I have another question. Is he...really the ancestor of mankind?

Someone raised their hand and asked a question, the voice was very loud.

Ancestor? After optical brain calculation, this is the ancestor level.

the woman said.

So, when will he wake up?

They come here to raise questions and resolve the doubts of various countries.

If the calculation is correct, at this time next year, the breath and energy will reach their peak, and there is an 89% chance of waking up at this time.

The woman pointed at the scrolling numbers on the optical brain screen and explained.

What if...he's the enemy?

Many leaders feel troubled by this mysterious ancestor.

It would be fine if this person was really level zero, but what if he wasn't?

How should they respond to any anti-human behavior?

Everyone, please rest assured that this is the place with the most powerful defense facilities in the world. If he really has the power to destroy this place, no one in the world can restrain him.

The woman said with a smile.

This is reassurance? This is a threat, I recommend eliminating it!

There was a trace of inadvertent ferocity on some people's faces, and everyone else exchanged glances with each other.

How to rule it out?

the woman asked calmly.

Give him the strongest seal and sink him into the abyss of the sea.

Some people spoke.

If it's not a threat, then haven't we lost the best opportunity to study our ancestors and understand history? These are living ancestors. Don't you want to know what happened in the past?

The woman looked cold.

What happened in the past?

People from several countries looked at each other.

We are not interested in knowing this, because the past is the past. The destruction of our ancestors may have been caused by themselves. If this person is resurrected and brings destruction, what should we do then?

After a brief silence, various voices sounded at the scene.

Everyone also fell silent.

Secretary Zheng, they want to seal my ancestors, what should I do?

After waiting for a moment and seeing no one speaking, the woman opened the video and said to the old man inside.

Seal? This is the living history that we excavated and obtained through hard work. How can we seal it and tell them to get out of here and stop coming to the Dragon Kingdom? I kindly show my ancestors to them, but how dare I do something stupid?

When the old man heard this, he puffed his beard, stared, cursed, and spit.


The faces of the leaders at the scene changed and darkened.

Isn’t that too disrespectful?

Insulting them in public like this?

You know, they are the leaders of all countries in the world. They have authority and prestige. How can they be insulted casually?

Whatever, roll, roll, roll, get out of here, as far away as you can. Order Lou Xin to send them away.

As soon as the old man took the video, the screen immediately went black.

Long Guo, you are so domineering!

Everyone present turned green.

Everyone has heard it, so please.

Minglou Xin was wearing a professional suit, holding a folder, and made a please gesture with a smile.

Hmph, this ancestor will definitely bring destruction and disaster. If your Dragon Kingdom insists on preserving it, shouldn't you think about it deeply?

Before leaving, a senior official from a powerful country left a message with a dark face.


Minglou Xin smiled slightly.

After seeing everyone leave, she touched the incubator.

I don't know what you will think when you see this scene...

She sighed and looked in the direction those people were leaving.

You have completed the way of heaven and reshaped the divine chain, but you have not completed the human heart. Life is still so ignorant. You are committed to connecting all the stars and uniting as one, but... under the appearance of unity, there is still division and looseness...

Minglou Xin murmured, and suddenly, her face turned cold.

It's so stupid that you dare to do such a thing. It seems that we have to teach them a lesson.


1 year later.

Ignorance and ignorance are not the biggest obstacles to survival, arrogance is.

The incubator suddenly cracked open, setting up a curtain of light, and a young man with black hair walked through it, staring in one direction, his eyes like beacons in the darkness.

Underneath the black-haired young man, a group of researchers were extremely stunned and stopped all movements to witness this scene.

The target is awake...

He, he actually spoke?

A miracle, this is a miracle!

People at the scene came to their senses and screamed again and again.

Wake up, finally wake up!

This mysterious ancestor had a peaceful spirit, and his whole person had a hazy halo, giving him a sense of transcendence.

Ancestors, ancestors, ancestors...

Someone stammered and shouted.

Ancestor, are you resurrected?

Some people shouted excitedly.

A long time ago, an extremely long time ago, they witnessed the powerful people, the great sages of the mysterious evolutionary era!


The black-haired young man looked at his hands and then touched his face.

Youthful and vigorous, without a trace of vicissitudes of life.

What ancient times have passed away and time is not forgiving will not be reflected in him at all.

In the eyes of these researchers, this kind of miracle is like a god.

Yes, yes... you are our ancestor, ancestor!

Immediately, someone knelt down in front of him with an excited expression.

where is this place?

The black-haired young man looked around and frowned. He felt that his body was extremely strong, without any foreign objects on him, and he felt relaxed.

But it seemed that I was taking it too easy and felt that something important was missing.

As if...a soul?

Ancestor, this is the No. 1 underground research site of the Chinese Dragon Kingdom. We are all researchers here and are responsible for the operation of the Mythical Optical Brain System.

An elder came over with a very humble attitude and no aura.

However, above his head, there were blue letters of level 150 floating.


The black-haired young man seemed to have seen a familiar scene, and his eyes fluctuated a little.

You must have too many doubts and confusions about this world. We have already prepared the best information in the world. This is our technology, the knowledge chip. As long as you eat it, you will get what you want. Know everything.”

The elder respectfully took the gold chip over.


The black-haired young man seemed to be able to sense people's hearts and ate the gold chip without any hesitation.

Immediately, it melted into the body like water.

In an instant, all kinds of knowledge poured into his brain like an ocean.

The Dragon Country...the US Country...the Stick Country...and everything.

The center of his eyebrows began to glow golden, and his whole body was glowing with fairy glow, auras of light gushing out, and smoke steaming up.

This is simply unbelievable. The knowledge of the chip is as huge as the ocean. It needs to be understood slowly, just like studying a book. However, he squeezed out all the knowledge in an instant and opened the eyes of wisdom. What a big brain this must be. The capacity is incredible!”

The researcher on the side felt his scalp numb.

The most terrifying thing is that flames are burning out of this man's body. What kind of power is this? There are also lightning and thunder, which are violently intertwined, as if they are melting into the void.

It's terrible, it's terrible!

Everyone else retreated one after another, their clothes burned into black ashes.

Mr. Zheng, have you seen it? It's too scary. Who is this? What is this?

Some people were so frightened that they sat down on the ground.

The old man on the other side of the video also had a serious look on his face.


Dense cracks appeared throughout the entire underground research site No. 1 and began to spread to all directions.

Lord Ancestor, please stop, we cannot resist your power!

Some people saw that this place was about to collapse and screamed.

If this continues, the entire institute will be torn apart.

Although their lives are not in danger, important research information will be difficult to recover.

‘Buzz! ’

As if after hearing these words, the collapsed void suddenly stopped, then rotated in the opposite direction, and all the phenomena disappeared.

Even the roar stopped, stopped the destruction.

This black-haired young man's flash of light, which made the void collapse, also stopped.

He appeared again, wearing a set of dark red armor. His black pupils were extremely bright, with golden light in the middle, blooming with terrifying symbols.

This, this, this...

Everyone is demented.

What did they see?

It's really shocking. This black-haired young man, wearing dark red ancient armor, looks like an ancient god from the Kaitian era, carrying an invisible domineering aura.

No one at the scene dared to make any move, no one dared to act rashly, for fear that once the balance was broken, the power that destroyed the world just now would reappear.

At this moment, a woman with long snow-white hair, long eyebrows on her temples, and striking silver eyes walked towards here.

There was astonishment on her bright white face: Ye Shen...your memory...

Memory? Ye Shen?

Ye Jue slowly raised his hands and looked at the lines on his palms.

He knew that his sleep was not very long, and that his long life was fleeting.

But at this moment, his body had lost something very important, which made him feel lost and uneasy.

It seems to be exactly what Aosheng said.

This woman, Minglou Xin, who had been guarding him all the time, had her snow-white fists clenched tightly at this moment.

Her eyes were so bright and dazzling, but there was a hint of unwillingness and hardship.

Xiao Ming, what are you talking about, Ye Shen, who is Aosheng?

The face of Zheng Wuqing on the other side of the optical brain video darkened.

He suddenly felt that he couldn't see through the research director.

Tell me everything.

Ye Jue's hair was flying, and his pupils were flashing with brilliant symbols.

At this time, he knew that he had suffered some serious injury, so he fell asleep.

The beautiful woman in front of him was inextricably linked to him, and she felt like they were connected by fate.

follow me.

Minglou Xin's silver-white hand stepped forward and grabbed his palm. The two of them bloomed runes all over the sky, and accompanied by the holy sound, their figures slowly disappeared here.

Minglou Xin, who are you, what is your purpose, and where do you want to take him, tell me!

Wu Qing Zheng's face was filled with shock. He simply couldn't imagine that his men would use such terrifying methods.

However, the latter ignored him at all. The field symbols were densely covered and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The only people left at the scene looked like they had seen a ghost. They looked at each other, and they were all extremely shocked.

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