It is not difficult to teleport across star fields.

Under the starry sky, everything is the veins of trees, that is, dense wormholes, crisscrossing every field.

What is this? How could such an ominous aura come out of the Great Sage?

Aosheng and other minor saints rushed over immediately and saw the void cracking in this area and the heaven and earth exploding!

These dark scenes filled the air with an extremely evil aura, which made them all tremble with fear.

Is the power of the Anti-Life Equation out of control?

Someone said in a deep voice.

They all know that the formation of creation is inside Ye Shen's body.

Due to confusion in his own memory, he may have no memory.

Maybe, this will lead to chaos and release the Anti-Life Equation. As long as this force is given enough time, it can definitely destroy everything in the universe.

If this is the case...

Everyone’s expressions changed!

No, the Formation of Creation is indeed terrifying, but it has a rotten, nauseating smell, with extremely corrosive power and a purple aura. It is definitely not like this.

Aosheng shook his head.

Wow! Are you still standing idly by? Come and save me!

Headmaster Ziling was still pinned down by Ye Jue and struggled continuously.

She continued to display her secret skills, the sky and the earth roared, and a starry sky poured down.

But it was of no use, every attack could not cause him any harm.

This made her fully understand what kind of conceptual power the Great Sage had, which could tear even gods into pieces.

Take action!

Aosheng and others took action at the same time.

If they didn't take action, Headmaster Ziling might be crushed to death.

Boom boom boom!!

However, the power of darkness surged across the sky, suppressing all secret techniques.

What, my one-armed Pluto kowtowed three times and was forcibly suppressed?

How is it possible? My secret technique, which can kill thousands of lives with one sword, has been activated to its strongest state. Why is it useless?

Something's wrong, what kind of power is this, so incredible?

At this time, none of them could bear the surging power of darkness. They kept coughing up blood, wrapped themselves in secret techniques, and retreated quickly.

Wanting to save others, I almost got myself involved.


At this moment, Ye Jue's aura was extremely evil, and the stars all over the sky fell on him, surging down, but had no effect on his body.

Ah! Ye, are you a dark creature, you monster!

Headmaster Ziling was still struggling and screaming repeatedly.

What happened, Headmaster Ziling, tell him what he asked you to say quickly, otherwise your life may be in danger!

Aosheng's body was shaken violently, and he could not get close to this area. He did not know what this surging dark power was.

Could it be that Ye Shen is really a creature of darkness?

But who doesn't know under this starry sky that he is a human being.

How could it be a dark creature in the dark realm?


Headmaster Ziling was speaking intermittently at this time, his eyes were turning white, and he was foaming at the mouth.

She struggled to say these four words.


At the last moment, here, a portal bloomed, and then exploded, as if some power poured down from it.

In an instant, it was all poured into her body.


Headmaster Zi Ling suddenly screamed, and the explosive force pushed Ye Jue away.


She quickly rose into the sky, her long hair fluttering wildly, and all kinds of weird and terrifying powers merged into her body, expanding and expanding again, and suddenly transformed into a terrifying shadow, standing in the starry sky.

This is the god I taught Zuma. How could he be summoned? What happened?

Every church member in the various temples in Muchen Star Territory made extremely shocked sounds, and their emotions fluctuated violently.

These forces pouring down are called boundary forces.

Because the special place connected behind the God of Zuma is the Black Domain, the legendary Zuma Temple in the Black Domain.

Headmaster Ziling is just a small boss in the Zuma Temple at best. The real powerful ones are all in this Zuma Temple.

Seeing the overwhelming power pouring down from the starry sky, they knew that the Zuma Temple appeared in the Earth God World.

This God of Zuma is a thought that was summoned, but it is enough to kill any clan.

Even the God of Zuma has been summoned, and things are out of control.

Aosheng said quickly to Minglou Xin, asking her to quickly activate the Zhutian system.

The systems of the heavens are connected to the sea of ​​trees and can send out some kind of message, letting the tree spirits know immediately.

Ao Sheng, Ming Lou Xin, you don't have to worry. On the contrary, this is a good opportunity. The deepest power hidden in Ye Jue's particles has now been activated. If he hadn't been transforming into a great saint particle, I'm afraid he would never have Appear.

The voice of the Earth God sounded, and countless dazzling lights rose in the universe.

But now even the God of Zuma has been summoned...

The other sub-sages were extremely frightened.

The summoned gods possess various taboo powers and can tear their tribe apart with just one thought.

How could this not scare them?

Since the Earth God said this, it should be fine. Ye Dasheng's particles are unprecedented and unprecedented.

Aosheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, if he can successfully master this dark power, his strength will be greatly increased.

At the same time, the God of Earth used special field methods to sacrifice the power of the divine tree to wrap up the God of Zuma and Ye Jue.


Suddenly, they disappeared out of thin air and moved across to another dead starry sky.

This is a continent without any life, enough to fight to your heart's content.


In an instant, the fire blazed into the sky, and the entire terrain was shaking and bursting into pieces.


The God of Zuma moves, the runes are intertwined and densely packed, and various terrible restrictions light up.


At this moment, everyone was shocked and couldn't help but watch.

As a result, he almost went blind.

What kind of power is the restriction? It surpasses all secret techniques. The special fire light rises and can burn your eyes just by looking at it.

It's so powerful. It seems that the God of Zuma is not a vegetarian. He is full of restrictions. How can he fight like this?

The Lord of Xiaolei's World closed his eyes in pain.

That area was filled with energy, burning everything, and all restrictions were ignited. It was amazing.

Legend has it that the Zuma Temple originated in the Black Realm. It is an absolute dark creature, an absolute dark god. Now that God Ye has lost all his means, how can he kill it?

The little gun king looked at it, his eyes were red from the smoke, and he almost burst into flames.

Not even a thought can do the battle of the gods. Even if you close your eyes, your eyes will burn, as if they are being pricked by needles, and the pain will be unbearable.

Not only that, everyone was like this, feeling as if they were being cut by a knife.

This is still the feeling of being isolated from the field and in an extremely distant and lonely place.

If it were close, the consequences would be disastrous.

Ye Shen is now level 450, still in the first stage of the Great Sage. Change to the level of the Great Sage's precious blood. Don't forget our heaven-defying ways. Fighting with opponents of this level, the experience points are comparable to those of killing desolate beasts. Much faster!”

Only light was shining in Aosheng's eyes. No wonder, the Earth God said this was a good opportunity.


The field exploded again, and even the still picture appeared. Then the still picture collapsed in an instant, and a new picture was formed.

In the new picture, Ye Jue murmured that the sacred tree armor had been broken and there were cracks all over the body.

However, most of the blood that spurted out from these cracks was the precious blood of the Great Sage.

This god of Zuma is becoming more and more real and is about to transform into the leader of Zuma, the god of chaos.

The entire congregation in Muchen Star Territory was moved to tears.

They have worshiped Zuma and built Zuma temples for generations. Now that they can see the leader of Zuma appear, who wouldn't cry bitterly?

However, this is not the real leader of Chaos God Zuma.

The leader of Chaos God Zuma is an absolute dark creature, a true god. If he really comes to this starry sky, he will easily destroy all the efforts of World Tree.

But it won't really come, after all, the black realm has mysterious restraints.

However, neither the other lives that entered the black realm nor the native dark creatures wanted to appear again.

They are also afraid of the Red Dust Heaven, and are afraid that the messengers from the Red Dust Heaven will kidnap them.

However, it is still okay to have a thought come down, and it is a side effect. It is not the main body anyway, so you can wave as much as you want.


However, the leader of Chaos God Zuma is frowning now.

He slapped it with his palm, and a huge hole appeared. His restriction caused everything to wither.

However, this mortal is shining, flowing with pure gold blood, extremely bright and dazzling.


The image freezes again, then breaks into new images.

Now, Ye Jue is spewing out more extremely evil power from his whole body, with lightning and thunder, and occasionally accompanied by visions of rain of blood, which is truly shocking and shocking to all races.

However, the leader of Chaos God Zuma became stronger and his body became more and more solid, beyond the tree spirit's imagination.

It is said that the leader of Chaos God Zuma can use a kind of psychic power that can turn everything into stone...

The cultivator from Muchen Star Territory said with a complicated expression.

What, why didn't you tell me earlier?

When Aosheng heard this, he immediately lost his composure and wanted to go over and lend a helping hand.

If Chaos God Zuma's leader's mind could use this kind of anima ability, wouldn't it be overturned?

However, he hesitated and endured it.

Petrifying everything?

Minglou Xin's face changed when he heard this.

Let's pray...

The Lord of Xiaolei's World clasped his hands together and could only pray for the thought of the leader of Chaos God Zuma, but could not use the method of petrifying all things.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused here, the entire battlefield was quiet, and the atmosphere on the scene was very subtle!

This is…

Chaos God Zuma's leader narrowed his eyes slightly, seeming to see something.

So it's like this, it's actually like this, hahaha... I can't believe that there are beings who want to survive the three realms of tribulation in this way, wonderful!

He said three words wonderful in succession and made no further movements.

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