

An ordinary person would be shocked to see his close relatives unexpectedly.

However, Ye Muling is a relatively ordinary person now.

In her opinion, her close relatives must be related to extraterrestrial civilization.

So the first thing that comes to mind is...the aliens are back.

Lingling, who is it?

At this time, a man and a woman were walking out of the hall wearing slippers.

No one delivers express delivery!

Ye Muling suddenly shouted, reaching out and quickly grabbing her biological father's arm and pulling him towards her room.

Ye Jue let the girl pull him and quickly ran into the room.

With a click, the room door closed.

How did you come?

Ye Muling is now sixteen or seventeen years old. When she saw her biological father, her expression was not very natural because she was very nervous. She had only listened to her sister's words and had never seen him before.

So, she tried to calm herself down and poured a glass of water for the person in front of her.

Level 30.

Ye Jue looked at her level and was in a daze.

Three hundred years of time, is there just such a level?

He was confused. Didn't he leave the Muchen Pen and the Sutra of Immortality to her?

With these two heaven-defying treasures complementing each other, it would not be a problem to easily become a saint in three hundred years.

You haven't answered my question yet. What do you mean by coming to me now?

Ye Muling calmed down, folded her slender legs, and sat on the chair to ask questions.

In fact, she was trembling a little.

I learned from Sister Ming that her cheap dad was nearly 3,500 years old.

Moreover, his achievements are very brilliant. He was once a hero who saved mankind, but now his status is even more outrageous. He can be described as the master of the entire starry sky.

Such a heroic father suddenly came to see her and even visited her home, which made Zhen She a little uncomfortable.

It would be better for this dad to remain a legend in her heart.

Come check your level.

Ye Jue didn't want to move and said helplessly.

Checking the level? I'm sorry, I haven't leveled up in two hundred years.

Ye Muling took a sip from the tea cup with an indifferent expression on her face.

Why not level up?

Ye Jue let out a long sigh.

His daughter, Nv Jialuo, once spoke highly of her, and she was definitely a little monster.

It would be a shame not to follow the path of spiritual practice.

Huh? What does this mean? Although I don't know if it's the first time we've met, it's definitely the first time I've seen you. We used to be strangers. We just met now. Instead of greeting each other, we Are you here to question me?

Ye Muling made an exaggerated expression and stared into her bright Kazilan eyes.

So now that you see my level, are you disappointed?

She sat on the chair with her arms folded and hummed. Her overlapping upper legs were kicked forward, and the cartoon socks above her knees slipped down.


Ye Jue shook his head and sighed: I just didn't expect that you would embark on a path that has nothing to do with cultivation.

As he spoke, he looked around and found games, PC consoles, and virtual helmets everywhere.

The shelf behind her is full of trophies, including the first place in the King of Fighters world fighting game, the individual championship in the Virtual Reality Eternal World Challenge...

In short, there are too many. Anyway, due to the complementation of heaven, the life span of human beings generally reaches more than a thousand years.

Three hundred years, two hundred years of accumulated trophies are enough to fill the entire library shelf.

You mean to say that I am not doing my job properly and am useless!

Ye Muling curled her lips and groaned.

I just feel sorry for your cultivation qualifications, because there is one less evildoer in the world.

Ye Jue took a sip of water, looked at the virtual helmets, and suddenly said: What games are popular now?


Ye Muling just heard the word monster and didn't know if she was praising herself, but when she heard the following words, she was dumbfounded.

Are you sure she heard it right?

This cheap dad is actually asking her what popular games are?

Even though I haven't played games in thousands of years, I was a master in the past.

Ye Jue smiled faintly.

Really or not...the most popular game now is a virtual version of martial arts chicken, which lasts forever.

Ye Muling said doubtfully, opened an unopened virtual helmet next to her, tore off the package and placed it in front of her.

Teach me how to play.

Ye Jue said cheerfully.

Let me go, you don't even know the most basic operations?

When Ye Muling heard this, her feet slipped and she almost fainted.

I can learn it as soon as possible, can I do it solo?

Ye Jue looked eager to try.

Yes. If you are tortured by me later, don't get angry and destroy the entire earth.

Ye Muling said helplessly.

Do you think I am a Super Saiyan and can use turtle style Qigong?

Ye Jue was speechless.

Ye Muling: What, don't you know how to do it?

Ye Jue ...

Thus, this 'young' father and daughter began the most powerful solo battle in history.

One day, two days, three days...

Time passed like this little by little.

Ah, I don't want to play anymore, I don't want to play anymore, ah ah ah, are you cheating? You are cheating!

Suddenly, Ye Muling took off the virtual helmet, pointed at the cheap dad, and called him a cheater.

Because, as the solo champion of the World Championship, she has overcome many obstacles and many masters have died at her hands.

Now he is being hung up and beaten by a cute new guy who just got started?

Indeed, she could kill easily at the beginning.

Then something gradually started to go wrong. First he was accidentally killed, which he thought was a mistake.

Then...then she was hung and beaten, and she was tortured for two days.

I, Ye Jue, have never cheated.

Ye Jue replied with a smile.

Unexpectedly, his daughter was so resilient that she was tortured for two whole days and died on average once every minute.

2880 minutes, a total of 2880 deaths.

This is still guaranteed, not counting the number of deaths on the first day.

Change games, change cosgo!

Stay with me to the end.

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