Uh... is that true? After upgrading, my physique has really improved. My body is tougher than before, my bones have changed, and my bone marrow is as crystal clear as chalcedony?!

Ye Jue suddenly felt that there was hope. It was really possible for his physique to reach a level that was unprecedented and unprecedented.

Originally, I shouldn't be at level 0, right? Is it because I lost my spirit body that I got a bug?

He had mixed feelings in his heart.

Demi-god particles are so powerful, their demi-god body can even crush all walks of life.

Now it is calculated as level 0, and it can still become stronger?

Isn't this a stuck bug?

As a demigod, his overall strength has dropped sharply due to the loss of his spirit body, and he no longer attracts the attention of Hongchentian. He is in a similar state to Jialuo.

On the contrary, just because of this, there is one more opportunity to upgrade?

Ye Jue shook his hands. In this case, this would be a big advantage.

When he stacks up the levels, what kind of state will his demigod body evolve into?

Becoming a soulless divine body, with a mortal body, comparable to gods?

Ye Jue was excited for the first time.

Gods are not allowed to appear in the world of earth gods. This is the curse of the mysterious world of mortals. He has also seen the terrifying mortal angels in visions. It is a planet of death, which makes him feel afraid.

However, the incomplete God, the incomplete God, can appear under the big starry sky.

There have been examples before.

For example, the goddess carrying the Tai Chi diagram in the cave under the demon star, such as the divine corpse of the mechanical angel clan, such as...

Thinking of this, Ye Jue rushed towards the huge 40-story beast, killing it almost instantly, and his experience points increased crazily.

Undoubtedly, he could feel further physical growth, but he couldn't calculate the exact number.

By the way, where's the system? My system.

Ye Jue touched his body and silently recited Extraction.


The extraction is successful. You have obtained desolate beast blood, desolate beast bones, desolate beast essence blood, desolate beast essence bones, desolate beast...

A series of prompts sounded.

What do I need these materials for?

Ye Jue had a headache.

Why is this extraction system not called a decomposition system?

Oh, let's continue killing monsters and leveling up.

He continued to kill into a desert.

There is a powerful beast's lair in this desert, and now no one on earth dares to go near it.

Therefore, Ye Jue's astonishing change began, and he was killed until the sky was dark and blood flowed like a river.

Rebirth... The wild beasts born in the new era, your body and your consciousness will all be resurrected...

While killing and transforming, in the colorful sea of ​​trees, various wild beasts are constantly resurrected and transported to the earth.

Of course, the sea of ​​trees is not a perpetual motion machine, and resurrecting wild beasts also requires the consumption of the power of the sacred tree.

But compared to resurrecting intelligent life, the power of the sacred tree consumed by resurrecting wild beasts is simply negligible.

Therefore, Ye Jue can kill so much that even the sunset turns red.

His current cell activity is extremely terrifying, and his semi-divine particles are constantly growing and buzzing.

Level 180.

Ye Jue looked above his head.

Leveling up here has reached its limit.

The wild beast is too weak, so it needs to find a stronger opponent.

Hunting wild beasts?

Minglou Xin saw that scene and found Ye Jue. He was suddenly shocked when he saw red light blooming all over him.

Is this...leveling up?

Aosheng and the other minor saints were a little confused, and they had not been apart for long.

Ye Shen, start your leveling journey from scratch?

He's just leveling up. Did you see that every time he levels up, steam comes out of his body, full of pure gold energy? What's going on?

The Lord of Xiaolei's World was extremely surprised.

He knew that Ye Shen had been taken away from his spiritual body, and he would definitely find a way to solve the current situation.

But I didn't expect it to be so shocking. This is obviously... trying to transform towards the Great Sage!

Does he know that to transform a demigod's body into a great saint, that is a hidden achievement that needs to reach its peak when the body's physique reaches its peak!

When the Little Gun King and others saw that Ye Shen on Earth had actually transformed into that kind of pure energy, their jaws almost dropped.

They have all heard rumors that there was once a big Christmas that could tear even gods into pieces with their bare hands.

However, no one can recreate the Great Sage, and no one knows what the conditions are.

He, he, he... he transformed into this kind of energy, then if his blood is of this color, there is no doubt that it is the achievement of the Great Sage!

These people were all shocked and wanted to see if it was this kind of blood.

Want to see my blood?

Not long after, Ye Jue heard this kind of thing and found it strange.

Great Sage?

He had also heard about it, but he didn't expect that his path to evolution would be a great sage?


He stabbed his left forearm with his right index finger, and the skin there split open, and red blood immediately spurted out.

Not really?

This scene shocked everyone again.

After guessing for a long time, it turned out that it was not the Great Sage stage?

Huh? Look carefully. Is it the color of energy in this red blood?

Minglou Xin frowned.

Hey, yes, it's true, the precious blood of the Great Sage, pure blood, pure gold!

Aosheng said in surprise.

So, he did spy on the Great Sage's path?

In the star field in the universe, every eye lit up.

This, this, this, Ye Shen...will he change his name from now on, and call him Ye Dasheng?

We have found all kinds of information and searched all the star fields. All the secrets about the achievements of the Great Sage are here.

Minglou Xin handed the chip to the black-haired young man in front of him who was wearing animal skins.

Thanks for your hard work.

Ye Jue nodded. This must be a big project. It is not easy to complete it so quickly.

As long as you can become a great saint, we will go through fire and water.

Ming Lou was extremely determined, but in fact she was also worried.

However, as Ye Jue's level increased, more and more precious blood appeared in the red blood, and he felt relieved.

She believes that everything lost can be reversed and even better than before.

It took me hunting down wild beasts on a planet to reach level 10.

425 in light pink font floated above Ye Jue's head.

Now, all of his demigod particles are shining with golden light, dazzling and dazzling. The blood of those great sage treasures is boiling, and his whole body is burning even more fiercely than before.

There is no doubt that he has become stronger and his physique is improving. Although most of it is still red blood, a small part has been transformed into the precious blood of the Great Sage.

We have selected the next Desolate Beast Star for you.

Ming Louxin is very much looking forward to it. Aosheng and the others have said that the first stage of the Great Sage is the complete transformation of the mixture, including the transformation of proteins, blood cells, plasma, etc.

The particles of these components are of different sizes, and then the particles will rearrange, which is the second stage of the Great Sage.

According to legend, the great sage who tore apart gods with his hands was the second-level great sage.

Great Sage, there are ten levels in total?

Ye Jue was stunned.

After eating the chip and absorbing the knowledge, I was really shocked.

He even wondered for a time whether the information was wrong.

The tenth-level great sage is too crazy, right?

How strong do you have to be?

Next, the transmission device was activated, and Ye Jue closed his eyes and waited for time to pass.

Almost 78 hours later, he appeared on the Desolate Beast Star in Muchen Star Territory, where 120 million Desolate Beasts lived.

Life forms like desolate beasts are cosmic creatures that were born after the Heavenly Dao was completed.

In fact, they are just like ants, there are countless of them, and they are not the species with the highest experience value.

There are many creatures in the universe, such as some powerful individuals, who can bring a lot of experience.

In just ten minutes, Ye Jue killed more than 20 million people.

Facing the overwhelming wild beasts that were attacking from all directions, he felt extremely happy.

The feeling of gaining experience points is like leveling up and fighting bosses in the wasteland when the devil has just arrived.

My surname is Ye, are you comfortable playing jungle in my star field?

At this time, a very charming beauty fell from the sky, completely ignoring the siege of wild beasts, and walked over calmly and naturally.

Who are you?

Ye Jue asked.

Pfft... You are so mad at me. You have forgotten about me, right? This is Muchen Star Territory!

This beautiful woman is naturally Zi Ling, the supreme leader of the Temple Sect.

She had known for a long time that the memory of this person named Ye was lacking because of the loss of his soul.

But she didn't expect that opening her mouth would leave her speechless.

He even forgot who he was.

Is she just such a faceless person?

She is a beauty after all. Can I have some snacks?

I really forgot.

Ye Jue told the truth.

Where...where is my pen?

Headmaster Ziling was wearing a long hollow robe and looked very sexy and enchanting. He casually killed a large group of wild beasts and asked with a grin on his face.


Ye Jue was stunned.

Who is this person, speaking such vulgar words?

He was shocked!

Ye, you... Muchen pen, my Muchen pen!

Headmaster Ziling almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Muchen Pen? By the way, the Sutra of Immortality, my daughter, where is Ye Muling?

Ye Jue thought about it for a long time, with a look of astonishment on his face. If it hadn't been for the resonance of the mysterious factor in his skull just now, he wouldn't have been able to remember it at all.

Why hasn't anyone told him for so long?

Ye Muling, you want to know where she is? Then return the Muchen pen to me quickly, and I'll tell you!

Headmaster Ziling said with a hum.


Ye Jue directly transformed into a bright golden ball of light, with a golden glow, and a surge of blood. With a bang, he rushed towards Master Ziling.


Headmaster Ziling was shocked. She didn't expect that the macho man in front of her was so fierce. He knocked her down and pressed her down.

Her cheeks turned red instantly: You, you, you...let me go, get away, get away!

Are you going to tell me? If you don't tell me, I will punish you on the spot.

Ye Jue lost his soul, and everything had lost its luster long ago.

Now that I have rekindled my hope and remembered my daughter's incident, I have naturally released my inhibitions.

Black... Mr. Ye, you are breathing black gas!!

Headmaster Ziling was stunned for a while, then struggled and started shouting.

She didn't know what kind of power Ye Jue was exerting, or how he could spurt out black breath, burning her body with pain.

The black aura is the most ominous aura in the universe.

This is…?

Far away in the starry sky, Aosheng suddenly sensed something, and followed several minor saints, rushing towards here.

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