What happened at the No. 1 underground research site of the Chinese Dragon Kingdom simply shocked the eyes of all the top executives in the East.

Ancestors, have they traveled further than us?

Some people have to suspect that the ancestors' technology and practice are ahead of them.

“So we’ve been picking up scraps and we’re still very proud that we’ve surpassed our ancestors?”

They felt extremely uncomfortable.

Today's solar system is full of birds and beasts, full of life.

But there was no intelligent life like them developed, only wild beasts, so they swelled and drifted away.

We may not have been nurtured and evolved by nature.

The big guys on the planet scratched their hair.

The power shown by their ancestors was so much beyond their own that they could not even comprehend it.

Not only the East, but also the Western world has been paying close attention and got the information immediately.

What is level 0? This energy fluctuation cannot be determined by the brain alone.

The big guys were judging, and many of them gathered together to talk about the incident.

In short, we have made a preliminary judgment on the strength of our ancestors...

Yes, the most important thing now is that there are ancestors dormant in our world.

Zheng Qing, don't you have anything to explain about this?

Countries raised questions.

At Research Site No. 1, the former research director turned out to be an ancestor. Did Long Guo never know about this?

Did he not know, or did he always know the truth and choose to hide it?

It should be very clear in the treaty that the matter of ancestors must be disclosed to the whole country.

Now that something like this has happened, Zheng Qing, a big boss in the Eastern world, will definitely take the blame.

Stop talking nonsense, this matter... I have been kept in the dark all this time, and I was deceived by her!

Finally, with a clang, the conference connection was disconnected.

This is the world?

Ye Jue saw the criss-crossing transportation facilities under his feet, which formed the blood and skeleton of the city. There was an endless stream of upgraders of all kinds, and he felt the call of a new era everywhere.

The eastern capital is like a huge crystal palace, emitting clusters of beams of light.

In three hundred years, no one has intervened. Starting from scratch, civilization has developed into this. It's pretty good.

Minglou Xin and Ye Jue arrived in this human city. At the end of winter and early spring, there was a gray sky.

What's this?

Ye Jue whispered.

Above his head, level 0 fonts flashed.

Level, the heaven-defying setting that appears in the big starry sky after the Heavenly Dao Divine Chain is completed. This is the power you bring.

Ming Lou Xin answered respectfully.

She took Ye Jue to a palace where several old men were guarding her.

They were like a small scorching sun, sitting there cross-legged, full of majesty.

However, the next moment I saw Minglou Xin, I felt like I was seeing a god, and I came up to worship him respectfully.

he is……

An old man raised his head and asked doubtfully.

Don't ask what you shouldn't ask.

Minglou Xin let out a low drink, and a thorny light appeared in his eyes.

Yes Yes Yes……

The old man's scalp was immediately numb with fear and he quickly lowered his head.

At the same time, I became more curious about the identity of this person.

Because they have never seen her, who is like a fairy, treat others like this.

It’s so bizarre and incredible!

This is a force I cultivated casually in the human world. I didn't even give it a name.

Minglou Xin glanced at these old men.

When I first accepted them as disciples, they were still young, but now they have become old men.

My particles have no effect?

Ye Jue still had some memories with him, with a confused look on his face, as if he was thinking.

Your particles have indeed replaced the old particles, but life still follows the laws of aging, illness, and death. No matter how powerful the upgrader is, even if he is a thousand levels, he will not be able to withstand the exhaustion of his lifespan and eventually die. I am afraid that he will be a god. There is no way to escape the fate of death, there is no way to live forever.

Ming Lou Xin said.

At this time, a robot came over to bathe and change clothes for them.

After all, Ye Jue's sacred tree armor is too eye-catching.

the next day.

Ye Jue sat cross-legged, regulating his blood energy, thinking hard about something.

I'm going to see the world, don't follow me.

Suddenly, he stood up, suppressed the energy coming out of his body into the deepest parts of his cells, completely transformed into an ordinary person, and walked out of the hall without looking back.


Ming Lou Xin still wanted to follow, but when he heard the last four words, he gave up immediately.

Please remember one thing, we don't have much time left.

Ye Jue walked on the street, frowning from time to time.

His memory is partially missing and confused.

Minglou Xin said that what he lost was his spirit body, which was the cause of all these changes.

Without a soul, there is no perception. Without all kinds of mysterious sensing powers, the secret secrets of the heart device cannot be used.

Ye Jue thought carefully for a while, then looked up at the strange cities along the way, which made him feel uneasy.

At this time, the morning glow was rising in the sky, and a brilliant divine gate stood in the glow, as if it was inlaid with a layer of gold.

Is that the Gate of the Gods?

However, Ye Jue was full of strangeness and could no longer find the familiarity he once had.

At the beginning, he used his last bit of strength to spread the kingdom of the gods on the earth, which seemed to be the right thing to do.

However, his spirit body can no longer control the throne of the gods and control the sword of the god king.

Even the principle of the circle cannot activate it, as if the kingdom of the gods is just a pool of stagnant water.

boundary marker…

Ye Jue remembered something and summoned the boundary monument.

However, there was no response, as if it no longer belonged to him.

Losing your spirit body would have such huge consequences.

He was dazed, very nervous and uneasy, and felt uneasy inside.

I have always felt this way from recovery to now.

I'm afraid this is the so-called lost soul.

The Kingdom of the Gods, the Chaos Thunder Pond, and the Boundary Monument...are all unusable.

Ye Jue looked at his hands and stood silently for a long time.

The only thing that can be used now is the power of the sacred tree, and other treasures are no longer subject to his summons.

Even the ancient secret magic talismans disappeared into the cave sky as the spirit body was torn apart.

The dilemma refers to now.

He sighed, came to the top of a super building, and looked into the distance. Under the clouds and mist, he could see many evolvers flying around, which was very lively.


His figure disappeared again in an instant.

Then, he appeared next to a lake and stared at the fish swimming in the water.

At this time, Ye Jue could feel more and more that his spirit, thoughts, emotions, etc. were constantly passing away.

He finally understood why Jia Luo racked his brains and tried every means to fuse the other half.

Because the soul is so important, it is immortal and will die after leaving the body.

But he was different. The undead buff was running, making him a living dead.


Ye Jue walked around the lake, even a little dizzy, and felt very depressed.

Ming Lou Xin told him that time was running out.

Because now is the third hundred years, and the Earth God is very dangerous.

What are you doing?

In vain, a pink-haired girl appeared behind him, raised her head and asked seriously.

I'm looking for a solution.

Ye Jue was confused and answered subconsciously.

It seems that you didn't give up on yourself after that person took away your spirit body.

The pink-haired girl took his hand and led Ye Jue in a circle.

Giving up on yourself? How is that possible?

Ye Jue shook his head.

However, he really couldn't think of a way.

What method can be used to get the spirit body back?

That invincible strong man can even master the first-level weapons of the prehistoric era. When the death knell rings, the entire black realm will tremble. How can he defeat this person?

Actually, there is another way, which is to hone your physique to the point of invincibility.

The pink-haired girl said suddenly after a while.

She knew that after her spirit body was taken away, she would lose a lot of mystical power and could only rely on her physical constitution to make up for it.


Ye Jue was speechless. His physique was not special and he had not inherited anything.

Isn't that what the human race is like? They are born mortal.

After thinking for a long time, he didn't get anything. He was exhausted physically and mentally, and stared at the sky in a daze.

Without access to those powers, how could he stand up to the Empire?

Isn't the Divine Chain of Heavenly Dao that you completed with your own hands an opportunity for you?

The pink-haired girl blinked and stayed there for a long time before disappearing.

The tree spirit is actually right...why don't you give it a try?

Ye Jue leaned back on the bench by the roadside, looking at the '0' level floating above his head, and murmured to himself.

Suddenly, he stood up quickly and walked towards the wilderness.

After all, the earth has grown, it is ridiculously big, and there are still many dangerous places that upgraders have not ventured into.

There are many wild beasts there, enough for him to upgrade.

Ye Jue used to have the ability to shrink into an inch, but now he can't use it, and all the secret talismans have been lost.

Therefore, it can only stimulate the most primitive energy in the cells and carry out simple bombardment.

This is a vast wasteland.

There are ten wild beasts lying on the wasteland, or walking and patrolling. Their bodies are dark golden, and they are absolutely huge.


Unexpectedly, a misty stream of light rushed down from the sky, and ten huge wild beasts suddenly suffered a heavy blow.


Even if it is a wild beast, its potential fully explodes when facing death.

However, this time they miscalculated the opponent's strength.

The human that descended from the sky was already strong enough to easily crush them.

Experience++ Experience+++ Experience...

Ye Jue's whole body exuded a brilliant silver light and he continued to gain experience points.

While gaining experience points, cells throughout the body are activated and metabolism speeds up again.

The last time the hybrid particle evolved into a semi-divine particle, he tried his best and suffered a heavy blow from a mysterious strong man. The semi-divine particle remained in a dormant state.

Now gaining experience points, the semi-divine particles began to bloom the fire of God again, burning his entire body into the collapsing void.

When he walked, he was like a black hole of fire.

It feels like a full-level boss...slaying the novice village.

Ye Jue found a rocky mountain to rest on the desolate plateau and laughed at himself.

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